Summer in Amsterdam

Mayıs - Ekim 2018
Road trip. Graduation. Amsterdam. Canada. Wedding. Road trip. Whew! Okumaya devam et
  • 50ayak izleri
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  • 12,5kmil
  • Gün 40

    First Ride Nord

    15 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Our first ride north. Everyone kept telling us to ride north from Amsterdam to quickly get to the agrarian settings, canals, and little villages. Boy were they steering us right. One kilometer north of our place we took a ferry to cross the main canal which separates Amsterdam from Amsterdam Nord. Within 15 minutes we were riding in the countryside along another canal.

    We stopped a few times long our route. In Ilpendam we stopped for coffee and tea and met a friendly couple who are also a couple of years into retirement. They have been driving all over Europe cycling and camping out of a converted step van. We also sighted a cycling postal carrier who brings his dog along to work.

    Along the way we noted an instance of a location specific phenomenon Birgitt described by saying 'In Holland there are rules, but there are no rules'. We even shot a photo of a Dutch couple as proof positive.

    The route today swung through several small towns and villages. Monnickendam was especially picturesque. We stopped for a bite there and took a shot of a beautiful sailing rig. We'll be returning with our guests this summer for fish and chips. There's also a Bach concert this Sunday, so we'll probably head up for that too.

    Most of the route followed the dikes along the coastline.

    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 44

    Loop to Naarden

    19 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Nancy and I rode a nice 60k loop to the southeast of the city today. We wound our way through the polders to Naarden, an old fortress city. The city was on of three that we passed through that defended land north of Utrecht. Naarden is set up much like Hulst, the fortress city that we visited last year northeast of Gent. Ive included a map of the city and a photo of Nancy taking a photo of the fortifications.

    Naarden is also the final resting place of the great theologian, philosopher, founder of modern education and moldavian brethren member Ian Amos Comenius. He was one of the first thinkers to put forward the idea of universal education. He was also once recruited to be President of Harvard College. Spent a lot of his time working with Bacon on a compendium of then current knowledge.

    The route followed smaller canals most of the way. Had a chance to watch a lock in action and took a video which can be seen here:

    We also passed by several quite picturesque windmills and a drone harassing a nesting stork. I shot a video for my friend Alexander who sometimes writes letters to editors decrying their proliferation in neighborhoods and natural areas. It can be viewed here:

    Augie arrives tomorrow! Harrie and Birgitt drove him to the airport in his old car, which they will use for the summer. He has a 9 hour layover in Oslo with plans to go into the city for a few hours. We're excited. I've already bought a couple of Belgian beers to share for tomorrow evening.

    Nancy got in touch with our friend Nancy Russell's good friend who lives just north of us in the city. We'll be setting up a meet for coffee soon.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 48

    We Settle in and Augie Arrives

    23 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We made it to Quaker Meeting last Sunday. A quiet affair with eight in attendance. Most were Nederlanders, one was from Ohio via San Francisco. This was quite different from Meeting in Brussels where most in attendance were British. There was no fidgeting during Meeting here. Everyone sat perfectly still for the whole hour with the exception of both Nancy and I. The Meeting also publish an annual compendium of collected works in writing and the arts penned by the Meeting. Quite a creative bunch.

    Augie arrived on Wednesday evening. We wandered over to the central train station playing with our cameras and shooting photos the whole way. The sun finally set sometime after 10:30 so we sat down to wait for his train from Schiphol. We found one another and he accompanied us back to the house on Tuinstraat.

    I've been a bit under the weather so we've spent the last couple of days wandering around the neighborhoods hitting cafés, open air markets, and dining out. We also made it to an exhibit in the Niewkerk of the annual award for outstanding photojournalism. It was pretty hard hitting covering contemporary issues such as gun violence, war, and environmental degradation. On the walk back Nancy and I dropped into the Keren DeVreede gallery to take in something a bit more uplifting.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 50

    One Fun Morning...

    25 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    We heard the weather was changing from cold and gray to sunny and warm so we hit the road. Augie rode my bike and I got a spin on Harrie's city bike. We rode north through the area above Amsterdam called Waterland. First leg took us to Broek in Waterland. Over the past two centuries this was the quintessential Holland village. Anyone who visited Holland toured this village. Often they'd take a canal boat and spend the day. Napoleon even paid a visit. Mary Mapes Dodge also had this town in mind when she penned Hans Brinker. Next leg took us to the village of Waterland, and the last leg took us home.

    A Google Video can be found here:

    We, of course, stopped for treats along the way.

    Off to the market for the afternoon. We are getting ready for Sophie and Jacob's visit tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 51

    Actual Augie Snack Tour of Amsterdam

    26 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Augie was kind enough to take us on a customized and highly personal snack tour this morning.

    Our first stop Confectionery Lanskroon was for the famous Dutch stroopwafels which are basically two crisply fried thin waffle cookies with caramel smushed in between.

    On the way to our next stop we passed a shop with a window designed to lure our friend Don inside.

    Next stop was at the Febo, which is an automated junk food dispensing machine. Augie picked up a deep fried croquet with a veggie filling to make it into a proper health food. See it in action here:

    Next Nancy took us 3 miles out of the way to buy some bread.

    On the way home Augie took us to Vleminkx, the place to go for the best Belgian/Flemish fries in Amsterdam. The tour guide behind us in line explained that Northern Belgium and Holland were both Flanders until the mid 1800s. Regardless, the frites were really good and well slathered in mayonnaise.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 53

    Sophie and Jacob Arrive and Bike Ride

    28 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    Sophie and Jacob arrived late Tuesday evening. We spent Wednesday wandering around the city. At one point we found ourselves people watching for 20 minutes as Sophie shopped. The rest of the day we café sat and watched the World Cup.

    Today we took another 44 km cycling loop north through Ilpendam, Monnickendam and back along the coastal dikes. Beautiful ride. Sophie and Augie rode Birgitt and Harrie's city bikes and Jacob rode a tweaked rental bike. More photos available here:

    It all worked out despite Sophie and Jacob having gotten 3 hours of sleep each of the past two nights due to the time difference. It is very weird getting into a regular sleep pattern it gets dark at 11pm followed by dawn breaking at 4:30am.

    Tomorrow we're off to visit the Van Gogh museum and out for dinner at a farm to table place. Hopefully we'll all be rested!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 55

    Trip to visit Sjoerd & Martha

    30 Haziran 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Way back in early May we attended Augie's graduation from Hampshire College. We stayed in a a lovely Airbnb on a ridge above the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts. It so happened that there was a Dutch couple, Sjoerd and Martha, staying in the same place and also attending the graduation of their son. We agreed to meet during our summer in the Netherlands.

    Today Nancy and I caught a train to Bilthoven, a lovely Dutch town. We had a bit of lunch in the garden of their pleasant home. It was a typical Dutch lunch with cheese, bread, mackerel, fruit, and fresh vegetables. It hit the spot. It was really nice to get to know them better outside of the rushed graduation schedules required in May.

    The four of us set off on a bicycle ride north to Laren, Martha's hometown. The route was straight, flat, and fortunately heavily wooded as it was 80 degrees in the full sun. Along the way we passed by the present home of the former Queen of the Netherlands. I really don't know how Nancy and I keep ending up in such environs. Martha explained that when she grew up the town of Laren was a farming village. As we rode through very pleasant neighborhoods she pointed out the houses that had once been farmhouses, small shops, or blacksmiths. The area had also once attracted artists seeking a less expensive place to live to paint pastoral settings. Sjoerd mentioned that now it was filled with country estates and people driving Lexus, Tesla, and Porsche automobiles. It reminded us of the area along the Leie in Belgium near Ghent, Sint Martin's Latem, that once invited impressionist artists and now can only be described as a wealthy enclave. It's remarkable how a community can change so much over just a few generations. Taos, San Miguel de Allende, and Carmel come to mind. All great places to just spend some time, let alone live.

    In Laren we stopped for tiny Dutch pancakes called Poffertrjes. They're a light spongy textured pastry slathered in butter and dusted with powdered sugar. What a treat! Pretty much all of the photos from our day are from that one stop. If you want to see the Poffertrjes chefs in action click here:

    Our new friends then took us to the Singer Laren museum. The museum was exhibiting a collection of primarily impressionist paintings of garden settings done in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It did an excellent job of weaving together the artists of the era from Monet, De Smet(s), Claus, and De Weert, among others. One painting really struck me, 'Opulence', by Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig and is pictured below. It seemed more a work from the 1920s than the late 1800s.

    In the late afternoon we bid goodbye to our hosts and rode the 40 or so kilometers back to the Jordaan. Congratulations to Martha as she has a graduation ceremony tomorrow after finishing a multi-year course studying yoga. We'll be getting together soon for Indonesian food, a few more museum visits, and more great company.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 56

    Days Fly By

    1 Temmuz 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We've been having a great time with Sophie, Jacob and Augie during their visit. The night before last we went out to dinner at Buurtboerderij. A farm to table restaurant that doubles as a social service support for people who may be struggling with one thing or another in their lives. I struck up a conversation with Peter, a guy about my age, who serves as a counselor and all around supporter for the place. He explained that there are about 75 volunteers who keep the place going. Not sure about the funding, but I'm pretty sure the city supports the project in one way or another. I'll ask next time.

    The setting is on a working farm within city limits. It is green and lovely. Garden seating is scattered around the place. The food was really good. Nancy and I have both been struck by the relatively small numbers of 'homeless' people struggling on the streets. This despite a demographic of leniency similar to Santa Cruz. These programs must be working. Social fabric is quite different as well. Seems much less 'dog eat dog' than in the States.

    Last night we arrived home to a lovely dinner provided by Sophie and Jacob. Basically personal sized bruschetta with some delicious toppings.

    Today Sophie and Nancy headed over to Quaker Meeting. They met a couple from Rotterdam who've offered to show us around later this summer. This afternoon we took the ferry north to the Ij-hallen flea market. It touts itself as the biggest such market in Europe. What a scene! We all wandered for hours and hours before hoofing it back to Tuinstraat and our summer home. The photo shows Nancy and Sophie at the end of the day.

    The final photo is of my find at the market. I'd been looking for a small garden gnome with just the right personality to put out with our bienvenido welcome mat when we stop at campgrounds in the camper. I found it!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 60

    Solo Ride to Abcoude

    5 Temmuz 2018, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Well, the kids are gone. Augie is reportedly having a great time in Budapest while Sophie and Jacob have settled back in Bolinas. Our friend Alison is visiting for the week and took in some museums this afternoon. She's been on a circuit with her daughter Ariel through Scotland and Norway. Ariel has gone home too. With time on my hands I figured it was time for another bike ride.

    I set off in the early afternoon. It took about 20 minutes to reach the open countryside. As I rode south I came to a bend in the Amstel and there was an animal rescue ambulance blocking the road. Two rescue workers were there with a captured goose that had gotten into some oily patch in a small adjunct canal. I spoke with a Veterinarian named Inga who said that they were getting ready to clean it up and release it back to the wild.

    Next up I passed group of five cyclists out for a ride in the farmlands. Two riders were elderly and being ferried by a couple of workers from an area assisted living place. Pretty cool vehicles. They are electric assist and probably cost more than a new Prius. Still, we need to get those at Eagle Crest and Coventry Village. I could see folks getting out along the rail trail to Trempeleau and circling Point Pinos.

    About halfway around the 31 mile loop I passed my dream house. If you look at the 4th photo you'll see that it has its own swinging drawbridge. Enough said.

    Next up I came upon a leaking dike. You can witness it in motion here:
    There was an official there with a clipboard and cell phone reporting the issue to a contractor for repair. Pieter Becker is his name. He suspected that a local farmer had caused the problem because it hadn't rained much for a few weeks. We talked about Home Exchange and Belgian beer. He shared that many Dutch people would try to convince me that Dutch craft beer was just as good, 'but don't ever believe a Dutch person' he said with a wink. When I introduced myself he said that this couldn't be because the story of Hans Brinker alsio wasn't true. 'This is not a true story. The woman who writes it only came to Holland once for a short visit.' I offered to show him my California driver's license but he said this wouldn't be necessary. He did want a photo with me to show his coworkers. He also suggested that I stick my finger in the dike to see if I could fix it that way. I left him with my phone number and offered to take him out for a beer when he takes a driving trip down the West Coast next year.

    As I headed north I came across another human powered ferry similar to the ones we'd used along the Leie near Ghent last year. Pretty fun. I'll be taking Nancy and guests on this loop soon.
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