Tỉnh Đắk Lắk

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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Tỉnh Đắk Lắk
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    • Dag 251

      Thac Dray Sap, Vietnam

      12. februar 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Now that I'm sufficiently off the tourist trail it's time to do as the locals do; namely, a day at the waterfalls theatrically gossiping about neighbors and roasting chickens and fish over open flames.Læs mere

    • Dag 28

      Easy Rider Tag 2 I

      6. november 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Am nächsten Tag geht es wieder auf die Straße. Vorher steht schon neben unserer Unterkunft ein gesattelter Elefant und uns wird eine Elefantentour angeboten. Dem Elefanten fehlt ein Stoßzahn und der Elefantenführer hat seinen Haken am Ohr des Elefanten. Wir füttern und streicheln den Elefanten nur. Boo meint später, dass es für den Elefanten eher eine Auszeit gewesen wäre, wenn wir auf ihm geritten wären, weil er normalerweise ein Arbeitselefant ist, der im Dschungel arbeitet...
      Auf dem Weg halten wir wieder an verschiedenen Stellen und ernten zum Beispiel Kaffee.
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    • Dag 28

      Chau NamKa bridge, Vietnam

      8. januar 2020, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Everywhere in Asia they want to sell you tours to floating villages. I never did such a tour, because it seemed too tourist... This time it felt like hitting this floating village by accident. Sure it was not 🤪 - Dung knows his country pretty well... So we just cruised through the hills and the lake side, suddenly crossed a bridge and made a stop in the middle of the bridge. We took some time to enjoy the view and bought some dried fish 🐟🐟 later, because this is what theses people live from.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Dak Lak Wedding - Day 1

      4. juli 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today i taxied (grab ®️ ed) a ride to the airport and caught a flight ($50) to buon ma thuot... which I'm sure needs no intro haha. Followed by a driver taking us 30 mins into the mountains of dak lak. Really pretty area where mountains meet rice patties.

      We were dropped off at the end of a lane way to a country farm house and as we approached i realized very quickly i was not the average bear here and perhaps i would not be able to fit in.
      Everyone stopped what they were doing like the music abruptly stopped and stared directly at me. Yie, what had i decided on? It was this or a cool beach town that looked like cabarete. Everyone who knows me at all knows what a hard decision i had made.

      People approached me with bewilderment in their eyes and warm smiles on their faces. I was like a rainbow unicorn haha. Kids giggled near me and wherever i walked, all eyes were on me.

      Dinner time finally came and we were seated at a 10 person table, full of platters of food, a hotpot, and a case of beer at my feet under the table. I think there were maybe 150+ people? I was asked several times how much beer i could handle lol.. unaware of exactly where that was heading... BTW, this is at the bride's family house.

      My newly acquired chopstick skills failed me badly. They weren't ready for this kind of public scrutiny. The woman next to me very quickly recognized my struggles and charitably transferred some food from table food platters to my bowl. Yie what a relief. Every eye was watching me struggle to tap my chopstick ends together while catherine whispered words of encourage to me like a teacher to her student. Embarrassing!

      Then the parade of people showing up at the table, cheering me, started. Different males walked up, smiled at me, beaming with their bravado and tapped glasses with only me. They wanted me to drink beer with them but i didn't quite understand what was incomplete in their eyes each time. They wanted the whole glass drank in one go.

      At first the groom expressed a lot of concern for where it was heading with me but then he sat me at his table with his best friends and egged me on to chug beers too. And by the end of the night he adamantly expressed how much it would mean to him if i could stay for the entire 3 day celebration of this union until sunday. Very touching.

      Every male came by before leaving to shake my hand and every female waved with a warm smile.. i swear i am (much!) more popular than the wedding couple. Then i was given a place to sleep on the floor under a mosquito net in front of a buddhist shrine to finish my night. I was the only person in the shrine room.. no idea if that was by design. But was a nice way to end a really crazy night here.
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    • Dag 6

      Dak Lak Wedding - Day 2

      5. juli 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I have a better handle on how this wedding celebration works now. Its 4 consecutive parties. Two at bride's house, an informal one in the evening and a formal one in the morning, followed by an informal evening one at groom's house and another formal one the following morning. After that the bride moves into the groom's house to live with family.

      The morning party had everyone dressed up and the bride in her wedding dress. Today the guest list was 500 people! People were very interested in me still but much more sedated this time around. Probably because everyone was sober. Which was great as i wasn't exactly feeling tip top. The food being served was overwhelming. Not everything to my tastes but overall very good. Funny to see how creatively they could tear apart a chicken breast with only chopsticks. No one tried to get me chug any beers thank god haha.

      The evening affair was at the grooms house, also 500 people and this time there was only rice wine on the tables. Tasted like pure alcohol which probably explains why we all had tiny shot glasses. My celebrity status was back. Everyone wanted to come by and meet me and usually have a shot too. A few made me sit at their table and would pour me shots over and over so i really had to have a continual escape plan.

      But things got weirdest when i kept being asked to get up on stage to sing a song. Even the groom took me aside and requested it. I repeatedly declined politely. They also wanted me to do some bizarre solo dance on stage to their music.. which resembles nothing like what we have back home.

      At one point, three guys physically carried me onto the stage where i stood sheepishly for a moment laughing, raised my hand to acknowledge my fans and apologized and found my seat again haha. I wish i had all this on video.

      Following that, went back to the brides house where i was staying. The father of the bride showed me how he makes his own rice wine which had a lot more machinery than i expected. He also told me he wants me to come back and stay with them the next time i am back. And he wants to come visit me in canada as well. I am part of the family now.
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    • Dag 30

      Buôn Ma Thuột, Vietnam

      10. januar 2020, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Noodle 🍜 is not noodle, so I learned today. There is the south noodle, which is round and thin and the north noodle, which is flat and thicker. They put some water in the rice flour, mix it and put it on top into the machine. By the way, you can change the rotational speed of the machine. The noodles are cut, dried a first time, combed and dried a second time. Looks definitely different to the production of „yellow“ noodles 🍝.Læs mere

    • Dag 22


      20. marts 2017, Vietnam

      Heute stand eine Besichtigung von Gewächshäusern auf dem Programm (aka Thema "Landwirtschaft und Ernährung") sowie die Besichtigung eines Marktes. Ich habe bereits meine ersten (Insekten-)Mückenstiche bekommen.
      Wir sind auf dem Liangbiang Peak gewandert, bzw. halb gefahren. Von dort hatte man eine wunderschöne Aussicht. Am Abend gab es erneut eine Gruppenarbeit (und leckeres Essen), dessen Inhalt mir sechs Jahre später auch nicht mehr bekannt ist.

      Normalerweise bekommen wir nach den Exkursionen immer noch einen Exkursionsführer, bzw. manchmal wird er schon im Vorfeld erstellt. Ich glaube, bei dieser Exkursion war dies nicht der Fall. Wobei ich die Exkursionsführer der anderen Exkursionen auch entsorgt habe. #Minimalismus. Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich die Reisen gerade digitalisiere. Somit können meine zerfledderten Reisetagebücher demnächst auch getrost in den Müll wandern.
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    • Dag 28

      Easy Rider Tag 2 III

      6. november 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Wir laden unsere Sachen bei der Unterkunft ab und fahren weiter zum Wasserfall. Dort schwimmen wir und grillen das Fleisch vom Markt. Abends spielen wir noch Billiard und Boo packt wieder Happy Juice aus.Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Hõ Ea Kao

      25. juni 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Lake Ea Kao is only 12km from Buon Ma Thuot. We started by riding along the dam wall. The refections across the lake were amazing. Rice fields and tumble down shacks dot the landscape here. On the far side of the lake we found a park with picnic tables under cool shady trees. It was a brilliant place to relax.Læs mere

    • Dag 249

      Lien Son/Lak, Vietnam

      10. februar 2016, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 3 °C


      The finish line to the longest, most rewarding day with the Governor so far. Turns out I made it out lucky, as a Frenchman and French-Canadian traveller I met at dinner got stuck in the jungle for a night.

      Oh yeah and I ran across some casual elephants...
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