Tỉnh Cao Bằng

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    • Tag 21–23

      Stopp 9 - Cao Bang (Vietnam)

      26. November 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Abfahrt um 6 Uhr morgens in Richtung Cao Bang und das viele Reisen der letzten 3 Wochen hat uns ein wenig geschlaucht🥱. Und so haben wir Tag 1 schön mit Mittagsschlaf und ner Runde Skipbo im Bett 🛌 verbracht.
      Anschließend haben wir die Stadt ein wenig erkundet. Nicht wirklich sehenswert und essenstechnisch sehr schwierig. Fast in jedem Gericht ist hier Fleisch mit Knochen🦴 .
      Heute haben wir uns einen Roller gemietet und haben die Höhle von Ho Chi Minh erkundet (Pac Bo Cave). Eine sehr schöne Landschaft mit vielen Mais- und Reisfeldern, sowie kleinen spitzen Hügeln war entlang des Weges. UND: Wir haben einen Fuß auf chinesisches Staatsgebiet gesetzt🇨🇳, nachdem die Höhle so nah an der Grenze war.

      Ab morgen geht es mit dem Roller 🛵 für die nächsten 3 Tage nach Norden. Wasserfälle, Flüsse, Höhlen und Berge warten auf uns.😍

    • Tag 24

      Khuoi Ky Stone Village (Cao Bang)

      19. Januar in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C


      Levée aux aurores pour prendre un bus pour Cao Bang. Je rentre à 7h dans le bus, heure d'arrivée prévue : 13h45. Cool, il fait beau, j'aurais le temps de voir la cascade en arrivant.
      On m'avait dit que le voyage allait m'apprendre la patience, mais la c'est la 💫PATIENCE💫. On est arrivés à 20 HEURES ! (Me demandez pas par quelle diablerie c'est possible j'en sais rien)
      AH ELLE A INTERÊT À ÊTRE TRÈS BELLE LA CASCADE ! La journée dans un "chicken bus" avec plus de gens qu'il ne peut contenir, en SPM, les écouteurs HS, personne ne parlant anglais, sans internet et avec un gosse qui braille (et qui me frappe au passage 🥲) j'étais prête à démarrer une guerre là 🙃
      Bref, je (re)paye le taxi et me voilà au homestay 🎉 Vous la sentez venir la douille ? C'ÉTAIT PAS LE BON FUCKING HOSTEL ! Bref, j'le sentais venir, je demande à appeler mes hôtes (pcq j'ai plus internet ne l'oublions pas 🤡) et enfiiiiin quelqu'un viens me chercher.
      Je crois que je suis la seule de l'hostel encore, je suis chez une famille adorable, la mamie est trop mignonne ! C'est un peu roots mais ça fait l'affaire.
      La mère a vu mon désespoir et elle m'a concocté un petit plat juste 🤌
      Au final, tout est bien qui finit bien, j'ai ma chambre chez une petite famille trop mignonne et demain je vais pouvoir attaquer une grasse mat' et les cascades (à moins d'une heure de marche).
      Bon le village est paumé donc pour passer au Laos ou rejoindre Hanoï ça va encore être sportif mais on verra ça dans 2 jours. En attendant, on va appeler quelques copaings histoire de recharger les batteries ! C'est tout pour aujourd'huiiii

      Allez des bisouuuus

    • Tag 94

      Bâo Lac (bike trip🏍️)

      25. Mai 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Plans had to change last minute due to the bad condition of the road. Because of the heavy rain there where landslides, fallen trees and floods everywhere on our way to the National Park of Ba Be. So at some point we couldn't cross the river because of a huge overflow. We had to drive all the way back and find another way, so it would have been to long to get there, so we ended up finding another way and ditching on Ba Be. Still we found an interesting town with a very nice market, and we decided to go towards China from there. So Sebastian decided to go back to Hanoi from here, so it was departing time. It was a sad and a weird feeling to spread after so many days, we were already such a formed group.
      💡Travelling tips: you'll find that they have wifi even on the dirtiest and most simple places, so always ask for it because you might be surprised!

    • Tag 94

      Cao Bâng (bike trip🏍️)

      25. Mai 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Gabi and I drove towards China on our own. We found a beautiful place to crash and did some yoga. And... Sun came back!!! Still we are the only tourists (at least foreigners) everywhere, what a blast. But the end of this biking trip is getting closer, and I would keep on riding with Gabi for sooo much longer still.

      🏠 Accomodation: Luong Son Homestay (only con is that they don't serve breakfast)

    • Tag 95

      Almost in China! Ban Gioc (bike trip🏍️)

      26. Mai 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Drove towards Ban Gioc waterfall, visited different ethnic villages on the way specialised on different works (incense village, paper village, metal and stone), which were truly beautiful, but so poor and basic at the same time. You could see the big gap with the more modern areas. After that we went to the very expected waterfall, which wasn't so beautiful because of the rainy season and the water looked brown and choppy, but still you could feel its power and strength. After that enjoyed an astonishing vieepoint hidden behind a pagoda, had a quick nap, and visited a cave. This town was super interesting, but surrounded of national tourists. So even though we were the only foreigners, the feeling of being lost wasn't so strong.

      📍Essentials: viewpoint of China and waterfall, traditional villages, Ngoc cave
      🏠 Accomodation: Lan Homestay (food was expensive but amazing)

    • Tag 9

      En direction de Bao Lac

      4. Dezember 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Randonnée vers le sommet Ma Pi Leng. Départ au monument hommage aux travailleurs qui ont construit la route.

      Visite d'un village Lolo noir où un homme déjà saoule nous accueille chez lui.

      On finit à Bao Lac.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 30

      Ban Gioc Waterfall

      23. Oktober 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      After two days riding, Don and I met up with Hans in the eastern city of Cao Bang. It's a fairly large city and is the provincal capital. It's located in the middle of the province, on the banks of the Bang Giang River. The ride from Meo Vac to Cao Bang was fairly easy, after Don and I sorted out our route. We left Meo Vac and drove in completely the wrong direction, on a twisty mountain pot-holed road, in a heavy drizzle, for a good 15 km before figuring out our mistake! Hans could see us on the map (thanks to Google location sharing), and texted and called, trying in vain to reach us. Oops. Well, an hour later we were finally heading in the right direction.

      Our ride took us on a lovely, wide, well-banked and well-maintained road. We headed up and over a high pass, shrouded in mist, dropped to a river valley, and then went up and over several more passes until the air became tropical, where we stopped to take off a layer. We drove through villages and construction sites, slowed for kids getting out of school, and water buffalo crossing the road. At a coffee stop on our second day, we happened upon a praying mantis that was at least 8 or 10 inches long. It was just sitting on the concrete floor of the open air cafe. I desperately didn't want anyone to step on it, but just as desperately didn't want to touch it. So I kept my eye on it and shooed away the dogs that were very curious about it. Just as we were leaving, as I clapped my hands at the dogs and shooed them off, a local woman walked by and I pointed to it. She was wearing a traditional dress we hadn't seen before -- a white headscarf, slacks, white blouse. She reached down and plucked it off the ground, holding it fairly gently right behind its head. The praying mantis was fluttering its huge wings and waving its 8 legs. It was almost clacking. She held it up to me; I shook my head and started laughing. She started laughing and tried to put it on my shoulder, but I shrieked. The woman's friend and everyone else in the cafe started laughing as well. Howling! I could only imagine what they were thinking: how could this person be afraid of bugs? She then tossed the praying mantis in the air, it fluttered off, and we both continued to laugh.

      Anyway, the waterfall. The Ban Gioc waterfall is one of the world's wonders. It's river marks the border with China and is about 80 km north of Cao Bang. It consists of two waterfalls on the Quay Son River. The water drops 98 feet and is separated into multiple falls by the topography: rocks and trees. The ground all around is wet, and it feels like it's raining (in addition to the actual rain)! And it's thunderously loud.

      Standing on the Vietnamese side we saw tour boats circling one another as they made their way up to the base of the falls. Upon reaching shore Hans immediately said, 'Let's go!' and hobbled down the gang plank to the next boat out. It was great fun. We sat right up front and were often within arm's reach of the people on the Chinese sister boats. Our boat made it right to the base of the falls and we all got damp in the mist. As our boat swung back around it came within three meters of the Chinese shoreline. Don and I wanted to jump ship to see what might happen, but Hans' voice of reason called us back.

      Once back on land, we helped Hans get settled at a cafe, then wandered through the stalls looking for gift-y things. No go, but we had a good time shopping and playing with the cutest puppies ever. Once the rain lifted, we walked back out to the waterfalls to admire the cascades.

      And little did I know, my days as a regular run-of-the-mill tourist were just about to end. I was approached by a woman in a bright red Vietnam t-shirt, with a yellow star on the front, and 'Love Vietnam' on the back in yellow script. She was waving her phone, and beckoned me up to a monument marking the border. At first, I thought she wanted me to take her picture. But, no. She wanted me to be in her selfie. Within minutes, a dozen of her friends, all wearing identical t-shirts, were posing with me. Then group shots! I am going to be all over Instagram and social media, I just know it.

      After a stop at a Bhuddist temple overlook, and a stop at the border (where we almostblost Don!) we lingered over a looong lunch. On our way back to Cao Bang, we stopped at a small village, famous for its knife making and other forging skills.

      Definitely a highlight day. I didn't even know it was on my bucket list, but it was definitely one of those places. I loved waving to the Chinese tourists, and also seeing the joy of the Vietnamese tourists. People love their country here, and are so proud of its beauty. And they seem to embrace tourists.

      It's a wonderful place to travel.


    • Tag 61

      Peaceful lake day

      31. Mai 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Northern Vietnam consists mainly of mountains. Cute looking karst mountains covered in trees and other greens. They kinda look fluffy. Between the mountains there are valleys. Even more fluffy. Green and lush valleys where people grow rice, corn, bananas, indian shot, and some kind of reed or grass we didn't know but we think it's used for feeding animals.

      Driving through northern Vietnam feels like this: up the mountain (use lower gear, steep curvy road) - down the mountain (use brakes, steep curvy road) - through the valley and the village (drive slowly, there's so much to see, sometimes animals are blocking the road) - and up the mountain again. ☺️

      We spent a chill day at Thang Hen lake and went to Angel Eye Mountain, where we saw two buffalos wallow in the mud. It's super peaceful in those little villages. Fun fact: strawberries grow here! Real forest strawberries, just like back home! 😃

    • Tag 13

      Cao Bang

      14. April in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Finally I got some time for writing. From northest part of the Vietnam I drove the motorbike to Cao Bang and explore a bit the close surronding.

      It wasn't so much to tell. The nature here was still very nice. The intresting part was the biggest waterfall in Vietnam, exactly on the border with china (there was a river, which split the two countries into, and between the waterfall). Well, the histrory about the chinese-vietnam war in 1979 was intresting. I didn't know about it. Two comunist's countries fought against each other. Funny! And actually the relationships are still not very good.

      Another intresting thing in Vietnam are some small villages which are/were specialized for specific wares. Normally, if you don't have a motorbike it's almost impossible to visit them, but luckily I have. So I visited a village which almost in every house produce the cinnamon, marble sculptures, incenses (vonné tyčinky), rice nuddles, knives, paper, wood curving and iron castings. All of them of course just handwork not a lot of machines. Man can't see something like this in europe anymore. Also the work protection was funny. Especially in iron casting village.

      Well, than the next stop will be the famous Halong Bay, which is one of the seventh new wonders of the world and many films ware filmed there (King Kong, James Bond ...). I hope, that I will get there a bit of relax, because I am already a bit tired after the 2 hard weeks of an exploration. So I am going to book a two days cruise there. The weather is still perfect!

    • Tag 72

      Day 72

      17. April in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Hanoi > Cao Bang

      So it turns out that this hostel (that I had stayed at for a few nights before) provides FREE BREAKFAST. And I didn't know this until today as Megan let me know last night. I'm not sure if I'm fuming because I missed out on breakfast or glad that I atleast got one free one.

      I then walked over to the bus office and checked in, before grabbing a quick Banh Mi as I didn't want to get on the bus and get hungry. The bus was pretty long - it left at 11 and didn't arrive till half 5 and oh my God my ass was sore. I'm not sure if it was the seats or what but I was so uncomfortable that I ended up putting my blanket under me for a last resort of padding. Depsite the discomfort I powered on and decided to be responsible and finally book my flight home. It's a little worrying knowing that I'm not even in the same county as my flight but I can officially confirm I'll be home at 6.40pm on the 17th May - exactly 1 month away (if I make the flight). I also enquired to 2 hostels about booking the Ha Giang Loop. It's safe to say I felt pretty prepared for once which is a new feeling for me.

      I ended up booking the same hostel as the other 2 people on my bus as they also wanted to do the Cao Bang Loop and said that they that this one rented bikes so I didn't bother checking anywhere else. The hostel was actually really nice and I ended up meeting a few people and heading to dinner with them in town. We chose a random place and the waitress said that one of the plates was her special so I just ordered it without even looking. What came was a whole plate of meat in a broth with 2 pieces of bread. It was absolutely delicious and I am so glad I went with what she suggested. I had to dip from the meal early and head back to the hostel as my uni was hosting a teams call about module choices for my final year. I didn't want to leave anything too late and miss out on the modules I wanted so a long 2 and a half hours later I ended up calling my friend Mann and talking about the choices before I made my final decision and submitted.

      Whilst I was sitting on the balcony on the phone, out of nowhere a huge thunder storm came our of nowhere and the rain poured as heavy as the wind blew, and there were bursts of lighting every few seconds for over an hour. I tried capturing some of the lighting but my phone is nowhere near good enough but I don't think I'll ever get bored of seeing the electricity dance across the sky. With that, it ended up being quite a real life back at home productive day and I was excited to start the 3 day loop tomorrow.

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    Tỉnh Cao Bằng, Tinh Cao Bang

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