Quận Bốn

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    • Day 29

      Saigon Sightseeing

      April 2 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We used the City Sightseeing Hop on Hop off bus as a way to navigate the congestion and avoid heat exhaustion and saw the main sights as well as two museums. We also stopped in at the historical post office and Nancy mailed a post card to Jan who loved picking them up and sorting out how to post them in Europe! We finished off the day with dinner at a rooftop bar just block from our neighborhood as we had an early flight out the next day to Bali, Indonesia after 17 days in Vietnam.Read more

    • Day 4


      February 24 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      An diesem Tag ist nicht viel passiert, außer dass ich umziehen musste. Leider habe ich mich in der Planung etwas vertan und brauchte noch ein, zwei Tage länger in Saigon. Leider war meine Unterkunft ausgebucht und ich musste mir eine neue Bleibe suchen. Ich musste nicht lange auf Booking suchen und fand ein kleines Hostel, welches zu Fuß leicht zu erreichen war. Außerdem war der Preis unschlagbar: 5€ die Nacht! Angekommen fand ich mich in einem riesigen Schuh-Chaos wieder, aber die Besitzerin war sehr nett und fragte mich auch ganz interessiert, wo ich als nächstes hin fahre. Die Zimmer waren ein bisschen abgerockt, aber akzeptabel. Das Hostel versprühte auf jeden Fall den Charme, den ich von einer Großstadt erwarte.
      Leider waren die Nächte nicht sehr schön, da die Klimaanlage sehr kalt eingestellt war und durch die nicht vorhandenen Vorhänge, bekam man die eisige Luft die ganze Nacht auf den Rücken gedrückt. Außerdem hatte ich durch die nicht vorhandenen Vorhänge komplette Sicht auf alle schlafenden Gäste.
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    • Day 20

      Phu My to Saigon

      November 20, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      Phu My once, shame on you, Phu My twice, shame on me… (Couldn’t resist the pun.)

      The bus ride from the port of Phu My to Ho Chi Minch City (formerly Saigon) was nearly 3 hours long, but there was lots to see along the way.

      For starters, I noticed that the license plate on our bus had a little holder for burning incense.

      I was expecting a drive along a highway flanked by agriculture. Instead, the road passed by little towns for much of the way.

      In case you’re wondering, “be thui” is Vietnamese for “veal,” and “bo sua” means “dairy.” I wondered what all those cow statues were about. They are simply letting you know you can buy milk there.
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    • Day 9

      Saigon oder auch Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt

      February 7 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Auf dem Weg vom Hafen zur Autobahn eine mehrspurige Hauptstraße, fast schnurgerade, gesäumt mit Geschäften, nahtlos aneinander, auf beiden Seiten der Straße, auf fast 40 km Länge! Einfach unvorstellbar!
      Viele Straßen auch mit separater Spur für die unzähligen Motorroller. Das Transportmittel für alles! Von der vierköpfigen Familie über den Hausstand bis zur kompletten Geschäftsauslage. Meist gut vermummt oder mit rosa Hello-Kitty-Helm.
      Vom Saigon Skydeck im 49. Stockwerk des BITEXCO FINANCIAL Tower verschaffen wir uns einen Überblick über die Stadt. Nicht fehlen darf natürlich der Besuch einer dieser riesigen Markthallen und selbstverständlich diverser Tempel sämtlicher Glaubensrichtungen.
      Wie man auf den Bildern sieht, steht der Feiertag des asiatischen Neujahrsfestes unmittelbar bevor. Darum gab es auch kaum Verkehr auf den Straßen 😂
      Ein cooler T-Shirt-Spruch übrigens in diesem Zusammenhang lautet: 'I survived Saigon Traffic' 🫣
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    • Day 19

      Apartment Hopping pt 1: 14 ton that dam

      March 13 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      I've left Michael back at the hotel to go apartment hopping. I've done some research and think I've found some ripper apartments full of hidden treasures like cafes and clothes shops.

      This set is full of cafes, with lots of cats, cool settings, great cheap menus and even an art studio (in a seperate post), and the coolest hidden cafe I've ever seen (also in a seperate post).

      Here are some photos of the sketchy apartment block, and it's hidden contents. A must visit for the adventurous who want to get off the beaten track.
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    • Day 19

      My best secret find yet!

      March 13 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      I have found the coolest cafe in HCM whilst waiting for my mosaic to have resin added. I'm in an extremely run down apartment building going apartment hopping (the apartments hide heaps of stuff) and I have hit the top floor. It looks like there's one cafe on the left, and a bookshelf at the end. However, when you get closer, you realise the shelf is a door, and come into the most gorgeous cafe I've seen since being here. It's old fashioned, full of plants and has an amazing river view and reasonable pricing. The cafe is called Memento cafe and cocktails.

      All it's missing is a cat hahahaha. I would be curious to see what it's like in the nighttime. There are so many gorgeous cafes and speakeasy bars here in this dodgy ass apartment.
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    • Day 15

      Nochmal Mekongdelta

      March 11 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Ein sehr abwechslungsreicher Ausflug: in My Tho besichtigten wir eine Pagode, zu der die Gläubigen aus dem ganzen Land pilgern. Die buddhistische Ewigkeitspagode. Sehr eindrucksvoll und wunderschön. Dann schauten wir uns einen Tempel der Caodaireligion an. Sehr bunt, eher kitschig und interessant. Danach dann mit kleineren Booten ein Ausflug zur Einhorninsel, wo wir auf kleinen Booten durch die Kanäle in den Obstplantagen gerudert wurden. Wir probierten Milchäpfel und wieder Jackfruit. Abends dann Einfahrt in Saigon. Was für ein krasser Unterschied. Schlichtes Landleben auf der einen Seite, glänzende Skyline auf der anderen.Read more

    • Day 15–17


      March 11 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Heute bei schwueler Hitze Stadtführung in Saigon. Chinatown mit Markt und Pagode, koloniales Zentrum, Rathaus mit Ho Chi Minh Standbild. Am Ende waren wir ziemlich platt, auch im übertragenen Sinne, denn zumindest das Zentrum von Saigon ist anders, als wir es uns vorgestellt hatten. Wirkt wie ein nobler Stadtteil von Paris.Read more

    • Day 134

      Saigon, Vietnam - War Memorial 1 of 3

      May 28, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 90 °F

      (Note: see the May 24th posting for our overall writeup of Vietnam)

      For those that remember this movie (Robin Williams’ memory will always be for a blessing), this story was a snapshot of the insanity that went on for the 10 years spent fighting this war/conflict on behalf of freedom and democracy. The movie is a story portraying a time shen it was often impossible to tell the “good guys” from the "bad guys”. We call this posting SAIGON rather than Ho Chi Minh city (its actual name since the war) for a few reasons: it is the name that most of the locals still use and is often on signs and posters as well as stores, it is a name that is associated with a memory that most Americans remember and lastly, Bruce has seen the Broadway Show (9 times) and been so moved by it that he would consider it wrong to call it anything else.

      Saigon, 800 square miles and a population of over 9 million people with a median age of 34 and with 60% under 30 years old (who all seem to be on motor scooters… at the same time) is a living example of Communism With Free Trade, a socialist market driven economy, is a growing and thriving city that has grown to a major capitalist city in the last 30 years with the help of World Bank loans and now many foreign investments.

      When you wonder how this Country is so capitalist driven although it is still a Communist nation (limited press, news and internet, etc), you need to look at how North Vietnam and eventually the entire Country became Communist, "just" as a way out of French Colonialism ... and Communism seemed the easiest path at the time. The kSaigon River meets Saigon on the East and forms an estuary as part of the Mekong Delta and near the South China Sea, making it quite a strategic location by sea.

      During our tour this day we saw the U.S. Embassy in Saigon built in 1952 and moved in 1967, infamous for the Viet Cong attack during the Tet Offensive and for the Fall of Saigon and the helicopter evacuation of over 20,000 prior to the surrender by South Vietnam as the embassy closed and the war ended. Ironically, on April 15, last month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in HANOI to break ground on a new $1.2B US Embassy there. He indicated that over the past 27 years, the relationship between Vietnam and the US has continually strengthened.

      We drove down Ham Nghi Street in District 1 the heart of the city, one of the most well-known public places and places to be seen in Saigon and then drove to Le Duan Street, the street of foreign embassies and Reunification Hall. We also saw the U.S. Former Commanders Chief house and Gia Long Palace, (at one point the Palace for the French and Japanese) now officially the Ho Chi Minh City Museum and the Independence Palace (the site of the Fall of Saigon when a North Vietnamese Army tank crashed through its gates).

      It was a busy day and in addition to the above the most moving places and where we spent a significant part of the day was the War Remnants Museum and Chu Chi tunnel.

      To know what to expect of the War Remnants Museum all you need to do is look at the museum’s name prior to 1995, “Exhibition House for Crimes of War and Aggression”. This Ho Chi Minh City government run museum, displays what they consider War Crimes and their consequences inflicted on the Vietnamese people by the U.S.

      Exhibits like “Requiem” (of photographs of the Vietnam war), “World Supports Vietnam in its Resistance to US Aggression”, “Imprisonment System” and “Agent Orange Consequences” give you an idea of how disturbing this museum is for visitors. See a few of the disturbing exhibits in the photos attached. This city did not see much of the fighting in the war but from the exhibits here you would think the war was fought here.

      A difficult morning!
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    • Day 134

      Saigon, Vietnam- Egg Art, Touring 3 of 3

      May 28, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 90 °F

      An overview of Saigon in photos (the "lightest" part of the day), motor bikes and stores galore. An interesting stop at a place where handicapped Vietnamese are trained on how to make art out of broken egg shells. Yes, we did buy a piece of art work ... our first purchase at all in over 4 months (but you will have to wait until we get home to see it since its not in the photos).

      Note: the first photo of The Kiss by Klimt is the background for our Ketubah, marriage license. This weeks Torah portion, Beha'alosecha, is about marriage and commitment of two people to learn to merge their lives together in harmony and love.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Quận Bốn, Quan Bon

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