United States
Pecos County

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    • Day 6

      Day 6 : On the way to Fort Stockton

      November 12, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Aujourd'hui, on prend la route direction l'ouest du Texas vers le Big Bend National Park. Celui-ci se trouve vraiment excentré, on décide alors de faire une halte d'une nuit à Fort Stockton, une petite bourgade, avant d'arriver au Big Bend.
      Après 4h de route, on fait une courte visite de la ville, il n'y a vraiment pas grand chose, mais on y trouve tout de même un petit Coffee Shop vraiment très sympa où il serve de très bonnes boissons. On retourne ensuite à l'hôtel pour y passer la nuit avant de repartir le lendemain matin.
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    • Day 120


      January 25 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Als wir aufwachen und zum Fenster raus schauen sehen wir nichts, alles voller Nebel. So machen wir zeitig auf, es liegen über 350 km vor uns.

      Auf unsere Strecke liegt wieder ein Atlas Obscura Ort:
      „In der kleinen Stadt Langtry, Texas, liegt in der staubigen Wüste ein alter Saloon, der einst "Jersey Lilly" hieß. Dieses bescheidene Gebäude war in den späten 1800er Jahren der Gerichtsstand des berüchtigten Richters Roy Bean.

      Obwohl Bean als Henker bekannt war, hat er eigentlich nie jemanden gehängt, obwohl er gelegentlich Hinrichtungen inszenierte, um potenzielle Kriminelle abzuschrecken. Im Allgemeinen brachte er die Verurteilten dazu, in der Stadt zu arbeiten. Wenn es nichts zu tun gab, band er sie an einen Pfahl, um sie in der heißen Sonne zu verbrennen. Es schien, als würde er eine raue Wildwestjustiz ausüben, aber in Wirklichkeit hatte er ein wohltätiges Herz und kümmerte sich um die Menschen in Langtry.

      Bevor er nach Texas zog, wurde Richter Roy Bean beschuldigt, einen Militäroffizier in San Diego, Kalifornien, getötet zu haben, wo er von den Freunden des Mannes zusammengetrieben und gehängt wurde. Zu seinem Glück war das Seil zu lang und eine Frau (angeblich die Frau, um die er sich mit dem Offizier gestritten hatte) schnitt ihn los. Er floh nach Texas und landete schließlich in Langtry.

      Obwohl die Stadt nach dem Ingenieur George Langtry benannt ist, hatte Bean die britische Schauspielerin Lilly Langtry (die zufälligerweise denselben Namen trug) in einer Zeitschrift gesehen und sich in sie verliebt. Obwohl er sie zu Lebzeiten nie kennen lernen sollte, nannte er seinen Saloon Jersey Lilly.

      Bean war zwar Notar, aber er war nicht gerade als Richter qualifiziert. Er genoss es, nach eigenem Gutdünken Recht zu sprechen. In einem Fall verhängte er gegen einen Toten ein Bußgeld von 40 Dollar, weil er eine versteckte Waffe bei sich trug (obwohl später behauptet wurde, dass die 40 Dollar für die Beerdigung des Mannes bestimmt waren).

      Heute ist Bean's Jersey Lilly ein Besucherzentrum mit einem wunderschön gepflegten Wüstengarten.“

      Der Besuch ist kostenlos und man fühlt sich in die damalige Zeit versetzt.

      Da Landty direkt am Rio Grande liegt laufen wir noch zur Schlucht. Aber den Rio Grande kriegen wir von hier leider nicht zu sehen, es ist alles zugewachsen.
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    • Day 14

      Wieder mal Van Horn und diesmal nach For

      April 21 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Hui hier zieht gerade eine Kaltfront durch, wir haben nur noch 10 Grad Celsius gegen 11uhr morgens. Aber der Tages Beginn ist mit einem exzellenten zweiten Frühstück gerettet. Die Sichtverhältnisse unterwegs waren nicht immer optimal. Mitunter dichter Nebel, Nieselregen und die dicken Brummis links an uns vorbei. Wir haben sogar die Sitzheizung an. Sowie es ein bisschen lichter wurde, nutzt Ralf die Gelegenheit am Rande zu schauen. Am Nachmittag hat es sich wieder beruhigt und wir haben gegen 18uhr sogar angenehme Temperatur und Sonnenschein.Read more

    • Day 106

      Fort Stockton

      March 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Sattelt die hühner, wir reiten nach texas... Oder so ähnlich... Zum üse plan bald as meer z cho umzsetze, hämmer 3 fahrtäg vor üs, devör chömmer nachär s meer ond s warme wätter gnüsse!
      Mer send gmüetlich s bärgströssli derab gfahre, immer am füssli nache ond händ ganz vill flauschigi chälbli gseh 😍
      Ume mittag ume simmer uf texas cho. De erst idruck: iii esch das wüest. Vill boustelle ond schlächti strasse, aber vorallem all paar meter e neui ölpumpi...
      Wos langsam spötere namittag worde esch semmer uf fort stockton cho ond händ üs det e camping gsuecht. Mer send sehr fründlich empfange worde ond händ sogar no e säckli mit z trinke ond schläckstängel öbercho 😅 zudem esches ändlich richtig warm gsi. Mer händ de spoti namittag im t shirt ond de churze hose verusse verbracht ond zum znacht heds en feini lasagne gä 🤤
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    • Day 2

      The historic Gage Hotel

      August 22 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      With temperatures way above 100° F (38C°), we decided to hotel hop until we reached the mountains of New Mexico.

      We really loved the vibe, but the place had a few kinks: no running water in the sink, air conditioning went out, the rocking chairs didn't rock ....

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    • Day 59

      Day 58 - Not a Marathon to Marathon

      June 19, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      The alarm woke us up at 8.00am. We got ready for an easy day having decided we wouldn’t take a 160 mile detour to drive through Big Ben National Park. After breakfast, we headed out instead for McDonald Observatory on top of the Davis Mountains.

      We parked up & went to the Frank N. Bash Visitors Centre to enquire what we could do. The receptionist advised us that we could join the 11.00am Guided Tour for $8 each, which would take us to all the telescopes to view live feeds from the sun. She told us it was a special day because the tour would also include the 82” Otto Struve Telescope, which was not normally open to the public. That sounded good until I asked how long the tour took. Just 2.5 hours, it finishes at 1.30. Jackie nearly fainted .

      We politely declined & bought the $1 self guided tour. We watched the 18 minute film about the history of the McDonald Observatory, then jumped in the car & drove up to the large telescopes on top of Mount Locke. The 82” Otto Struve Telescope was closed to us. We walked around the outside then found an open door into the lobby of the 107” Harlan J. Smith Telescope, but there was not a huge amount to see. There were however some nice views from here.

      We then drove up Mount Fowlkes to view the 390” Hobby-Eberly Telescope. We were able to go in & actually see it through a glass screen. It was quite impressive. It is fact the 2nd largest Telescope in the world, the 1st being in Chile.

      After, I must have been seeing stars, because I encouraged Jackie to drive ‘Doodle’. Jackie drove down the mountain, mainly in the verge, then back through Fort Davis. I considered stopping at Fort Davis itself, because it was a National Park, but Jackie was now getting a taste for driving. Luckily, Fort Davis was quiet, because at one point we were driving on the left hand side of the road.

      Jackie drove to a town called Marfa, famous for it’s Lights (not Harbour). We had brief drive round, but there was not a great deal to see. We debated visiting Prada Marfa, a Prada Shop Art Instillation in the middle of the desert, but it was 37 miles from Marfa & in the wrong direction.

      We continued our journey eastwards on Highway 67, stopping at the Marfa Lights Viewing Area. A proper viewing area has been constructed to view Mystery Lights, described as basketball sized lights hovering above the ground. It is an unexplained phenomenon. Unfortunately for us it was daytime.

      We ventured on to a town called Alpine, which was pretty quiet, so we pushed on to the town of Marathon, where we due to stay that night. It was 2.00pm as we drove into Marathon, I was expecting a big town, but if we blinked we would have missed it. The town had a couple of cafes & a French Grocery Store. We weren’t due to arrive at our new Airbnb until after 3.00pm, but we contacted them anyway & they said come over.

      We are staying at Marathon Morning Glory La Casita, a little homestead set in a couple of acres. Our hosts are Kelly & Lola, a lovely true Texan couple, who up until recently ran a Ranch down near Big Bend National Park. We have our own en-suite room in what used to be a Military barracks with a big verandah. They have 4 dogs that all stink, because they caught a skunk the previous night that sprayed them all.

      We discussed our food options with Lola & it was either the expensive Gage Hotel or the French Grocery. We chose the latter & bought a bottle of wine, a microwave mac ‘n’ cheese, crackers, cheese, tin of tuna & inexplicably a packet of processed meat, which turned out to be like slimy floppy salami.

      We returned, met Kelly, then sat on the verandah in the muggy stifling heat, drinking beer. It was too hot, not to be in the shade. By 5.00pm we both felt shattered & had a siesta. 45 minutes later we were awoken by the wind blowing a hoolie. We looked out & the sky was dark grey turning black.

      Within seconds all hell broke loose, rain, then hailstones the size of large marbles started pelting down. I went out on to the verandah to photo & video the spectacle. Lola appeared & ran through the developing lake outside & across to the barn opposite where the door had been torn open. Kelly then appeared & started to run to help her, but he tripped & fell head first into a stony puddle with a loud thud. It looked & sounded painful, but he got up & ran on, probably a bit embarrassed.

      We were really worried about the damage to ‘Doodle’ & Jackie even made me go & check on it mid storm. It seemed ok, but I’m not sure what I could have done if it wasn’t.

      Less than 10 minutes after it started it was all over & a nice sunset followed. Apart from the cheese, the rest of the food was pretty rank, even the wine. That all said, we had a lovely evening in the middle of nowhere in West Texas watching the sunset & getting back to nature, listening to the sounds of dusk. Another great experience!

      Song of the Day - Riders on the Storm by The Doors.
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    • Day 68

      U.S. Border Patrol - Texas

      April 27, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Both on the way in and out of the Big Bend area we went through US Border Patrol Checkpoints, once they find out we’re British they want to see our passports and know when we arrived, what we’re doing and when we’re leaving the US.Read more

    • Day 26

      Camp #10 - It's a marathon, not a sprint

      September 24, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Camp site número diez!
      This camp site is in the small town of Marathon, Texas which has just under 400 residence.
      It's meant to be one of the darkest spots in the lower 48 states, so let's see what stars we see tonight. Although there is a Mexican 15th party being setup with the world's largest speaker systems.Read more

    • Day 62

      Desert Drive, Hwy 90, TX

      April 21, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Lots of wilderness in southwest Texas, interesting cacti with hummingbirds feeding on the orange flowers. Not quick enough with the camera to capture the wild turkeys and javelinas feeding on the side of the road. Javelinas look like hogs and smell like skunks, apparently.Read more

    • Day 26

      Marathon Brew House

      September 24, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      In this small little town, there was a BBQ restaurant and brewery. After spending some time in large cities where it was costing $20 for two drinks, it was refreshing to get two beers for $10 (oh and some BBQ food as well, it is Texas after all)Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pecos County, مقاطعة بيكوس, Пекос, পিকোস কাউন্টি, Condado de Pecos, Pecos konderria, شهرستان پیکس، تگزاس, Comté de Pecos, Pecos megye, Փեկոս շրջան, Contea di Pecos, ペコス郡, Pecos Comitatus, Pecos Kūn, Hrabstwo Pecos, پیکوس کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Pecos, Округ Пекос, پیکوس کاؤنٹی، ٹیکساس, Quận Pecos, Condado han Pecos, 貝可斯縣

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