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    • Dag 3

      Finally there!

      28 oktober 2022, Zambia ⋅ 🌩️ 33 °C

      (Deutsch weiter unten)
      Finally – I land at Livingstone airport in Zambia. Already the landing approach over the Okavango Delta – stunning! So breathtaking that I completely forgot that I usually get sick during landing 🤩 Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo because of before mentioned exhaustion 🤯 My punishment follows a few moments later: I'm in Livingstone, but my check-in luggage still in Johannesburg. Fortunately, I have practically everything I need in my hand luggage.
      Tour guide Mannex picks me up at the airport – even more punctual than a Swiss watch! He knows I've had some difficult months and surprises me with a t-shirt: «Africa is not for Sissies» 😎
      Endlich – ich lande am Flughafen Livingstone in Zambia. Alleine schon der Anflug über das Okavango-Delta – atemberaubend! So atemberaubend, dass ich ganz vergesse, dass mir bei Landeanflügen eigentlich schlecht wird! 🤩
      Leider wegen bereits erwähnter Erschöpfung vergessen, ein Foto zu machen 🤯
      Und die Strafe folgt so gleich: Ich bin in Livingstone, mein Koffer immer noch in Johannesburg. Das Glück im unglücklichen Unglück – ich hatte eigentlich alle meine Sachen im Handgepäck.
      Tourguide Mannex holt mich am Flughafen ab, pünktlicher als die Uhr am Bahnhof. Er weiss, dass die letzten Monate nicht so einfach für mich waren und überrascht mich mit einem T-Shirt: «Africa is not for Sissies» 😎
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    • Dag 18

      Daytrip to Sambia 🇿🇲

      29 april 2022, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Da Simbabwe direkt an der Grenze zu Sambia liegt, wollte ich es mir natürlich nicht nehmen lassen, auch nach Livingstone zu fahren. Die Stadt liegt auf der anderen Seite der Brücke der Victoriafälle. Die Hälfte der Brücke gehört jeweils einem Land und die Grenze ist direkt in der Mitte. Von diesem Punkt ist ebenfalls der höchste Bungee Jumping Sprung (111 Meter) der Welt möglich, aber ich hatte bereits genug Adrenalin Kicks in diesem Urlaub 😅
      Nachdem der Grenzübergang (inkl. Einreisevisum) gemeistert wurde, hatten wir einen perfekten Guide für eine private Stadtrundfahrt. Wir haben einen Markt besichtigt, ein paar Souvenirs erstanden und waren in einem der besten Hotels vor Ort für einen Sundowner Drink.
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    • Dag 10

      From Kesane to Livingstone

      15 juli 2017, Zambia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      From Kesane to Livingstone.
      After another hearty breakfast of omelette, toast and fruit we were off in the Commuter. Kesane to the border of Botswana/Zambia is only a short drive. We passed a different section of the trucks awaiting the border crossing. It really does go for many kilometers. Cars and tourist vehicles don't need to do the wait, thank goodness.
      Passport control was again a convoluted and drawn out process. First up we had to line up to get stamped out of Botswana. Then we lined up for the ferry across (more about this later) the no-mans-land of the Zambezi River before the passport processing for Zambia. The passport offices in Africa appear to be chaotic places in general. There are often signs announcing things that are not adhered to, which is sort of confusing for people who have come from countries where signs are to be respected. A couple of examples from today were: 'visit the health check counter before we process your passport'. There was no one at the health check I figured that was not in operation and probably a left over sign from the Ebola outbreak. The other example was the 'exit' sign was really the entrance for the tourist visa. So we entered the exit, tried to look healthy and proceeded to hand over $50US each and our passports. I had collected all the passports and the cash as Stephan said this was the best way to do it. The woman behind the counter processed each one without checking the actual people were there, which confirms my belief that it is mostly about raising revenue.
      Back to no-mans-land between Botswana and Zambia. After we had just been stamped out of Botswana, Stephan's phone rang. It was the hotel to say we had to return because Karen Parker (not sure why Geoff Parker was not included in this) had not paid her bill. I had not even thought of paying the fact I hadn't even remembered really putting anything on it but may have. I overheard Stephan saying we wouldn't be returning as we didn't have time and we would call in when we crossed back over in a couple of days. I gathered that was not ok for the hotel by the interaction that was happening and quickly got on the phone and paid the bill via credit card. It was all of $8.50 (probably a drink) but for the hotel worker the fact I hadn't paid my bill may have had serious consequences. He may have had this amount deducted from his next pay and also had to answer serious questions from his boss about why a guest had left without paying.
      The river crossing on the ferry was interesting. There are a couple of them running at a time and each one can only take one truck each, a few cars and some walk on passengers. No wonder it takes so long to process the hundreds of trucks! We walked on while Stefan waited with the van. He warned against taking photos around border crossings because official type people will take your camera/phone off you. Our ferry took a truck with things in it for the new bridge that is being built to cross the Zambezi. This meant we did a detour to a different part of the river. There were people there doing very traditional fishing using the canoes cut from the trees and fishing nets. They looked very interesting in the morning light. At this point I was unsure of the rules re photography...but decided it was not worth losing my camera over.
      Once we'd been through Zambia passport control (as outlined before) we then had to wait for Stephan. Once he was across he had a myriad of paperwork to process. Permits for the van, third party insurance, tourist visa stuff, etc. We contemplated how tricky all this would be without some local knowledge. In fact a group of local opportunists had tapped into this market by greeting arrivals and offering to help people through the process for a fee; the "runners" as they are known. I noticed them running up to cars and there would be a cash exchange. Until Stephan explained it, I was not sure what was going on. They were very pushy and for someone like Stephan, who knows what he is doing, they are unnecessary and bits of incessant pests.
      All the business of crossing the river and the passport control took about 3 hours. We waited for Stephan just inside the gates (where no one even checked we had a visa) for a couple of hours and a fascinating couple of hours it was. There were the usual hustlers wanting to sell us stuff but they quickly went away once you said you weren't interested. We stood on the edge of the road waiting and watching the goings on of the border people. Stall holders had set up selling clothes and food. The clothes for sale looked used and were in piles on plastic on the dusty ground. I didn't see any sales of the clothes but I am guessing the truck drivers do buy some. At one point a couple of squawking chooks were extracted from a car boot and a smiling lady carried them away by the wings. The way they were carried suggested they were heading to the pot. We were standing beside a woman selling drinks from an esky but business was very very slow and I don't think I saw her make a single sale. Geoff, Tony and Kevin had wandered down to the river front to check out things. Geoff returned with a few brass bracelets he bought from a hawker and somehow he also brought a few people selling things with him. Myf decided she would like a few brass bracelets so there was a bit of bartering. Joseph, our vendor used all his bag of tricks describing himself as our "brother from a different mother" and pleaded that his children could eat tonight if we bought them. My year 12's could have done an interesting analysis of his persuasive techniques!
      After all that we checked into the lovely David Livingstone Hotel, on the banks of the Zambezi. We can see the spray from the falls in the distance and we finished the day with a relaxing cruise up and down the river.
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    • Dag 10

      Bootsfahrt auf dem Sambesi

      2 mei 2019, Zambia ⋅ 29 °C

      Gerade noch geschafft. Wegen der Verzögerung beim Grenzübertritt musste das Boot auf uns warten. Dann ging es aber los: eine Fahrt mit dem Boot über den Sambesi, der Grenzfluss zwischen Simbabwe und Sambia. Hier fuhren wir auch der sambischen Flussseite. Flusspferde und der Sonnenuntergang waren hier die Höhepunkte.Meer informatie

    • Dag 38

      Livingstone, Zambia

      11 oktober 2015, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      We arrived in Lusaka at about 22.00 after a relatively comfortable bus journey with Kob's buses, before checking into the lovely Lusaka Backpackers for a couple of days. It was a nice change to be in a more 'civilised' city like Lusaka with familiar foods and brands in the large shopping malls. Here we stocked up on pharmacy and food supplies, watched some of the Rugby World Cup and did more planning of the trip. We also introduced Roisin to her first game of pool (we'll make a champion of her yet!).
      After this nice relaxing weekend, we made our way down south to Livingstone on the Mazhandu Family Bus. This was the most organised bus journey we've had since arriving in Africa, with printed tickets, name tags for our bags and working air condition! There was even a reading of the gospel as we left the bus station! We arrived in the mid afternoon sun at Jollyboys Backpackers, where we jumped straight into the pool to cool down before we got organised for our various activities over the next from few days in Livingstone.
      Firstly we did the walking tour of the town as organised by the hostel and visited the David Livingstone museum, where we learned about the history of the town and the great explorer himself. Then we did a cruise along the Zambezi river where we had a barbecue and unlimited drinks while seeing hippos, elephants, sea eagles in the gorgeous African sunset. This was a lovely way to spend the first couple of days here before the adrenaline filled days that followed!!
      Our first visit to the Victoria Falls Bridge, started with a zip line across the valley with amazing views of the bridge and the Zambezi river. Then Nina, Roisin and Edel took big leaps from the bridge in the form of bungee jumps and gorge swings. I'm definitely not as brave as these amazing ladies, so I just minded the bags (well someone had to! ☺).
      Next up was Whitewater rafting in the Zambezi river. We were collected by our guide Potato (yes that was his name!), given a safety briefing, fitted for life jackets and helmets before we made our way down to the river to pose for photos under the waterfall. Little did we know that this was calm before the storm! We had no idea what the 24 rapids over the 34km course had in store for us. Being the crazy Irish ladies we are, we chose the most difficult route which guaranteed we flipped over on the Grade 5 rapids. We were rescued by various kayakers along the way who reunited us with our raft. Unfortunately we lost our safety guide Windass, along the way after suffering a concussion on the grade 6 rapid. Thankfully we got to avoid that rapid! Potato also had a trainee instructor Clement on board who was learning the ropes. We swam some of the easy rapids so he could learn about the flow of the currents. The amazing day was topped off with a picnic with fantastic views over looking the river. There were sunburn, bruises and DOMS galore afterwards but worth every bit of it!!
      The following day we got a boat out to Livingstone Island where we swam in Devils Pool, while peering over the top of Victoria Falls. Then we were treated to a delicious breakfast of Eggs Benedict and jam and scones, before being brought back to the main land. We took a golf buggy the Zambezi Sun where we chilled out and swam in pool with zebras and giraffes happily roaming around beside us. This was a lovely way to spend our last day in Zambia after a 'thrill-seeking' few days! Zambia has been fantastic! We really are being spoiled at everything we are getting to do here! This continent just keeps giving!!
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    • ZIMBABWE – Victoria Falls

      21 augustus 2021, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Während der gebuchten Flussfahrt konnten wir erneut einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang und gleichzeitig den Vollmondaufgang bestaunen. Mit dem anschliessenden, sehr leckeren Nachtessen auf dem Boot ging unser Kurzaufenthalt in Zimbabwe bereits wieder zu Ende.Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      Von Bwabwata nach Livingstone

      25 juni 2019, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nach einer Nacht haben wir uns direkt wieder aufgemacht. Es ging durch den Bwabwata Nationalpark. Der Atem stockte uns als Pferdeantilopen, vermutlich getrieben von einer Raubkatze, zunächst parallel und dann quer über die Straße liefen. Durch einen schnellen Bremsvorgang ließen wir ihnen die Vorfahrt und kamen mit Herzklopfen im Mavunje Camp an. Ein kleines Idyll inmitten von Hippos und Elefanten.

      Zum Einschlafen gab es Natur pur, mit all seinen Geräuschen.

      Am heutigen morgen sind wir dann mit Sonnenaufgang zur Grenze nach Botswana. Hier ging es zügig voran und nach 30 Minuten fuhren wir in Botswana Richtung sambische Grenze.

      In Kazungula an der Fähre angekommen, verließen wir nach knapp 45 Minuten in Botswana und setzten nach Sambia über.

      Am anderen Ufer herrschte absolutes Chaos. So genannte Agenten helfen einem mit Visa und allen wichtigen Unterlagen rund ums Auto. Wir hatten uns aber dazu entschieden alles selbst zu organisieren und nach knapp 3 Stunden und völlig entnervt, hielten wir alle wichtigen Unterlagen zusammen und konnten die sambische Grenze passieren.

      Heute Abend ging es dann in Livingstone traditionell afrikanisch Essen und morgen dann zu den Victoria Fällen, erst auf der sambischen Seite, dann auf der simbabwischen Seite.
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    • Dag 19

      Viktoriafälle, Livingstone, Zambia

      23 mei 2017, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nachdem wir mit einer gelinde gesagt "einfachen" Fähre mit einem anderen Truck nach Zambia übergesetzt hatten, war mal wieder Einreise angesagt.In Zambia mussten wir nicht einzeln antreten sondern haben die Pässe von allen Mitreisenden abgegeben inklusive der $50 Visagebühr. Als wir dann weiterfuhren und im Landesinneren waren fiel ir dann doch auf, dass mein Visum auf der Seite mit den "amtlichen Vermerken" eingeklebt wurde anstatt im Visa-Bereich. Klingt kleinlich, ist aber so als hätte jemand das Passbild überklebt :-) Egal, war ja zu spät, werde es nach meiner Wiedereinreise nach Südafrika rauskratzen, damit ich bei den nächsten Ländern keinen Ärger bekomme. Die Zollbeamten von Zimbabwe hatten schon Augen gemacht, aber nix gesagt...
      Zurück zu Zambia und den Viktoriafällen. Wunderschön und ich habe sie mir von Zambia, Zimbabwe und Heli aus der Luft aus angeschaut, da von der Landseite und des vielen Wassers oftmals nur Gischt und Nebel zu sehen ist.
      Unnötig zu sagen, dass Livingstone unglaublich überteuert ist und ich finanziell hier ordentlich bluten musste. Da habeen die $60 für den Sunset Cruise inclusive Drinks und Essen den Braten auch nicht mehr fett gemacht. LOL
      P.S. Am Ende der Regenzeit (also jetzt) fliesst hier so viel Wasser, dass es nicht möglich war im Devil's Pool zu posieren (ohne sein Leben zu lassen). Aber schön war es trotzdem, wenn auch für meinen Geschmack zu touristisch :-)
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