South East Asia

sierpnia 2017 - czerwca 2024
Otwarta przygoda według Matt and Amy's Adventure Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 1

    Hanoi Meracus 2 Day 1

    20 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    What a couple of days it has been. As we dragged ourselves out of bed at two o clock yesterday morning, both of us were not prepared for the ordeal we were about to face. But, three flights and around 30 hours later, we are sat drinking cold beers on our hotel bed, and the drunken men on the plane and delayed flights seem like they happened a long time ago.
    It started with a short trip to Copenhagen which went quickly due to us both sleeping most of the way. That was the calm before the storm.
    Next up, 11 hours on a plane from Denmark to Bangkok, and we both learnt very quickly that 11 hours is a very long time. Whether it be a the scariest looking man in the World sitting three seats away, or the incredibly drunk and incredibly talkative man sat in the seat next to Amy (thankfully for me), the first few hours certainly dragged. As if sent from heaven, the smell of aeroplane food soon filled our nostrils. The disappointment when we found out we weren't getting any made our hunger ten times worse then it previously was. 30 euros and two sandwiches later, we decided it was time to resort to the drugs. A melationin tablet later and we awoke with half the time left, and after a few films we were finally i Bangkok, ready for the easy trip to Hanoi.
    Three hours to boarding, our flight is cancelled. We brace ourselves for the worst, but soon find out we only have a two hour delay. Not ideal, but after an 11 hour flight certainly not nice. Seven hours after leaving the flight from hell, and one smashed iPhone later (Amy's fault, not mine), we board the small plane to Hanoi. We are sat near the emergency exits, which means extra leg room. The flight is two hours long and we sleep through most of it, before finally reaching Hanoi!
    The drive to the hotel is an eye opener. Horns blare every second as cars fly by each other, sometimes inches away from a crash. Mopeds fly through every gap they see, and we both close our eyes and prey for the best. It is something that will take getting used to, but it seems every one driving already has. The chaos we feel seems perfectly normal to them, and they all drive as calmly as we do at home, despite the crazy conditions.
    We eventually make it to the hotel, which after the previous 30 hours is a Godsend. The Hanoi Meracus 2 is lovely. The staff treat us very well, and the tranquillity you get from walking off the busy street into the peaceful foyer seems unreal.
    Time for our first taste of Pho. Let the adventure begin!
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  • Dzień 2

    Hanoi Meracus Day 2

    21 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Our first full day in Hanoi and already the hustle and bustle we witnessed on the way in yesterday seems less chaotic. After a few attempts we realised crossing the roads needed a bit of patience and a bit of bravery and that's about it. After we got the hang of it, we set off exploring Hanoi. First, Hoan Kiem lake. We took a morning stroll around the lake, getting great views of the Ngoc Son Temple. The sun was boiling, but a soft breeze came off the lake which felt like bliss when sat on the side. Despite the chaotic nature of this city, when sat on the lake with the breeze blowing into your face, it felt calm, as if we had walked miles and not metres from our hotel.
    After the walk we took a long stroll to Hao Lo Prison. It is hard to describe the prison. Interesting and harrowing in equal measure. It put into great insight what the people of Vietnam have suffered and pays testament to the people who fought the cruelty of the French colonies and treated the American prisoner of wars so kindly, even allowing them basketball games and Christmas celebrations.
    We then went to eat. After a meal of noodle last night and Pad Thai for breakfast (with a side of spring rolls) we decided to try Pho, a Vietnamese dish consisting of rice noodles in a broth with strips of beef. It did not disappoint, full of flavour. Now just to learn how to use chopsticks!
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  • Dzień 3

    Hanoi Meracus Day 3

    22 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Both of us started the morning feeling the effects of the long travel and the cheap Hanoi beer this morning. We didn't step into the almost unbearable heat of Hanoi until early afternoon. We headed to the train street, which was as crazy as it sounds. The train didn't come when we thought it would (half 3) but it was still great to see the houses bordering the line by metres. the heat was ridiculous so it was a relief when we got to sit inside for a water puppet show. Despite not really knowing what was going on as the dialogue was Vietnamese, it was still an impressive sight.
    As night drew in, we felt fresh enough to go out drinking again and met up with Mark and Rosie, who were an english couple we met the previous night. Beer followed beer until we were all pretty drunk. There was a moment of concern when Amy fell down the stairs in the bar, but apart from a few bruises on the arms, we all lived to survive another hot, sweaty day in Hanoi.
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  • Dzień 4

    Hanoi Serenity Hotel Day 1

    23 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    A quiet final day in Hanoi. We decided to stay another night in a different (cheaper) hotel so I could buy a replacement phone (mine still didn't work after days of searching the internet for solutions) and we ended up finding one for cheap. We went for a walk towards the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum but couldn't get in due to Amy's shoulders being on show. After that we went out for a final meal in Hanoi, before getting an early night, ready for an early pick up for the bus to Sapa tomorrow! Hanoi has been great, but we are both very ready to go somewhere less crazy and less hot! Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 5

    Sapa Classic Hotel Day 1

    24 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    An early get up for the five and a half hour journey to Sapa. After worrying the bus wouldn't turn up, we were pleasantly surprised to board a spacious, cool (which is a Godsend after 4 days in Hanoi) sleeper bus. As we sat back and relaxed it felt great to leave the madness and delve into the Northern countryside. Hotels and restaurants soon gave way to huge green fields and giant hills and before we knew it, we were stepping out into the rain in Sapa.
    This is more like it! The hills tower in the distance with clouds floating at the peaks. Sapa is much smaller than Hanoi, but it doesn't mean there's nothing going on. After a walk around the town and the lake that is attached to it, we make the most of the many happy hour deals and have a few well deserved beers after a day of travelling. Finally another bowl of Pho, which we can't get enough of, and we go to bed, hoping for a long sleep before a long day of trekking tomorrow.
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  • Dzień 6

    Sapa Classic Hotel Day 2

    25 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    What a day! We get up early to make the most of the free breakfast and head out into the cool, foggy morning. We head to Cat Cat Village, which offers breathtaking views on the way. Local tribes still live in the village, and walking round it is nothing short of amazing. If it's not the hills in the distance, it is the local way of life and surrounding fields that catches your attention. It truly is a remarkable place. After 4 hours of walking up and down hills though, our legs are ready for a rest, so we go back to the hotel, book another 2 nights in Sapa because we love it so much, and decide to have a quiet night. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 7

    Sapa Cloudy Mountains Hostel Day 1

    26 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Another day, another hotel. We make the early morning trek across the town to our new home for the next two nights. For £3.50 we arrive at a nice hostel, can't complain! Eager to explore we decide to head towards Silver Waterfall, we are told it is a 7km walk away, however 3 hours of uphill side of the road trekking we are still 2 miles away! After being chased by barking, manic dogs we are starting to feel fed up. Luckily, 2 Australian men pull up beside us, in surprise that we were still walking, offer us a lift to the waterfall. The waterfall was nice, but the views on the way were much better.
    On the way home, I am feeling very grumpy and decide that a taxi would be much more sensible. We hijack a tour that is stopped at the waterfall. They take us to lots of viewpoints, including the highest point of the road which offered truly stunning views. It's going to take a while to adjust to being so English and pale - I will never forget being pushed into a rose bush for lots of selfies with a Vietnamese woman!
    6 hours later we finally arrive back at the hotel. We rest our tired legs before going out for tea. Matt finally succumbs to eating Western food again and orders a burger. I have seen some sights that I will not forget any time soon. Gorgeous, little tribe children from the surrounding villages performed dances in the market to earn money for their families - a whole world away from the children taught at Gillshill.
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  • Dzień 8

    Sapa Cloudy Mountains Hostel Day 2

    27 sierpnia 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Ouch. Today we have learnt a few valuable lessons.
    1) Sun cream. Always.
    2) If tour guides trek 5 miles with you, they are not doing it for the conversation.
    Anyway, £20 worse off and ready for a painful nights sleep we will not make these mistakes again!
    The day started off with a failed quest to hire a moped - another trek it is. We decided to head towards Muong Hoa Valley and the surrounding villages. The hike was much more pleasant today, compared to our roadside walk yesterday. The views again were unbelievable and we were blown away by the beauty of the countryside.
    After another long day of walking though, our legs told us not to attempt the uphill back to Sapa. We jumped on two mopeds, which were cheap but scary, and finally made it back to the hotel late in the afternoon.
    As night drew in, we watched some locals play football and then enjoyed our last meal in Sapa. 7 o'clock tomorrow we head to Ha Giang!
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  • Dzień 15

    Son thuy home stay day 1 to 7

    3 września 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Our trip has come to a slight pause here in Ha Giang. We arrived tired after a cramped 8 hour bus ride, and annoyed at being dropped half an hours walk from our home stay. As we walked in though, we suddenly felt better. Despite the builders doing work on the building, it was a lovely place, and the family were very welcoming.
    The first night was an eye opener. A group of Vietnamese men invited us to eat with them after we had ordered double what we meant to by accident only an hour before. After forcing down more food, including what Matt thought was mushroom but turned out to be frog, we were shown the wonders of corn wine. Tastes like tequila, but a little weaker (thank god). It seemed to be every minute that we were asked to do another shot! As we turned down an offer for a night of karaoke, the family who own the house offered us some beers. We were happy to accept, and soon found ourselves drinking beers with them and eating more food!
    The next day we decided would be a rest day after all the alcohol consumed the night before and all the walking in sapa. We didn't realise at this point just how many rest days we would be having here.
    As the third day rolled round, we decided to rent a moped and explore the mountains of northern Vietnam. An easy task for a first time rider. Or maybe not as we soon learnt. About an hour in we fall down, Amy and the moped landing on me. Luckily a garage up the road fix the bike for pennies and a nice woman heals my wounds (for the first time).
    The next day I'm in the hospital getting a tetanus injection and realising I am in more pain then I thought. Luckily the weather's good and there is a pool to dip in (for amy).
    Friday comes round and my foot has swollen a lot! Of all the places to be in this much pain though, this is a good one. The family look after me and the days are good fun!
    Saturday is national Vietnam day! We walk downstairs unaware of the party we are walking into. More corn wine and good food (despite Amy now being a vegetarian after a very early morning killing of a pig that we could hear in our room) and offers of trips through the mountains. My foot needs rest though, so we decline and retire back to the pool for another day of sun.
    Sunday my foot feels slightly better and we decide it's nearly time to move on. The final night is spent like most of the others, drinking beer and eating food we don't really recognise. Tonight's menu was oysters and mushrooms. We will miss this place!
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  • Dzień 16

    Misa Hotel Hanoi Day 1

    4 września 2017, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We finally left Son Thuy this morning and headed back to Hanoi. It was sad to leave, as we had gotten really comfortable there with the surroundings and people. The price of staying there for the full week was under 30 pound each, which is crazy when you think of how much we ate and drank. But onwards we go, and our first stop is Hanoi on our way to the coast (finally!)
    Another sleeper bus, this time for seven hours as Amy got froze to death by dodgy air con and I got my leg hairs pulled by a young Vietnamese boy. We were glad to get off, and were even happier when we found out we were right outside the hotel. The room is nice and while we loved Son Thuy, new surroundings are nice. A quiet night tonight, as we go to feed Amy's craving for pizza.
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