Tỉnh Hòa Bình

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    • Dag 46

      Buchtipps 2

      19 mars, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Da das Wetter aktuell trüb und heute das 1. Mal in unserem Urlaub etwas regnerisch und ungemütlich ist, haben wir viel Zeit zum lesen. Zeit für weitere Buchempfehlungen - eines spielt in der Zeit vor dem 2. Weltkrieg, eines danach.
      1) "Die Schule am Meer" - Sandra Lüpkes
      Mitte der 20er Jahren gründen Lehrer ein reformpädagogisches Internat auf der kleinen ostfriesischen Insel Juist. Vor dem Hintergrund der politischen Entwicklungen in Deutschland erzählt das Buch vom (Zusammen-) Leben der Menschen im Internat und auf der Insel. Toll geschrieben!
      Die Schule und viele der Figuren gab es wirklich, die Autorin hat lange auf der Insel gelebt.…
      2) "Das Scheißleben meines Vaters, das Scheißleben meiner Mutter und meine eigene Scheißjugend" - Andreas Altmann
      Das Buch handelt von der Kindheit des Autors in der Nachkriegszeit in Altötting. Es ist eine gnadenlose Abrechnung mit dem gewalttätigen Vater, aber auch mit der Kirche und den bigotten Pfarrern. Schwere Kost.…
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    • Dag 44


      17 mars, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Ganz entspannt ist es hier auf dem Land 😌.
      Nebenan leben recht glückliche Hühner. Man sieht sie hier auch überall frei herumlaufen.
      Der Salat aus dem Garten kommt am Abend auf den Tisch. Die Eier zum Frühstück.
      Interessant ist das Bewässerungssystem, das auf den Feldern installiert ist. Gedüngt wird wohl mit Rinderdung, der in Betonkästen vorgehalten wird.
      Das Auge erfreut sich an der Natur und man entdeckt immer wieder etwas Neues. Insgesamt sind wir recht faul, lesen, spielen Karten, unterhalten uns mit den anderen Gästen oder hören uns Vorträge aus dem Bayerischen Wald über Pilze an (...Fortbildung für den Waldführer).
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    • Dag 42

      Mai Chau Valley Retreat

      15 mars, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Unsere Reise führt uns nun in den nördlichen Teil Vietnams. Heute sind wir in der Nähe von Mai Chau angekommen, einem kleinen Dorf 3 1/2 Stunden entfernt von Hanoi.
      Wir sind in einer sehr naturnahen Unterkunft mit hübschen Bungalows aus Holz und Palmenblättern mitten im Grünen. Bisher waren wir in größeren Städten bzw. infrastrukturell sehr erschlossenen Arealen unterwegs. Hier ist es ganz anders und sehr ländlich. Die Fahrt nach Mai Chau war schon ein Erlebnis mit Blick auf die grünen Hügel und die Reisfelder - wie man sich Vietnam vorstellt.
      Es ist nun Abend und wir hören kein Hupen, kein Motorengeräusch 🙏, statt dessen die Grillen, Frösche, Geckos und anderes Getier. Und ganz aus der Ferne Karaoke 😉.
      Heute Nachmittag haben wir einen kleinen Spaziergang gemacht, ganz treu begleitet vom Hund unserer Unterkunft. Neben Reis wird in der Gegend auf kleinen Parzellen ganz viel Gemüse angebaut. Direkt hinter unserem Bungalow konnten wir die Bauern auf den Feldern beobachten. Wunderschön sieht das aus. Gerade weil wir selbst gern gärtnern und Gemüse anbauen, geht uns hier das Herz auf 💚.
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    • Dag 69–70

      Viet Nhat: Tour Day 1

      22 januari, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      An early start to the day due to jet lag; A was up around 2am,and J roused by 5am. The time was used productively to get the bags packed for the day ahead. After a quick breakfast at the hotel and final checks we were off to the motorcycle office.

      It was a wet morning with light rain as we walked a few blocks over to the tour company for 830am. They have a TINY office in a side alley 😯 After the paper worked was signed and the bikes loaded with our one duffle strapped to the rear seat, we were off. The private 16-day tour on Honda XR150L will be an adventure! Glad to have our guide navigate us out of Hanoi, a sprawling city of 10 million. We followed the Red River in a Northwest direction. We immediately learned that the concept of lanes, passing and traffic lights do not exist, only a suggestion! Eyes on a swivel, toot the horn often to let others know you are there and just go for it!

      The rain continued, so we stopped mid-morning for a coffee before continuing on. Eventually we took our route off road, and followed the dykes, and zig-zagged along narrow paths through rice fields. The most slippery sections being mushy muddy puddles recently torn up from heavy equipment construction trucks. This route didn't have many other travellers, though we crossed over main streets here and there.

      We eventually came to the mountains, and rode along a narrow (single track) concrete road through mountain villages. The vegetative landscape with the rock spires seemed magical in the low clouds. Sections of this mountain area had sugarcane fields. Friendly locals, especially the kids, had big smiles and waves.

      Before long we came upon a busy highway, and continues to climb in to the clouds, and over a pass, stopping for a hot lunch on the other side. We were completing drenched; feet hands saturated in our "waterproof" gear. A found his shirt drenched from the zipper despite the waterproof liner. 🫤

      The simple lunch spread of sauted greens, Fried salted pork belly, pork ribs, and tomato egg soup was very appreciated.

      Our route took us further west, only stopping for fuel, before arriving at the homestay (like a hostel B&B). On the way the high mountain pass was thick with cloud and very low visibility. Thank goodness for windscreen wiper 🧤😉

      Homestay No 9 Pom Coong

      Today's ride route

      The hot shower and change to dry clothes was very welcome. A short walk in the area before dark to stretch our legs. Though sheltered, the wind continued to blow and chill the valley.
      Our hosts provided a fabulous meal, including very strong rice wine. We all retired shortly after to huddle under double blankets in our private unheated wooden room to keep warm for a much needed sleep. The forget temperature over was 5C. Felt like camping wearing night-pants, socks, sweater and a toque in bed 🏕️🙃
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    • Dag 7

      La tourista

      2 januari, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Coucou les pingouins,

      J'espère que vous allez mieux que moi !
      Hier, on a bien rigolé avec Vic & Charlotte, mes colocs. À tel point qu'on a convaincu Vic de rester une nuit de plus avec nous ! On se dit : "ok on se réveille quand on veut, petit déj et rando toutes les 3"
      Bon déjà la nuit a été longue : les garçons se bourraient la tronche dehors, et je commençais à avoir un peu mal au ventre.
      Ce matin, 8h : le drame. Alors j'ai essayé de partir en rando hein, mais les filles ont dû me ramener au bout de 30 minutes. La moindre odeur me donnait la nausée, et je tenais à peine debout. Au final, elles non plus n'ont pas fini la rando à cause des chiens du village, assez agressifs.
      Est-ce les chiens que j'ai caressé ? L'eau ? La bouffe ? Une insolation ? Mystère, mais en tout cas j'en chie bien (jeu de mot eheh)
      Bref, je vous laisse avec 2-3 pauvres photos peu convaincantes (sauf Chacha dans la piscine of course)

      Des bisous
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    • Dag 5

      Valle di Mai Chou

      12 april 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Partiamo alle ore 8:30 da Hanoi direzione Mai Chou per arrivare nella sacra valle delle risaie oltrepassiamo il Passo del Thunkhe, il panorama è mozzafiato, davanti a noi faraglioni di roccia calcarea si innalzano nel cielo e fra di essi la strada del passo fino alle risaie.
      Dopo 4 ore di auto finalmente arriviamo al villaggio di Poong Com, dove ci aspetta uno squisito pranzo locale, ci godiamo l’atmosfera di pace che ci circonda e ci concediamo una buona birra. Abbiamo anche l’occasione di vedere l’arte di tessere a telaio di una Vietnamita di etnia Thai, questi ultimi, ci spiega Fath, hanno l’usanza di pitturarsi i denti di nero con una pianta chiamata Som Hau, questa pratica permette loro di avere dei denti sani. Lasciamo successivamente i nostri bagagli in Hotel e ci dirigiamo verso le risaie dove camminiamo per 7 chilometri circondate da un panorama unico. Al rientro ci concediamo del relax in piscina per poi coricarci.
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    • Dag 87

      Mai Châu (bike trip🏍️)

      18 maj 2022, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Beautiful riding trip from Ninh Binh to Mai Chao. Landscape was breathtaking and we discovered a beautiful hidden waterfall. We climbed to the top and enjoyed the freedom of the place. Had a small bike slip and manymany kids waving at us from everywhere and cows in a very characteristic way. Really local lunch at a very intense place, the kitchen was a real scenario and on my way to the toilette bumped into a goat murder on the living room.

      💡Travelling tips: expect not to find anyone speaking english in this country. Not even on big cities or basic words. Be prepared for lots of google translation and other types of non verbal communication on your journey.
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    • Dag 18

      Oops forgot to post SaPa

      15 maj, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      5 1/2 hr bus trip - double decker sleeper bus novel! Road was a bit like driving on a cross between John Saunders Pde & Gibb River Rd for 6 hrs!
      Staying SaPa Hill Hotel great position & comfortable hotel once again staff great but noisy from the road I guess you get that when you stay central to everything. One of the 1st things I noticed in SaPa - lots of electric taxis & golf buggy taxis! Not sure what that’s about didn’t notice any in Hanoi.
      Ham Rong Mountain - (Dragon’s Jaw Mountain). Its name is derived from the shape of its peak which resembles the jaw of a dragon. The legend of Ham Rong Mountain Sapa is that there were two dragons playing with each other when a fierce flood came. One dragon flew up to the sky while the other was trapped on earth and turned to stone, looking towards its companion that had flown away. Beautiful gardens & Craig & Darcy both almost got bullseyes on a crossbow archery gallery.

      Moana SaPa not sure what Moana is doing in Vietnam but it was a fun display! Something to do with being a photographic studio & love???

      Tour with Mun (Red Dai Minority) $US 35 pp. Minorities villages visited were Lao Chai (Black H’mong minority), Ta Van (Zay minority, Giang Ta Chai (Red Dao minority). Saw how cloth is dyed with indigo, rice & corn is crushed & just generally witnessed village life - had lunch in Giang Ta Chai. Watched school kids practice music at school which was a bit weird but apparently part of the tour!

      Fansipan mountain stands at 3,147.3 metres (10,326 ft) being the highest mountain on the Indochinese peninsula (comprising Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), hence its nickname, "the Roof of Indochina" unfortunately the weather wasn’t conducive to risking the cost of getting up there & only seeing cloud. We are visiting SaPa at the beginning of the wet /cloudy season. So we just walked around the town had a chair massage, ate some yummy food (some great food in SaPa) & seemed to upset a street hawker who was hellbent on ruining our day - didn’t happen!
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    • Dag 18

      Halong Bay

      15 maj, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Journey to Halong Bay started with a long tedious sleeper bus trip from SaPa got into Hanoi around 6.30pm & the bus stop was a little further away that we thought but not quite far enough for a taxi. Dodgey entrance to a really cool AirB&B. Had a nice easy meal & headed back for some beers on the balcony.
      Another bus trip this time organised by cruise company & another couple of hours to get to Halong Bay & the
      Hera Classic Boutique Boat for
      2 nights. Places visited:
      • Surprising Cave - Hang Sung Sot
      • Titop Is - so bad we asked to leave after about 20 mins much to the surprise of the tour captain! It was no WA beach!
      • Infrequently visited cave - Trai Cave great cave with very little added infrastructure although there was a seat & a partial path but lots of crouching down & potential head hitting - great cave!
      • Deep ocean swim at Lan Ha Bay - brilliant! Got to jump off the top of boat but not as elegantly as Darcy & the professional cliff diver! Craig of course started it all & didn’t do too bad either!
      • Kayaking at Dark & Bright - we were a small group of about 20 people from different cruise boats out together on a day boat which was great because everything we did was done in our own in a small group. This meant a very small group kayaked to a remote beach after walking through a cave.
      • Pearl farm production/farm - this was very interesting as we’d never seen how pearl culturing happens and the history dating back to Mr Mikimoto in Japan in 1893.
      • Kayaking at Luon Cave - well this was awful! So many people all trying to kayak, most having no idea what they were doing or how to control the kayak whilst navigating around the big row boats. Craig & I lasted about 5 minutes then got out! Darcy was partnered with a young English girl & ended up in a water fight with her mates so he had fun.
      What all this taught me was you must do a 2 night cruise at Halong Bay because the best fun/activities happened around being on the longer option.
      We then caught a bus to Ninh Binh. Well done to Darcy for negotiating the bus system!!
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    • Dag 5

      Mai Chau

      31 december 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I'm aliiiiive,

      Et bien arrivée à Mai Chau avec tous mes organes ! Ça a été une épreuve pour trouver mon chauffeur qui ne parlait que vietnamien, mais une gentille dame est venue à mon secours. D'ailleurs retenez bien ça :
      - les enfants sont aaaaaadorables ici, ils viennent intéragir avec vous tout le temps et vous regarde avec de grands yeux émerveillés ;
      - les gens de mon âge sont supers gentils, de vrais bonbons ;
      - les vieux (>40 ans) sont de vrais connards.

      Mai Chau, c'est un petit village reculé dans le nord ouest du Vietnam, et tout est si... paisible ici ! C'est rempli de rizières, dans les montagnes. Tu sens que les gens s'y sentent bien. Vraiment, les photos ne rendent pas honneur à la région. Il y a plein de chiens errants (non pas de papouilles ils ont peur et vu l'état de certains, mieux vaut ne pas y toucher).
      D'ailleurs, je dors en dortoir pour 2 nuits, je vous laissz une petite photo de ma chambre et des bathrooms (sans eau chaude). J'ai 2 colocs mais pas bien bavards.
      Je n'ai pas encore prévu les activités ou la suite du voyage mais je pense que la next step sera Pu Luong, à 1 heure d'ici.
      Ce soir, c'est le réveillon donc je vais pouvoir goûter aux spécialités d'ici. J'espère y rencontrer du monde, parce qu'après toutes les interactions d'hier, le retour à la solitude est... bizarre !

      Bref, la suite au prochain épisode !
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