Canada 2018

Julai - Ogos 2018
Canada East Side with cruise and Biston Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1

    London to Toronto

    24 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Cab picked us up just before 10 and we were through check in and in the lounge kist before 11. Had some breakfast snacks and then headed to board plane. Flight was a little late leaving and landing the other end but smooth. I got a not of sleep, the others watched movies for the journey.

    Toronto aorport was chaotic, had ro use automatic machines to read passport deatils, but then join big queue to show the machine receipt to a real person, with the queue snaking through other aito machines so was micture of those who had receipts and those who were getting them and just joining the queue randomly.

    Once through this there was a further queu into the baggae reclaim with the receipt being shown to another poerson. The baggage carousles couldn't cope with the number of flights arriving and tehre were more than one on each. Ed heard an announcement that some of the BA flight bags were stajced on the floot betyween 2 carousels and we found two of ours there. The other two were on the carousel. YTook just over an hour to get the the taxi queue, which took about 10 minutes to get us into a taxi.

    Ed, Sam and Tashjwere feeling very tired and a little ill and the taxiwas hot whcih didnt help. The driver was determoned, often driving ionto the on slup roadf to be able to jump a few hundred yeards ahead when he rejoined the main carriageway. Took about 49 minutes to the Harboir Castle hotel. We checked in, 2 rooms close together on floor 15.

    I had reserved Harbour 60 for 7pm, but Sam and Ed were too tired and not hungry so Tash and I went. It was quite a grand place with oak panneling etc and majored on steacks. The waiter was bvery friendly and described the dtaeks to us. The smalest was a 10oz fillet. We normally have a 6oz at teh Popes Eye. Tash ahd this and I ha the New York strip just to try something different, This was 16oz!. We resisted much of the bread and appetizers that came. The steaks were huge and we had ginger and teriyaki Brussels Spouts and chips as well. Far too much food but all really good. Tash finished her styeak and some of mine. I left some and we had the food boxed up to take away 0 everyone who left seemed to have a bag with boxed food in it.

    Coudln't resist desserts, Tash jad campfire Smores, I had ice cream. Hers came with little pan of flaming coals to toast the marshmallows on 0 very goof fun. Food was great all roudn.

    Got back to room about 915, Sam and Ed wwre asleoo, we soon joined them.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 2

    Hop on bus and Blue Jays

    25 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    We slept pretty well. Woke a couple of times in the night but not until about 6am local time was I wide awake. Got dressed and woke uo ids, Ed was awake (though not for long), Tash was fast asleep. Went down to breakfast in teh hotel anout 8, Hotel is a large conference vebue, but decent, Breakfasy was a bugget, with the usual kinds of stuff, including an omelette statio and eggs benedict which I had.

    Went back to room then outr for day via concierge. SHe gave us a map and overview of what to see and sold us some hop on hop off bus tickets, valid for 7 days though we would ony need 3. We walked along the harnour front and found a nice coffee place and had a drink, having neem=n thwarted by the cintactkess vebding machines noit acdeopting our credit cards.

    THe bus tickets inlcuded a 45 minutes boat trip to the nearby Totonot Islands and we caught the first of the day departing at 10.30. It was cooler on tbe boat and interestin to see the ioslands, where about 500 people lived, but it i mainly a big park with no cars on it, accessible only by boat - in froxen wionter only by 1 of the municiap ferrries that can break the ice.

    Lake Ontario the smallest of the great lakes but the deepest. Got some great views of the Toronto skyline, the CN tower and the Rogers centre where baseball would be later.

    Once off the baot we got on the bus tour and stayed oin for almost the whole loop, just under 2 hours. Ed was complaining but it was interesting to see the main poarts the city and heat the commentary. Places we would like to visit included the Distillery area with boutique shops, a couple of markets with stalls and good food outlets and the main shopping mall (especialy for Tash). Also Graffititi Alley with street art and a Banksy exhinbitiojn that is on. In Kensington Market a greatly named Jamaican Italian fusion place was recommended Rasta Pasta!

    We f=got off bus and had some lucnh in an A and W burger place. Then went tot he Blue Jays shop at teh Rogers Centre and got shoirts and caps - Donaldson on the shorts, te star player *though we were warned he may well leave at the end of thisn season).

    It was then about 250 and the stadium was open so we went in. Metal detectors on the way in. Found our block 231 on left side of pitch. Roof was closed at this stage, but as we sat and waited it was opened up, sliding across in different sections. Fortuinately we were sat in the shady side of the satdium.

    Went for drinks - the soads were unlimited refills, I had a beer whcih was not. Game started, Donaldson wasnt playing, think rested as this was the third game of the week. Jays went ahead then fell behind and remained behind until the 8th innings when they scored 3 to make it 6 all, Got exciting at this pooint, they kept the Minnesota TWins (the oposition) to nil but then couldnt score themsleves in the 9th so we went to extra innings, I had saidat the start of 8the game had abouyt 15 minutes loeft, an hour later wwe were still wathcing, but it was keepong everyone interested. The music played to keept the crows going and the quirks of the game we slowly got to grips with. Had hot dogs (Ed chicjen nuggets) duting game.

    10th innings was also no score then in the 11th a chnage of pitcher led to lots of balls bowled and him being taken off after he walked someone for the third tine with the bases loaded. This didn;t help and we left when another 3 rusn were scored making it 10-6. They continued to get 2 more to 12-6, the final score. A disapointing loss.

    We walked back to the hotel, about 15 minutes having all enjoyed it even though the game was over 4 hours. KIds decied tey were hungry so ordewred room service puzza.

    Up early tomorrow for Tahs and me to do the Edgewalk up the CN Tower.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    CN Tower and Shopping

    26 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    So Tash and I were up and out aboyt 815 to walk across to the CN Tower to do our Edgwalk at 9am. Ed andf Sam went down for breakfast at the same time.

    We arrived at the Tower abnout 840 amd filled in the disclaimers. Tash did one as we were told then were told by someone else she didn't need to and I just addered her name to mine. We went to the loo as were told next one was an houre and half away. Then taken through into the prep room where we had to do a breathaklyser, all passed, and remove all loose items from pockets etc - even my world cup wristband had to come off. Forgot to take off my St Christopoher but the ,etal detetctor check founf it. Tash had to remove earings, which was ok, getting them back on is the problem. Then got into red overalls and had locker key hooked on round my neck and sunglasses hooked on a lanyard too.

    HArnesses, wrists and shoes were checked by 4 or 5 fifferent people, finally by Reed out guide. Six in our group the mac=ximum. Three folks from San Francisco, Eugene from New Jersye and Tash and me. San Franscison chap had to chnage his shoes as Reed was not happy with their tightness!

    We then had a couple of hroup pictires including a confideny pose for after the event, interetsingly taken beforehand! Then walked though to the elevator, with a guard of honour of cheering employees. Not sure that made us feel better, made iot seem quite a big deal!

    Up to the top at22km/h, the lift had a couple of glass floor panels, but they could be avoided if you wanted. At the top was about 116 storeys high, around 1500 feet, or 399 meteres. Quite high.

    We went into quite a small control room at the top where our harnesses would be attached to the cables. These were explained to us, one at the front which was a fixed cable that we could hold onto, pull on etc if we wanted and one at the bag that was more like a seatbe;t that would kick in if we fell etc.

    Reed assessed the order, I went first then Tash, then Eugene then the 3 others. Sliding doors wrere opened and Reed went out first to do an intro on his helmet camera then he waved me out. The walkway was about 5 or 6 feet wide I thinkand I walked round Reed giving him a high 6 and waited by the first camera that beamed libe footage to the monitors in the viewing gallery below. Throughout we were encouraged to wave and dance tec for these cameras!

    I waited while everyone came out, legs did feel a little bit wopbbly, The walkway was a metal mesh so see through but below most of it was the top of the revolving restaurant rather than ground level. Reed gave us some facys about the view then introduced the first activity. Toes over Toronto!. We had to walk forward to the edge and put our toes over the edge then spread arms wide and shout Hello Toronot or similar. The far end of the line went first and everyone did it ok. The Californians were fairly confient, they were rock climbers, Euegen loess so like me/, Tassh was fine. I approached fairly tentatively and got both feet over the edge. Reed said stand up a bit straighter, think I must have been leaning forward a bit too much and I let go of the rope flung arms wide and shouted hello Toronto. Hled the pose for a few seconds then grabbed back on and came back in. Round of applause from everyone as was the custom for all and legs felt a bit wobbly but first task fone. Looking back this was the hardest as the other tasks you felt support still from the rope, but not on this one and also it was the first thing so you will still getting used to the height.

    We moved round another quarter of the circle and got some more facts about this view, then the second activity - leaning backwards. The technique was to sit down in the harness then walk backwards until feet were on the edge, then lock the knees, shoulders back and arms of the rope flung wide. Same order as last time, so I was last. Tash did fine again and I found this easier than the lastb one. Stillscary but having the rope pulling on you gave me confidence more than just standing up. I was bit worried the harness was going to slip up from my bottom, but it never did. Coming back in was a grab of the rope and a swing forward and that was done. Applause for all again and all videoed. We moved another 90 degrees.

    More facts then activity three - we knew what was coming the lean foprwards. Techniique was to push the rope out in front of you, keep hold og it them lean your shoulder in to it until weight was suported with tope wedged in you neck/shoulder, then let go and arms wide. A surpise reverse order this time so i was first. Walked to feet about 2 or 3 inches from the edge, then pushed rope forward and leaned in. It was surprising further in fron than you wnated it ti be, but goit there and it felt secure so pulled hands away, a little hard as they were stick behind the rope. Did it and arms wide, then threw in a superman armso out pose for the vamers then back hold of the rope and swing back in. Seemed easier than the toes one, though the backward was easiest. The others all completed and we moved on again.

    The last side was above the Rogers Centre and was where we had seen people yesterday hanging over. It is where the phtotos are taken by Reed. We all lined up in the backward lean and then did some full group shots, then stayed out for individual ones then in our family groups so me and Tash. The latter involved some sidewys crabbing across to be next to each other which didn't seem an odd thing at all by now and everyone confidently dangled out, though part of my confidence was knowing this was the last thing before we were back.

    Swung back in and walked back intpo the little room, high fiving Reed on the way in again. We were dereoped and back down in the lift to get harness etc off then stuff out of lockers. Applause again as we exited the lift at the bottom.

    We got two free ohotos and the video plus a certificate with our number on showing how many have done it before us/ We bought the USB with all the other pics on too.

    All done before 1030. Hadn;t been windy up there and was warm ans sunny (contrast the storms later in the day). Sam and Ed messaged to say they qwere t the Harbour Centre coffee place we had been to the previopus day so we met them there. It did very good coffee. Ed then wanted to go the famous Beasvertails shop a little way back towards the hotel so we went and had the sickly fried churros like beavertail. Tasty but n ot healthy! Then we went back to get on the tour bus to take us to St James Market, where the guide yesterday had said the Peameal bacon sandwicjes were amawzing from Carousel bakery. We had siome for lunch, was OK, but bacon not crispy enough for my tastes.

    Walked 10 minutes oir so the distillery district. The old distilery buildings been conmverted into a carless area of boutique Canmadian shopos. Got few clothes and went for another drink then baqck onto the tour bus towards the Eaton Centre Shopping Mall at the Times Square of Toronto, with ,ots of billboards and advertising. Tash in her element, Bath and Beyond, Sephore, Victorias Secret and Pink all visisted. Ed and I went to the Disney shop and got some Bige HEro 6 figures (he had watched it on the plane out) and some hand made choclalates on a 12 for 12 deal. Also an ice cream which was diped in white and dark choclate and buts in front of us. Had a paper frill tocatch buts but was still very messy to eat, last bits fell of our stciks and went everywhere.

    Finally they had finished shopping and we got back on the tour vbus to take us the long way home. Always interesting to hear a different operson dpoing toe commentary. Clouds started to thicken as were up at the north part opf the tour near Castle Lomo and the Irish guide made some jokes about weather like home and outruning the storm. Alas as we got near the arts building, held up by struts designed as pencils the heavens opened. No room downstairs so we got off and shjelktered under the pencil building and called an Uber. It stopped by the time he cvame, was a very friendly driver.

    Evening we were booked into the 360 restaurant in CN Tower. Walked there and passed through secuirty smoothly. Had to wait few minute for restauirmat lift and to get seated at table. Restaurant rotates once every 72 minutes. We had window table and ggo views all round. Food was nice and after meal we headed one floor down to viewing gallery, which had a part glass floor looking down to the glass floor one level down that looked all the way to groiund. We went down to that level and all but Sam stood on the glass, Could see the ahrks mural on the aquariuym roof which we had seen from walk that morning too. This level has outside vieifng gal;lery, Ed and I went out but was quite windy and cold so not for long. Then headed back down and walked to hotel tired but good day.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Aquqrium, Rasta Pasta and Theatre

    27 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Friday morning we went to the aquarium. No queues getting in but it was busy inside, lots of smal kids on camop excursions etc. There were lots of campls happening on the harbourt front, with kids brouight in on school buses eaxh day.

    Aquarium was well done and though crowded you could always get to the displays bty waiting a few seconds for people to oce on. The moving walkway through the shark tank was the longest we have seen and some impressive saw fish, sharks and rays in there. Ray bay also had some very big rays. You could touch some crabs and some small sharks in tanks.

    In the grioft shop Ed got a large dhark called Sgeridan and Tash was very excited with her POuffer Fish!. Once out Ed and I popped to Blur Jays shop next door and got a baseball, then we wnet back into the CN Tower to the gift shop so I could get a ftidge magnet. We still has two unused tickets for the CN Tower that Tash and I got as part of ourt Edgewalk, Noit sure when the expoire, maybe we can use them some time in the distant furture!

    After this we braved the streetcar (trams) to get to Kensignton market. We had jerk meatball pasta and jerk chicken panini from Rasta Pasta. The owner was aJamaican character and came out to cokplain about the shopkeeper couple of doors down who was painting somehting oin his shopefront and the smell was blowing down to us suitting outside Ratsa Pasta eating and also affecting the folkjs in the hot kitvhen. He was very jovial and funny.

    We then walked twen minutes or so to Graffiti Alley. The market was like the LOndon version in termsop f the type of unusual out there clothes shops, but was in streets rather thn undercover, some shops just seemed to be peoples front gardens and front rooms.

    Taco Bell stop fro drinks and loo (the mab struggkled with my accent) then the Alleyt, which was very impressive, The graffitti was peoper art work rather than just tages etc. Not sure how they decide who paints what and when it gets painted over.

    From here abnother streetcar back to Union Station to go see the original Banksy in Church Street. I got coins from a bank in chnage to be able to pay the gare (no notes accepted and my cards not here on these macjine3s). Turned out the machines werent working so we got a free ride. Ed and Sam got off and went back to hotel as they were tired. Tash and I stayed on. At Union Station tehre were barriers but we spkke to a man and said we couldnt buy a ticket and when we said we just wanted to leave the station he waved us through and gave us diorectiosn.

    The Banksy was easy to find and preserved behond a glass frame. Quite small (sixe of our TV). We walked back to the hotel about 10 m,imutyes and relaxed before theatre.

    The hoitel restauarmat wasnt open at 530 so we chatted to the concierge and decided just to head to the Eaton Mall food court and get somehting quick. We got a quick cab up there and Sam decided to have a KFC burger, the rest of us had a Subway meal deal. Then there was time for Tash to hit the shops again, Victorias Secret this time., Ed and I did the disney shop and he got a littyle duddly of the guy from Big Hero 6.

    Then across to the theatre which was grand inside, despitre the small dorrwy to the street. We were up front row of the circle, decent seats. Gort givena small prgramme on way in, unlike London. Show was good - Wicked - Sam and I saw it in London maybe 17 ot 18 uears ago so couldnbt really remember it. KIds enjoued it though Ed was pretty tired. Half time ice creams werre same as UK, though only 1 chaop for whole of balcony.

    When it finished we grabbed an Uber easily outside theatre and got bacl to hotel.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 5

    Niagara and Oh Canada Eh

    28 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Up and got packed quite early as was due to picl up car at 9am. Walked there with Ed, it was in one of the underground levels of a block - Torornot has lots of these and cvan walk a long way without going above ground. Was a little hard to find but seemed to be a smooth process picking up car. Got elevatro down to garage and got =keys. Car was a Malibu so not an SUV, but we had a look at the boot and it seemed like it should be okm to fit all the bags so we drove off. Ed navigated us back to hotel. PArking valet had warend us only get ten minutes brofre they charge uis , but Sam and Tash had the concierge bringing the baags down and with his advice we got them all squeexed into the boot.

    Off we went. Outside Roronto signs wanred oif delays on rhe Queen Elizanth Way and Waze took us on a detour. This was on the 407 toll road. Unlike last year in Vancouver cant poay to;; omlimer afterwards, have to wait fro bill, so we will get the adin charge from Avis, but still better than waiting in queue.

    Took about 1 hour 49 to the Sheraton on the Falls in NIagara, was quite easy to find. Room not reeady yet but we did most of check in, left bags and valet parked the car then offthe explore. We headed towarfds the river and took lots of pictiresof the American Falls, and slowly walked alomng towards the Horsehsope Falls, lots of pics on the way. Had sandwich in Tim GHortons, never sur why this is so popular, cakes are quite good I guess.

    Got text abotu 130 to ay one room was ready so we went up tpo there. Got Wego bus passsed from hotel and headed off again intending to try the White Water Walk. Got bus the wrong way to Rapidswiev ar park, so went back to Table Rock, the main visitor centra and took some pics fo the Horeshoe Falls from varios spots enxt to the fast flowinmg water above the falls. Beru impressive. even Tash was impressed, notmally only shopping gets here exicted.

    Got bus back to hotel and freshedned up ahead of the Oh Canad Eh dinner/theatre show that night. Got an Uber about 15 minutes to the venue, a wooden building fuirther away from the falls. Waited inside and doors opened and qe were shown to our tabel, number 1 right at front. Shared with two other couples from London Ontario and New York state.

    Set up was like the diner show we did at Disney, with the perfromers also serving and taking drinks orders etc. Sald bread and pean and ham soup for starters. Very good. Even Ed ate teh soip, was bit like liquidised mushy peas.

    Show started and was a funny variety show, with lots of singing of songs by Candian artists or written by someone Canadain. All performers were good and sang well. About 45 minutes in the amin course came. Chicken, beef haddock potatoes and vehetables all from differnet parts of Canada. Was simple but tasty and we all had clean plates. Show started again with more of same and then dessert which was chicaiate and maple cake, again good, woth coffe and tea if wanted.

    Towards thge end we hgad to pay for drinks. I got confused with the card amchine and ebded up tipping an amouint equal to my pin number. A little more than we had planned to give but not much!

    Show ended and we maanged to get an Uber quicjly and took us back to hotel for about 930. Falls were illuminated and looked great with colou=rs chaging. Foreworks every night at 10pm which we watched. Lasted about 10 minuytes and were very goof, all rockets into the air over ther falls.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Zipline and Niagara PAss

    29 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Booked for Mistrider Zipline at 9am. Had breakfast from Starbucks downstairs then headed off. Were noit ealry so had to wait, then more people joined the queue while we had walked around the cotrner and gone to the loo. Think we got on the Zipwire about 930. 4 lines so all three of us went at sanme time. Hadnt looked that fast from ground but wasnt too bad when on it. Jad to hold arms out, presumbaly to slow down so not too fast at landing. I shot off and went much faster than the others- extra weight helping.

    Was decent ride but more about the view than the thrill. Landing was quite gentle and we went ot look at pictuires and video. Only working on line 1 and 2 where Tash and Ed were, so we go the opne of them. I was in it aorund the edges.

    Sam had bought the Niagara Pass while we were riding. 4 attractions to do, Hornblower Boat Ride, Behind the Falls, Niagaras Fury and White Water Walk.

    First we did boat ride, booked for 1045 but just went straight on about an hour earlier. We walked down a ramp to get to the lifts then down more ramps to hit the quayside. Were given ponchos (red) at the ticket check point. We were towarfds the back of the boat queue, must be 500 or more per boat. Some folks were waiting back trying to get on the next boat and pick there spot but were told they had to get on. We were at the back, but walked to the front of the boat and whilst not on the barrier had a good spot.

    Boat sailed first part Bridal Veil Falls on American side and when the wind blew our way we got wet wioth spray. Then on to Horesheo Falls and right into the middle of the sprau. Again when the wind blew was very wet, thank gooness for the poncjos. Took photots with Tahs phone in her waterporrf case. Boatf heasded back via Bridal Veil ahaion, wjole trip was probably 20 minutes. They sync the boats from American and Candian side so that only one is in the Falls area at a time.

    Got off and had a drink down in the river level area. Bought our green screen poictures on the way out sd they were fun, then caught bus to Table Tock area. TRrued to get into Beneath the Falls, but our time slot was 12pm and was only 1130, so we went to look at falls and had a hot dog from s stall for lunch 0 ful works of pickle, sauekraut, mustrard, ketchiup just like in the movies.

    Then back to Beneath the Falls. Got in and queued for lift, another pincho (yellow). Went tot eh tuinnels first and easily got into first. Power of water few feet away was imense. Queued for a while for what tunred out ot be another very similar view of water in frint of you, not really any different to fiersy one with no queue. Then wen t back to outside area alongside bottom of falls. Again power imense. Answreedd Tash question of how thick is the water - not very! Took molre pics then went back up. Tash and I lost Ed and Sam while we were loloking at a derelict tunnel. We started a queue of people who folowed us into the area to see the tunnel - just shows people join a line just to see what is tehre.

    Back up to surface and more grene screen pics, discount for second pourchase this time.

    Went straight out and into the Niagaras Fury film show. All of us had hoped we could sit down for a bit but it was standing too. Got blue ponchos for this. First part was film with young cartoon beaver going back inm time to see how dalls were made for a scjool detention essay. Was fun film. Coulkdnt see why needed ponshos. Then went into secodn room when film finished and this had handrails an water visible through grid floor beneath us. 360 degree film played around us and wind bloiew, snow came, water poured, arfin came. Was well done, thundwr esopeciualy scary!

    Came out and headed for bus up to Wild Watwer rapids. Ed wanted Minute Maid Froizen lemonade and had seen some on sale inside so he and I went to get some. Got back to find bus loading up and ran to make sure got on it. Told vant eat omn bus due to allergies, but it was too frozen for the spoon anyway. Got to the rapida and queued for a bit for loift down. The walk was along a raised baordwaljk alongisde the river. River floweed really fast here - class 6 rapids, pretty much impossoble to avigate. Could see why, very fast and very hioghwaves and lots of bouilders and rocks under water. Power was impressive ahaoin, wouldnt weant to be in water. 15 minute or so walk to the end platform then we came back. Tash and I were slower thsn Ed and Sam taking more poics so they went ahead and we met them at the lifts again. Was really cool to see the water flowing this fast this clkose up.

    From here we were all tieed so went bcl to hotel to rest limbs and relax for couple oif hours before heading to Skylon restaurant upthe bif tower in Niagara. Like Toronto it rotates/ Food was decent, Ed had kids spaghetti resy of us steaks for main, soup and shrimp starters. Bottle of wine and some mocktails for kids in specila skylon shapoed glasses. Picture at tabke was taken which was good one as we had falls behind us when she took it so we biought it.

    After meak went ot observation deck two floors ip and jad a look. Tash was adamant it was easy to see Toronot and CN Tower, my eyes not up to it, but Sam and Ed didnt think it was easy either!

    Went down and looked at the green screen oics we had had done on way in. The scsry look in a barrel going over thre fals was brilliant so we bought it and the firwowrk non scary on etoo. Then wlked bacl to hotel via the waterfront. Sam mamanedhed to fall over on the grass area e croissed and a man cam e to offer help. She was ok but shaen, good job it was oin grass not concrete.

    Ed and Sma went ahead again and Tash and I took more pics. Back at room about 9 an wiated to watch giereworks again.

    Sam and Ed going to Stabucks at 8 for breakfasy. Ed wnats to go to Guiness World records on Clifton Street whioch we had walked up to tower. It describes itself a s a street of fun in NIagara and was crazy. Every building was a haunted house, Ripleys, Guiness or similar, 4f cinema etc and all biombarded you with noise. Like somthing from a horro film. Also up there was a dinosaur cray gold, huge, wuth an erupting volcano in the middle. Also a go kart tracj tjat had a bif upward spiral like a car park and a roller costwer like downward bumpoy bit. Different scale!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7


    30 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Breakfast from Starbucks while we packed up.
    Ghunness world records - lots of facts but bit underwhelming. Pics of largest navel fluff colection caight my eye. Quite few Brist with crazy reoords, makes you feel proud!! Ed had go on old Super MArio game, I r=tried to do Rubiks cube, record 2 seconds. Ed did cup stacking, again record for 12 cups was less than 2 seconds. Had go on punchbag, Tash beat Ed - he cl;aimed was scared of hurting hand. Ed also kicked an American football on similar style game 0 hurt his foot!
    Got car, drove to Woodlawn Inn Cobourg. Quite traditional colonial style place. Walked to town had lunch then walked to hsops, all bought shoes! Ed saw trainers exactly like his in sale. Ladoes got Norkenstocks
    Went to beach, nice sandy, quite busy for MOnday. Sat on bnnch, chatted to old chap who wanted to move back to Ottwaw, better facilities, Gave Tash some friendly advice 0 take a walk if upset, smile. Quite sads seemed hus kids never f=really kept in touch. He went off and we headed back to Inn. Teenager on route passed us and said he lobed our accents.

    Had dinner booked, used Whirlpool bath in our room before this. Food was noce, bit slow coming but gave us chnace to feel hungry. Seemed like bill had gratuity added so we didnt put any on, more on this tomorrow. When we forst came down waitress was little dismissive, but Sam had notived the owner go to her and tell her to treat us as guests in better way and stop what she was doiung to serve is!

    Cobourg nice place and Woodlawn too,
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 8

    Gananoque and Ottawa

    31 Julai 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Got up and went for breakfast in Woodlawn, included as part of the package. Was decent. Packed all bags again and got them squeezed into the Malibu. We wwere up on second floor and being an old building there was no lift, so it took a few trips.

    Checkout was smooth, but the guy asked very politely, stressing he didnt care one way or the other, whether there was a problem with service last night as we hadn't left a tip. We had actually reviewed the bill last night and thought tip was on there, so we hastily got some cash together to leave for the waitress.

    On the road about 10am, stopped for petrol just up the road. Service was like UK, fill then go in and pay. I had checked with guy at hotel before we left and he said it was because they didnt trust you in BC!

    Smooth ride for about 150km to Gananoque (pronounced Gan An Ok Kway, not Gan An Oak like the dat nav did). Had 130pm 1 hout Thousand Island cruise booked. Had quick bite in the diner then joined queue for the boat.

    Was scorching day and seats on top of boat were hot to sit on. Once boat got going breeze kept things cooler. Had nice trip through very pleasant scenario. Every isalnd however small had some kind of shelter on it and many had big houses with boat huts etc, Summer homes for people as not accessible in froen winter. Some were bery expensive homes, though the biggest were over on the US side of the St Lawrence river and we didnt go there.

    Hour tour was ling enough we thought, We laughed at the gulls hitching a lift on the radio masts of the boat. Got off and giot magnet and t shorts for me and Ed 0 another play on HArry Potter for me.

    Back in car and off to Ottwaw, another hour and half or so. Traffic light until we got right into centre. Couple of wrong turnings but we found the Novotel. No concierge but we did our own luggage trolley. Tash and I parked car in garage around corner. Drove down wrong side of street for little way as we thought it was one way street, intil car came toewards us. Was OK as looked like we were coming from hotel.

    Got map from reception and headed to Byward MArket area to eat. Got in pizzeria with happy hour until 5, so half prcie pizzas. Tasty. Tash wanted to shop in big mall across street from our hotel - she had already looked up it had a Brandy MElville- the shop with only one size.

    Ed and Sam were tired so went back to hotel. Tash tried on lots in Brandy while I hung around outside changing rooms!. Also visited couple of other shops and went to EB games hop and got basebalk game for Ed.

    Back to room and another good nights sleep.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9

    Ottawa Amphibus then Montreal

    1 Ogos 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    got packed and out about 930 and went across to the MArket again to haev breakfast. Cafe doing bagels, with Ed having pesto pasta salad! Got my magnet in small shop in market, then we headed towards parliament to take a look and find a bus tour to show us the main sites. Crossed the Rideau canal whch had an impressive series of 5 or 6 locks leading down to the Ottwaw river.

    Opted for the Amphibus, essentially like the London Duck tour, lasting about an hour. Left in 40 minutes or so so we had chance to wander around parliament hill and take some pictires. Three main buildings, centre one had big clock that chimed 11 then played the Canadain national anthem, then carried on for more tunes!

    Back to bus stop and got on, Was covered over, kids thought it was maybe going underwater! Commentary was live but done in English then French which made it a bit stilted compared to one language and but rushed as everythng needed to be pointed out twice very quickly.

    Saw lots of Governement buildings, Bank oif Vanada, Research cntre, cours of justice. Crossed bridge into Quebec, place called Gatineau and entered water. Smooth transition and we saw back of Natural History museum that was designed with all curves and no right angles as monsteres hide in right anglkes according to ancient native beliefs. Did a loop on Ottawa river.

    Saw many Embassies and High Commissions (220 or so in Ottawa in total), HC is rmbassy of commonwealth country. Got off an had lunch in McD then kids both wanted to go back shopping so spent another couple of hours in the centre before picking up car and heading 2 hours to Montreal. Left about 4 and arrived about 6pm.

    Found hotel quite easily, though lots of roiadwaorks being done around Montreal. Checked in - valet parked and left luggage with concierge to bring up. Concierge recommended and booked an Italian caled Quattro about 10 minutes away for us and we headed there.

    Was quite nice though not excellent, but busy as old town was due to Italian entry in the firewrok competiition going off at 10pm, We decided to miss it as were tireed and had seen fireworks in Niagara, so back to hotel. Took some pics of Notre Dame cathedral lit uo at night on way back.
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  • Hari 10

    Montreal Old Port

    2 Ogos 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Breakfast in hotel, usual buffet. Quite freaky that yiou think yoiumare in Paris somewhere until you see the cars and Canadian flags (which Tash ahs established tehre are always at least two in your field of visison!).

    Tqsh and I got car back from valet and navigated sucessfully to the Esso garage and then on to the Avis. Most Montreal streets are one way so it is easier tog et around. Smooth check out from Avis, remains to be seen what charge we get for the toll road in Toronto. Took an Uber back to the hotel and met with the others who had been quizzing the concierge on what to do.

    The recommendation was to head to the Old Port, with lots of fun things to do for kids. Was about 15 minute walk and we had been given vouchers for discounted Zipline ride. It didn't open until 11, so mwe wanited in queuue for few minytes. Tash had sore eye so didnt want to do it. Ed and I went ahead. Got camera holder for my hand to video using my phone, but then didnt turn it on properly! It was decently fast ride acorss water of old port. I bumped my bottom on steps at start as man pushed me offf and spun round as was going down so my feet hit the branches of a small tree on way into landing zone. Ed enjoyed it too. At end they did green screen shot with Zipe wite name and tower in background which we got.

    Next up was Labyrinth, an indoor maze where you had to fidn 4 objects and get your card stampeld. Average time to cpokplete was 4t5 minuest to an hour. It was fin though sometimes frustrating. Ed wanted to give up and cheat a few tomes but we persevered. Some interesting parts including a jail section where some of the bard were elastic so you coudl squeeze through. We completed in 1 hour and 1 minute so pretty average. Was good fun. Had slushy from cafe after then ehaded fro some food.

    There was a Poutien (chips and gravy) festiveal going on, with various trucks selling different combos. We had popcorn chicken tough not Sam as cheese was incolved in most of them. Then Tash wanted to do the Sipline, Ed didnt so I did it again. Same story as last time though didnt hit the tree! Tash had a delay as just before launch the chap had to retuck her haor to stop it getting caught.

    There was a Dreamwoks animation exhibition in the Science Centre so we walked acorss to that. Was interesting and some good interactive bits. Made some odd looking king fu pandas and Madagascar creatures. Saw film on big curved screen from How to Train your dragon.

    Strangely no merch shop - missing a trick there. Went to cafe; Had Orange Sorbet diet coke, not sure will have it again, wasnt great. Ed had fanta and somehow managed to drop half the bottle over himslef and the floor, to everyones amusement apaart from him!

    Tash wanted to hire a quadricycle (four person bike like the ones they often have at UK seaside), so we did half houir, French family in front of us took forever to sort themselves out - service wasnt the quikest mind. Tash steered (steering wheel) with me also up front and Ed and Tash sat in second row. Evertone had pedals and no brakes to stop you pedalled backwards.

    Tash wasnt the most confident steerer, guess we should have known based on her rowing tales. We looped round the port a couple of times and Ed had a go at steering in a quieter area. Was good fun and not as hard on the thighs as I had imagined. Half an hour was long enough though I think. Was nearly 5 and we were tired after packed day so headed abck to hotel. KIds had room service as they didnt want to go out, Sam and I headed round corner to five guys!

    Booked jet bot on St Lawrence river for tomorrow morning.
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