South- and Central America

January - August 2023
Solo Traveller in South and Central America from Jan-Aug 2023 Read more
  • 201footprints
  • 14countries
  • 223days
  • 1.4kphotos
  • 119videos
  • 50.3kkilometers
  • 22.9kkilometers
  • Day 13


    January 15, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today I had some phone calls with my family and friends in the morning. I also planned and booked my next places. I will stay 4 days in Puerto varas (lake Distrikt in Chile) and 4 days in Santiago de Chile (quieter long for Chile , but I can enjoy more my birthday in Mendoza with that.(I will met Javj from the hostel there again). I will take an overnight bus from Puerto varas to a Santiago.

    After that I made some yoga at the lake and chilled alone. I really enjoyed that!

    After that I met Lilli and annaell at the lake and we chilled together. We were also swimming to a little boat and chilled there, it was really relaxing. This is My first chilled day in Argentina and I enjoyed it very much. It was also very busy at the lake 😂 Sunday and holiday season in argentinia haha

    In the evening I chilled with Maxi and Stefan (his dad is traveling with him 3 weeks here!!! Amazing) as well as with annaell and Lilli at the bonfire after cooking together.

    Tomorrow is hiking day with anaell, before I will head to Puerto varas at the next morning. The 30 min drive to the bus station will cost me ~5000 pesos (15€🥹), because they don’t have Uber or cabify here..

    (The garbage cans in the public are different in some parts of Buenos Argentina as i have seen before in my life. To be honest, I don’t know what I should say about that🤷🏽‍♂️😂)
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  • Day 14

    Hiking to Llao Llao

    January 16, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today I hiked with Annael to the Cerro Llao Llao. Unfortunately Lilli did not join because her knee still hurt es a little bith.
    So after breakfast with Maxi, Stefan and two Chilens we drove with the bus to the Swiss Region in bariloche.

    We hiked to the Llao llao 1 1/2h. The view and the nature was soooo amazing. I felt so in love with bariloche😍 because we expected, that the hike is longer we chilled out there and had a nice conversation with Argentinians. They gave us good recommendations for Mendoza and Salta/Jujuj.

    We had dinner at a beach and to see the mountains there.. wow😍

    After we arrived I made some stretching and meditation.

    In the evening I cooked a meal for all of us. An Argentinian guy gave us some spices and it tasted amazing. He also made barbecue and he gave me something of the meat. It was delicious 😍

    We chilled at the bonfire after that and I had to say goodbye to maxi, Stefan, Lilli and Annaell. I really enjoyed traveling with annaell and Lilli🥹. It was also very nice to see Maxi the last days at the bonfire and at breakfast.

    Tomorrow I will take a early bus at 7:30 to Puerto varas. So Chile is calling 😍😍
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  • Day 15

    Arriving in Puerto Varas

    January 17, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    After all the people of the bus had to change to another bus at the half of the trip and with 2h delay, I arrived at 17:00 at Puerto varas.

    I tramped for the first time with another girl from the bus stop to the city😂 it took 30 seconds and someone picked us up.

    Puerto varas is a small city with very nice and chilled vibes and beautiful buildings. I walked the paseo patrimonial with amazing 19-Century German architecture and older buildings and houses, which was nice to see.

    Another place with another lakes, I really like it here 😍

    Chile is expensive. (3x big empanadas 8,5€) I would say kinda the same prices and in Europe, which surprises me a lot.
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  • Day 16

    Nationalpark + vulcano Osorno

    January 18, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today I went with Kiona (Belgium, 43) to the National park Vicente Pérez Rosales. I met her yesterday in the hostel and we also bought some empanadas for the hiking day at 22:30😂

    After we had breakfast at 8:00 at the hostel we went 1h with the bus at first to see the a river. We should have pay 8€ entrance fee, but we ‘entered with a tour group‘ so we payed nothing. We were a little disappointed because there was less water as it should be. After that we tramped to the entrance of the hike close to the volcano Osorno.

    After that we went ~18km hiking to a viewpoint. We found spat out volcano stone, which floated on the water. Amazing to see!! As well as the snow and the different colors of the Vulcano impressed me much! At half of the way we chilled at the lake, but the sand was quite hot.

    It was the first time for me that I hiked close by a volcano. What a nice experience! After that we drunk some beer on Puerto varas and I had a inspiring conversation with her at the peer. She also share her dinner with me.
    So I am going to bed without any plan for tomorrow😂. Not typical German as she mentioned😂
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  • Day 17

    Biking to a Brewery + walking+partying

    January 19, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today in the morning Kiona and myself didn’t know what we should do. We decided to cycle ~3h and stop at a brewery and at a small city nearby called Llanquihue.

    We were informed, that we could rent a bike for 2h free, but we got it for 4h for free😂💪🏽

    But the internet sayed the brewery is not open, BUT they still gave us beer and a 50% discount because we arrived with the bike. The first 10 minutes were the hardest one, a already died at the beginning 😂

    After we arrived in the hostel, I went to a parque to soo Puerto varas from above.

    Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to Kiona, because this was her last day. Wow, I really enjoyed the deep conversations with her. Also also knee a mit of beer and she mentioned that the Belgium beer is more variant than the German beer🤷🏽‍♂️💪🏽

    Before dinner I went also to a crazy museum, where the owner was also there. (Museo Pablo Fierro ) Very nice experience and completely different as the museums I went to before. I also went to Iglesia Luterana.

    Tomorrow is rafting time!! For the first time of my life, lvl 3 of 5 at the beginning! Nice.

    In the evening I was pre drinking with two Germans(Celine and Isabella) and two Colombians from the hostel at the beach, where one of them is studying at the OTH😂. After that we went to a river bar, where the view was stunning at night 😍
    After that we went partying and is was an amazing night till 5:00😂💪🏽 I also drank piscola, a National drink in Chile.
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  • Day 18

    Resting, planning and Rafting😍

    January 20, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    After a short night I was quiet lazy till my rafting trip at 14:30.
    I read more about the riots in Peru, so I almost decided to skip it unfortunately 🥲
    I also booked a Hostel in, and a bus transfer to, Mendoza. I want to celebrate my birthday at a wine yard💪🏽

    I had to say goodbye to celine and Isabella before the trip. I really enjoyed the time with them.

    My first rafting trip on class 3 was very nice! I met there two Chilen girls an US- Couple. We also jumped from a smaller cliff. The rafting was around 1h and we got beer and pizza after that. Wow, what an nice experience and day.

    In the evening I met Marie from Germany in the hostel again and we cooked together.

    (Chile: 40% of the habitants are living in Santiago de Chile, in Argentina 30% in Buenos Aires ;
    Around this region in the 19th century German people became land here to settle down so that more people should live there. That is the there are a lot of German buildings around here. A lot of people flew after and during the war in this region as well)
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  • Day 19

    Puerto Varas ✅🔜santiago de Chile

    January 21, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    It is not much so say about today. I decided to do nothing, because I have seen everything in Puerto Varas with a full Programm the last days. So I learned Spanish and had phone calls with some friends at the seaside.

    I also spoke to three people there, which seemed to be that they are homeless people. I felt a little bit unsafe with them. They also asked at the end of the conversation if they can have money - I said no and they were pissed and angry😂 weird conversations and situation.

    I really enjoyed the two days with Kiona as well as the rafting and partying with Celine and Isabella. I really enjoy travelling again 😍

    Now I take a overnight bus to Santiago de Chile, which takes around 12h. For sure I booked the cheapest bus, but I got picked up at a residential area, which made me a little bit nervous, if it is really the right pick up point😂
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  • Day 20

    Arriving in Santiago de Chile

    January 22, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    I arrived in the morning at 8:00 at the bus terminal. After I left my backpack at the hostel, I went to Cerro San Cristóbal (Viewpoint with a Christian Maria), where the biggest park of Santiago is also located. I hiked up trough the park and enjoyed the view over Santiago. You were able to see the biggest mountain outside of Asia (Aconcagua) and also the biggest building in Latin-America(Gran Torro).

    Then I went to the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, where I got in touch with Chiles History. To the way there, one tyre of my bus was exploding, but it was ok😂 to the history:

    With the help of US the military Pinochet putched the government (Allende) at the 11.11.1973. The current prime minister Allende gave himself the golden shot during the military was shooting at his president building. (+operation Condor)
    After that the dictatorship ended after 17 years.
    Nice museum, with English audio guide!

    After that I ate a traditional sausage of Argentina/Chile (Chorizo). It was ok😂(more greasy than German sausages)

    Then I headed to plaza de armes, where I felt the first time a little bit insecure and it I expected more😂. My last stop was the government building, where the president works.

    So a Long day after a ok bus transfer.

    In the evening I cooked and had some talks with people of the hostel.(Bec from Australia, Daniel from France and Guillo from Argentina)
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  • Day 21

    Second day in santiago

    January 23, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    At the next day after a really nice breakfest at the hostel, I wanted to see the Park Lucia with nice buildings, but is was closed😂 on Monday a lot of things are closed here.

    I went to an huuuuge cemetery after that & it was impressive how the chilens are decorating the graves (Football, Clan-Flaggs, Felice Navidad). Also the former president Allende before Pinochet became dictator has his grave there. The different between urns and large tombs impressed me as well.

    After that I went to a big market, where I ate pistales (empanadas with Chilean dough and fried- really nice!). Because everything is closed on Monday I decided to go to another museum, where I listened to some very relaxed music. I enjoyed staying there!! Art is universal and doesn’t need a language. I stayed there quiete long and now I unterstand, why people like museum #raul😂

    In the evening we had pisco sour night at the hostel (Bec, Daniel, Guille). I have been there shortly & after that I catched up Javi again. I met her in Buenos Aires and she lives 25 min outside of Santiago. I had a nice & funny evening with her and her girls (Josefina, olgita, Carolina) at a bar.
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  • Day 22

    Third day in santiago

    January 24, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    At the next morning I went to the Bahai-Tempel of South-America. Baha'iism is a worldwideand universal religion and it was invented in 1810 in the Arabic area.

    Baha'i believe that all religions build on each other. The individual founders of religions such as Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Muhammad and the Báb are seen as manifestations of God in history. In Germany Bahai has 6,000 followers and this was the only Bahai temple in South America! On every content is at last one Bahai temple.

    It also was also impressive to see from

    The whole city of Santiago. After that I went to the Cerro Lucia Park. I also saw Isabella again and we went to a pool party with the hostel in the afternoon/evening.

    To the way to the pool party Guille would closely be robbed. One men made the appear, that he is pucking and another one opened the funny bag of Guille. He had luck, that he was acting fast, so nothing happened at the end.
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