Pat’s Cycle Tour - 2019

mars 2019 - juni 2024
This tour will be through a small part of SE Asia, starting in Thailand, Cambodia, and finishing in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon). The route will mainly follow the coastal area where I hope to do some scuba diving Les mer
  • 24fotspor
  • 3land
  • -dager
  • 213bilder
  • 0videoer
  • -kilometer
  • Laeng Sing (Thailand)

    7. april 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Although not easy to wake up early every morning, the early starts are great.
    Not far into the ride I took shelter in a hardware store for about 40 minutes when a storm came lashing down.
    From there the ride was into a headwind which really eats in to you. Around midday a break was called for and I took a nap amongst some market stalls (probably used as a night market).
    As far as roadkill goes, I've seen chameleons, water monitors, and massive toads. Close to the end of the ride with my focus waning, I almost rode over a snake (at least 2m long). I don't know who got more of a fright, me or the snake (snakes can pick up the vibration of someone walking towards them, but not the case with a bicycle rolling along).
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  • Laem Ngop (Thailand)

    8. april 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    The rain came pelting down last night, with claps of thunder that the wooden cabin would literally shake. Awesome to go to bed listening to the rain coming down.
    The monks typically start meditating around 5am, and when I start riding around 6:30am, you will see them walking around the neighborhood while locals make merit by offering food, and then go back to meditating before starting their chores.
    On the back roads you find many temples, at some of the bigger temples I would stop and take a look around the grounds.
    Took the quieter roads again today hugging the coastline. I was hoping at the end of my ride to find a little shack with a view of the sea, instead ended up with a view of the mangrove swamps. Luckily over the road was I convenience store where I found a can of Doom (equivalent) that looks like a mini fire extinguisher. Its already come in handy to terminate a massive cockroach.
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  • Ban Huang Som (Thailand)

    9. april 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Today was one of those days where cycling just seemed so much easier. Cruised along merrily on some of the quieter roads.
    The river estuaries seemed to be used a lot as fishing villages and from here they launch their fishing boats through the mouth of the estuary. The homes are built on stilts over the water. It's great to spend time in the villages watching all the activities.
    Late afternoon I went for a swim off the beach, the water was so hot that it was actually uncomfortable, not at all refreshing. I must have gone offshore about 500m, about waist deep, but it was just the same. Headed back and had a swim in the resort pool which was just slightly cooler.
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  • Tatai (Cambodia)

    10. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    Had to endure the border crossing into Cambodia today. Emigration on the Thailand side was quick, entry into Cambodia not so quick. I was hoping to sneak in with my single entry visa that was issued when I went to Siem Reap last week, not so. Another $37 for a new visa.
    Had my first taste of the hills that are to come, climbing at walking pace and the heat radiating from the tar was intense (41°C).
    Met another touring cyclist heading in the opposite direction. We stopped and chatted for about an hour, in the only shade we could find, a cemetery. He is wild camping and gets by with less than $10 a day !
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  • Koh Sdach

    11. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    The kind lady at the hotel gave me 'padkos' for the road today, 4 eggs, 4 slices of bread, and one Dragonfruit. Today I started out one hour before sunrise, the idea was to summit one of the big climbs before it became to hot. For those that think this is easy, it's not; blood, sweat and tears, just to bring you a few pictures. Sometimes plans go array, on the spur of the moment, I headed off the main road, and am now 60km off track, on a small island, in the most primitive of fishing villages. I only arrived here at 5pm after 12 hrs on the bike (136km). I guess in Cambodia this is not the sign for "I need a lift NOW" 👍
    I drank gallons today and survived on my 'padkos' some bananas, and nuts.
    I crossed from the mainland to a fishing village on a Island with a dinghy for $2.50, and found a 'homeshare' which is basic but adequate. Most stalls had already closed in the village by the time I had showered and done my daily laundry. The families were sitting out front having there dinner. All I could find for myself was a bowl of soup with some chicken and sprouts.
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  • Koh Sdach - Day 2

    12. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    This is not your typical tourist destination, this is the real Cambodia, and very little to no English is spoken.
    After yesterday's epic day, today was a day off. A family member from the Guest House took me for a walk through the village, we then arranged a boat to take us to another island, him and his onterage came along for the ride. His wife, two sons, and two other kids. After exploring the island we had lunch on the pier, washed down by beers. It was then that I noticed some fruit bats hanging in a net from the rafters (these came back with us on the boat).
    I was heading out to find dinner, when the family invited me to join them. All started out well with rice and fresh squid on the grill, then some salty chewy fish. From there things got serious, one of the family pointed to the fire; superman he says (aka fruit bat). While this was being prepared, a squawk, and a chicken was removed from its roosting spot in the rafters and was also on the fire five minutes later. Don't judge, this is life in rural Cambodia.
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  • Kampot (Cambodia)

    13. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ 🌧 33 °C

    Today I made up for some lost time (following my earlier diversion) by making use of the local transport for part of the route. Watching the bus being loaded I thought it would not be possible to load anything more. 80% of the bus was loaded to the roof with crates of fish. They then removed a row of seats, and three scooters were loaded through the side door. No space for my bike inside so it hung precariously by rope at the rear of the bus. Then 20 humans crammed in, all intertwined, some standing, and at least three on each scooter.
    Arrived in Kampot, and although a small town, a surprising number of tourists, and also expats running the many guest houses.
    All over Cambodia you will see what look like abandoned concrete buildings, but these are for harvesting the nests of swallows. Bird songs are piped in with speakers to attract more swallows. The nests can be sold for as much as $1,800 / kg on the Chinese market. They are used for skincare, anti-cancer, and for impotence (good thing.... leave our Rhinos alone).
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  • Kampot - Day 2

    14. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Town is quiet today, only a few tourists and expats roaming around. It is the Khmer New Year starting today and runs for three days.
    One of the most popular fruits in these parts is the Durian, but due to its overpowering smell, it has been banned on many types of public transport. At the airports you will also see signs that it is prohibited.
    Everywhere in Thailand, spirit houses can be seen, at private homes, factories, hotels, restaurants, temples and even along roads where deadly crashes happened.
    Flowers, food, drinks and also little figurines representing servants, dancers, elephants, horses, cars are given to the spirit of the land. The dancers shall entertain him. The elephants and horses shall transport him.
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  • Kep (Cambodia)

    15. april 2019, Kambodsja ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    With New Year celebrations ongoing the beaches were packed, and the roads gridlocked. SA is not the only country where the masses flock to the beaches for the holidays. At least with a bicycle it was possible to still get around town.
    This area of Cambodia is renowned for its Salt Mines, Pepper Farms, and seafood.
    Lunch whilst I was cycling was duck from a roadside stall, very tough but editable. Dinner was an amazing crab dish with coconut milk.
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  • Phu Quoc (Vietnam)

    16. april 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    The border crossing from Cambodia to Vietnam was uneventful. Very quite, I think that I was the only person leaving Cambodia. Arrived in a small town of Ha Tien and found myself an ATM and withdrew some local Dong, also with 000,000. Next again was to find a SIM card for data.
    In Ha Tien many buildings have added an extra floor especially for the swallows to harvest the nests. All over town are speakers playing bird calls, if the barking geckos, don't keep you awake at night, this racket sure will.
    From there I found a ferry to take my across to the island of Phu Quoc, a three hour crossing, the fare R140 ($10) for me and my bike.
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