
September 2023
Leisurely tour of Normandy. Beaches, Villages, Wine, Cheese and Cidre. Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 1

    Prisoner on the loose.

    7 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Hello maties, Bertie ere, long time no spake? I ay bin very well wot with flashing lights on me dashboard an things so finally he got me sorted at big expenses at a Murke Sades Garage so fingers crossed I'm OK now. So wim off to France to give me a good run out. After an early start we have a good journey down to the M25 only to find Junction 7 - 8 closed. He gets his map out med of paper old school fer you googlling youngsters, and we reroute around Canterbury and rejoin the motorway. We arrived in plenty of time hoping to be put on an earlier train but no such piggin luck. Extra security checks are in place due to an escaped alledged terrorist who might be clinging to me undersides. After being called to embark, we then have a 2 hour wait as our train had to leave without us due to the schedule. Shittin arseoles it's hot sitting waiting! .Finally crossed under the water and cruised down the motorway and arrived at our first overnight stay at Le Touquet at about 8pm . A long day. But no flashing lights on me display so he's a happy bunny. Nighty night.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 2

    Le Touquet

    8 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Le Touquet is known as the beach for Paris. With the iconic aerodrome just behind our parking place at an equestrian centre off they go for an exploration. The plan now is to head off for a walk around the town before we move on and arrive at the next Aire early as all the French motorhomes do to get a space!. They walk through leafy streets with beautiful houses on either side of the road. Just before reaching the town they come across some really old sports rally cars lined in the road outside a huge hotel. On reading the many notices on the cars the realise it's the Le Touquet - Paris Plage Historique, that's a vintage car race to you and me.
    Lovely buildings, this is Parisians weekend place to come.
    They walk down the pedestrian streets past expensive clothes shops with wonderful window displays which she loved to see when he said come on love I'll treat you, so they turned round and she got to walk past them again.!
    Down to the sea front and a huge expanse of white sandy beach stretches out before them, a bit like Weston really as yow cor see the sea it's out so fur, no paddling today then. Instead they do the next best thing, have a drink in the beach bar before heading back to get me goin to the next place a bit further down the coast road.
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  • Hari 2

    Le Crotoy

    8 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Well after they'd fed and watered themselves we pack up and head for new horizons, well another car park anyway 'n my god thats what it is. Weem packed in like sardines an that's no lie two deep down the centre of the car park. At one stage we had someone park behind us so we was proper piggy in the middle, a French bloke, he got out mouthed something at him which he dow understand but I think the look himself give him med him change his mind as a couple of mins later he'd peed off.
    They decides to have an evening stroll down by the harbour to the town. The tides out so no boats bobbing about as they are all marooned on the sand.
    Lovely little town with a nice selection of restaurants if you like seafood especially mussels.
    Whilst strolling down the backstreets they come across a little bolangerie, that's cake shop to you and me, so of course they have to go in and comes out with 2 huge pieces of 'flan' for pudding. They heads back and it's astounding how quick the tides coming in, the boats are all bobbing about lovely now. Back home to me for that well known French Friday night meal, yep you guessed it, Fish and Chips.
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  • Hari 3


    9 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Well after trying one site which was full we travelled on to Veulettes-sue-Mer. We drive along the prom and pass a car park with about 100 Motorhomes all parked up and a beach bursting with people, it's amazing what a bit of sun will do. We have to wait for the site office to open, lunch time, so himself parks up on the kerbside leaving her inside while he gets in the queue. Thankfully there looks like there's plenty of spaces. He comes back waving a receipt at her indoors who breathes a sigh of relief. Nice site beautiful kept, they park up and do all me ablutions, fresh water, well it's been festering in me tank since Wednesday, empty the waste, honey bucketing, awning out, for shade then time to relax.
    Early evening stroll down to beach and a paddle, bit cold but okay. Still lots of people about on the beach even a 6 o'clock.
    Back home to me and me B B Q.
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  • Hari 4

    Lazy Sunday in Veulettes-sur-Mer

    10 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Well I dow know, the lazy wotzits dow wek up n till nearly 10, then they had tea in bed then had to shower by the time they open me doors it's nearly lunch time. He did have to shift himself to go and get a baguette from the bakers van so they could enjoy a bacon baguette on the BBQ nothin better .
    After a bit of housekeeping, her washed some smalls out n swept the carpet, they sit there doin bugger all in very hot sunshine, reading, n drinking n not a lot else . He did suggest a bike ride but then decides it's too hot, I must admit I felt like I was melting. So they sits there a bit longer until it clouds over and boy does that mean a difference to the temp.
    Well they decides to get off their backsides, see I was kind there , and get the bikes out, he wants to test her out and see how she gets on what with her dodgy knee and bad hand. They set-off into town and along the cyclpath, she's doing okay so far, then head back the prom, no biking here so they gets off and walks, hey whats that I feel is it rain, it only is hope they ain't too long me sky lights open. They gets back just in time for the half dozen rain drops in time for the sun to come out again, still must make the most of it, they reckon it'd gonna change soon.
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  • Hari 5


    11 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Weem on the move again today un they actually managed to drag themselves outta their pits early.
    Off to Fecamp home of the slightly barmy Benedictine Palace, that's we're they meks the brandy liqueur drink. They walks along the harbour down to the front for a looks and see the L'Heure du Bain, a statue of 3 bathing ladies. In the distance they can see The Elephant Trunk rock at Etretat. Himself is getting hungry so a bite of lunch, Bruschetta and Quiche Lorraine and a coffee, no proper tea though so her has to have Earl Grey and hers not impressed, perfumed weak watter with no milk!
    They then heads off to the distillery Palace with very ornate architecture only to find out there's no tour spots left till later so's to compensate they goes into the bar and a flight of liqueur tasters to see wot the fuss is, all about. It's OK but it ay an Islay whisky.
    As they meks the walk round the town himself remarks on the lovely buildings and the brickwork decoration.
    Back to me them comes, apparently spotted me a mile off what with me posh Blach Country Flag decals un all. Now onto Etreate for the night.
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  • Hari 5


    11 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well whoever have thought with all the kids back at school un the weather changing it up be so hard to find somewhere to stop. They tried Etreat, then Villaiville but 'complet' which means wim full up mate in French, before finding a spot at the car park in Criquetot-l'Esnevel closely followed by another 7 vans. So a free of charge night stop! Result for himself wallet!
    Nice little town but not much open at 6 o'clock when they as a stroll. So ditching a visit to Etreate and tomorrow, supposedly off early to Honfleur.
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  • Hari 6

    Honfluer, part 1

    12 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Well thems up early cause they want to mek sure they gets a spot at Honfleur. This is one of the must see places in Normandy, bit like Bruges in Belgium. We are hoping for a spot at the large Aire right on the harbour but it's a big ask as it fills up quick. So there's a lot to be set fur early bird catching the worm, and after crossing the Seine river on the iconic Pont de Normandie bridge, not only do we get a spot but it's with electrics and right by the exit to the town as well. Result!! After all utilities are refreshed we hears a voice with a local accent, couple from back home notice me Black Country flag decal un cum over to say 'ar bin thee aer kid' .
    After a bit lunch, u know , bagette un newly bought French cheese, they strolls inta town. Well o cause hers bin ere before with er mate Fiona when them were doing the cruise 🛳 ship's so er con point him in the right direction bur they still finds roads er ain't bin up.
    It really is a beautiful town full of old buildings many restaurants and shops selling chocolate, cheese, nougat and cidre a bit touristy but still quite stunning.
    They strolls back to me un settles down for the night . Wait is that rain I feels on me bonce, it certainly is.
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  • Hari 7

    Honfluer, part 2

    13 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Well me bounce got a right ol drowning last night, there's puddles everywhere this morning. Thems taking it easy to start with as themselves aving a tour of the Museum's this afternoon, yep yow herd right herself is doing 4 of um.
    It's a deal all 4 for 13 euros. he loves a bargain. As they walks into town they passes one of them river cruise barges, blimey its big. They as to wait fur the fust museum to open sos they gus fur a walk through the park, hes found some flowers he likes, thinking about um fur the garden next year, Peruvian Lilies. Then they walks along the road that used be right on front of the estuary before it silted over, now the park, and a road stand between also there's a lovely big water tower at the end of the road opposite the Butterfly House, remember that Fi?

    Fust up is Maison Satie, home of composer Erik Satie, (no me neither!) right weird full of some very strange surreal stuff.
    Next up is Musee Eugene Bonding an art gallery, 3 floors of paintings and not one they would bring hum. The best thing they saw was the view of the Pont du Nomadic or bloody big bridge to you un me. Bugger me hope it gets better than this. Least we missed a few drops of rain.
    After that she needs a rest un he needs a drink so they stop at a bar and do a bit of people watching, theses a lot of guided tours about today.
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  • Hari 7

    Honfluer, part 3

    13 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Right onwards and upwards after stopping for an ice cream it's back to the museum tour. Next up is Muse de la Marine. This is a maritime museum set in an old church on the harbour front full of models of boats un bits that have fell off um.
    Just round the corner to the last one, this is the one he's looking forward to most apparently as there is a printing room. Well big disappointment its only got a printing machine that doh werk and some type boxes all the others are filled with old crappy stuff.
    Well that's it they've tried to tek in all the historical culture and seen practically all that Honfluer had to offer. The wooden cathedral set in a medieval square was stunning. It really is a beautiful town similar to Bruges in many ways without the beer and canals, but the architecture and buildings they ave seen has been well worth the visit
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