Núi Hàm Rồng

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    • Tag 209

      Sa Pa 🍚

      12. April 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Tout au nord du pays, proche de la Chine, nous voilà dans les montagnes entourés de terrasses de champs de riz.
      Et devinez quoi, on se croirait de retour au Pérou !

      On retrouve plusieurs minorités ethniques la bas, notamment les Hmong et les Dzay. Ils s’habillent encore dans leurs affaires traditionnelles - petit air de Quechua sur les couleurs. La génération des grands parents (les gens de 40-50 ans - oui le première enfant arrive dès 15-16 ans) ne savent ni lire ni écrire, et ne parlent que légèrement vietnamien (j’ai vérifié moi même). Ils vivaient jusqu’à l’arrivé du tourisme quasi en autarcie avec leur propre production de nourriture, vêtement, etc.

      Nous avons fait un trek sur 2 jour accompagné de Stone et Nué, nos guides Hmong. Stone parlait un peu anglais et a été incroyable avec nous, les 2 jours étaient incroyable niveau paysage et super intéressant. Nous avons traversé les champs de riz et les petits villages, puis nous avons passé une nuit chez l’habitant - simple mais super.

      Moment bouffe: vous avez la photo d’un Hot Pot, la raclette vietnamienne. On en trouve partout, le concept est plutôt simple. Un bouillon au milieu et plein de truc autour à baigner. Chacun y met ce qu’il souhaite.

      Pour la petite histoire, 2 sœurs Hmong nous ont suivies car elles aillaient également au village depuis la ville. Une des Soeur, de 16 ans portait son enfant de 7 mois. Après un arrêt elle s’est rendue compte qu’elle avait oubliée son sac à mains, du coup Markus et moi sommes parti rapidement aller le récupérer, et Anna à proposait de porter son bébé pour qu’elle puisse venir avec nous. A notre retour Anna a continuait à jouer la poussette pendant 1 bonne heure. Pas évident sur ces chemins !

      Les liens vers les super vidéo de Markus :

    • Tag 6

      סיכום יום 4

      6. Oktober 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      קמנו לפנות בוקר באוטובוס לילה והגענו לעיירה סאפה בשעה 5:30. מאמא צ'ה פגשה אותנו והובילה אותנו לבית קפה, שם ישבנו, אכלנו וחיכינו עד 8:30, שעת תחילת ההליכה. פגשנו שני צרפתים שאיתם נהיה ביומיים הקרובים. התחלנו את ההליכה בין הכפרים שממוקמים בהרים, ראינו נופים עוצרי נשימה של שדות אורז נרחבים, המאמא הראתה לנו במהלך הטיול שיח של תה ירוק, טאבק ואפילו מריחואנה. ראינו מלא בופאלוס, כלבים, ברווזים, תרנגולים, חזירים שמנים ופרפרים. הגענו לבית של המאמא וחטפנו שוק של החיים שלנו. מדובר בבית מעץ ורצפת בטון ויש הרבה חרקים. מהר מאוד שאלנו את עצמנו מה יש לעשות בבית כי הגענו בשעה מוקדמת מאוד. אז קצת התבאסנו והחלטנו לעשות שנצ יחד. התעוררנו, התקלחנו ולפתע התחלנו לראות את הטוב שבמקום, ההזדמנות שיש לנו להיות פה ולהבחין בצורת חיים אחרת. אכלנו ארוחת ערב ויאטנמית מסורתית, שיחקנו קלפים כולם יחד והלכנו לישון (טל בליינר ודוריאן בסכנה).Weiterlesen

    • Tag 167

      Sapa/fin du vietnam

      3. Februar in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      On arrive donc ensuite sur la région de sapa, après plusieurs heures de routes en moto on arrive dans des paysage montagneux avec des sapins 🌲 et de petits villages de montagne, on en profite pour prendre un logement plutôt cool et on se repose la journée avant d’attaquer un trek avec un petit groupe et notre guide local, on monte donc dans les montagnes à pied (fini la moto pour le moment) la guide nous expliquera comment les gens vivent ici/ ce qu’ils font pousser et leurs traditions.
      On finira la journée par le traditionnel happy water (alcool de riz pas bon qu’ils prennent en cul sec)
      Le lendemain pareil après le petit dej on change de guide mais elle est encore plus marrante, elle fait la poule, leur cours dessus, les prends dans les mains, c’était fun, et on aura bien marché ce jour là, principalement dans les rizières et forêt de bambou ce jour là (Sarah a mis le pied complet dans la boue)
      À peine fini le trek on a repris la moto pour se rapprocher d’Hanoi, on a trouver un endroit vraiment calme sur la route c’était cool.
      On a enchaîner 6h de moto le jour d’après pour revenir à hanoi et y passer une nuit avant de reprendre l’avion pour la malaisie (une première pour Sarah et deuxième pour moi)
      On arrive donc pour le nouvel an chinois en Malaisie !

    • Tag 21

      Homestay & Trekking in Sapa

      26. November 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Gegen 4 Uhr morgens kamen wir mit dem Bus in Sapa an. Die Busfahrt kostete nur ca 10 Euro. Wir konnten noch bis 6 Uhr im Bus schlafen und wurden anschließend von unserer "Mama" abgeholt. Wir hatten eine Übernachtung und 2 Trekking-Tage bei Mama Sa Sapa gebucht (30 US Dollar) . Überall wird empfohlen ein Homestay in Sapa zu besuchen, sodass wir uns auch dafür entschieden hätten. Nach einem Frühstück, da wir noch auf ein Paar warten mussten, das später anreiste, ging es dann zu fünft und mit Mama Sa Sapa auf eine rund 6 stündige Trekkingtour zu ihrem Haus. Da es am Vortag geregnet hatte, war es teilweise sehr matschig und rutschig. Vorbei an Reisfeldern, Wäldern, vielen Hunden und Einheimischen in ihren Häusern ging es bergauf bergab. Zwischendurch hatten wir eine (Mittags-) Pause und ich nahm Fried Noodles. Da andere Mama's eine ähnliche oder gleiche Tour hatten, waren wir zwischendurch eine recht große Gruppe.
      Gegen 15/16 Uhr kamen wir bei Mama Sa's Haus an und wir verbrachten einen entspannten Nachmittag. Bereits wieder hungrig hatten wir gegen 18 Uhr unser Abendessen und es gab Frühlingsrollen sowie Reis mit Gemüse und Fleisch. Alles sehr köstlich und frisch von Mama zubereitet. Mama war beim Abendessen selbst aber nicht dabei. Zur Abrundung des Abends gab es noch "Happy Water" - ein Schnaps der mir nicht ganz so gut schmeckte 😅 - und Karaoke. Zwei Söhne von Mama gesellten sich zu uns und sangen mit uns. Da es ein anstrengender Tag mit wenig Schlaf und viel Wandern war, lagen wir gegen halb zehn auch schon im Bett.

    • Tag 83

      Day 83

      28. April in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Big Hike

      Even if I couldn't do Fansipan without paying, I knew I wanted to do a big hike that went through some local villages as well as up some mountains. Luckily, AllTrails seemed to have exactly what I wanted. 2 separate hikes, 1 that went out to a neighbouring village called Ta Van, and one that came back on the other side of the valley. I could combine these for a fairly big single day hike.

      The first half was quite relaxed, it was about 11km in total, mostly downhill to drop into the valley with a little bit of elevation towards the end. It was nice and sunny and I got some gorgeous views of the rice fields as I passed through the "Black H'mong" villages, seeing lots of livestock too. Unfortunately some people did try and sell me stuff, though they were mainly kids and you're not supposed to buy anything from them as it encourages them to drop out of school.

      There were a couple bigger villages too, Lao Chai and Ta Van which were both towards the end. These evidently were super touristy too as the vibe was super different from the other ones I had passed through. I grabbed a smoothie at Lao Cai before heading over to Ta Van for some lunch. I ordered a Banh Mi, but to my surprise I got an even smaller portion of chips than I did yesterday, and it was in "normal" square slices of bread instead of the classic baguette. I knew the 2nd half would take a bit longer as it had some more elevation out of the valley, and it was getting to the hottest part of the day so I didn't stay long.

      After foolishly trying to take a shortcut and ending up having to sneak through a farm in order to get back on the main track, I found myself sweating and breathing heavy as I tried to push my way up the valley. Luckily, once I had actually gotten onto the path, it was fairly linear and I didn't have to think much, which caused me to apparently miss the route I was meant to follow and end up a bit further down the road than I was meant to. But hey, I'm never one to complain about extra kilometers as all that meant was more adventure.

      I had noticed that the route on AllTrails went around a mountain but there was a perfectly good trail that went directly towards Sapa with only 500m more elevation, plus I'd get to summit a mountain which would be quite cool. I stopped at a homestay on the way to get some more drinks as I was getting low on water then kept powering on. The trail up the mountain was actually pretty good, although there were alot of diverging paths but I assume they all went the same way so I wasn't too worried. Plus, I had my GPS to keep me on route. As I climbed further up, I got an even better view on the whole valley below which was nice. I passed some locals, and some horses and before I knew it I was on the summit of Mount Ham Rong. Well, maybe. As there wasn't a summit marked and the path went straight up and over, I bushwacked to the summit as per my GPS and called it mission complete.

      I could see Sapa for most of the descent and knew I had a while left of sunlight so I wasn't in a big rush on the way down, so I took it fairly slow, watching the sunset behind Fansipan. As I made my way down, it passed through a little tourist attraction where there were some nice statues, gardens, and walkways. Plus, to cement the fact that Sapa felt like a D tier Disney, there was even a knock off Mickey Mouse statue. As I made my back into town, I had completed my 20 something kilometer hike with 1300 something meters of elevation - all to avoid a less than 3 pounds entry fee into the Ham Rong Park thingy right at the end. I knew I was a cheapskate but I didn't know by this much.

      I was now perfectly hyped to go to the Alps in just over a month, and perfectly craving an ice crea, some cookies, and a drink, so I went to a shop and splurged before eating till my heart was content.

      Unfortunately, as my homestay was full tonight, I had to move for a 3rd time in 4 nights in Sapa to another homestay on the other side of town. Luckily though this was the last time as I had booked my bus ticket to Laos for tomorrow evening. After checking in and showering, I went to a restaurant across the street and enjoyed a much wanted final dinner in Vietnam.

    • Tag 68

      Sapa day 2

      17. Mai in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Four of the guys from the Ha Giang loop met me at my hostel this morning. We were greeted by a tiny Vietnamese lady who called herself Mama Mao who was taking us on our hike today!
      We hopped in a car with her at 8.30 and had a very short drive into town where we joined with 5 other people and Mama Mao's daughter, Zu, who was actually the one leading the hike. We walked through town, the morning market, and then up a series of slopes until the path became muddy and surrounded by ferns. Along this stretch, we were joined by two other older Vietnamese ladies in traditional clothing, carrying big wicker baskets on their backs and who also called themselves mamas. I'd heard from fellow travellers, these ladies join groups and walk with you until you reach the village in the mountains where they live, then try to sell you things in their baskets, and use the selling point 'they walked all this way with you'. I was a little weary about talking to them as didn't want to be guilted into buying anything, but they were very lovely. One of them made us hearts out of ferns, the other lady was 64 and already had adult grandchildren!
      We walked through the hills, unfortunately with no views of Sapa as it was so foggy, but still a nice walk. The mamas left us just before lunch, and I did end up buying a ring off one of them which promptly turned my thumb green over the course of the rest of the day 😅
      Lunch was the usual, rice, veggies, various forms of protein and spring rolls, but it was well needed after a sweaty uphill morning. There was practically no breeze in the mountains, and was very humid.
      In the afternoon, we descended into a bamboo forest which the fog actually made look more impressive and a bit spooky. I don't think I've ever seen so many butterflies (in the wild). There were probably hundreds of these pale orange butterflies with faint stripes and spots on, circling the tops of the bamboo trunks and darting across the path. Every time one flew near me, I did put my arm out in hopes it'd land on me, no success. It definitely made up for the lack of views in the morning!
      After emerging from the forest, we walked through corn fields and farmland, encountering a few furry friends along the way. This included horses, which I surprisingly hadn't actually seen on my trip at all so far!
      We then descended down into rice fields which were so muddy and slippery, I'm surprised I didn't fall! Zu told us about the rice planting and harvesting process, and we watched as farmers waded in the muddy paddies.
      We then walked further down, into small villages and the terrain changed from slippy mud to even more treacherous slippy concrete slopes! Zu ran down them while we carefully shuffled, with only a few casualties and near misses on the way down.
      We reached a small stream where we sat and Zu grabbed a handful of nearby leaves and started shredding them, then gave us each a small handful. They were indigo leaves, and we were told to massage them into our hands from 5 minutes until they were a bright blue. As we were doing this, we kind of realised what we were tricked into doing. Washing away the leaves, our hands were a brilliant bright forest green, which would turn into a deep blue as the day progressed. The guys who hadn't fallen for the trick laughed at us and we walked the rest of the way down with hands of smurfs.
      Just after 5 we arrived at a house where Mama Moa greeted us, also with blue hands as she'd been dying clothes indigo this afternoon. We all sat down muddy and exhausted, and had hot cups of green tea brought out to us. We then sat around a table, and Zu brought out a big jug of happy water, and all did celebratory end of hike shots of happy water. She then brought a pile of cards, and everyone drew cards, with the lowest two earning an extra shot until the jug was finished. I ended up having about 6/7 before very merrily saying goodbye to the half of the group who were staying over night as the other 5 of us giggled as we shuffled down yet another slippy slope, and were bundled into a car by Mama and driven back to Sapa.
      Despite the fog, it was such a lovely day, I kind of regretted not staying over night.
      What I foolishly didn't realise was that you can still get sunburnt when you can't see the sun. Turns out the UV was very high in the mountains today and my neck and arms got extremely sunburnt 😭
      Luckily the sunburn hadn't reached my legs, so I got a foot massage which was much needed after a day in hiking boots, £3 for 30 minutes, an absolute steal. After applying countless layers of after-sun on, I then went to meet one of the couples from the hike for dinner and some more pool.
      I'm undecided on how much longer to stay in Sapa for, I only have tonight booked, but would really like to do some more hiking and try get some decent views, so will hopefully extend and work something out.

    • Tag 82


      21. November 2016 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Sapa is een prachtig berggebied op de grens met China, wat erg bekend is om de enorme rijstterrassen. We hebben samen met een gids(behorend tot een lokale stam/tribe) een tweedaagse trekking gedaan door het gebied(30km). We sliepen in de homestay van de zus van onze gids. Erg leuk om een keer bij de mensen thuis mee te eten. Sapa is echt een super mooi gebied, we hadden top weer en onze groep was erg gezellig. Een gaaf eerste tripje in Vietnam!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Höllenmarsch durch die Reisfelder

      5. April 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Da will man einfach ganz entspannt spazierengehen, erstellt sich ne Route und steckt dann mitten in einem steilen Berghang ... Ja Ne, geil wa?! ...
      Jaja, da führt der Weg entlang ... und eh man sich versieht, kletterten wir den Berg runter, irrten in einem Bambuswald umher und kämpften mitten in den Reisfeldern gegen den Schlammboden.
      Geplant waren 3h ... Es wurden aber 7h ...
      Hat ja keiner ahnen können, dass es in Süd-Ost-Asien mehr Dschungel als Weg gibt ... (Ironie On).

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Núi Hàm Rồng, Nui Ham Rong

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