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  • Dag 1


    4. maj 2023, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Another stupid o’clock flight- but it’s different on hols! Had upgraded with points to BC so enjoyed the front end from Cairns to BNE. Negotiated all the manoeuvres to get to Brisbane international and then into the lounge- no it isn’t a First but at least it is elevated away from the Bali throng. Plane late arriving so departure delayed by half hour. Kerry has also started the journey so I will post this now and do an update from Singapore. I will be in the First Lounge and I am tasked with sweet talking the front desk to letting Kerry in - wish me luck!!Læs mere

  • Dag 1

    On my way - still……

    4. maj 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    My flight from Brisbane to Singapore was delayed-then delayed and then delayed again. An engineering issue and while I like it being fixed it adds to stress when connecting flights are involved- 2 hours later I am on board and my expected ‘friend’ in 25A was a no show - YAY!! A row on my own. I won’t be able to post this in time to tell Kerry she is on her own to Koh Samui tonight- my flight is going to be too late in to connect- goodness knows what this means. What an adventure!!
    I am updating as I go - no I am not going to make the scheduled connection to Koh Samui -I land as our USM flight boards….The Qantas flight has been as good as a late flight can be. No one on board knows what will happen next so the adventure continues.
    Well - I can update that (with a bit of swift walking) I was able to get onto the next flight and see Kerry already on board! I am not at all sure how that happened but - great news! I was expecting to stay in Singapore overnight but it ended up being 10 mins! Somewhat disappointing as I had factored in a session in the Singapore First Lounge (my favourite) but not to be. I think I will be able to have another crack at Christmas so all is not lost. Kerry is at the front of the bus and I am at the back but at least we are on it! Interesting to see the flight this time is full of ‘farangs’ (Thai for foreigners) - previous flights have been very localised - Koh Samui has arrived! I will finish this when we arrive at Choeng Mon. And we are here - warm humid and a lovely welcome (both at the airport and at the resort) - happy as!!
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  • Dag 1

    I’m away too!

    4. maj 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Departure day has arrived! I had an early start too but not crazy early like David. And unlike David all my flights were on time or early. I wanted to have a departure bubbly too so I put in a low bid for upgrade, and got it! And I also had a spare seat next to me on the long haul so all very easy. The pilot alerted us to Uluṟu on the right hand side, where I was lucky enough to get a great view. The only glitch was no access to the Singapore lounge as my Koh Samui flight did not have a QF number. But with only an hour to kill I did some long walks around Changi before going to the gate and waiting to see if David makes it to the next flight. And he did! Pick up was easy and here we are, hot and balmy. A cup of tea on the balcony and time for some well earned sleep 💤.Læs mere

  • Dag 2

    Setting the scene

    5. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After a long day and late night a good night sleep was ordered and delivered. Sunrise seemed a shame to miss so I went for a run in the quiet village. Just a few roadside breakfast vendors firing up their cookers. Back in time for a dip in the ocean - beautiful scenes that I would have loved to have shared but my camera fogged up from going from a cool room to the warm humid air. Maybe tomorrow. Breakfast was highly anticipated but a disappointment (based on previous visits) and we will have to see if we can train the kitchen over the next few days. A walk to the shops for essential supplies (beer and water) and a recce to scope eating options. Then to the beach steps from our front door. Very sunny but we scored some lounges under the big tree that served well all day. Early on I read a piece in smart traveller that from 6 pm on the 6th to 6pm on the 7th all sales of alcohol prohibited throughout Thailand- goodness!! A dry birthday!!! We. confirmed with the fancy resort where we were going to get a day pass for the 7th that indeed no alcohol would be sold. So - postponed that little soirée to Monday. The ban is because it is national vote pre polling day - odd! However we will do a restock tomorrow and tough it out!! Anyway - beers on the beach with ‘no name’ vegetable patties (a local specialty) , a massage for Kerry, lunch at the beach restaurant 3 steps away then back to the lounger. The water is warm and crystal clear and the climate perfect. We had a cocktail at 4 on the beach with no photo or description- give you the idea? Writing this on the balcony having a sundowner. Dinner tonight at our resort restaurant-the no names were good so we will cross fingersLæs mere

  • Dag 3

    Day 2 - up and about

    6. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Big news! I was up before David this morning. I wanted to see the supposed spectacular sunrise, and it really was lovely. Going to be a long day though, still an hour until breakfast opens.
    And you may have noticed David and I are alternating days on doing the blog so you will get two different views 😊.
    Today we are heading into Bophut to see if we can get a bottle of champagne for the birthday tomorrow, before the 24 hour alcohol ban at 6pm tonight.
    More later.
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  • Dag 3

    Day 2 continued

    6. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    After a lovely breakfast of fresh tropical fruit, and superb omelette for David, we claimed our beach loungers under the big tree. Later in the morning we headed off to the wine shop in Bophut (expensive but terrific) and picked up some French for David’s birthday tomorrow. Champagne, Provence rosé and a cote du Rhone. Hopefully there will be some leftovers for the following days 😊.
    Straight back to the loungers for a while, then I headed off for a massage and David had some peace and quiet.
    Lunch on the beach was a chargrilled corn cob, delicious!
    Lots more swimming and lounging, then headed down the beach to look for a cocktail after yesterday’s fail at our place. Found a place called Carnival and pulled up a bar stool. Daiquiri for D and Mai Tai for me. Well, they were perfect, generous pours, as professional a cocktail as you would hope to find, and happy hour prices! Even the beach dogs were cuter. We will be back.
    Home for a spruce up ready for dinner across the road tonight.
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  • Dag 3

    Dinner with mother!

    6. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Mother is the name of the restaurant just across the road from the front (street side) gate of our resort. We have both been there in before visits and it was (great) same same! Terrific service, big variety of menu and no flinching when Kerry ordered a Singha after the start of the 6pm ‘ban’. Some places were quite vocal about no alcohol service while others were very ‘ look the other way and mumble’. We will see how the beer service on the beach goes tomorrow- I suspect 🍺. Any way the food was great - fish cakes in a different format, superb pad sieu and pork Larb. We were offered a complimentary mango sticky rice but they had to comeback to apologise as it was ‘finis’. A quiet wander down the road where K bought a bikini and I bought a couple of lightweight shirts that I like from here - winners. Back to the balcony for a couple of glasses of a top Provence Rose. A very good day!Læs mere

  • Dag 4

    Where else would you celebrate

    7. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Up just before sunrise (a great time) and Kerry is frightening me - second morning her alarm has gone before mine! Anyway we both enjoyed our different directions. I have a dual dip here after the run - sea first then pool. The pool is like a sauna though - a beautiful pool but not refreshing. Just before brekkie Kerry gave me a birthday gift she had carried from our Willunga trip - a lovely handmade wooden coffee scoop. Will be well used. We then grabbed the birthday champagne and headed off to breakfast. Shock horror- there was no buffet and it looked initially as a ‘ brekkie not going to happen’ - Sunday?? However we were quickly greeted with menus and told it was now cook to order breakfast! Exactly what we had been hoping for/anticipating was now reality. Kerry’s face when she saw pork rice soup was something to behold! They told us this would be the go from now on- order has been restored! I had chilli omelette which was cooked perfectly and the rice soup was next level. The Nicolas Feuillatte was superb - a 2008 Vintage Blanc de Blanc - a serious treat and big thanks and kisses Kerry! What a spot and the complete treat. Bring on another day in this corner of paradise.Læs mere

  • Dag 5

    Later on the birthday day

    8. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    After our amazing breakfast we set up on our loungers for the day. The weather is perfect, slight breeze and very still water. Lots of swims and reading.
    Lunch was on our loungers, shared some no-names and Pad Thai, then more swimming and lounging before going to the pool for a change of scenery. The pool is really lovely, but quite warm even though it is really deep. It was a bit sunny there so back to the loungers. I went for a lovely foot massage while David swam and relaxed.
    Then it was time to get ready for dinner. Spruced up a bit, finished the champagne on the balcony and wandered down to Krua Thai for dinner only to find it closed until 10 May. So back we came and settled on Pecore Nero for an Italian dinner. Shared a starter of raw tuna and avo, (with glasses of Verdeca from Puglia) then shared a Gondola pizza, mushroom and olives (with glass of Negromara). The chilli oil was super hot and lovely. Finished off with a complimentary shot of chocolate rum, delicious.
    It was only about 7.30 by this stage, plenty of time to wander down to the cocktail bar on the beach. Mai Tai for me and a Caprinha for David. Lovely cocktail with feet in the sand, a lovely way to end the birthday.
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  • Dag 5

    Day 4 - A day at SALA

    8. maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Today is our day at SALA, the fancy resort next door. I slept in today but David did his usual run, swim, swim and then off to breakfast. Well, disappointment. The buffet is back, no rice soup for me. But the fruit and omelette and spring rolls and noodles and toast did the trick.
    Back to the room to organise ourselves for our trip next door and do the blog, then headed off to SALA at 10am. They were very lovely, set us up with lovely thick soft towels on a double day bed under the palms. This will do very nicely! Kept coming around with fresh glasses of iced water which is a nice touch. We swam in the adults only pool, beautiful. Aperol spritz at midday, then up to the restaurant for lunch at 1.
    We have been chasing traditional Thai fish cakes so we shared that as a starter and they were as good as could be, delicious. Then shared a squid dish, raw tuna dish and a beetroot tempura prawn dish with quinoa. All very delicious with a glass of Pinot Grigio.
    Back to the loungers for more rest and swimming before I declared to David that I was not leaving.
    Reality snuck in, and I said I would leave for a cocktail down the beach at the recently found beach club, so we packed up, paid the bill and headed off for cocktails. What a great day.
    We arrived back at our room to find the aircon not working, and it is really hot here at the moment. Unfortunately the maintenance man has knocked off so it will need to be fixed tomorrow. They gave us keys to another room to sleep in which is fine, so now we are spread across two rooms.
    Across the road to Mother restaurant for dinner which was lovely, then home to a new and cool room for a good sleep ready for more beach tomorrow.
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