Cliche U.K. Wanderlust Blog

lokakuuta - marraskuuta 2018
Adventures though the Republic of Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, and North Ireland Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 21

    Jam Packed

    5. marraskuuta 2018, Skotlanti ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Definitely a late start to the day, but once I got up and running I was off like a shot. First, to see if the Camera Obscura was fixed. Thank goodness it was. The history behind it was amazing, but even more impressive was how clear the image was, and the person controlling the camera made sure we all had fun. We even got pieces of paper to "smack" the people on the street we saw with the camera. From there I was going to head to the Scott Monument, but along the way I saw someone with a red umbrella advertising the free tour with Sandemans; the same company I used in London. I got right on it, and booked a Harry Potter tour while I was at it. If I'm a true glutton for punishment I'll book a ghost tour for tonight. Definitely a worthwhile tour, and when you've learned so much from such an enthusiastic guide, you tip well. There is so much history to be had in Edinburgh, and even the week I'm spending here isn't enough to take it all in. One fun fact for all you Game of Thrones fans out there, the red wedding was inspired by the black dinner in Edinburgh castle; perhaps a bit morbid, but still something you may not have known before. We covered half a dozen famous authors, including J.K. Rowling, but also the real inspiration behind Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I even learned of Greyfriars Bobby, a sweet little tale of a dog, who ended up with voting rights... before women. Thank goodness those days are long behind us. People actually still leave him gifts at his gravestone, the craziest of which was an airline ticket to Germany for Oktoberfest. I can't wait to see how this next tour goes, and I'd better hurry so I don't miss this one like I did the one in London.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 21

    Harry, Mary, Vaults and Graveyard

    5. marraskuuta 2018, Skotlanti ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    It figures that it would take me three weeks to actually go on a Harry Potter tour. I did love it though. The group learned that J.K. Rowling, as expected, used much of Edinburgh as the inspiration behind the books. What I didn't know was how ingrained mythology was in Scottish culture, as well as how the unicorn is the country's animal, much like the bald eagle is our "mascot" if you will. I even managed to show off my nerd knowledge by answering a few of the questions posed to the group. We learned the dark past of Scotland and witches, and then saw a few graves that the infamous Rowling got many names from for her books. The only downside being all the places I want to check out because of the tour. From there, especially with it only being five, although it was already dark, I decided to go on a tour of Mary King's Close. Not far down the Royal Mile, the main hub of tourism (and technically one and one eighth mile), I walked right in and got literally the last slot for the final tour of the day. Thank goodness, because although I was planning on taking tomorrow off, that may be the day I head to Sterling Castle and to see the William Wallace monument; although I'll have to see where my energy levels are before taking off. On the tour they walk you through history, taking us in your preserved rooms, telling us the gory stories behind death, the plague, and beheadings. Understandably, we were not permitted to take photos, as that area is now beneath a government building; part of the rich story that was told to us. As a true glutton for punishment, right after walking out of my third tour of the day, I immediately walked across the street to "The City of the Dead" tour. This takes you to the normally locked section of Greyfriers Graveyard, with a shocking amount of accounts of hauntings and mysterious happenings, as well as to the underground vaults beneath the city which were originally intended to be a market. Wisely, I decided to pop in to a local pub and grab some food with the half hour between my guided trips. Getting the only thing with vegetables available, a pizza (go figure), I was on my way. I checked in early, with my highly sardonic guide, and waited until everyone else showed up. I didn't have to wait long. Promptly at half seven (7:30) we were walking (yes, more walking) to our first destination; the vaults. Thank goodness he ttold that there would be no one in a mask popping out from around any corners. Giving us historically accurate representation, while giving us a spooky story, and also making us all laugh was interesting to behold. Our docent for the evening gave they why of how the vaults came to be, and moved seamlessly in to the tales that have given so many a fright, even including some of his personal experiences with other groups. In one chamber, and with plenty yarn being woven, he plunged the gathering in to complete darkness. Listening to the sounds of those above us, cars driving, people walking, and the deeper sounds of someone rustling their jacket, shifting from one foot to the other, all of us waiting for a ghost from the story to whisper in your ear or poke and prod you... waiting, in darkness, totally blind to even the hand in front of your face. Well we all had a good jump scare, and then laugh, when he turned on his flashlight and said loudly "Nope, nothing there." Once we had made our way down the slippery slope of the old tiled walkways, and in to the fresh air, we were moving again. Although it was the third trip to the graveyard in the same day, they each had a different story to be told; a testament to the history this city has. Part of this exhibition is learning the history that made these events come to pass, and why these poltergeists might haunt the areas that we're told they do. Assuredly quite a fun way to learn history, going over kings, religion, wars, invasion, and persecution. Once you've gotten the backstory, the gate is unlocked, and you're lead inside "Covenanters Prison" which was, and not to be too dark, what is known as the first concentration camp. Given more story, once again being more on the morbid side of things, we were then taken to the location dubbed tastefully as "the black mosuleum." It is said that this is not only the place where most 'encounters' happen, as well as the possible site of a mass grave might be. Now, there is a funny thing about certain architecture with a curved sort of roof, that if someone is speaking in the front, and you stand in the back right in the center, it sounds like there's a speaker system directing the voice of whomever is speaking right around you. That is NOT the type of position you want to be in when someone with a mask pops in to give you a fright, and the voice protects itself to feel as if the wind is at your back, with someone looming behind you, ready to snatch a hold. So it was quite a the moment of trepidation, but at least I wasn't alone, and we all got a good laugh from that too. After calling our chaperone a liar, he was quick to point out that he said there wouldn't be anyone in a mask inside the vaults; well, you got me there. Much too soon, the tour was at an end, and I may not have gotten any photos (much too dark, literally) but it was highly amusing. There are some things that I have heard many times, and from multiple people, but the way this story was laid out was probably my favorite. Things were in my favor too, because the end of the tour was just up the hill from my lodging. Getting back just after 10, I realized I had been out and about for roughly twelve hours, and walking most of that time. My feet were aching, my legs about to give out, and I couldn't be happier about it. Here's to having fingers crossed, after a long night's sleep, that I can do it all again tomorrow.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 22

    Wallace in Stirling

    6. marraskuuta 2018, Skotlanti ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Getting up in the morning was a breeze, which in my personal experience isn't always how waking up goes. I had my ticket to the Scott monument booked, as well as my ticket to, and back from, Sterling. I decided to just get going, and worry about where I would eat later. Roughly ten steps out the door, my stomach started to grumble. Pushing on, figuring there are plenty of places to eat on the Royal Mile, I saw this cute little cafe. Run by a woman from France, who was very friendly and even offered French classes, I decided on a sausage roll and coffee. It was the perfect on-the-go food, and the caffeine pick me up was delicious. I arrived at my first destination about 20 minutes before my opened, took a few photos, then sat down to read for a bit. Just before they opened I gravitated toward the front. Now because it's winter, and rains a lot in Scotland, they operate on winter hours, meaning they open at ten. When it was ten minutes past their opening time and there was no sign of anyone, I thought maybe it was just a late start to the day. Fortunately I was able to chat with the other people waiting for the attraction to open... which it never did. Having a train departing to my next stop at just past eleven meant that 10:40 was the cut off for waiting, and off I went to get my ticket. The trip to Stirling went very smoothly though and we pulled up to the station around noon. Using my UK mobile phone I was able to navigate to Stirling Castle, only fifteen minutes away, and although uphill, I had plenty of practice from walking all around Edinburgh. I was quite fortunate with my timing too, because right after purchasing my entry ticket there was a free guided tour. One of the most interesting facts I learned was that the castle was occupied by the military until 1964, which isn't that long ago. There was also the Great Hall, that is the largest in the country, with a roof built in a way the resembles a ship. Overall, highly impressive and well worth the trip. To be honest, the historic tapestries alone would have been enough to make it a fantastic trip. After spending a few hours at the castle, and not even seeing all of it, I realized that if I was going to see the Wallace Monument, I'd have to get a move on. Knowing that they would be closed in a little over an hour, I tried in vain to get a taxi though an app, but thinking fast I realized that my Loch Ness tour went there as well. Thinking it would be wise to double check I called up the company, and after confirming that they did make a stop there, asked my name, and politely told me that the tour had be canceled. After getting over my frustration, I decided to just walk back to the train station and see if I could grab a taxi to the monument. A short drive later and we were pulling up to the entrance, positioned at the bottom of a huge hill with the tower looming overhead. There were two ways to get to the top, one was with a shuttle, and the other was walking. My legs may have protested along the accent, but the fun placards and scenic forests made it worth every labored step. For some reason there weren't a lot of people visiting this attraction, which turned out to be a great thing, especially when climbing the narrow staircase to the top; 275 stairs later, and I had made it. The views went on for miles, looking out across fields, homes, and rivers, with the castle I had just visited practically a speck in the distance. No surprise, but at that height, the wind was howling. I made my way down, as well as through the small rooms that held the exhibit, and as soon as I had hit the bottom floor they were about to close up for the day. Going for the lazy method, especially after all those stairs, I took the bus to the main street and then hopped on public transit to take the train back "home." An uneventful ride later, it was too dark to even look out the window, and I found myself back in Edinburgh, and totally ravenous. What good fortune that my guide the day before had given us all coupons for a local restaurant. Somehow the hills in this town get more manageable every day, and a short walk later I was being seated at a table. I had planned to have a quiet dinner just reading my book, but the people at the table next to me had different ideas. I don't even remember how the conversation started, but just after it did we found out that we were from neighboring cities in California. The conversation we had danced from one subject to the next, and was a much better dinner than I could have planned. I even got to try 'sticky toffee pudding' and it's a crying shame we don't have that more readily available. Making it back to the hostel just before eight, and realizing that I didn't have to be up early for a tour the following morning, I decided to join in on the fun and signed up for the pub crawl. It was so much fun, and I met a ton of people; by the end of the night we were one big, merry bunch. Many exchanged phone numbers, and Facebook profiles later, I called it a night. I can't help but think that the canceled tour worked out in my favor.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 23

    Is this was true laziness looks like?

    7. marraskuuta 2018, Skotlanti ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Waking up much later than I normally do, probably due to not going to sleep until nearly three in the morning, I decided that this was my day off. I lounged in my bed for a while, and once I had gotten ready for the day thought perhaps I'd go for a nice stroll. Definitely a difference from rushing off to see sights and be the first person in line. When I started to get hungry I bee lined it for the French cafe for more good food, and excellent coffee. Satiated, I headed back to my room where I (even on a lazy day) thought I could work out a plan of attack for the day. I decided that even though it would be a light day, I couldn't do nothing, so I headed, once more, to the Royal Mile. I finished my quick walk right in front of St. Giles Cathedral, where I'd been told that instead of an angel playing a harp, they have one playing bagpipes. Of course that's not all there is to see, there's the stunning stained glass, ornate woodwork, and naturally the history that goes with it. As this was one of my shorter trips to a point of interest, I bought a very fancy photo permit, and snapped away. Days could be spent in there looking at every elaborately adorned doorknob, bench, chair, etc. I did find my bagpipe angel, after asking where it was, and located it in the Thistle Chaple. This room blew all the rest out of the water. Made completely out of products from Scotland, and every bit from the armrests down to the plating on the key hole, was spectacular. The church was smart enough to have a docent in the room to explain things and point stuff out, and without her I wouldn't have found what I was looking for. At nearly the top of the ceiling, carved in wood, was my angel; shortly after I found out there was more than one. I headed back to the dorms, stopping for a nice hearty salad, and called it a day. Except, when I got back to the room there were two of the girls who I had been out with the night before. We chatted for a while about our travels, and anything else that popped up, before we were joined by another woman. I even found out that one of them is going on the same tour as me. Having too much fun to stop the night we headed downstairs and ended up running in to more of our companions from the previous evening. Some left, to watch a football game at a bar (or soccer), and the rest of us stayed... for trivia night. Possibly the hardest trivia ever. The first round was about Scotland, and even with all the tours I had been on, I could barely help. Another team actually had someone from Scotland, and I won't call them cheaters, but they certainly had a leg up. Three rounds later, and we were crowned with second place. Not bad, but I'll have to work on my general knowlage. Once the results had been released, it was on to karaoke, but not for me. I decided laundry, and a good night's sleep, were key to making sure I made it to the 7:45 meeting time for my tour. Tomorrow, it's on to Loch Ness, and maybe I'll even encounter the renowned Nessie.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 24

    A True Rework

    8. marraskuuta 2018, Skotlanti ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    After having trouble falling asleep last night, but making sure to set my alarm, I woke up promptly at nine... only an hour and a half after when I was supposed to leave. I missed my tour, the one without refunds. After freaking out, being pissed, wondering if there was a way to meet up with the tour, I had to face the truth; there was no fixing this. I don't even have the time to do it another day. After wallowing for a while I decided that, in pure British fashion, I needed a cup of tea. I went downstairs, to commiserate with another bunkmate, and figure out what I'd do with my disappointingly open day. One girl did show me pictures of it, and it is just a lake, but I still wanted the experience. While sitting there, another girl from the pub crawl a few nights before showed up and said she was going on the free tour with the hostel. Lacking any plans, I figured, why not. There was a tiny group, five of us, including the guide. It made for a great walk around, and because it was so small he was able to customize what we saw. I even learned some things I hadn't on any other of my excursions. It was the most expensive free tour I'd ever been on, but it lifted my spirits; the ice cream I bought helped too. Not resembling in the slightest what I had planned, but there's probably a reason I didn't get to go. Maybe I just needed more rest. Whatever the cause, I got to go out, learn even more about the city, and maybe I'll go to a museum. Still a drag, but not a total loss.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 25

    Turning It Around

    9. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    After salvaging yesterday by spending a few hours at the National Museum of Scotland, and my god it was not enough time, I decided to treat myself. One order later and I was digging in to what may be the unofficial meal of Scotland: haggis, neeps & tatties, or as they're also known, turnips and potatoes, smothered in whiskey sauce. I don't even like turnips, but the whole thing was amazing, and it was possibly the best haggis I'd had my whole time there. For dessert, because it was a rough day, I got a fried Mars bar. This extremely popular dessert, is exactly what you'd expect, but another thing I couldn't miss out on while visiting Scotland. After finishing my meal, and walking across the street to my hostel, one of my new friends convinced me to go on the pub crawl that night. Since knowing it was a great way to meet people, and because I did have such a fun time the time before, I agreed. It was fun, for the first few pubs, and then something crazy happened... our guide hit his head on something random and started bleeding everywhere. Thank goodness he was alright, but things did peter out after all the questions and gossip. I decided to retire early, and try and get a better start to the next day.

    Waking up bright an early, and making sure to pack up my stuff, I got ready for the day and checked out of my room. Although I still had another night in Edinburgh before I headed for Liverpool, I was changing hostels because apparently there's a limit to how long you can stay in certain places. Storing my luggage for the day, I headed to the Scott Monument, today was the day I finally climbed it... if it was open. When I got there they were, much to my relief, already working on opening up. They let me right in, and I started my way up the 287 steps to the top, only stopping to take an occasional photo. It was definitely a fantastic view, and quite an interesting perspective being on top of the city, while still inside it at the same time. From there I decided to wander, and came across a very funny busker, who before I knew it had occupied almost 45 minutes of my time. Laughing practically the whole time, and highly impressed by his escape from a straight jacket and chains (especially after he snuck off and scared someone walking past), I made sure to give him a few pounds and thank him for his great performance. Deciding it was late enough, I grabbed my belongings and walked to my next hostel for the night. It was definitely comfortable and relaxed, and I was so grateful this place was as cozy as the last. There were all sorts of cute quirks around like art on the walls, statues (one in particular startled me every time), and every room had, along with the number, a name to it; mine was the Latin room. Once I was settled in, I messaged my friend to let them know I was ready as soon as they were. About an hour later we were meeting up and making our way to the summit of Authors Seat, which is well known for having a marvelous view over all of Edinburgh, and all the way to the coast. Although it was only five, it was already dark, so it wasn't possible to see as far as normal it was still a stunning view of the lit up city along the way. Unfortunately, my legs would not cooperate, and once my calves had sized up (I guess I should have been stretching at night) that was it. I didn't make it to the top, much to my chagrin, but it just gives me something to conquer on a future trip, and although not at the top I still got a superb view. Walking back in the direction of my lodging, I realized I had to eat, and we decided on Nando's; or more accurately, it was decided for me when my friend realized I'd never been. I was actually quite impressed, and I'd be more than okay with the chain making it's way to the states. Once full, we made our way to my new hostel because by good fortune, they were promoting a comedy show; we were both excited by the prospect. It ended up being an absolutely hilarious show, and of course being in the front, there we were fresh bait for the comedians on stage. Neither of us had it as bad as a guy at the table next to us, but he took the ribbing like a champ; the poor guy had no idea that sitting in the front meant you were prime picking for those on stage. After a great show, my friend and I parted ways, and I headed back to sleep, and hopefully get some rest before my journey the next day.
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  • Päivä 26

    Next time, I'm getting a train

    10. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Although I had what could be the loudest snorer I've ever heard in my room, I was able to get plenty of rest. Having most of my things already packed made getting ready in the morning a breeze, so all I had to focus on was getting some food, and I would need it for my day of travel. I may not have much to do other than get to the bus station, but I had about eight hours of being in a vehicle to look forward to. After checking out, and double checking where the station was with the clerk, I was leaving Edinburgh. I can say with certainty, it would have been easy to spend all of my time traveling, in that city. There was a ton to see, and a plenty, I'm sure, I didn't even know to check out. With help, I did finally find my bus, and I hopped right on. For some reason, I hadn't quite wrapped my head around what exactly this trip would entail, and even with falling asleep for a couple hours I hit hour four absolutely ravenous. Then the guy across the aisle pulled out a sandwich. Thank goodness, the next place we stopped wasn't just for two minutes to let people on, but the downside was that there was no place nearby to grab something hot. I was able to grab some chips, and a few other snacks, from a nearby vending machine to hold me over until we got to Leeds, where I had 40 minutes between transferring buses. Scarfing down my delicious sweet chili & sour cream chips, and probably scaring the person sitting next to me, I felt much better. Only one hour to go until I could get my hands on real food. Finally arriving in Leeds, I was found that right next door was city market, and blessedly, warm food; I had to stop myself from ordering everything. Making sure I was totally satisfied, I got back to my next bus with plenty of time to spare. Next stop, Liverpool. I can't wait to crash, but I'm so ready for tomorrow, and you know I'll have to do a Beatles tour.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 27

    That's one way to do it.

    11. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    After staying up way too late, mostly to find food, and ending up in a not-so-secret secret club (for like two minutes) I got what might be referred to as sleep. One night in a place before moving to the next can be slightly off putting, and I still had to figure out where I was staying for the rest of my time in Liverpool. Since my trip is coming to a close, I decided to treat myself to an airbnb, and compared to the prices I found elsewhere, it was a steal. Deciding I would go to a museum until I could check in to my new digs, I found a place to store my luggage and made my way over. The first two levels were definitely geared toward children, but it was still fun (I saw an axolotl!), and the third floor was an expansive exhibit on Egypt. My stomach did get the better of me, as it does, and I had to leave and find nourishment before seeing everything; free entry made it a little easier to leave. Once I'd sufficiently stuffed my face, I made my way back to get my things so I could go check in to my gloriously private room. I found my way over, not terribly far from all the attractions, but farther than I wanted to walk with my bag that seems to keep getting heavier. A message through the app had given me the number of the person I was getting the room from, and a couple of texts and phone calls later... I still hadn't gotten in. Tired and frustrated I shuffled back to the hostel where I had stored my bags, if only I had realized the prices sooner. I asked for the cheapest room available, and ended up in a six bed dorm... by myself; blessedly alone. I ended up napping for a few hours, and when I finally emerged from the room I realized that not only was everything closed, but I was somehow still tired. Fortunately reception is twenty four hours, and I asked where I could get dinner. The lovely woman at the desk told me about a Lebanese restaurant nearby, made sure (with Google magic) that it was open, and even suggested a dessert. Thank goodness it was a short walk away, the only downside to going there was that they had apparently changed there hours, and it was actually closed. Sighing in defeat, I turned around and headed back to where I'd come from, figuring I could just get some more sleep. As I ambled through the, now empty, shopping center I saw a group of men go into a building, and realized it was a restaurant, an open restaurant. Two seconds in to looking over their menu and I knew exactly what I wanted: borek. Munching happily on my Turkish pastry, filled with juicy minced meat, I practically skipped back to my bed. Once satiated, and settled for the night, I snuggled in to my bunk once more, and couldn't wait for the sound of the city to lull me to sleep.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 28

    My body knows!

    12. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Turns out when you've slept all day, your body will wake up earlier than normal, and it'll also tell you why it was getting so much rest. Waking up at six in the morning was not quite the plan, but neither was the scratchy throat and stuffy nose. It's as if my immune system doesn't like being alone in a room, but I wasn't going to let it stop me. Figuring I had more than enough time, I read for a while, took a nice long shower (because now one was waiting for it), and made my way downstairs for some breakfast. Essentially I was going for something hot, to sooth my throat, and protein to get me through the day, and settled for tea and a bacon bap (or round roll.) The upside of course, to waking up at an ungodly hour, is that I had plenty of time to choose what I wanted to do, and decided on a Beatles bus tour. Walking over to the Royal Albert Dock, it struck me that this was the first day in weeks that I actually had a need for my sunglasses, too bad they were back in the room. Not being a music buff by any means, I thoroughly enjoyed the tour. The guide and driver were very funny, and I learned a ton of interesting facts about each band member, where they grew up, how they got their start, what brought them together and then to fame... so naturally I've forgotten most of it. The trip ended with us headed for the Cavern Club, where we got a free souvenir (that you can only get through the tour) of a postcard that was reproduced from one years ago. With it barely being past noon, and not knowing where my day would lead me, I actually headed back to do some laundry, because I was literally on my last outfit. The boring part of travel being finished, but at least getting a game of pool in while waiting, I realized I had enough time to head back to the docks and check out The Beatles Story, a museum, all about them. Once I'd paid, and picked up the free audio guide, I slowly made my way though the building learning even more about these music idols. Although most likely overpriced, it was still a fun thing to experience, as well as being the only place where this museum exists, so in the long run it was worth it. Walking back, and being well aware of the time, I went to drop off any unnecessary items in my room, and then went straight to the Lebanese restaurant from the night before; I would not miss it tonight. Ordering the recommended lamb shawarma burger, a fantastic invention, was such a good choice. The burger was juicy without dripping all over your hands, and meaty but lacking the sense that you'd keel over from protein overload, the salad that came with was crisp and tangy for a perfect accompaniment, and being in England you can bet there were "chips." The finale of the meal though, and a recommendation from the receptionist who told me about this place yesterday, was the Lebanese coconut cheesecake. Not quite the same as an American cheesecake, but delicious all the same, and managed to be creamy but feel too heavy. Leaving the restaurant I did consider going back to The Cavern, since there is free admission with the bus tour, but still having a scratch in my throat I opted for tea, and at the very least an earlier bedtime. It didn't feel like a jam packed day, much easier than some, but my body might be telling me to slow down... I might wait until I'm home.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 29

    Like that would stop me

    13. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    After rejecting the 5am wake up my body so nicely decided upon, I ended up rising at a much more respectable nine; besides, there's still an hour until things really open. The unfortunate side of this morning, and I totally plan on oversharing, is that mucus should not be that color (I'll spare you the other details.) So, getting ready took a little longer with my foggy head, but with only a few days left of this trip, some of them traveling, I'm not going to let this take me out of commission. There may be a stop at Boots (kind of a convenience store) for lozenges and tissues, there will certainly be tea and a bacon bap, but I will go on my free tour and hopefully infect no one.

    Well as far as the tour went, I had an amazing time. Not only did I learn about how Liverpool got its start, but also about the Liver bird, which is a made up bird and emblem for the city. Being a small group our guide was able to take us to all sorts of places, singing and dancing all the way, making for a very enjoyable time. By the end of our two and a half hours, not only had I learned a whole bunch about the city I was in, but I had made some new friends too. Although I had planned to go to the Tate museum, I thought it might be more fun to hang out with the group, and we all headed to the Liverpool Cathedral. This place is massive, with ornate statues, and intricate stained glass windows. Although no one else was interested in paying to go to the top of the Cathedral to see the views, they were kind enough to wait for me, as well as live vicariously through my photos. It was an amazing view, on a surprisingly clear day, and it wasn't even as windy as the top of the Wallace monument. Taking more photos than necessary, I headed back down, especially because I knew we were going to get food. As I learned, the local dish is called scouse, meat with vegetables and potatoes (what a surprise), that closely resembles stew. So we headed off to Bold St. to experience the area like a local and eat the food that is so loved. Once we found a restaurant that had what we were looking for we all popped in, learned that it was served with pickled cabbage and beets, and couldn't wait to dig in. By the time the food got to the table, I can safely bet, we were all ravenous, and dug in. It was a bit plain in flavor, but the pickled vegetables really brought a brightness and rounded out the flavor. All the guys blew through their food, and I managed to eat half of it, giving the rest to one of them who was still hungry. Once I was stuffed, and they had taken an edge off their hunger, we decided to split up back to our hostels, and meet up for drinks and music later. Heading back to my room, that surprisingly had other people in it, I dropped off anything I didn't need and went to spend more time with my impromptu group of friends. Originally the plan was to listen to music and have a few drinks, but after realizing that we could barely hear each other while yelling, we moved to the quiet bar attached to my hostel and played a few games of pool... we all blamed the curved cue for our poor performance. I also ended up introducing them all to borek, for our late night snack, and we stayed up far too late chatting and laughing. Not at all how I'd planned my day, and at this point I wonder why I try, but once again better than I could have hoped.
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