Sri Lanka & India 23/24

December 2023 - June 2024
An open-ended adventure by Geoff Read more
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  • Day 1

    Day 1 - Travel - Colombo via Singapore

    December 24, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    We kind of knew it was going to be a big day of travel but I don’t think you can really prepare for it! That was our opening line last year when we trekked to Dubai but this was much tougher. Alarms set for 3.40am we wanted to leave by 4am to be at the airport by 4.30am, last check in was at 5am for our 6.05am flight to Auckland. When you have to get up that early you kind of just don’t sleep, in case you sleep in, so that was how we started.

    Flight to Auckland was on time, all good. 7.10am we are in Auckland. Next flight is 11am to Singapore. 4 hours of waiting around at an airport usually means McDonalds! Lara had 3 hash browns, Stanley 1 along with half of Dad’s monster sausage roll. Mum has a cheese scone. All is good!

    10 hours of flight means we will land in Singapore at 9pm NZ time, not the right timing to get any sleep. Dad watched Barbie (at Mum’s insistence) and was very ‘meh’ – disappointed Oppenheimer wasn’t showing. The New Boy was a good movie though. With internet on board Dad set about trying to finish last year’s travel stories on FindPenguins – better late than never!

    Stanley watched Barbie and Mean Girls (at Lara’s insistence!) and listened to music. No kids meals for this flight much to the kids disappointment! Air NZ in-flight movie selection was appalling, nothing to watch. Hopefully they’ll have a better selection come January for the return flights home.

    4 hours in Singapore makes us 1am NZ time but we are running late by an hour. Plenty of time to check out the butterfly garden and cactus garden and water lily garden, lots of gardens (though the last 2 were really just smoking areas!).

    We managed to stay awake and not miss the flight. Is 3.5 hours to Colombo, what are we up to – 6am NZ time? An hour to get our bags – they had to be the last ones off the plane! Sort out a Sim card, get some money, our poor driver had been waiting for close to 2 hours! His patience was admirable! Was a quick 15 minute journey to the Hotel we think it was maybe 27 hours of travel time – pretty shattered! Hotel was just fine for a place to sleep. We made it!!
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  • Day 2

    1st Night in Sri Lanka

    December 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Kids are a little sleepy but wake up on time no problem. The Hotel is perfectly adequate for our needs but Breakfast at the hotel is a hard pass – the coffee and tea sachets in our room are 2 years out of date so a no-brainer really.Read more

  • Day 2

    First Roadtrip in Sri Lanka

    December 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We had a driver booked for 10am. We were told there was no point in hanging around Colombo so we wanted to get going early (but not too early!). Our driver is Aruna, very nice chap with lots of tips for lots of things!

    On our travels we pass the corn bbq’s. Mum had so wanted to try some in India so we weren’t going to miss our chance this time! The man sold boiled and bbq’d corn so we had some of each. Our driver also highly recommended we try the king coconut. Much sweeter than normal coconut. The monkeys were cute and kept their distance so nothing stolen today!
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  • Day 2

    Sigiriya Village Tour

    December 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Once we got to our Hotel in Sigiriya we dropped our gear and headed straight back to town. Travel Guides had done the Village tour so we had to do that too! First up was the bullock cart ride. Our bullock wanted to go into the ditch for the greener grass but fortunately our driver was strong enough to persuade him to change his mind! Just short journey down a lane and back for a bumpy but fun experience.

    Next up a tuktuk ride to a little lake and we got on a little boat and ventured out. Dad had tipped the man 1,000 rupees after the bullock ride not realising he was also taking us out on the boat. He stopped by the water lilies and made us all hats out of the lily pads and the kids and mum a flower decoration, we felt like maybe he looked after us a little bit extra!

    Then we jumped on an improvised tractor and cart to take us to our destination for lunch.
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  • Day 2

    Lunch at the Village Tour

    December 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Lunch was a personal 7 curry buffet! The lady of the house was great in explaining what she was doing and Mum and Lara got to make a coconut sambal paste, Stanley pounded the rice seeds to extract the rice and we all got to sit and enjoy the experience! We had to eat with our fingers and the food was definitely traditional. At least there was plain rice and fruit to keep the kids happy!Read more

  • Day 2

    Sigiriya Dinner

    December 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    We finally made it home in the early afternoon and there was time for a swim! We made new friends with a family from French Canada. They were on a 5 month trip of a lifetime. They had planned to start in India then work it out from there but with the political tensions between the Indian and Canadian Governments they could not get visas so it was in Sri Lanka we meet. Thomas and Charlie are one year younger than Lara and Stanley so they had great fun in the pool playing volleyball, football and turtle and frog spotting.

    Mum and Dad sidled up to the swim up bar only to find out that all the spirit bottles on display were fake and there was no actual swim up bar! Regretted not taking a photo but we thought that a fake swim up bar was quite funny!

    We walked back to town for dinner past loads of stray dogs (and the occasional gun fire that made us jump!). Rotis for dinner were delicious! Lara had Chocolate, Stanley had Egg, Mum had Banana and Dad had to have Cheese of course! Happy campers. Home to bed at 8pm, early start tomorrow!
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  • Day 3

    Day 3 - Lions Rock

    December 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Today we got up at 4.40am with the mission to conquer the famous Lions Rock. We booked the Tuktuk through the hotel and he was there ready to go at 5am. Was a short 10 minute ride to the rock but Dad left his bag in the back of the tuktuk! A guide came to the rescue saying he knew where the driver would be so we set off in pursuit. Sure enough he was there, bag retrieved, crises averted!

    Apparently it is 200m high and has 1,200 stairs to the top and boy did we feel every one of them with our very tired legs!
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  • Day 3

    Lions Rock

    December 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    The palace itself must have been pretty impressive in its day from the size of it. It was built by King Kashyapa in the 5th century after he had usurped the throne by killing his father and banishing his brother, I think that’s how you did things back then!

    Prior to the King taking over it was a monastery and after his brother returned from India in 495AD to reclaim the throne it was returned to the Budhists before it was abandoned in the 14th century then it was ‘lost’ until it was rediscovered in 1831.

    Our guide explained they used to bring the King up on a carrier befitting a King with the tall man at the back and a short one in the front. How they scaled the sheer cliff faces at all let alone carrying a King was beyond us!

    The entrance is called Lions Gate with the rock face resembling a Lion face and Lion paws were carved out of the rock either side of a grand staircase.

    We saw where the two main castles were, the swimming pool and two small pools.Then the auditorium and the dance floor laid out in front of the royal throne that also looked out towards where the sun rise is. This palace was used for 6 months a year when it wasn’t rainy season with another Palace for the other 6 months.

    Our guide was eager to get us back because there were plenty of people waiting so Dad decided to pay him out so we weren’t rushed. Coming back down was via the caves and Stanley was very pleased to see examples of ancient Sri Lankan porn on the walls! The wall of mirrors was another highlight, though it obviously needed a bright sun, extra polish and some reflection off the rock to work.

    On our way we were seduced by a local carver with his hidden lock box and an elephant carver. We paid about 6 times what the opening offer was from the salesmen at the gate. An early lesson in bartering learnt!
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  • Day 3


    December 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Back home at 9am everyone was very hungry for breakfast and what a great feast it was! A combination of local foods and stuff we are more familiar with like toast and jam and fruit. We thought we would never be able to eat it all but we did! With nothing else planned for the day it was relaxing by the pool so we could recharge our batteries. Stanley managed to catch some fish (but put them back) and had to rescue a few frogs from the swimming pool!Read more

  • Day 3

    Last Dinner in Sigiriya

    December 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    For Dinner we went to a cute little restaurant on the lane where our Hotel was. They sold beer (though it wasn’t on the menu!) Mum & Dad were pleased! Lime juice for Stanley and Pineapple juice for Lara, freshly squeezed – delicious! With half a beer in Mum she proceeded to regale the family with tales of woe! There was the ghost train fire in the late 70’s where heaps of people died because they could never have found the way out! There was the roller coaster disaster on the gold coast. But the favourite was the school mate whose father built the Gooding family home and lived around the corner but it all went bad when Poppa took him to Court and whose son ended up being a mass murderer. Mum could not control her hysterical laughter when telling everyone what ‘crop dusting’ meant to airline hostesses! It took about 8 minutes for us to hear the answer as every time we got close Mum would start laughing again! In case you were wondering it is what they call it when hostesses fart when passing the seats of passengers they don’t like!

    The meals were delicious! Our first kottu in Sri Lanka, we think we might have this for dinner every night in Sri Lanka!!
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