Bá Thước District

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    • Day 9

      Day 8 - Pu Luong to Hanoi

      August 5, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Not so much to report today....

      Raining again, so despite getting up for breakfast, little to do for the morning, although boys managed a swim in the rain.
      Then goodbye to Pu Luong Jungle Lodge and 1pm bus back to Hanoi. Uneventful bar the occasional herd of water buffalo in the road.
      Jumped off bus and short walk to Hanoi train station where we get the SE18 overnight train to Dong Hoi.
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    • Day 9

      Pu Luong Swing Walk by Matt

      July 22, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We hadn't bothered to shut the curtains so we were woken up by the sun rising over the distant hills to reveal to the breath taking views of rice fields, the stunning panorama visible through the wall to wall windows from our beds! A low cloud hung over peaks but it was otherwise a clear blue sky.

      There was no sign of the giant cockroach in the bathroom, which I'd found last night clinging to the side of my toothbrush. We got ready, roused the children from next door and went out to seek the egg chef. Eashan had discovered a new breakfast favourite consisting of purple sticky rice, rolled up in a palm leaf like a cigar, dipped in chopped peanuts.

      Sunny filled us in on our day's activities, consisting of walking, waterfalls, waterwheels and rafting! We set off directly from the homestay and shortly came to a beautiful swing, decorated with colourful ribbons and perched on a ledge above the rice terraces. We took turns to have a go and, with the rice fields below and jungle in the distance, it felt, as the kids remarked, that you were on top of the world.

      After traversing the mud walls to a rock for a photo, Sunny paid a nearby shop the swing fee and we borrowed her tap to wash our feet, we set off down the winding road, lush green rice terraces either side.

      The road descended into the valley, becoming steeper and steeper, until we reached a shallow river that we needed to cross. It was cooling and a welcome relief from the muggy heat, the boys completely immersing themselves and sliding over the rocks with the current.

      From there we trekked through some villages, passing ladies using basic looms to make scarves, smiling children and old men sleeping in hammocks all underneath their wooden houses on stilts. One little boy was even keen to exchange fist pumps with Arushi and Simi.

      We finished up at a small nondescript village and ate at a very basic place, little more than an open kitchen and a few tables, with either fried noodles or noodle soup on the menu. Opting for chicken and veg fried noodles, we admired and smelled the various containers of rice wine flavoured with fruit, goat legs and even snake!
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    • Day 25


      April 26, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Getting up to the beautiful landscapes of Mai Chau and enjoying the breakfast at our homestay, it was soon time to leave on the bus further up into the mountains for our trekking at Puluong.

      Despite the 'roads' being quite questionable on the way up, we arrived at our next homestay and enjoyed a delightful lunch of chicken and baguettes.

      Having thought Mai Chau was stunning, I was in for a treat with what was to come. After lunch we headed off on our trek through the rice paddies. From the moment of stepping out the homestay the scenery was breathtaking and I've never quite seen anything like it. No words could do this place justice nor any picture capture how incredible it is. Every 2 minutes you are taking in new nice paddies and seeing locals a work.

      Being such an untouched area by tourists many locals look at you as though you are aliens, which in a way is quite humorous. The area was also so empty which made the experience all the more special. Our tour guide said that in 10 years time this will be the new Sapa, which makes me sad as the beauty of the place is because it's so natural and non touristy. Sitting at dinner that evening I still couldn't get over the sights I saw that day, despite being physically exhausted it's definitely been a highlight of my time in Vietnam. And I know I say many places I've been to or things I've seen are a highlight but this was on a whole new level.

      The dinner served that evening was divine, everything tasting incredible and cooked by the family we were staying with as well as our tour guide. We then got invited afterwards to sit with the family while they ate their dinner and despite the language barrier it was a precious moment.
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    • Day 8

      Leaving Mai Chau for Puluong by Simi

      July 21, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We left our humble home stay for the terraced paddy fields of Puluong.

      We decided to walk the last part of the way as could cut through paddy fields and enjoy the view more whilst the minivan had to take the long winding road round.

      The slow pace in Pu Luong , like Mai Chau is a striking contrast to life in Hanoi just a few hours away. Endless mountains, fertile valleys and pristine jungle and the extremely attractive rice terraces are all very good for the soul as well as being photogenic!

      Everyone we see whether it’s a small cute child, a moped riding teenager, a hard working farmer, a older generation hand loomer.. smile and say big hellos! It’s completely charming and beguiling to see their huge smiles and their gentle friendliness to us all.

      We arrived at our lovely hotel
      And enjoyed a dip in the pool
      And dinner !
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    • Day 8

      Hikes & Arriving at Puluong by Eashan

      July 21, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      This morning, we set off for Mai Chau but not before a hearty breakfast of toast and pastries with coconut and other delicious food.

      We stopped on the way with an incredible view of Pu Luong and we then hiked down the mountain to meet the van at our next hotel. The path was zig-zagging down the side of the mountain. We saw loads of chickens and hens along the path. There were huge rice paddy fields along the side of the mountain which we walked along.

      At first we were going at a good steady pace but within a few minutes, the suns beating, harsh rays proved too much for any of us and we slowed down dramatically until, finally the van was in sight and we marched on until we arrived.

      We put everything away and had a look around. We had a surprisingly busy pool and a beautiful view, as well as a swing and lying area outside. Simi and Matt quickly settled down on the deckchairs by the pool with a beer while Arushi, Millen and Eashan jumped into the pool.

      That night, for dinner, we had loads of noodles and fruit and deep fried vegetables as well as pork and other meat. All of this was accompanied by fresh juice/wine to drown it down and also an army of ants invading our dinner. However we managed to get back without too many bites to settle down with some much needed rest after a long day of hikes and travelling.
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    • Day 2

      Siem Reap Hotel by Millen

      July 15, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Please note this entry to the blog is just about the bits in between the main events!
      This hotel was spectacular, after a tiring day of flying we deserved a rest, so we took a quick dip in the cool pool and relaxing on the sunbeds. Unfortunately for us the next day was an extremely early start to go to Angkor wat and we had to wake up at 4 in the morning- luckily they provided us with a to go breakfast which completely filled our empty bellies,. We got back around in the afternoon after trekking around different temples and after yet another tiring day we finished it off with a nice swim and at at this place on beer street and after for dessert we had ice cream rolls and went around the market.
      The second night we finally had our first lie in a while, the breakfast was an enormous buffet with excotic fruits, any type of eggs, and lots more. Kian and Narim picked us up with a big smile and we did a couple more temples that day and went OX CART riding . For dinner we went to this fantastic place where the beer was only 75 CENT and the food was sooooo good as well.
      The next day we had another great breakfast at the buffet, making us alll full and we went on an amazing boat trip and then to the colourful market, but our flight was delayed so because the dinner we had yesterday was so cheap and amazing we went to the same place for lunch and then of course we went for another swim and got on our flight to Hanoi!
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    • Day 9

      Hotpot Night by Matt

      July 22, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      For our final night in Pu Luong Sunny had arranged a special Northern Vietnamese dish called a hotpot. A large simmering bowl of broth is placed in the middle of the table then plates of meat, vegetables, noodles, herbs and tofu laid before you. Then you simply add what you like and once it's cooked, scoop it into your bowl and ladle over the broth. Sunny suggested squeezing some lime over salt then dipping the cooked meat into it.

      We shared this meal with Sunny and the driver, sharing a small bottle of rice wine. The driver seemed to take great delight when I downed my shot, vigorously shaking my hand and promptly refilling my glass.

      It was a fun night and a great way to share and socialise over food.
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    • Day 7

      Noch weiter ins Landesinnere

      April 22 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      08.30 Abfahrt, heute geht es in die Berge. Dort beziehen wir eine tolle Lodge, jeder hat quasi seine eigene Hütte mit Veranda.
      Nachmittags machen wir eine schöne Wanderung durch die umliegenden Dörfer und Reisfelder, was für eine beeindruckende Landschaft! Dieses Fleckchen Erde merken wir uns!!Read more

    • Day 8

      Pu Luong

      April 23 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück wird’s wieder sportlich. 08.30 Uhr werden die Mountainbikes bestiegen und die Landschaft erradelt, was bedeutet, dass einige Höhenunterschiede überwunden werden und alle bei den Stops mehr oder weniger durchgeschwitzt sind.
      Der erste Halt ist bei einer Schule, kurzer Besuch einer Klasse, ca. 6. Schuljahr, danach geht es weiter zu einer Familie, wo wir schauen können, wie sie leben und wir werden zum Tee und Bananenschnaps (um ca. 10 Uhr!!!!) eingeladen. Danach fällt das Radfahren schon leichter🤣!
      Weiter geht es durch Dörfer und Reisterrassen zu den für diese Gegend typischen Wasserräder, die komplett aus Bambus gebaut sind und die hiesigen Reisfelder bewässern.
      Hier gibt’s auch frischen Kokosnussaft und diverse andere Kleinigkeiten.
      Wir sind immer noch nicht fertig, die Fahrt geht weiter hoch und runter bis zu einem See, dort besteigen wir Bambusboote und es gibt ein kleines Mittagessen, während wir mit langen Bambusstangen über den See geschoben werden. Das ist ja mal Entspannung pur!
      Danach stehen leider wieder die Fahrräder parat, aber es geht nur noch ein paar Kilometer bis zum Bus, der uns zu einem Weberdorf in der Nähe bringt.

      Beim Abendessen in der Lodge sind alle ziemlich müde, später zieht noch ein Gewitter auf und alle sind recht früh im Bett!
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    • Day 57

      Hanoi, Pù Luông Nature Reserve

      February 7, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Wie zu erwarten lege ich mich nochmal hin bevor ich mit Ole in Richtung Laos fahre. Aus den kurzen Nickerchen wurde leider nichts, die Kinder der Besitzer nehmen kurzerhand mein Bett ein, die sind schon süß, aber furchtbar laut. Ich flüchte also und apropos süß, der Crepe gefüllt mit Vanillecreme, Erdbeeren und einen Stück Käsekuchen war ein tolles Frühstück. Wie angenehm es sein kann zu fahren wenn keine LKWs und fast keine Busse auf der Straße sind, ihr könnt es euch denken, es liegt an Tet. Nach langweiligen Hauptstraßen erreichen wir das Pu Luong Nature Reserve, der Garten Eden schlechthin , satte grüne Reisterrassen, zahmes Vieh und am Ende der Fahrt erwartet uns eine Lodge, der Besitzer upgraded uns kurzerhand, wir beziehen Lager in einen privaten Bungalow. Alsdann gegen 22 Uhr die letzte Karaokesession verstummt, ist die einzige verbliebene Geräuschquelle das kontinuierliche Quaken der Frösche.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Huyện Bá Thước, Huyen Ba Thuoc, Bá Thước District

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