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  • Päivä 5–6

    22.05 Day 5 . . . Wet Wet Wet

    22. toukokuuta, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Waking at mum and dad’s the weather was to be frank - bloody awful. It was absolutely lashing down with rain.
    We decided I would take Loup for a walk to save both of us having minging wet coats for the rest of the road trip, getting wet this morning was gonna take some drying out.
    Walk completed we spent the day having a lovely catch up with my mum and dad. Far too much food, numerous cups of tea and coffee and a day of talking about times gone by, our house in France, what was best for mum and dad moving forward and many fits of laughter. I think the day got a little too much for dad at one point as he nodded off. Loup spent the day destroying his new toy bought for him by Lissy.
    The day drifted on like this and without much else to report, evening and bedtime arrived.
    Tomorrow was pack up day and drive to Stone Valley.

    Wet Wet Wet - Angel Eyes
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  • Päivä 4–5

    21.05 Day 4 . . . Old Friends

    21. toukokuuta, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Lindfield we thought would be quiet when waking in the morning . . . we had forgotten about the numerous dog walkers using the car park before school runs and work, also the parents parking up to deliver their little darlings to school - as a result, manoeuvring from Rox in a semi state of undress took perfect timing to prevent being reported to the local authorities.
    A walk around the park with Loup and then a whistle stop visit to the local bakery to get a bacon sandwich was all we needed to do before setting off. Bacon is a hard to come by in France and so I took the opportunity when it presented itself.
    A quick drive to Haywards Heath for the second visit to the dog chew shop was next on the agenda. This time we were successful and also negotiated future supplies being posted to France for us. Loup was now stocked up with Deer, Boar, Biltong and Beef Tendons for the coming weeks back in France.
    Now it was time to hot foot to go visit our very good friends Mary Berry & Paul Hollywood (or Lynne & Phil in real life). The traffic was its usual M25 pants heading to Cobham and concluded with a couple of road closures exactly where we needed to exit.
    It was fantastic catching up with Paul & Mary and visiting for the first time their stonkingly lovely home (Gotta say that as he reads this). Loup made a brief visit inside but we extracted him before he destroyed anything. We went for a lovely pub lunch nearby and spent a good couple of hours chewing the fat. It wasn’t long though before we had to move on as we needed to drive to my parents for the evening. So mid afternoon we said our goodbyes with firm plans for Paul and Mary to visit us during the summer, if that ever arrives - and we headed off.
    We then drove through even worse traffic and pouring rain to Bloxwich. On route Paul sent us a little video of Loup dragging me to their house, captured on the ring doorbell and a lovely photo of Mary who had obviously found our company far to much and had logged off once back at home.
    After one brief stop we arrived at Bloxwich with my mum and dad. Loup made himself right at home as always and we settled in for what remained of the evening.
    We called it a night about 11pm and after managing to finally settle Loup who wanted to carry on re-checking my parents house since his last visit - we finally got to sleep.
    This week is flying!!

    Plan B - She Said
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  • Päivä 3–4

    20.05 Day 3 . . . Doggy Ice Cream

    20. toukokuuta, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Loup woke me with a small whine and I checked the time, at which point Tre woke and whispered to me ‘Is he awake do you think?’ On hearing Tre’s whisper the whines became instantly louder ‘He is now’ I replied.
    Both of us climbed out of Rox and let Loup loose from his overnight cell. During the walk around the car park of the Spotted Dog and associated lanes, Tre suggested we get going and take Loup for a long walk on Ashdown Forest. It was at this point that I told her the time - it was 5.30am - Loup was still working in French time. The look on Tre’s face was a picture of disgust 😂
    At 7am we were parked up at Ashdown Forest with Loup bustling to get on with his walk. We had a lovely sunny early morning walk amongst the bracken and long grasses - Kingstanding within site of our walk.
    As the weather was so lovely and we had time to kill we decided to set up an ad hoc camp and brewed up a tea and had croissants for breakfast. We spent the next 4 and a bit hours in the sunshine, relaxing in our chairs and taking Loup on further mini walks - of which there were numerous. When the ice cream van arrived in the car park it was the icing on the cake. A couple of cornets for myself and Tre and a first proper Doggy Ice Cream tub for Loup. We don’t see them in France so he has to make do with very small amounts of ours. This however was all his and he enjoyed every single lick from the pot, almost dropping into a drugged like state in doing so.
    After extending our stop for a further hour of sunshine, we packed up and for Haywards Heath in order to grab a few bits.
    A quick stop at the dog chew stop revealed it to be shut and the Halifax bank had been closed so our main chores had been frustrated. After grabbing a couple of bits from other stores we decided enough was enough. We grabbed some other supplies from Sainsbury’s which were to take back to France with us and that was us done.
    We had arranged to meet Daniel for the evening for a Thai in Lindfield and so drove and parked up. Lindfield was to be our overnight sleep spot as well.
    The sun still out, we walked Loup in the park and generally enjoyed the weather.
    After a slightly re-arranged 6.30pm meet up, we found the three of us tucking into Thai in the Stand Up Inn - the double red chilli warning on the jungle curry I should have paid more attention to 🌶️🌶️🥵
    We had a brilliant catch up with Daniel and putting the world to rights. A walk back to Rox and a look at Daniel’s new car, followed by another walk for Loup finished the evening.
    Daniel made his escape and we sorted ourselves for our next night in Rox. Loup was shattered from his Ashdown Forest adventures and was flat out before Tre and I climbed into bed.
    Jungle curry and another two pints of Guinness was the soundtrack to our pre slumber.

    Whiskey Myers - Broken Window Serenade
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  • Päivä 2–3

    19.05 Day 2 . . . Back In The UK

    19. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    The alarm sounded at 6.00am at the Aire de Bosc-Mesnil on the A28 north east of Rouen.
    Up and out taking Loup for a leg stretch before we set off for the Chunnel. A couple of croissants and coffee’s grabbed we were on the road at 7am as planned.
    We arrived at the Euro Tunnel site and immediately went to the pet reporting area. Always a mad place with so many dogs, it is always a good spot for an accident - and so it proved.
    Loup out of his crate I decided to adjust his lead and bent down to do so, leaning forward. It was at this point Loup saw a dog exit the pet reporting office and set off at full speed to go say hello. Due to my stance it took no effort for him to have me full face plant in the car park, still hanging onto the lead at full arm stretch. Back on my feet we went into the office, only for round two to start - too many dogs in a confined space lead to much barking and frivolity and general mischief. It wasn’t long before I left Tre inside to do the paperwork while I took the mutt outside.
    All booked in we went to park and wait our crossing.
    At 1145am we were onboard and departing France.
    Arriving in the UK due to the time difference at 1130am we got on the road only just remembering in the nick of time to drive on the left.
    We drove to Tunbridge Wells and parked up - walking in to surprise Melissa at work, we bumped into her as she was leaving her building to go for lunch . . . Complete luck!!
    After a short natter and confirming a time to pick her up in the evening, we drove to Haysden Country Park near Tonbridge to take Loup on a long walk.
    The weather was lovely with just a little breeze as we walked the circumference of the lake. Loup was in his element with so many people on bikes for him to attempt a tyre chew on. The afternoon passed without incident and so we drove to our parking spot for the night.
    The Spotted Dog pub at Penshurst allow you to park overnight in their car park if you have a meal in the pub. Unlike some pubs that offer this - they even leave their toilets open overnight for your convenience . . . Brucy Bonus! The location having been checked out and the pub owners spoken to we drove to Tonbridge.
    Just after 6pm we picked Lissy up and returned to the Spotted Dog for a fab meal and my first two Guinness for about 6 months.
    After a fab evening and meal we dropped Lissy back home before heading back and bedding down at the Spotted Dog.
    Two days done already!

    Elvis Costello - I Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down
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  • Päivä 1–2

    18.05 Day 1 . . . Here We Go

    18. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    So today’s is the day we set off, possibly for about three weeks in total.
    The plan - from home to the UK. Visit family and friends for a few days. Then to The Stone Valley Festival from Thursday night until Bank Holiday Monday morning with Simon Jax Jonathan and Emma Annals. Drive back to France. Then south through France, into the top of Switzerland. Across Switzerland and pop out the bottom side into Italy. Meet with Simon & Jax again and have a few days exploring the lakes area, visiting a few Italian beauty spots and villages and hopefully chilling.
    That plan is very dependant on Loup 🙄🐾
    Packing up and getting ready to leave was quite tough as the weather at home was glorious sunshine, so after the last week or so of mixed weather it seemed a wrench to be leaving. Plus we love this place so much and have so much to do, we wanted to stay and crack in with everything.
    So the day passed along with many trips back and forth to Roxvanne, now being accompanied by Loup on every round trip.
    We had aimed to leave by 2.30, but it was nearer 4.30 by the time we locked all the shutters and the front gate - setting off to join the main road out to the N10.
    As always we headed due north on the N10 and took our normal route up towards Poitier, then Tours, on to Le Mans and with an aim to get the far side of Rouen before bedding down for the evening.
    We had spells of glorious sunshine but also heavy showers on the journey - throughout which Loup was brilliant, not a peep - we stopped briefly a couple of times for him to have a leg stretch and a call of nature. We also listened to an hour long interview with Paul Weller talking about his life and music and plugging the new album ‘66’ . . . Obviously!!
    We finally cleared Rouen and stopped at services we had stopped overnight at previously, on our first ever drive to the UK back in November 2022.
    After a fairly lengthy walk with Loup we huddled down in Roxvanne, Tre immediately going to sleep leaving me trying to get the Tyson Fury fight streamed to my phone - without success!!
    So that was Day 1 done - let’s hope the rest of the trip is as painless as today.

    Paul Weller - Soul Wandering
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  • Päivä 221

    25.04 Day 221 . . . Last Full Day Here!

    25. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    So today could and should be our last full day here at Chaignepain. We have the day here packing and then the night here.
    The alarm went off at 8.30 but I was awake well before that. Tre was still in the land of zog.
    Once up we breakfasted and then first thing first was to sort the bloody French mobile top up. It took Tre and I another good fifteen minutes this morning before we finally sorted how to input the code number to activate the top up.
    After this is was full on sort out mode. I cracked on with a full deep clean of the pellet burner while Tre did the same to the cooker.
    I then helped Tre get some burnt on residue from the glass door and the metal rings within the cooker. Tre then worked upstairs while I finished off the burner and then started the defrost of the freezer, which fortunately didn’t take that long.
    I got an unexpected call from Russ ‘Benny’ who I had meant to call for about two weeks - I always feel bad if I don’t keep in contact with people. It was good to catch up.
    Whilst having to pop to the van I decided the start Roxvanne to ensure she started. As per yesterday she has a bit of a dodgy battery now and I was worried that when we loaded up yesterday, the lights in the back and cab had been on quite a bit.
    On the first turn of the key I knew all was not good - yep Rox was flat. Definitely not what we needed today.
    I went to speak with Tre who had made lunch, but I wasn’t hungry now thinking about the battery and it’s impact on us over the next few days. After half an hour I tried Rod again - no joy. Fortunately we had a power pack gadget in the van and so we broke that out. I connected it up and Tre turned the key - up she fired. We locked up the Gite and went for an unscheduled drive of the surrounding lanes to give the battery’s charge.
    Once back we got an email from Kate estate agent asking if we had heard anything from the seller who was due to send us some house update photos. We replied nothing received. Waiting on these images had been on mine and Tre’s mind all day, we were started to think tomorrows signing might not be as straight forward as we hoped.
    Tre and I continued for another hour or so packing things away and cleaning. We had a visit from Hannah with some post and we updated her on a couple of issues in the Gite.
    We then got a call from Mr and Mrs Hollywood and at about the same time finally got the photos we had been waiting for all day. The photos were what we needed to see and as a result made us feel a lot more confident about tomorrows signing!
    Once we finished chatting with the Hollywoods we decided to call it a day and Tre got dinner together. We then sat and chilled for the evening - it being our last night sitting on our little sofa here - felt a little odd to be honest.
    Tomorrow is a big day!
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  • Päivä 220

    24.04 Day 220 . . . Packing Up Rox

    24. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Up at 8.30 and straight downstairs to crack on - we have a lot to do.
    We whistled through breakfast and then we called Orange British line and spoke to a very helpful guy about getting a landline new phone installed at the Chenay house. Wasn’t as cheap as we thought as we hadn’t ordered it online, but you can’t order an engineer to attend to hook up a line using the online system - so stuffed in that one. Anyhow all sorted and an engineer being sent out next week. All the bits ordered and being posted out and we had to give Craigs mobile number for the contract as they will only take a French mobile number. So this afternoon we need to go get a French mobile phone.
    Next up call the Insurance lady Vanessa to get a new attestation document done and sent out, so we can send to the notaire.
    Once that was done and email copy received we forwarded it to the French Notaire and also asked them to confirm that they had all our funds safely held for the Chenay house.
    I then packed a few bits upstairs just to make a start on our move out. Tre had also started her packing - more of what she had already done in the last few days.
    Shortly after lunch we both climbed into Roxvanne to drive to Sauze. We both noticed again that she is not starting very well - we’ve ordered a new battery for when we get back to the UK in May but we may need to sort it sooner.
    We drove to Sauze and into SuperU. First up we bought a phone but found out we needed to go to a shop down the parade for a SIM card. We then did a small food shop but also picked up some items that were on offer due to a stamp collection scheme - a bit like green shield stamps back in the UK in about 1970 . . . all gardening equipment.
    After SuperU we went to get the SIM card which was a bit of a phaf, but the lady in the shop was really helpful and explained what we needed to do . . . Or so we thought.
    Across the road to Bricomon to buy some charcoal, but changed our minds and just bought some fire lighters. We think we can use wood (of which there is plenty in the hanger at the Chenay house) in the newly purchased fire pit if yesterday.
    Back home via the main roads and parked up in our normal bay at the Gite.
    We then spent the next two hours or so humping our belongings from the Gite to Rox and loading her up. We seem to have accumulated loads of stuff while we have been here - certainly more than we arrived with.
    We finally locked the doors on Rox and called it a day.
    Tre then made a fab, huge omelette which we had with salad whilst flopped on the sofa watching rubbish.
    We then for some bizarre reason started trying to activate the new mobile phone and also too it up with the details and directions we had been given by the shop lady. Not a chance! We were both tired and tempers started to raise, so we decided to leave it to the morning. It cannot be that difficult.
    Both pooped we decided to call it a night - it was well gone 11pm here yet again.
    Tomorrow is our last full day at the Gite!!
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  • Päivä 219

    23.04 Day 219 . . . Big Pot Hunting

    23. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    After waking at 3am with a thumping headache . . . as a result of too much Leffe Blonde last night, I fell back to sleep and we both woke at about 8.30am and were treated to the sounds of the Cuckoo and the Hoopoe from over in the woods.
    We had decided to go to Civray during the morning to visit the market - which today was a brocante, not a locals one - more professional sellers antique fair.
    We arrived at Civray just before 11am and found a parking space over the river from the market square I. A fairly large car park.
    We started our walk around the market, taking in the weird and wonderful treasures to be found. We saw a fairly large metal pot which Tre suggested might make a good fire pit for the garden and so we asked a price. Far too expensive for what it was. We were now on Big Pot Hunt. We found another couple as we walked, both were neither quite big enough or the right price.
    It was then that we saw it, a bloody big and heavy iron pot with handles. After a short discussion with the seller and a 10€ price reduction we bought it. Only then did I worry about how we would get it into an already full Roxvanné. Add to that Tre and I had to carry it back through the market, across the river and to the car park. Anyhow after two stops on route we arrived at Rox and sorted the back contents enough that we could put the pot in . . . Bloody hell it’s heavy!!
    Back to the market we walked again before grabbing hot drinks in the small bar/cafe right next to the church.
    Although it had been sunshine when we left home it was overcast in Civray and getting windy.
    So after drinks we headed for Rox and drove home. On our arrival the weather was sunny and warm again.
    We decided to sit outside but after 10 minutes it had clouded over and started to rain a little. Within half an hour it was lashing it down. This rain came and went all afternoon.
    We decided to eat early and had the lamb and mint sausages from Sauze market.
    Due to the weather we sat to watch some TV and waited for Brighton v Manchester United FA Cup Semi Final to start.
    As we are an hour ahead, by the time the game had finished with a penalty shoot out it was well gone 8pm if not nearer 9pm.
    A bit more TV and some social messages to some friends finished the day and we toddled off to bed.
    Something else bought for the Chenay House - 3 more sleeps!
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  • Päivä 218

    22.04 Day 218 . . . Our Final Viewing

    22. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Today is the day we go to read the mètres at the Chenay House - so we both woke immediately thinking about it and trying to check we had all the questions ready that we needed to ask.
    Downstairs we had breakfast and I downloaded a load of payslips for all my work last year to send to the French accountant. Downloaded and sent, Tre and I set about replying to the English accountant so that she could sort my tax with UK HMRC - questions such as how many actual days did I work in the Uk between set dates!! Nightmare!! Anyway we got it done and sent.
    I wanted to fly the drone today due to the incredible rapeseed in the fields, but I was having to watch how windy it was.
    Tre cracked on with ironing all the covers from the 3 piece suite she had laundered while I kicked my heels and found a little green bug to photograph out on the patio.
    The southern green shield bug larvae molt five times before they reach their mature size. They are named for their unpleasant scent and are considered pests due to their preference for feeding on leguminous plants such as soybeans. Wasps and flies that parasitize the southern green shield bug are sometimes used as biological controls for its population.
    The adult males can reach a body length (from front to elytral apex) of about 1.2 cm, while females are bigger, reaching a size of about 1.3 cm. The body is bright green and shield-shaped and the eyes are usually reddish, but they may also be black. They differ from the similar green stink bug (Acrosternum hilare) by the shape of their scent gland openings, which are short and wide in Nezara viridula, and narrow and long in the green stink bug. The eggs are barrel-shaped, with an opening on the top.
    Once the wind had died down Is joutes to Tre and we headed out to the end of the lane to fly the Mavic Air.
    Still a little gusty and having not flown it for a while, I struggled to remember all of the imagery settings during the two short flights. On landing the second flight I thought at one point it was coming down due to low battery in the rapeseed field, which would have been a total loss of it. I then nearly clipped a tree when I got it close to home. Next flight will be less adventurous and more re-learning my skills.
    We walked home and I downloaded the footage into the MacBook. I was actually quite pleased with some of the stuff I’d got.
    I pinged a couple of images into Instagram and then shit upstairs to get changed. Tre was already and we needed to leave to get fuel at Sauze before heading to the house.
    At just gone 5pm we were fuelling at Sauze and whilst there went to check the tyre pressures as I now know how to use the French air lines - a little odd to say the least.
    All done Tre and I headed for the house passing the estate agent parked up in a layby, probably killing time.
    We arrived at the house at about 5.50pm ten minutes early and there met the estate agent and Madam Auvin one of the sellers. She had with her, her son and one of his friends.
    We spent some good while at the house checking the location of water stop clocks, electric metres, water points within the street, what the family had and hadn’t left in the house and outbuildings. To say Tre and I weren’t impressed is an understatement - but I won’t go into it. The estate agent agreed that the state of the place was not acceptable. We had a serious conversation and it would appear things will get done before Wednesday - we will see.
    The sun was out and it was a beautiful evening, the house itself and especially the garden looked stunning, if not overgrown.
    It’s all Tre and I actually want - the rubbish the family have left Tre and I will sort . . . We have the time!!
    We finally left being given some assurances and decided rather than go straight home we would go to a bar we’ve meant to visit for ages.
    We drove about ten minutes tops, to Clussais-la-Pommeraie and La Pause d’Ore. once inside we saw that they made and served freshly baked pizzas.
    We ordered a Canabel (Cannibal) pizza and a couple of drinks. The pizza lived up to its name being fairly spicy. With the addition of some chilli oil the owner had provided my mouth was on fire - in a good way. Due to having a very large glass of Leffe Blonde, Tre drive home which took about ten minutes.
    Indoors we had another drink each and continued to discuss the issues with the way the house had been left, but more importantly how pleased we were to have found it and that it will be ours on Wednesday.
    We both went to bed really happy but in my case a little fuzzy headed.
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  • Päivä 216

    20.04 Day 216 . . . All Paid Up !!

    20. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Up again relatively early as we need to move some final monies - it’s been good getting these transactions done first thing and out of the way - the rest of the day is now cleared. That’s it all paid - Thursday 20th April 2023 - All Paid
    What a feeling!!
    We owe no-one anything, house bought, van owned, credit cards with zero balances, no debt - to anyone - and savings still in the bank!!
    Boyed by our own little achievement we had breakfast and were ready and out of the door by 1030am.
    We had decided to go to Sauze market - in all the months we have been here, we have never been to market day at Sauze, it being the closest town to us - go figure.
    On the way we noticed that the fields are now so high with rapeseed and other crops that we can’t see across many fields now, even being in the van. We have lost some of our distant views.
    We parked in the main square at Sauze and walked to the market, which to be fair was about seven stalls, not really much of a market, but all the stalls were selling good quality products, cheese, meat, vegetables, fish, speciality chicken and some other locals selling bedding plants. So as a villager you have pretty much choice of all your stable dietary foods.
    The meat stall was our purpose for going, it had been recommended so many times to us, a Brit girl works the stall and is apparently married to a French Butcher. So the stall has some British products not often found in French butchers . . . Bacon!!
    As well as bacon we got lamb and mint sausages and also some marinated pork strips. I can also order pig skin from her for my pork scratchings - noted!!
    The vegetable stall also got our attention and some purchases, whilst the remaining stalls didn’t take any of our money.
    From the market we went to Bricomon - which today was open where we saw again ‘Andy’ who works in there and we purchased a padlock and 1m of chain for the new house gate.
    Then across to SuperU to buy a whole host of cleaning equipment for our move in day as well as some food shops bits and half a dozen or so of our favourite red, which was again on offer €1.90 a bottle.
    As we loaded Roxvanné with our purchases, Tre suddenly said she fancied a bacon baguette at the Lemon Tree just down the road - she was never going to get an argument from me on that idea.
    Five minutes later at just gone 1pm we were sat awaiting our bacon baguettes, mine with a fried egg in a crusty, Tre just bacon in a soft baguette.
    Whilst sitting in the cafe we got an email from the estate agent saying one of the sellers of the Chenay house now wanted to be present at the completion signing, but wanted the date brought forward by a day at 2pm - could we be available? Err YES!!
    Before answering we sent a quick check to our English notaire to ensure there was no issue with this that we hadn’t considered . . . and waited for the reply.
    From the Lemon Tree we drove past the Chenay House again and noted some of the flower tubs had now been removed, so removals are still ongoing.
    From the house we drove to Hope Furniture Barn - part of the Sauze charity shop. We just wanted to see what they had, as we need to find a bed frame, just for the short term, for the Chenay House. We currently have nothing here by way of furniture and most of what we had in the UK we threw away - this is a clean fresh start for us both. Anything furniture we buy over the next week or so will be for the short term just while we get settled.
    That being said I didn’t envisage leaving Hope having bought a three piece suite (In Pink), a solid wood double bed frame and two small chairs! All to be delivered on the 2nd May free of charge.
    The woman who run the barn (Ann) then let slip that her and her husband were ex police (BTP) and that she had a brother who was ex MET and NCS - small world. So as a result we stood chatting for longer than anticipated.
    We were then driving home at about 3.45pm.
    Indoors we had the email reply from our British notaire that a day earlier was no problem. We emailed the estate agent to say 2pm on 26th was fine and could she confirm it was now fixed. Half an hour later she came back that 26th was fixed but could we do 4pm . . . We’d be really pleased if they could make their minds up!! Anyhow we replied YES to 4pm on the 26th. So we are now another day closer.
    We had stripped all the covers of the newly acquired pink three piece before we had left the barn and so Tre was on opération laundry with those once we had sorted the email to the estate agent.
    Another email from the French notaire informed us they had received all payments we had made other than the final one which we knew would credit with them tomorrow.
    So after quite a busy little day we sat to watch some TV with a snack tea of wine, cheese, chorizo, crisps and haribo sweets . . . so, so healthy!
    Bit or a landmark day for Tre and I . . . We seem to be almost there!!

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