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    • Day 3

      Sky meets the sea

      October 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      A confession: I booked a night at Waikiki because I forgot that we were crossing the international date line so going back a day despite an overnight flight from Tokyo. Rather than rebooking everything we decided to spend a night in Waikiki and take the opportunity to climb Diamond head the next morning. A nice oops!Read more

    • Day 57

      Retour à la solo life

      October 24, 2023 in the United States

      Rien de spécial ces deux derniers jours, le premier matin sans Maimouna hier a été compliqué, heureusement que les copains sont là et que je ne suis jamais vraiment seule 🫶🏻
      Ce qui est chouette, c’est que j’arrive à retrouver des petits moments solo, ce qui m’avait manqué quand même !!
      On a été ce soir avec la team voir Stefano à son nouveau job, dans un resto italien 🤌🏻
      On a été prendre un verre là bas à la fin de son service, le lieu est trop cool !!
      On a fait la connaissance à l’auberge de Janice, une petite dame blonde de 60 ans qui est en vacances pour fêter son divorce, coup de cœur pour elle, je l’ai plus vue bourrée que sobre mais c’est notre maman à tous ici, même si c’est nous qui prenons soins d’elle 🫶🏻
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    • Day 1

      Honolulu - Waikiki

      October 14, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Angekommen!! Nach mehr als 18h Flug ist es einfach nur schön endlich am Ziel zu sein 😃 nun noch unser Mietwagenstation finden und ab gehts ins Hotel und endlich schlafen. Das Shoreline Hotel befindet sich mitten in Waikiki. Einer der bekanntesten Strände von Hawaii befindet sich nur weniger 100m von uns entferntRead more

    • Day 2

      Waikiki Beach

      October 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Der 1. richtige Urlaubstag hat für uns bereits sehr früh begonnen, wir sind um 6:00 Uhr 😱 morgens aufgewacht.

      Bevor die Tagesplanung gemacht werden konnte, galt es sich erstmal um die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens zu kümmern: Frühstück!! 🤗 Fündig sind wir im Dukes, direkt am Strand geworden. Ein riesiges Buffet lies keine Wünsche offen : French Toast mit Ahornsirup, Melone, Drachenfrucht, Fruit Loops, Spiegelei und Bacon ... und natürlich Kaffee

      Dann ging’s erstmal zurück ins Hotel , Badesachen packen, kurz orientieren und ab an Strand. Am Waikiki Beach angekommen galt es einen Platz im Schatten zu finden, da der Sonnenschirm mit stolzen 30$ für 2h dann doch etwas überteuert war. Wer suchet der findet 🙃

      Hier wurden wir direkt von einem Typen angesprochen, ob wir nicht surfen lernen wollen?! Klar 🤗!!! Er versprach sogar eine Geld-zurück-Garantie sollten wir keine Welle stehen 🤔 Klang für uns gut genug um „ja“ zu sagen. Zwei Stunden später sollte unsere erste Surfstunde beginnen.
      Um einen entsprechenden Eindruck von der Szenerie zu erhalten, muss zu unserem Surflehrer und seinen Arbeitsplatz noch ein bisschen was gesagt werden 😂🙃😊 Er baute gerade erst seinen ‚Arbeitsplatz’ auf indem er alle seine Surfbretter am Strand ausbreitete, seinen Sonnenschirm aufklappte, seinen Liegestuhl unter dem Schirm postierte und auf seinem Handy die passende Musik auswählte. Ein bisschen hatte das ganze Ensemble etwas von einem sehr provisorischen Stand, ähnlich wie auf einem Flohmarkt. 🙃 Auf Grund der enormen ‚Routine‘ die er hierbei ausstrahlte war klar, dass dies für ihn wohl ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag war -Musik hörend, in der Sonne chillen und ab und an jmd ansprechen ob er nicht ein Surfbrett mieten will- 🤷🏼‍♀️ würde sagen , dass es schlechtere Möglichkeiten gibt sein Geld zu verdienen.

      How to Surf?
      1. flach, im hinteren Drittel des Brettes liegen, Füsse zusammen und wie beim Butterflyschwimmen paddeln

      Dann -der schwierige Part- aufstehen und surfen

      2. Brett mit beiden Händen an der Seite packen, mit einer schwungvollen Bewegung auf den Knien nach vorn rutschen und mit einem flachen Sprung aufstehen. Hierbei möglichst schnell und tief landen. Ein Fuss hinten und einen vorn, ähnlich wie beim Snowboarden

      -klingt irgendwie gar nicht so schwer-
      War es dann aber doch 🤪 bei den ersten Versuchen landeten wir das ein oder andere Mal direkt im Wasser 💧😂
      Aber Seth, unser Surflehrer gab nicht auf, sodass wir nach kurzer Zeit mehrere Wellen stand und nach einer Stunde glücklich aus dem Wasser stiegen und unsere Kursgebühr nicht zurück erhielten 😂🏄🏻‍♀️.
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    • Day 4

      Kuhio Beach

      November 12, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute haben wir einen Strand-Tag eingelegt. Gleich nach dem die Sonne aufgegangen war, sind wir zum Strand gelaufen. Begrüßt wurden wir von Duke Kanahamoku. Er war sozusagen der Vater des heutigen Surfens. Seine 9 Fuß große Bronze-Statue begrüßt alle am Kuhio Beach in Waikiki. Kanahamoku war einer der besten Wasser-Sportler der Welt, Meister im Schwimmen, Surfen und Begründer des Kanufahrens.

      Info: Wegen der Säure dürfen keine Lei-Blumenketten auf die ausgestreckten Arme gehangen werden.
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    • Day 7

      Whistle stop visit to Waikiki

      February 13, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Lunch at Tiki’s with views over Waikiki beach before a dip in the water at the famous beach, then mai tai’s at Duke’s watching the surfers and not playing UNO - apparently you can’t play cards in a bar in Hawaii not even a child’s game.

      What better way to watch our final and beautiful sunset in Hawaii than on the beach with a glass of bubbles. Dinner was had at a couple of food trucks tucked away behind the main strip, an unexpected and fantastic find.

      Feeling more than a little tired from the early start and cram filled day we headed back to our room to share a bottle of bubbles, Hershey chocolate bar and caramel m&ms to celebrate Valentine’s Day as we would be spending ours on a plane.

      Our day in Waikiki done and dusted, time for bed ready for another early start and travel home.
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    • Day 21

      Toronto to Honolulu

      September 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Well, today was definitely going to be a challenge! The last few days haven’t been the easiest, as I seem to have caught something like a cold, complete with cough and nasal congestion. I think it could’ve been caused by either sleeping with the air conditioner on, lack of water or a mediocre diet but either way, it isn’t ideal.

      We packed up the car quickly before going to breakfast and checking out of the hotel. The drive to the border though seemed to find every delay possible, whether it was being stuck behind a garbage truck, roadworks or detours!

      Even though the GPS didn’t send us to the border crossing we’d requested (assuming it was sending us to the one with the least traffic), the process was extremely easy especially since there was only one other car in front of us! That was fortunate though because the traffic we encountered closer to Toronto was chaotic! Luckily we were able to use the carpool lane which made the drive a lot easier.

      The process of returning the rental car and checking in was seamless, so we headed to our gate to have something to eat. Toronto airport has a great system where the gates have chairs and tables set up with iPads and charging stations, where you can order food and drink and have it delivered to your table. It was slightly more expensive but considering the ease and lack of stress, totally worth it.

      I thought I’d finish off the meal with a good coffee, but had to settle for Starbucks instead. The boarding staff at the gate indicated the flight was full, so Ted and I made sure we boarded early to avoid the inconvenience of having to part with our bags due to lack of baggage space. We ended up being in the second back row.

      The flight attendant on board knew we were crew and looked after us wonderfully. The flight from Toronto to Vancouver was just over five hours, but we both had plenty to keep us occupied. WestJet has a good online entertainment system, so I made sure I downloaded the app when we arrived in Vancouver.

      The walk to our next gate was very long, and when we arrived at US customs and immigration, we needed to sit and wait in a waiting room for confirmation that our bag had arrived for the next flight. We had about two hours to connect to our next flight, and most of that time was gone due to all the processes we needed to go through!

      The flight to Honolulu was similarly full, and we had seats third from the back. The flight attendant from our previous flight had mentioned us to the crew on this flight, and they similarly looked after us wonderfully. It seems that WestJet employees know each other very well, as they also knew some of the FAs we’d had on our very first flight from Los Angeles!

      I managed to stay awake most of the flight by eating, reading and watching episodes of “Modern Family” even though it was 3am in our original time zone. When the plane was coming in to land, I closed my eyes and was surprised that I was already starting to doze when the aeroplane landed. Even though disembarkation is never as quick as you’d like, we didn’t have to wait long for either our bag or the Uber to our accommodation. We even saw Janice in the terminal, one of the FAs from our first flight, waiting to take the flight back!

      Our accommodation is somewhere we’ve stayed before although this time, Ted chose a different room as the previous one is noisy due to the elevator. As exhausted as we were, we went to a nearby ABC store to buy something small to eat, before showering and heading to bed.
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    • Day 23


      September 24, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today was somewhat stressful as we have not yet finalised our plans for our flight home, due to the constantly changing passenger loads on flights. After breakfast, Ted suggested walking down to the water to see the fish, which was a nice tranquil way to start the day. There was a parade down Kalākaua Avenue today, so we saw people who had already parked themselves a spot on the side of the road. Ted wanted to see the parade but I was still not feeling well, so I went back to the room to rest.

      Just prior to lunch, Ted called and suggested I come to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch which is another favourite venue of ours. It was actually the perfect location to watch the parade too, since it was shaded and we could see the street easily. Ted then told me that there were no seats left on the Monday flight when we had planned to leave, so we had to quickly change to the Thursday flight, which has about 50 seats.

      This meant we have also needed to extend our accommodation for an extra three nights which fortunately, wasn’t too difficult or expensive. To be honest I wanted to leave earlier as we’re missing Snoopy, but we don’t have much choice at the moment. Ted suggested we make some additional plans to keep ourselves busy - we considered going to another island, but decided to hire a car to drive around the island on Tuesday instead.

      The rest of the day was relatively quiet - apart from snoozing, we went to Hula’s for afternoon drinks, as well as walk towards the Barefoot Beach cafe as the evening was so beautiful. After returning to the room, we seriously had considered going out for drinks again, but even whilst reading, I kept falling asleep! Fortunately Ted was no more motivated than I was, so we decided an early night was definitely needed!
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    • Day 24


      September 25, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Ted had suggested that we walk towards Diamond Head early in the morning when it was cooler, so after a quick breakfast, we made our way there. Despite the early morning, the humidity was still high and it was hot before we knew it! On the way back, we stopped into a Starbucks to enjoy the air conditioning and a pumpkin spice latte, since it’s something we’re unlikely to buy anywhere in Australia!

      Since laundry is piling up again, I spent the morning doing washing but didn’t have enough change to dry them, so our cupboard looks like a Chinese laundry now. We went to another favourite place, Lulu’s, for lunch. Even though we’ve been trying to save money by having breakfast and dinner in the apartment, lunch is still a costly affair once tips are included.

      We went to Hula’s for a supposed quick drink but ended up staying longer as it poured rain. We were very happy to see our favourite waitress Lee there, who has worked at Hula’s for 22 years, so we can still remember her from when we first came to Hawaii. We met a couple from San Francisco, Rob and Chris, who are travelling with their friend from the UK Kirsty, so it was great to finally meet some new people. We also befriended a couple from Palm Springs, easily done because we asked to pat their dog Lani.

      The guys asked us to join them at Bacchus afterwards so we stayed until about 6pm (when it had stopped raining) before getting a sandwich and changing before heading out. We didn’t end up staying that long - the crowd was quieter and everyone was sober. I think our late night partying days from the past are over!
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    • Day 49

      Fauler Dienstag 🦥

      April 18, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute gibt es wenig zu berichten und kaum Fotos 😄 Wir haben ausgeschlafen und den Tag bei sehr bewölktem Himmel am Strand verbracht. Abends hat es sogar geregnet - Hawaii ist genauso traurig wie wir, dass es unser letzter Abend ist 🥲 Darauf haben wir aber nochmal in einer coolen Bar angestoßen 😊Read more

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