Förenta staterna
Oak Island

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    • Dag 1

      Tag 1: Arrival at Animal Kingdom Lodge

      14 september 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      “Welcome to the most magical place on earth!”, mit diesen Worten wurden meine Freundin Elizabeth und ich heute am Flughafen in Orlando begrüßt.

      Aber lasst uns erst einmal von vorne beginnen:
      Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu meinem Kurztrip nach Orlando, Florida, genauer gesagt nach Disney World, dem wohl magischsten Ort der Welt.

      Ein paar von euch wissen vielleicht, dass ich so eine Reise letztes Jahr schon gemacht habe. Allerdings mit meiner besten Freundin Isabel und einer ihrer Freundinnen. Dieser Trip ist aber wortwörtlich ins Wasser gefallen. Hurrican Ian sorgte für schwere Unwetter und Gewitter, weswegen die Parks schließen mussten.
      Die gekauften Tickets wurden zwar um ein Jahr verlängert, aber für Isabel und Sarah war es dieses Jahr zeitlich nicht möglich in die USA zu kommen.
      Vielen lieben Dank an dieser Stelle, dass ihr mich die Tickets nutzen lasst.
      Viele Grüße gehen raus an euch beide!🩷

      Mit noch drei gültigen Tickets in der Hand war ich also auf der Suche nach einer Mitreisenden und fragte daraufhin meine Freundin Elizabeth, im Folgenden auch Lizzie genannt, ob sie Lust und Zeit hat mit mir nach Florida zu reisen.
      Die Antwort kam sehr schnell - “Hell yes!”
      So planten wir nun über Wochen unseren Trip und heute ging es endlich los.
      Um drei Uhr sind wir aufgestanden und nach einem Pumpkin Spice Latte von Wawa fuhren wir dann nach Newark, New Jersey zum Flughafen. Von dort flogen wir um 7:30 Uhr nach Florida.
      Der Flug verlief sehr ruhig und so konnten Lizzie und ich den neuen Disney-Film Elemental anschauen, um uns auf die kommenden Tage einzustimmen.
      Gegen 10:15 Uhr erreichten wir den internationalen Flughafen in Orlando, Florida. Dort stiegen wir in den Shuttle-Bus, der uns zu unserem Hotel brachte.
      Wir werden die nächsten drei Nächte im Disney-Resort Animal Kingdom Lodge verbringen.
      Nachdem wir unser Zimmer bezogen hatten, das übrigens einen tollen Ausblick auf die Wildgehege des Animal Kingdoms hat, machten wir uns frisch und suchten dann eins der Restaurants auf, um eine Kleinigkeit zu essen.
      Im Anschluss fuhren wir mit dem Bus nach Disney Springs, wo wir in verschiedene Geschäften bummelten und uns in Ruhe alles anschauten.
      Den Tagesabschluss machten wir im Terralina, einem italienischen Restaurant, das sehr gute Lasagne anbietet.
      Als wir mit dem Essen fertig waren fing es an heftig zu regnen.
      Wir sprinteten zur Bushaltestelle, doch wir waren trotzdem völlig durchnässt als wir nach einer halbenstündigen Fahrt endlich im Hotel waren.

      Jetzt liegen wir frischgeduscht im Bett und schauen noch das Footballspiel: Eagles vs. Vikings.
      Wir jubeln natürlich für die Mannschaft aus Philadelphia. Go Eagles!

      Wir werden aber auch bald schlafen gehen, denn morgen gehen wir erst ins Magic Kingdom und dann ins Animal Kingdom.

      In diesen Sinne, macht’s gut und bis morgen!🙋🏻‍♀️
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    • Dag 41


      19 januari 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today we checked out of the Starcruiser. It was 28 degrees so there was only one logical option: Blizzard Beach! We were given the VIP treatment coming off the Starcruiser so were allowed to check in at 10am. This gave us time to explore the new cable car system attached to Disney's Riviera before ditching our luggage. A lazy day on the waterslides and mini-golfing was a great end to a short, but super-satisfying WDW trip.Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Hakuna Matata

      19 maj 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Quick primer. Animal Kingdom is all about Africa, Polynesia and animals. Lion King features prominently. There are rides, shows and lots of live music.

      We had a very civilized (lazy) morning that included several coffees and some Mickey Mouse waffles before leaving the resort. Melissa kindly woke up at 7AM again to get us a noon reservation on Animal Kindgom’s prime ride. So that was when we arrived at the park, via Disney bus. Mickey and Minnie were floating by on a raft as we crossed the bridge into the park. This was very exciting for Eleanor because we did not see them yesterday. She is all about the characters!

      The ride was great - very elaborate and Disneyish. It was a boat ride but we did not get wet! I believe it was based on Avatar. We followed it closely with an experience based around the movie A Bug’s Life. This was hated by everyone except Mel who thought it was great. The kids were terrified and spent the whole time with their eyes closed and ears covered. Because they were upset, I spent the whole time worrying about them. Fortunately Mel does not share my sensitivity to other people’s feelings so she enjoyed it.

      Instead of rolling the dice on another ride we stopped to enjoy a Polynesian concert. Happily, a big giant bird named Kevin showed up Eleanor followed Kevin around as we danced and watched the concert.

      Next up - lunch. A total departure from our fine dining lunch in space. We did hot dogs and blue slushies in the jungle. Due to our late start we were behind the lunch rush so easily secured tables in the shade to fend off the very hot and humid conditions. To completely escape the heat we decided on an indoor show that featured Lion King characters. Huge hit! Cirque de Soleil type show - bright, music, characters. Awesome and the kids loved it.

      Right outside the exit we found a candy shop Mel wanted to check out. Eleanor left with a sucker the size of her face. It was only a matter of time before that happened. So we did not fight it. Malcolm chose popcorn. He was hungry after not eating much lunch. We also purchased these weird bandana things that soak up water and cool you down. We bought them for Malcolm who always runs hot, but once we realized the efficacy we all started using them to stay cool.

      As though that list of activities were not enough, we followed this list with a safari, watched a water show featuring music and large floats and visited a carnival. Mel snuck in a kid free thrill ride before we caught the bus back to the resort. The kids were exhausted but it was only 6:45 when we got back so we headed for the storied resort pool.

      It lived up to the hype - sand bars, lazy river, water slides. The best part - the Scotland Yard level lifeguards. They are everywhere and methodically monitoring every inch of the pools. Dead kids is really bad for Disney resort business. Mel and I could completely relax. I even got a cocktail! The food continues to be great, even from the poolside bar.

      We ended the day poolside with ice cream under the Epcot fireworks. I am starting to see why people are so into their Disney Resorts. I may have to buy a t-shirt, a fanny pack and really lean into this.

      It is 10PM now. The kids are asleep and Mel and I are on vacation highs. Tomorrow is a resort day and a rain day. The rain starts in the afternoon so we know we have Mickey Mouse waffles and some friends to meet at the pool in the morning. The rest of the day is up in the air but there seems to be no shortage of things to do so I am sure we will find something. I am too relaxed to be worried about it.

      Have a magical night.
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    • Dag 2

      Enfin Walt-Disney et l’hotel!

      3 januari 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      On arrive à l’hôtel à 1:00!
      Agathe et Lucie nous attendent avec l’épicerie commandé hier par Roseline du Wal-Mart et livré à l’hôtel…

      Direction nos chambre en traversants un immense terrain au thème du football.

      Lélé dort déjà dans la poussette…
      Notre chambre au 3e est très mignonne.
      Dodo pour Roseline et moi à 2:00 après une bonne douche!

      Ouff comme première journée!
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    • Dag 5

      Disney Animal Kingdom

      25 februari 2020, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Tuesday was our Animal Kingdom day. We kicked off with a fastpass for Filight of Passage, a fantastic ride that always attracts big crowds and long lines. We followed that up with snacks (we are waaaay behind the curve on using our pre-paid snack credits on our dining plan) and a bit of shopping before our second FP at Expedition Everest.

      The crowds and queues were still huge, to the point that it was difficult to even move about through the throngs, we think as a result of the Run Disney event that had happened at the weekend. To avoid endless lines we decided to concentrat mostly on non-ride activites, other than those we had fastpasses for.

      We headed to Dinoland USA where a special character event was on. We met the richest duck in the World - Scrouge McDuck himself, along with his trusty chaufer/pilot Launchpad McQuack. We also managed to grab a picture with some 'dinosaurs' who looked suspiciously familar. We capped off our time in Dinoland with our fastpass for the Dinosaur ride.
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    • Dag 5

      Disney Animal Kingdom, Discovery Island

      25 februari 2020, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We took a late lunch by a pond with beautiful local birds looking on; being after the lunch rush, the resteraunt seating area seemed like an oasis of calm after the crowds on the main thoroughfares. Guests are asked not to feed the birds, so we must attribute the fact that more and more birds came to sit by Alex during our meal to her distinctive plumage (which did match a few of the more colourful feathers around).

      We caught Finding Nemo, the Musical at one of the park's theaters; Dan preferrs its predecessor 'Tarzan Rocks' but Alex is a big fan of the show. We finished our time at Animal Kingdom with a 'night blossom' slushy drink from the Pongu Pongu kiosque in Pandora.
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    • Dag 20

      Toy Story Land

      18 maj 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      First we saw woody & Jessie so lined up to get a photo with them!!!
      Sarah had a Jessie sticker on her shirt so poor Woody got a bit upset! But I told him I liked him so he was happy 😂
      Lining up for Slinky Dog, sign said it would be an 80minute wait but who knows if we’d be back again so.....
      60 minute wait. It was fun but I don’t know that it was worth the wait - I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to wait any longer!! Pretty slow
      We were gonna check out the Walt Disney stuff but it had closed, now 7pm. We were wiped, no patience to wait 95 minutes for tower of terror and we had both done it in the past so we headed to the buses to make our way to Disney Springs for dinner.
      After another long, hot day, a chocolate fudge brownie sundae finished off the day nicely
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    • Dag 22

      Die intensivste Achternahn - Everest

      7 maj 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Von Afrika ging’s dann nach Asien, wo wir wieder ein großes Ziel hatten. Natürlich haben wir auch die Läden und Gebäude im Stile von Nepal bewundert, sind aber direkt zur Achterbahn Expedition Everest. Die Achterbahn spiegelt den Anstieg auf den Mount Everest wieder, samt Begegnung mit einem Yeti. Sehr besonders und auch spannend ist, dass die Achterbahn zum höchsten Punkt fährt und dort sind die Gleise vom Yeti ‚zerrissen‘. Das Bild davon ist aus Google, so verrückt war ich nicht. Anschließend ging es rückwärts durch den dunklen Tunnel bis zum Yeti, dann vorwärts zum Ziel. Die spannendste und auch intensivste Achterbahn, hat uns mega gefallen! Auch sehr lustig das Bild von uns bei der Abfahrt. Obwohl ich mehr Bedenken bei Achterbahnen habe, bei mir durchaus mehr Entspanntheit im Blick. Vielleicht auch Schockstarre.Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Besser kann ein Urlaub kaum starten ♥️

      15 april 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Endlich wieder den ganzen Tag an der frischen Luft "all you can breathe" .. 🎈☀️ Celebration, Vineland Outlet und Disney Springs ♥️ Mein persönliches Highlight (neben tollem Wetter und leckerem Essen, interessanten Tieren und wunderschönen Blumen, einem sehr leckeren Starbuckskaffee, witzigen OldNay Mitarbeitern und dem kostenfreien Eintritt/Parkplatz ins Disney Springs): ein "Plüschtier-Auffüll-Automat". Wir haben einen Jungen beobachtet und mein Herz ist geschmolzen ... Junge sucht sich die Hülle eines Kuscheltiers aus. Mitarbeiter sitzt an der Maschine. Sieht ähnlich aus wie Zuckerwatte, ist aber die Füllung der Kuscheltiere. Mitarbeiter füllt Kuscheltierhülle durch Öffnung auf. Junge sucht sich ein kleines rotes Stoffherz aus. Macht ganz viele süsse Sachen mit dem Herz, z.B. drücken, küssen oder mit guten Wünschen besprechen. Mitarbeiter steckt rotes Herz mit in die Füllung und schließt die Öffnung ♥️ Wer hatte bitte so eine tolle Idee. ♥️
      Nun liegt wieder jeder auf seinem fetten Bett .. Wir gucken "Kids Baking Championship" .. Crazy was die können 🍪🎂🤭
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    • Dag 17

      The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

      15 maj 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today’s the day!!!! I was just a little bit excited walking to the front gates of universal. We had one hour early entry because we were staying at a universal resort which was awesome!!!!
      Straight to Diagon Alley we went!! It was magical!! I felt just like I was in the movie itself. It wasn’t too busy so we were able to get good photos without many people around.
      First stop Ollivanders to get myself the interactive wand and I chose Hermione’s. Then we headed off to Gringotts Escape before the lines got too long and that was fun! This is a similar ride to the castle one Mum, you would have enjoyed. The best part was we wore 3D glasses that looked like Quidditch goggles 🤗
      Then it was time to be a witch and cast some spells around Diagon Alley. It was so much fun and then I really felt like Hermione!!! I struggled to use it to begin with😂 but a fellow little witch (like 7 yrs old) helped me out and I was set for the day. It was so exciting and fun when it worked. Thanks Sheree for the heads up to do this first because once it got crowded it would have bee a pain to do & wait & not as much fun!
      We did some window shopping as we walked around. We would be back to spend our gallons. We couldn’t not get some butter beer ice cream though when we went past the ice cream shop - delicious!!

      Next it was time to board the Hogwarts Express to Hogsmeade. They had train conductors and everything, dressed the part. It was so much better than I thought it could be. The inside of the carriages was just like the mouse and the windows played videos so it was like you were travelling through the wizarding world.
      Time for some butter beer, but they didn’t have the frozen one at the cart so I was a bit disappointed. It wasn’t as nice as the slushy version. Some more spells were cast here at Hogsmeade and then it was time to go to Hogwarts. The castle ride was so much fun - the dementors still scary as last time and I knew they were coming 😂
      We ate lunch at The Hogs Head and I finally got my frozen butter beer 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Just as good as I remembered!

      Sadly it was time to leave Harry Potter for now. We thought we’d better check out the rest of the park for a bit. We went on Jurassic Park, King Kong - which we waited 40 minutes for and thought it was rubbish unfortunately, Spider-Man 3D which was great, Hulk Rollercoaster which I loved! And the Dr Doom drop ride.

      Back to Kings Cross Station to ride back to the other park. It was a different experience again (different videos) so glad we went both ways. We went on the Rock n Roll rollercoaster which went up and down the massive hill, pretty much straight up and that was scarier than going down. Also checked out Shrek 4D and the fast and furious ride.
      Then it was back to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies 🙊 Had some pizza for dinner and then caught the Hogwarts Express for one final time back to hogsmeade for a bit more shopping and then the light show at 8:30. The light show on the Castle was AMAZING!! It made my night and completed the Harry Potter fun so well!
      As we made our way out of universal Sarah had one more thing to buy but I was done!!!! I had sore feet and was absolutely buggered!!!! But it was so worth it for a truly magical day!!!!
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