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Manhattan Church of the Nazarene

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    • Dag 18

      Brooklyn or Bust!

      1. desember 2017, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Today was our last full day in NYC, and so we decided to return to Brooklyn for a few reasons: 1) to walk over the bridge when it was less crowded; 2) to have pizza at Juliania’s - rated No. 1 pizza in NY; 3) to check out Williamsburg; and 4) to walk back to Manhattan over the Williamsburg Bridge.

      I am pleased to announce that we achieved all four. We had a very pleasant walk across the Brooklyn Bridge this morning, and then went to Juliana’s for lunch and had delicious pizza cooked in a coal fired oven. We arrived there about 11:30 am and were able to get straight in.

      We then had to get the subway back over to Manhattan, and then change to get the subway to Williamsburg - we have become old hands at using the subway and have probably taken it about twenty times over the week.

      We then did a self guided walking tour of Williamsburg, which is a very up and coming neighbourhood of Brooklyn - there are in fact 30 neighbourhoods that make up the Burrough of Brooklyn. We passed some great boutiques and restaurants in Bedford Avenue, the main drag of Williamsburg, passed McCarren Park, a beautiful green space, then went passed the Brooklyn Brewery and headed down towards the East River to Bushwick Inlet Park, where we got some great views back to Manhattan. There is a real mixture of buildings in Williamsburg - old warehouses and grafitti artwork next to sinewy new glass skyscrapers. There is also lots of development going on.

      After we finished wandering around the hood, we headed back to the Williamsburg Bridge, where we took the pedestrian walkway back to Manhattan. We were treated to great views both up and down the East River during our crossing. We then caught the subway up to 42nd street, with only a quick walk back to our apartment for a well deserved cup of tea and a Tim Tam. We have really done well today with our steps - so far we have just over 20,000 and we still have a bit of walking to do tonight.

      Tonight we saw our last Broadway Show - "Hamilton" - and it lived up to all the hype! The show was fantastic and all three of us thoroughly enjoyed the show.
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    • Dag 12

      Brooklyn Heights - a well kept secret

      25. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We decided on a slow start to the day, and finally left our digs around 11 am. We fought through the crowds of Time Square, where we entered the subway system to head Downtown. We decided to get a 7-day unlimited metro card, as it will be cheaper than individual tickets every time we decide to take the subway. We are becoming quite proficient at navigating around the place. As it is a Saturday the red line doesn’t travel to Brooklyn, so we got off near the Town Hall in lower Manhattan and made our way to the Brooklyn Bridge with thousands of other people. I think it was particularly busy as it is a ‘holiday’ weekend, but we are learning to push our way through and maintain our ground amongst the throng (and we still seem to be more polite and considerate than most).

      As we made our way across the bridge the crowds thinned out slightly, which made the walk more enjoyable. On the Brooklyn side we headed towards DUMBO, and made our way to the Manhattan Bridge and then walked along the shore of the East River towards and then under the Brooklyn Bridge. We then did a self-guide walking tour of Brooklyn Heights. What a beautiful area, the architecture is lovely and it is so peaceful and quiet compared to the craziness of Manhattan. If we ever had the chance to live in NY, I think I would opt for Brooklyn Heights as it is a quick subway ride across Manhattan.

      On our way back from Brooklyn we stopped at Union Square and Broadway to locate a shoe store Angus was interested in called Flight Club. We found the store and I was impressed with the sheer number of runners on display - it was pretty crazy in there. They had some special runners in a glass case - I think the most expensive I saw was US$9,750, and they weren’t even that nice in my opinion. Angus tried on a number of styles before he found ones he liked and were a comfortable fit, so we had a satisfied customer. A couple doors down from Flight Club was another store that was very much to Angus’s taste - Forbidden Planet - full of comics, Star Wars, Simpsons, Marvel etc paraphernalia. Again, I think Angus was a little overwhelmed by the sheer size and range of things.

      We then headed back onto the subway up to Grand Central Terminus (which also has a Xmas market that I will visit later this week). We did walk through their fresh food market which was amazing - so much choice - filled with fresh produce and a range of other food stuffs. We then made our way over to 6th Avenue to the Whole Foods Supermarket to pick a few things, so that we could have dinner in tonight - very relaxing and good for the budget!

      Tonight we had Provolone, Prosciutto & Peas ravioli with a Napoli sauce, salad and baguette, accompanied by a Californian red (which I thought was pretty ordinary). We had also picked up some delicious cookies from Ben’s Cookies - so we sampled them tonight with a cuppa - very nice.

      Tomorrow we plan to head to Chelsea.
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    • Dag 2

      Times Square, Madame Tussaud's uvm

      3. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Als erstes gingen wir an diesem Tag zum Times Square, das war so toll. Überall leuchtet und es war so viel zu sehen, dass man gar nicht wusste, wo man als erstes hinschauen sollte. Wir haben uns dann einen Platz auf einer Bank gesucht und dort ein bisschen gesessen und gequatscht.

      Am Time Square ist auch das Madame Tussaud’s, in dem viele verschiedene Stars waren, mit denen wir Fotos gemacht haben.

      Wir sind zum Schluss noch an der Radio City Music Hall vorbei zur St. Patricks Cathedral gegangen. Die Kirche sieht von außen und innen sehr beeindruckend aus.
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    • Dag 3

      Rockefeller Center, Flatiron uvm

      4. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute ist der US-amerikanische Nationalfeiertag, an dem wir als erstes auf das Rockefeller Center gingen. Der Ausblick war atemberaubend zu sehen, wie sich der Central Park vor einem erstreckt und direkt daneben die Hochhäuser in die Höhe ragen. Auf der anderen Seite sieht man zum einen das Empire State Building und dahinter erstrecken sich die Wolkenkratzer der Downtown.

      Wir sind danach ein bisschen durch die Stadt gelaufen und haben verschiedene Sehenswürdigkeiten angeschaut. Dabei war das Flatiron Building, mit seiner unverkennbaren Form, der Columbus Circle, das Chrysler Building, einer der schönsten Wolkenkratzer der Stadt und der Madison Square Garden.

      Danach ging es zur Public Library. Dort saßen wir erst eine Zeit lang auf der Treppe und haben kurz eine Pause gemacht. Die Bücherei war sehr schön und auch riesig, sodass man sich dort leicht auch verlaufen kann, was wir auch geschafft haben, haha.

      Am Abend gingen wir zum Hudson River, denn dort gab es zum Unabhängigkeitstag ein großes Feuerwerk und es war das schönste, spektakulärste und riesigste Feuerwerk, welches ist bislang gesehen habe.

      Anstatt zum Hotel zu fahren, sind wir nach Brooklyn gefahren und sind von dort über die Brooklyn Bridge zurück nach Manhattan gegangen, so konnten wir auch die Wolkenkratzer, die für den Feiertag teilweise in den Nationalfarben beleuchtet waren, auch bei Nacht sehen.
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    • Dag 18

      2nd last day in NYC

      1. desember 2017, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      We slept in a bit this morning as we were out quite late last night seeing a show. We had a slow start, and after breakfast Angus and I checked out the Christmas Market at Grand Central Station, and then looked at about a quarter of the stalls and the Bryant Park Christmas Market. We got a couple of things, and then headed back to the apartment to collect Ian and head down to Greenwich Village to do a self guided tour.

      We had lunch today at "Five Guys", a bit of an up market burger joint - their food is really, really, really good! After satisfying our hunger, we headed to Commerce Street to begin the walk. As soon as we stepped off the subway at 13th Street we found the area less crowded and less manic, with a really nice vibe. At the end of Commerce Street is the Cherry Lane Theatre. It was established in 1924 and is the city’s longest continuously running off-Broadway establishment - currently playing is "Pride and Prejudice". We then headed into Bedford Street, and at the corner of Bedford and Groves Street is the apartment block used as the fictitious home of the cast of "Friends". There was no Central Perk Cafe - that was not based on anything real.

      We then headed along Bleecker Street and into Perry Street, stopping at number 66, the facade and steps which were used as Carrie Bradshaw’s home in "Sex in the City". We then headed along West 4th street until we reached Christopher Park where two white, life-sized statues of same-sex couples stand guard. Close by is the Stonewall Inn, made famous by a group of drag-queens who were fed up with the discrimination they had to deal with, so they rioted for their civil rights. This was in 1969, and started the gay revolution. We then passed by the Jefferson Market Library - the spire was once used as a fire lookout tower. It was also used as a courthouse for some time. We then walked past Cafe Wha? where a number of young musicians and comedians got heir start, including Bob Dylan and Richard Pryor. Our stroll ended at Washington Square Park, where dudes challenge you to a game of chess and students from NYU hang out.

      We then headed back up Broadway to the Flight Club to look at sneakers. After this we caught the subway home. We ate in tonight - steak and salad with a nice glass of red (for Ian and I).

      After dinner, around 7:20 pm, we headed out to Radio Music Hall as we wanted to ensure we were seated before the curtain went up at 8 pm. It was chaos at Radio City, with people everywhere. Once finally in, we had great seats, front row mezzanine level. The show was very good, and we all enjoyed it.

      We then headed up to the Rockefeller Centre to see the Christmas tree in all it’s glory - the tree is nice but nothing special, and the crowds aren’t great. So we headed onto 5th Avenue, where we lucked upon the Saks 5th Avenue christmas light (and sound) show, which was absolutely spectacular.

      We have decided to go back to Brooklyn tomorrow, and hopefully have Juliana’s Pizza for lunch, and then explore Williamsburg.
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    • Dag 4

      Gossip Girl-Tour uvm

      5. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir lieben beide die Serie Gossip Girl, die wir bevor wir nach New York geflogen sind, nochmal komplett geguckt haben. Also haben wir natürlich auch die Gossip Girl-Tour durch New York gemacht, auf der wir viele Schauplätze der Serie gesehen haben, während wir durch New York gefahren sind. An vielen Schauplätzen konnten wir auch aussteigen um Fotos zu machen. Gestartet sind wir am Hotel von Serena van der Woodsen. An der Constance Billard School war unsere erste Fotoattraktion, gefolgt vom Metropolitan Museum of Art. In die Fußstapfen von Blair Waldorf und Serena konnten wir am Grand Army Placa treten, dort machen sie in der Serie ein Photoshooting und wir taten es ihnen gleich. Als nächstes kamen das Hotel von Chuck Bass, dort konnten wir auch in die Lobby gehen, und Henri Bendel, dass Lieblingskaufhaus von Blair. Die Tour endete Grand Central Terminal, in dem die erste Szene der Serie gedreht wurde.

      Bevor es anfing zu dämmern sind wir zum Empire State Building und haben uns dort den Sonnenuntergang angeschaut und anschließend New York bei Nacht genossen. Es war fantastisch zu sehen, wie nach und nach die Stadt durch die Lichter erleuchtet wird. Die Aussicht war wunderbar!

      Wir haben direkt die Chance genutzt und haben uns den Time Square bei Nacht angeschaut, so kamen die Leuchtreklame noch besser zur Geltung.
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    • Dag 5

      Brooklyn Bridge, China Town, Wall St uvm

      6. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nachdem wir vor zwei Tagen in der Nacht über die Brooklyn Bridge gegangen sind, sind wir es heute nochmal am Tag und von der Manhattan-Seite aus nach Brooklyn. Die Brücke wirkte am Tag noch gigantischer und schöner als bei Nacht. Wir sind dann auch noch ein bisschen durch Brooklyn gegangen und haben dort was gegessen.

      Mit der Metro sind wir wieder nach Manhattan gefahren und sind durch China Town und Little Italy gegangen. Das war verrückt dort! Man hatte das Gefühl, man sei nicht mehr in den USA.

      Weil wir zu einer etwas entfernteren Metro-Station wollten, die uns direkt ohne umsteigen zur Wall Street fährt, mussten wir noch ein ganzen Stück zu Fuß gehen. Und da hatten wir Glück, wir sind an einem Kosmetik- und Schuhgeschäft vorbei gekommen, die in Kürze ihre Filiale schließen werden und jede Menge Rabatte hatten, dort haben wir direkt zugeschlagen.

      Ich habe mir die Wall Street anders vorgestellt, da ich dachte sie wäre prunkvoller. Aber da trübte mal wieder der Schein der Filmwelt. Aber natürlich sind wir noch zum Bullen und hoffen, nun reich zu werden. Haha!

      Zum Schluss haben wir noch einen Stopp am Trump Tower gemacht, den wir uns von außen angesehen haben.
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    • Dag 6

      Freiheitsstatue, High Line, Satc

      7. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Mit der Staten Island Ferry sind wir zur Freiheitsstatue gefahren. Wir sind nicht auf die Freiheitsstatue hoch, weil wir den Blick, den wir von dort sehen, nicht wirklich sehenswert finden, denn wir waren schon auf dem Rockefeller Center, auf dem Empire State Building und werden noch auf das One World Trade Center gehen. Aber wir haben auf der Insel ein bisschen Zeit verbracht und haben dort noch ein Getränk zu uns genommen.

      Als nächstes sind wir zur High Line, ein kleines Stückchen grün in der Stadt. Die High Line sind wir auch komplett durchgelaufen.

      Bevor wir wieder zum Hotel sind waren wir noch bei dem Haus von Carrie Bradshaw aus der Serie „Sex and the City“.
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    • Dag 16

      MoMA, Top of the Rock and so much more!

      29. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Today is our last chance to use our NY City Pass, and so we plan to get to a number of things over the day. We started out by heading up to 53rd street, to be there when MOMA opened at 10.30. On the way we noticed barricades being put up along streets from about 48th street and along 5th & 6th Avenue, and a large number of police around - it turns out it was all for the "lighting of the tree" at Rockefeller Plaza.

      The MoMA has an amazing collection and also had some interesting exhibits. We started up on the top level and saw the exhibition "Is Fashion Modern?" This depicted a range of clothes from the little black dress, t-shirts, shoes, boots, head wear, sneakers, turtle neck skivvies, etc. It was very interesting. We also went through the level where all my favourite impressionists are displayed, including Cezanne, Matisse, Van Gogh (The Starry Night & Portrait of Joseph Roulin), Picasso, Monet, Marcel Duchamp and Giorgi Chirico. We then saw some of the more modern works by Jackson Pollock, Rene Magritte, Phillip Gaston, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, Frank Stella and Roy Lichtenstein.

      We also saw an exhibit by Louise Bourgeoise "An Unfolding Portrait". Her work was interesting and at time confronting; she painted until she was well into her 90’s, even though her eyesight was deteriorating. The last exhibition we saw was by Max Ernst - Beyond Painting.

      When we finished our exploration of MoMA we decided to have lunch in their cafe. This was a good move, because it wasn’t crowded and the food was delicious. We all had toasted paninis. After lunch we headed to the Rockefeller Centre to go up to the Observation Deck. It has been a fairly mild and very sunny day, so it was a bit difficult to take shots that faced downtown (into the sun). I think I got a couple of good shots, but the rest have too much glare. Once we had spent enough time on top of the rock, we headed for the subway as we wanted to go downtown to catch the Staten Island Ferry (which is free), get a closer look at Lady Liberty, and also get some shots looking back towards Manhattan and the Financial District. We went past the famous Bull Statue on Wall Street on our way to catch the ferry.

      We got back to our apartment just after 5 pm and had a little downtime before we headed out for dinner at Sardi’s, followed by "Hello Dolly" starring Bette Midler, and also David Hyde Price (he played Nile Crane in Frasier). He was excellent, as was the entire cast, and we had great seats and thoroughly enjoyed the show.
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    • Dag 16


      29. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      I went to see "Waitress" last night on my own. I was so disappointed when "Groundhog Day" was a no go I consoled myself by going online and securing a seat to "Waitress". The boys were happy to sit this one out!

      It was a fabulous show, with great music and performances. I had a great seat in the Orchestra (3rd row, centre), and I sat next to a lovely young man from Aberdeen - Stewart McLeod - who is a singer, and was in NY to sing at a launch party for the whiskey company he works for. He also works at the convention centre as a sound engineer, and recently worked with l’il mix.

      Anyway, back to the show. The cast included Jason Mraz (who was wonderful), Betsy Wolfe as Jenna (who was phenomenal), and a wonderful supporting cast including John Callum, who I recognised from Northern Exposure where he played Hollingsworth Vincoeur, Eric Anderson, who also looked familiar - he has been in The Good Wife, Law & Order, Alias to name a few. Fabulous show - definitely worth seeing.
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