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  • Hari 6

    Day 5. Pistoia PM.

    30 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    After lunch we headed off to the Spedale Del Ceppo, a former hospital, now just a blood donor's clinic. The front of the building is decorated with medallions by Della Robbia and Benedetto Buglioni.
    From the 17th century the hospital was home to a medical-surgical school whose clients were the dead from the hospital and the prisons, bisected on a marble slab in the anatomical theatre.
    From here we gained access to the underground tour.
    As the city expanded its wall did also and the tour was along the former river Brana now diverted. Over time roads,walls and buildings were built over the river. It was interesting to learn of the city's history through the foundations.
    There were two former mill wheels. One was used by the blacksmith the other by the miller.
    The hospital's toilets and waste products emptied into the river where the people washed their clothes and was responsible for 2/3rds of the city dying from the Black Plague.
    The excavation of the now dry river bed is an ongoing project, and knowing the Italians, I doubt if it will ever be finished.
    An interesting tour and recommended.
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  • Hari 6

    Day 5. Pistoia AM

    30 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Well the heavens opened last night, thunder, lightning and hail. It appears there's a change coming. Hopefully cooler weather.
    After purchasing tickets for this afternoon's tour we visited some of the churches. There are lots of them. In the U.K. It's a pub on every corner, here it's a church.
    Pistoia has a reputation for its fine pulpits and so we went to see the two finest examples. The ones in St Andrea and San Giovanni Fuorcivitas.
    We preferred the one in San Giovanni. As you will know they have the symbols on them for Mathew(prayer book), Mark (Lion) ,Luke (ox) and John (eagle).
    The ceilings(wooden) were excellent but sadly the frescoes that once covered the interior walls have all but disappeared.
    The best frescoes we have seen are in the tiny Holy Trinity Chapel, Hrastovlji in Slovenia.
    The churches here have a lot of white and green marble. It must be a Tuscan thing because Sienna Duomo has the same features.
    It was a pleasant morning and in the narrow alleys the temp was bearable.
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  • Hari 4

    Day 4. Pistoia.

    28 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    When checking my savings account last night there were 4 unauthorised transactions made in Kangaroo Point. The bank had sent a new card to Shirley which was taken from the letter box and used. So late last night I was on the phone to Sydney to advise the bank. So first thing we did the shopping.(we have to eat) Then coffee and brioche ciocolata. It is interesting to see how people attack the brioche. Shirl and I are nibblers. We start on the outside and work towards the Nutella centre.
    Into town to print out the card dispute form. The staff at the town hall were great but required passport details before I could use the internet. This necessitated a trip back to our apartment.
    Eventually all was completed and we celebrated with a gelato. Whilst eating an immigrant came up and said he wanted to lick the ice-cream. There was now way Shirl was going to let him lick her gelato. He just wanted one. I told him to order one and I would pay. He went off happily licking his ice-cream not Shirley's
    There was something brewing on the surrounding mountains and it looks like (we hope) that a storm is brewing and the hot weather will go.
    The security on our front door is over the top. That's what we hope and not something we need to be concerned about.
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  • Hari 3

    Day 3. Pistoia.

    27 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    There were two places we wished to see before breakfast.
    To view the biggest sundial in the world inside the Basilica San Petronio. 67 m in length built for the study of the sun's revolutions, studied through a hole created in the dome. Created in 1655. The dates and times of the sun striking the sundial are listed on a poster near the gift office.
    Today it would happen when we were on the train.
    The second visit was to the chords di Santa Maria della Vitae to view the Compianto, a earthenware sculpture composed of seven natural size statues. Unlucky again as the church was closed.
    We settled for a coffee and brioche ciocolata.
    37+ here in Pistoia but the apartment is great and comfortable. Arrived too late to do the shopping but there is pasta and sauce here for us to cook.
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  • Hari 2

    Day 2. Exploring Bologna.

    26 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    In the cool of the morning we strolled up the porticos of the Via dell'Indipendenza to visit the Parco Montagnola passing through the market where you keep your hands on your valuables. The park was a disappointment, used as a camping ground for the immigrants who litter the park with rubbish. We passed quickly through it to the University Botanical Gardens. Not much open there although a queue had formed at a door due to be opened at 0830. It was after 10.
    The University museum was well worth the visit with magnificent ceilings and frescos. They have a wonderful collection of exhibits, as you would expect from the world's oldest University. It's naval rooms full of model ships were extraordinary.
    I gave a lecture in an empty auditorium and those not present missed my enlightening thoughts on the world. Shirl didn't seem impressed.
    We had a pleasant surprise in the Oratory of Santa Cécilia. Beautiful frescoes as where the ones in the Basilica of Giacomo Maggiore, where I practiced my Italian.
    Did you know that Bologna has its own leaning tower? Well one of its two towers has a distinctive lean.
    Lunch and an exploration of the old streets with a visit to the Basilica de Santo Stefano , quite interesting, followed by ice-cream and rest.
    Bologna is a compact, clean by Italian standards, with a nice feel about it. Well worth a visit.
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  • Hari 1

    Day 1. Bologna

    25 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    I forgot to mention we visited the oldest bookshop in the world in Lisbon. Bertrand' founded in 1774. Did not have the same aura as Livraria Lello.
    Have you ever had the feeling when waiting for your baggage that it is lost. We get that feeling every time in Italy. Alitalia was the airline that misplaced our bags many years ago and we still think it's going to happen again every time we visit.
    The bags finally arrived and we relaxed.
    Bologna is a city of 1 million and the street buildings gave lots of porticos for protection from the elements. They were welcome today to escape the hot sun. It has the worlds oldest university with Copernicus being one of its celebrated sons.
    Our Albergo is right in the centre of the historic district with many historical highlights within a 500m radius. This afternoon we tried to have a ride on Bologna's underground river and explore the underground tunnels. It was not to be. They have been cancelled as being too dangerous. We manage to take a photo but that was all.
    We thought the Basilica San Petronio was like a gian mausoleum , absolutely not atmosphere at all, unlike the narrow streets that surround it.
    A late afternoon snack at The iconic Caffe Tamburini was just what the Dr ordered as was the gelato that followed.
    Tomorrow's itinerary is planned and Shirl is writing her diary with the TV in the background.
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  • Hari 16

    Day 17. Tram 28.

    24 Agustus 2017, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I didn't mention that last evening we were entertained by some some street dancers/acrobats who were very good.
    What followed was a journey down into the bowels of the earth(Baixo Chiado metro station) to purchase day transport tickets for today.
    Bright and early we were at tram stop to board the #28 tram. Am iconic tram on an iconic journey in Lisbon. The queue was so long it was the 3 rd tram for us.
    It was great fun rattling around the streets, some so narrow you could touch the sides of the street. I have sympathy for the locals because the tourists take all the seats.
    One good thing we discovered were the Basilica was and visited it. A much more impressive building. As the botanical garden was opposite a tour of that followed.
    The #28 took us back into the centre for a visit to post some cards before a ride on the Elevator de Laura.
    Lunch followed before we got out of the heat.
    It was disturbing to see the armed police in Rua Augusta which is Lisbon's Las Ramblas. They normally are visible if they have cause for concern. We hope not.
    A final stroll in the cool of early evening, a final Super Bock, dinner and we retired to prepare for an early departure tomorrow morning.
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  • Hari 15

    Day 16. Judgement Day

    23 Agustus 2017, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Our visit to the Sao Joao Hospital was successful but expensive. The Drs removed Shirl's bandage and declared it no longer needed covering or the sling. They prescribed some cream to be applied twice a day and we left very relieved. Shirl celebrated by buying a new long sleeved shirt. Necessary for protecting her arm from the sun.
    Coffee and Pasteis followed with a visit to the Se (The Cathedral). Not impressed.
    We strolled along the waterfront admiring the views with the intention of visiting the Basilica. Got lost and ended up in the Market instead. We like markets.
    Lunch at a Brazilian Cafe and an interest conversation with a young, Bangladesh , man about cricket. He fancies their chance against us next week. To be honest so do I.
    The afternoon was spent blogging and writing diaries as well ad planning what to do tomorrow.
    TAP have advised a Border Force strike tomorrow and Friday. Fortunately at this stage Schengen countries are not affected. Don't fancy fronting up at the airport at 4 am for a 8-45 flight.
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