Tỉnh Cao Bằng

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    • Dia 74

      Day 74

      19 de abril, Vietnã ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Cao Bang Loop Day 2

      I'm about a week behind writing these so my recollection may not be all there.

      After a terrible night sleep from being woken up by the roosters (which I didn't mind) then being kept awake by the rattling of footsteps through the thinly constructed walls and floor (which I did mind) I mustered myself out of bed not super ready to attack the day. Although, being able to open the shutters in my room and look out at the fields was quite nice. I had a quick breakfast of pancakes and fruit then checked out and headed towards the cave.

      The cave was right by the waterfall but I had to kill some time before the dam at the waterfall opened at 11. The cave was okay. It was pretty decently sized but honestly I've been in quite a few caves now and I'm a little bit over them. After a brief run through I headed towards the waterfall, stopping at the Stone Village where all the houses felt very small European village. After a quick drink and a walk around I finally headed to the Ban Gioc waterfalls.

      I parked up at a considerably more busy carpark than yesterday, paid for my entry and wandered in. Apparently it's the 4th biggest waterfall on an international border which is a very specific but nonetheless cool fact. It was also a big tourist hot spot as the waterfall is only "good" between 11 and 2 so everyone comes in those times. People were selling pictures riding horses whilst wearing cowboy hats. Definitely not my vibe but when I got to the waterfall I found a bench and sat for a while, watching the boats do circles in the water. When the dam opened it revealed even more to the waterfall around to the side too. Eventually I felt I had taken in the waterfall and got ready to do a bit of walking around when I saw a half fenced off pathway leading up towards the waterfall, and then a minute later I see a couple people making their way down. I asked them what's up there and they say that after about 15 minutes and a bit of a climb there's a nice little view away from the people and the boats. Perfect.

      I made my way around the fence and in about 5 minutes I reached a bit of a dead end with not a super view and not the walk through the field that the couple said there was. A bit confused I turned around and found my way onto the path they were talking about. They warned me to remember my way back which was good advice as the path was pretty feint and quite diverging. Eventually I got to where I assume they were talking about and scurried a bit too close to the massive drop and waterfall below me but got a nice view out of it. Not wanting to forget the way I came (plus very hungry) I made my way back only getting a little lost and headed out.

      I got some Pho across the road from the entrance and followed it with some ice cream before getting on my way as I had some kilometers to cover and it was well past lunch time. Something about the roads on the loop is that generally they were in really good condition but there were so many animals in the road. Whether that was dogs, chickens, buffalo, cows, or goats something was always laying in the street or ready to jump out and it made it quite a challenge to dodge anything with a death wish. Luckily there isn't much traffic except for the fairly frequent farmer walking a small herd of buffalo down the road (which I honestly couldn't tell you why).

      After a while I made my way to a walking track that was meant to give a good view at the top. I parked up and had to walk behind this dudes house in this tiny village but then I got to the path that lead up. Feeling springy I jogged up this one till I got to a nice rock with a perfect seat for the view down the valley. Thinking that was it, I sat for a bit admiring the view before realising that the path continued and I was curious where it took me as I thought I was already at the "spot". Have you ever heard the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat"? Well I certainly felt like the cat. As I wandered up the path it was becoming clearer and clearer that this was becoming less and less trodden (but still fairly obvious) as people assumedly turned back. Unfortunately, my curiosity wouldn't let me stop going and I just *HAD* to see where the path lead. I kept venturing for maybe 30 minutes deeper into the jungle, with seemingly no end to this path. I then realised I had no phone signal and no one knew where I was if something were to happen, so being quite sweaty and dirty from battling through the jungle I turned back and followed the path back. Unfortunately, the path had split in 2 directions and I wasn't super sure the way I came as most things looked like trees and there wasn't many markers. Knowing I wasn't lost but just a bit confused, I made my way up one of the tracks to see if it led to anywhere recognisable. I ran into a disappearing track and small herd of cattle blocking the way so I decided to head back the other route. Eventually it led back to where I recognised and even though I was never off the track, I still got a bit panicked I'd end up lost so you can say I learnt my lesson. I got back down completely sweaty and headed out.

      After no more official stops, I made it to where my homestay would be that night. I had to ride down this bumpy dirt and gravel track which required some good evasive techniques but eventually I ended up at 1 last stop a minute from my homestay. The stunning "Angel Eye Mountain" is a limestone karst with a cave going all the way through meaning you can see the sky through it. Plus it stands tall in a wonderful lush green plains below it. I got there just at sunset as well which meant 2 great sunsets 2 days in a row, lucky lucky me!

      I checked in to a relatively expensive but super nice homestay and got ready to chill for the evening. They had about 5 or 6 dogs that were very excitable and great to play with, running around like crazy. It wasn't until I met a small curly hair little dude that my heart melted as all he wanted was to cuddle up to me. Turns out his name was Sam! It was really meant to be. I had some dinner, with little Sam sleeping on my lap then went for a shower before cuddling up to Sam again whilst I watched some Netflix (Castaway is a pretty good movie). Overall it was a really nice evening except for the stupidly low wooden beam in the bedroom which I hit my head against not once but twice, sending me to the floor on the 2nd time and leaving behind a bump right on top of my head.
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    • Dia 97

      Camping in Thác Nâm Tra (bike trip🏍️)

      28 de maio de 2022, Vietnã ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Drove around the frontier with China for the day and enjoyed the immensity of the mountains. It felt so cool to be so close to such a powerful country! After that decided to go to sleep to a lake, but because it was to rainy for the hammock, rented a tent from a man we found on the internet and camped on a super priviledged spot with the best views ever! Made a beautiful fire (that disn't last for long because we had to hide from the rain), suffered some wine rice (what a bad taste!), Got mud everywhere, swam a little bit and woke up literaly insise the lake!

      📍Essentials: camp in Thac Nam Tra
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    • Dia 74

      Ha Giang

      16 de setembro de 2022, Vietnã ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Von Ha Giang aus gestartet Richtung Lung Fu (Flagpole).
      Die erste Stunde Fahrt war wunderschön: kurvige Straßen die Berge rauf und runter und alles riecht nach Zimt und war leicht verregnet - Herbstfeeling.
      Danach war ich so weit oben auf den Bergen, dass ich in den Wolken war. Durch die Fichten und den Nebel gab's hier richtiges Kalmit-Feeling.
      Es hat richtig angefangen zu regnen und durch den Nebel könnte man kaum etwas sehen. Daher gab's einen Stop mit heißem Tee zum Aufwärmen und "Trocknen". Das Wetter sah nicht nach Besserung aus, deshalb die kurzfristige Entscheidung doch direkt Richtung Bao Lac (Süden) zu fahren.
      Auf der Strecke waren einige Erdrutsche an denen man vorbei musste. Zudem wird gerade die Nationalstraße 2 ausgebaut wodurch zum Teil kilometerlange Strecken über Schotter und Schlamm führen. Unschönes Gefühl bei Bergstrecken ohne Absperrung und LKWs auf der "Gegenspur" 😅.
      Mitten auf dem Berggipfel habe ich Arthur wiedergetroffen, der mir von Straßensprengungwn am Vortag erzählt hat. 5 Fahrtminuten später wird die Straße vor mir gesprengt 😄..
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    • Dia 87

      Reisernte und Besäufnis

      21 de setembro de 2022, Vietnã ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Eines der schönsten Erlebnisse auf dieser Reise hat sich hier in diesem wunderschönen Bergdorf abgespielt. Hier gibt es kaum Touristen und wir sind in einem super süßen Homestay gelandet mit der Liebenswürtigsten Gastfamilie der Welt.
      Das ganze Dorf ist super hilfsbereit und als wir aus einer Höhle raus kamen sind wir irgendwie an einem Tisch voll Männer gelandet mit denen wir ca 15 Reisschnäpse trinken mussten. Unterhalten haben wir uns über Google translation. Es war eine unfassbar prägendes Erlebnis den obwohl keiner den anderen verstand aben wir 1 Stunde lachend zusammen verbracht.
      Am nächsten Tag hat uns unsere Gastfamilie zur Reis Ernte eingeladen und das hat super Spaß gemacht, wir haben viel über anbei und Ernte gelernt und da das ganze Dorf hilft haben wir die Männer von gestern natürlich wieder getroffen. Mittlerweile hat das ganze Dorf von den trinkfesten deutschen Mädels gehört und alle wollten mal mit uns sprechen und während der Mittagspause natürlich einen Schnaps trinken.
      Problem an der Sache war das es mal wieder mit 3 Bier und sehr sehr viel Reisschnaps geendet hat und wir aber mittags um 3 mit dem Bus weiter reisen wollten. Es folgten fürchterliche Stunden im Bus aber das war es allemal Wert.
      Die Gastfreundschaft die wir vom ganzen Dorf erfahren durften war wirklich einmal.
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    • Dia 6

      Quay Son River

      2 de junho de 2023, Vietnã ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Unser Ausflug zum Wasserfall war sehr schön!
      Der Wasserfall ist der viert größte Wasserfall auf der Welt an einer Staatsgrenze. Der größte sind die Niagarafälle an der Grenze vom den USA und Kanada

    • Dia 15

      Getting wet on our drive to Cao Bang

      18 de setembro de 2023, Vietnã ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      This was a longer drive taking us almost 4 hours but we took the scenic route close to the Chinese border, the “ secret Ha Giang pass”. There was construction up the pass but as “experienced “riders now even Charly’s non off road bike did well. This was also the first we had proper rain. Until now er had only had a few dryzzle but when we saw the dark clouds ahead we stopped to put on our jackets. We were properly soaked but it was actually a nice cool down from the heat. Less comfortable was the water pooling on our seat and running down our legs. Maybe next time we try the poncho like the locals. Cao bang is a more industrial town that had a lot of big road construction and new apartments built, so they seem to have some plans for the city. Also something we noticed is that the streets are always cleaned in the evening so overall it’s cleaner than many European cities.Leia mais

    • Dia 51

      Etappe 4 Meo Vac-Cao Bang 🤙🏻😎

      22 de novembro de 2023, Vietnã ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute gibt es nichts spektakuläres zu berichten. Wir waren einige Stunden auf dem Bike und unterwegs gab es kaum etwas zu sehen außer natürlich die schöne Natur 😎

      Dafür sind wir überrascht wie groß Cao Bang ist und wie toll unsere Unterkunft (Tit Mit Homestay…absolut empfehlenswert!!!). Nach der langen Fahrt wollten wir auch mal was anderes essen…mal wieder etwas europäischer…wir wagen den Versuch eine Pizza zu essen…bemerkenswert hier in Asien, bei jeder Bestellung wird entweder was vergessen oder falsch gebracht. So wird aus einer vegetarischen Pizza einfach mal eine Seafood 🙈 Fazit…Pommes waren super, Pizza können sie einfach nicht 😅
      Alkohol war dann wieder Top 😂
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    • Dia 127

      Bao Lac

      31 de dezembro de 2023, Vietnã ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      L’ultimo giorno dell’anno abbiamo vissuto un’altra avventura e abbiamo guidato per 3 ore verso Bao Lac, un piccolo paesino nelle montagne.
      Abbiamo viaggiato su una strada di montagna, andando su e giù e facendo tante curve.
      È stato molto bello ed emozionante.
      Abbiamo però vissuto anche una parte piuttosto paurosa. Nella zona c’è un bellissimo passo (Khau Coc Cha) con tante curve (allego una foto di come dovrebbe essere in condizioni normali).
      Purtroppo stanno facendo diversi lavori di rinnovo e la strada è un casino: packer, trivelle e camion che rompono e muovono sassi, sabbia e polvere ovunque, e una strada tortuosa, sabbiosa e sassosa, dove bisogna fare attenzione a non scivolare o perdere l’equilibrio. In più c’e molta pendenza quindi rende il viaggio ancora più difficile.
      Però ce l’abbiamo fatta e siamo arrivato a Bao Lac sani e salvi.
      Ma eravamo così stanchi che abbiamo fatto cena e alle 20.00 siamo andati a dormire.
      È stata una bella fine 2023 😃


      On the last day of the year we had another adventure and drove for 3 hours to Bao Lac, a small village in the mountains.
      We traveled on a mountain road, going up and down and making lots of turns. It was very beautiful and exciting.
      However, we also experienced a rather fearful part. In the area there is a beautiful pass (Khau Coc Cha) with many curves (I am attaching a photo of how it should be in normal conditions). Unfortunately they are doing several renovations and the street is a mess: packers, drills and trucks that break and move stones, sand and dust everywhere, and a terrible, sandy and stony road, where you have to be careful not to slip or lose the balance. In addition, there is a lot of slope so it makes the journey even more difficult.
      But we did it and we arrived at Bao Lac safe and sound.
      We were so tired that we had dinner and at 20.00 we went to sleep.
      A nice end of 2023 😃
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    • Dia 80–81

      Quảng Uyên (day 12)

      2 de fevereiro, Vietnã ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      A typical start to the day, but we decided to opt for a lighter breakfast of fresh fruit with our black coffees. The street was bustling again with vendors displaying their wares. The shop between the hotel and cafe had skinned pig heads smoking 🐷. S said it’s a delicacy, and used thinly sliced in various dishes around Lunar New Years. A spotted a vendor with deep Fried bread balls. They had a little sweet bean paste inside, chewy and delicious 😜

      We left town, destined for Khau Coc Cha Mountain pass. We were excited as the photos in the hotel lobby looked like we were in a for an epic ride. S mentioned that some tourists had issues riding the road and were injured 😵 so they were improving the road to widen the turns 😔 Sadly, the whole area was under construction repair, and very rough. Thankfully no one was working, so our ride was fairly unobstructed. The continuous mountain ridges and cascading valleys provided a number of smaller steep passes with multiple tight corners for our riding pleasure, making up for the anticlimactic initial pass…

      Our trajectory kept us close to the China-Vietnam boarder where we found ourselves on an intermittently muddy track with the occasional "Vietnam Boarder Beltline" sign we can only assume indicates the road is primarily used for patrols. We connected with the main road and veered through the Vietnam boarder town, Sóc Giang.

      Heading east for a short stint brought us to Ha Quang, where we stopped in the 24C heat for a quick lunch of the usual fare. After our break we zipped along a narrow track highway, and various single track concrete roads. S decided the ride was in need of a little more off-road action, so took us on a detour through a very rugged and rocky trail meandering through some of the local farms.

      Eventually we found ourselves in a lush green rolling field scattered with various herds grazing. We wondered why there wasn’t much farming in the valley, only to find out it floods into a shallow lake during summer. After a couple bends in the valley, we had an amazing view of a mountain with One Eye (Nui Mat Than), the eye. We waved to the group of Aussies and Brits we had met a couple days earlier, but they were going the other direction. We soon found out why. A nearly impassable short section that took all three of us to maneuver the bikes through the slippery muddy rocky path, one at a time. We were exhausted and drenched in sweat after 30 minutes of slipping, lifting, and pushing. The effort paid off as the valley continued to open up in a heavenly lost-world fashion.

      One final steep muddy slope, and we were on a flat mucky track back to the main road. We stopped briefly to hose off the mud and manure before meandering through the twisty flat valleys, and into Quảng Uyên for the night at our hotel.

      It's the first hotel with a shower stall of glass! Only half the bathroom got wet as it still leaked a bit. Amazingly the beds are not rock hard 🥳

      Dinner was scrumptious! "KFC" chicken, as S called it; very tender too! Sweet and sour mini ribs, greens with garlic, pickled cabbage and fried rice.
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    • Dia 33

      Nach Cao Bang

      22 de março, Vietnã ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Wie die Sardinien wurden wir in den Bus gequetscht. Auf halber Strecke umsteigen, auch nicht besser. 6 Stunden wurden für die Fahrt von 350 km voranschlagt, das schaffen wir nie.
      Um 1 kein Ende in Sicht. Um 16:00 hatten wir es geschafft.
      Cao Bang gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut. Guter Vibe. Nette Menschen, viel Grün und warm...
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Tỉnh Cao Bằng, Tinh Cao Bang

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