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  • Päivä 8

    Arkepena Track and on to Willow Springs

    13. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We had a couple of drinks last night and flicked through our Cape trip memories. Up this morning to pack up the camper as we had planned to leave it while we did the 4wd track, and didn't want to have to do it this afternoon. We picked up the access key and the map and headed off around 10:30. Today we did the 40km Arkepena track. The first brief challenge was finding the entry point. After we tracked it down, we came across 3 other cars getting ready to start. They said they might be a bit slow so we could go ahead. We got the feeling they'd be stopping at every marker/checkpoint. There are lots of emus around, we weren't far in when we saw one with a bunch of chicks. We looped through the checkpoints, stopping every so often for a photo. The map was pretty cool, with each marker it had a blurb about the local history, or something in that location, such as the trees or shrubbery. We noted that the terrain was so different to what we've seen before, but also to each other, with vast differences on either side of the road, or changing every so often as we progressed. There were 2 parts to this trail, the yellow, low clearance part, then the red, high clearance loop towards the end. We did both of course, climbing up to Prelinna lookout. It was stunning. Views of Wilpena Pound, Elder and Chase ranges, and everything in between. There was a mailbox with a visitor book inside to sign. Pup even got out to take in the view and to get some cute photos of course. Back down was pretty bumpy, but nothing Ben couldn't handle. Once we got to the bottom, we looped past Pugilist hill from yesterday, it was steep but smooth, I reckon we could've done it with the trailer on yesterday afterall, also with plenty of room to spin around if it was on. Back to Rawnsley to pick up the camper then head on to our next campsite. It was only bout 40 minutes down the road. I checked in with the caretaker at Willow Springs and she directed us to our campsite. It's a huge property but I'm glad we booked as there are only a few campsites. They're spread out and relatively private with your own portaloo on each, which was a nice surprise. Most places, even on stations etc, try to jam as many people in, which we get, it's a business, but it was nice to have some room and space for pup to be off lead. We did keep a close eye on him as there are 1080 baits laid all around the Flinders Ranges, although they said they don't deliberately place them around the campsites, birds can still transport it around. In true pup fashion though, he was always right on one of our heels, or at the steps trying to get into the camper. We went for a quick drive back to the amenities so we could shower, pup wasn't thrilled about that. Back for dinner and the earliest night we've had in preparation for our biggest 4wd trek tomorrow.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 9


    14. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Up early and ready to take on the 80km Skytrek 4wd trail. The information says to allow the whole day and that you have to depart by 10:30, or you wont be given the access keys due to safety precautions. We were given a booklet of information for each respective marker, 50 of them, lining up with a km marker to keep track throughout the day. At marker zero, we reset our odometer, and off we went. The start was at the back of the campsites and homestead, winding next to a dry creekbed. Our first stop was to find some local Aboriginal etchings. Another couple were there and pointed them out for us, we've seen a lot of ochre style artwork, but no etchings like this before. You could clearly see a number of emu footprints, otherwise we think a lot of the rest have been slowly eroding away. Back on the trail and the scenery keeps changing drastically. We saw so many emus! More than sheep! Quite a few roos too, that's pretty standard though. The information booklet was fantastic, such a great way to enjoy the trip and learn about the area. The pyramids were one of my favourite stops, it just looked so cool! We got to the recommended lunch spot and got out to track down the Eagle nest and stromatolite fossils. We found the nest and THINK we found the fossils. We'll google it when we can. Wraps for lunch and a wander for pup before moving on. He's been so good with the tracks, a bit unsettled both mornings, but I think it just rocked him to sleep. We hit marker 42, and it was time to go into full 4wd mode. Up we climbed to a number of gorgeous lookouts. The photos don't do them justice or really show how high we were. One of the last lookouts also had a mailbox, with a visitor book to sign before we started our descent. We got back just before 3pm. Pup had a treat and we had a nap in the camper for a bit, just enjoying some downtime and letting pup properly rest. Shower time, then back for steak wraps and another early night.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 10

    Cruising around the local area

    15. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Not too far to travel today, about 2 and half hours in total with stops along the way. We packed up and headed for the Great wall of china, an unusual horizontal bed of limestone up on Mount Emily. We kept moving through to Blinman. It's a tiny town but felt quite nice, you can wander in and out of a number of the buildings from the 1860s or do a mine tour, which we'd look into doing another time. We had some temperamental phone service so we checked in on a few things online. We spotted The Miner's Crib cafe and grabbed a quick bite to eat, Ben a pie and I grabbed a salad roll. A quick trip down the road to Wadna, an aboriginal shop filled with local artworks and artefacts. I had a chat with the bloke working there who was turning some wood. Kept moving through the Parachilna gorge and past the Angorichina tourist village. Lots of free campsites along the way that looked quite nice. Last stop was at the Prairie hotel in Parachilna. It's known for its 'Feral food' - emu, goat, kangaroo and camel. Ben had a kangaroo schnitty and a tasting paddle of their local beers. I had a cider with camel sausage rolls and halloumi with quandong and dukkah. Luckily we pulled in when we did, it was absolutely chockers when we were leaving. A quick wander around the park across the road and we were on the road to our next campsite. Staying at Mount Little Station tonight, I caught Kellie, one of the owners, before she was heading off to muster the sheep and she directed us to our campsite. They've got lots of great activities here, a treasure map to a pirate Cove, an animal scavenger hunt, lots of walks and drives, a petting farm and a tavern that opens certain nights of the week. The campsites are pretty spread out too like the last spot. I'd just like a toilet a bit closer, we'll be peeing in the bush before bed tonight. We took refuge in the camper to avoid the flies and for a sneaky nap this afternoon. We had leftover pizza for dinner and watched some downloaded netflix before bed.
    We really rate Mount Little Station, it'd be a good spot to base yourselves out of, especially with kids. They've got heaps of driving tours on their site, animal feeding, a tavern open certain nights of the week, a scavenger hunt, a swimming hole, fishing options etc. It's also not far from any of the towns, everything is pretty close here. Back to Blinman for the mine tour, or in to Wilpena Pound etc. Only complaint, although they advertised toilets and amenities, which they do have, they're a drive away, not a wander. So we'd bring a portable loo and we'd be good.
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  • Päivä 11

    The last 4wd track and onto Quorn

    16. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Just after we packed up and checked out, it started to sprinkle, timed that well! We looped back 20 minutes up the road to Merna Mora Station to do the Wowee track. This is a short one but with lots of steep ascents and descents. We were out and about for 2 hours, it was a really nice way to start the morning, although I did get a bit anxious with some of the descents. Ben and Pup weren't worried though. We checked back in with the station so they knew we made it out alive and took off down the Moralana scenic drive. It cuts between the ranges and Wilpena pound. The landscape and terrain continues to change so often, it's bizarre! Once we got back on the highway, we stopped off at Hawker again, pretty hungry by this point. The Hawker hotel had some lovely spots in the sun for us. Schnitty (the regular chicken kind), and a burger with the lot. Verrry good pub feed! Back on the road for just shy of an hour to Quorn where we're staying tonight. It's a nice town, bigger than I was expecting, but still not huge at all. We set up the camper and charged up our phones/caught up on all things internet related while Pup had a nap. The caravan park backs onto the bush tucker garden so we went to have a look. Pup was confused why he was exerting energy, but I think he enjoyed the walk after been very much car bound the last few days. Ben attempted to grab a few things from the IGA, but no luck with what we were after. It's gotten verrry fresh with the cool breeze coming through. Crumbed steak and salad for dinner, then shower time. We were considering going to the Quorn Silo light show, it's on each night, they project stories and images on the silos and you can sit back and enjoy. It's a bit too cold for our liking, so we're rugging up inside instead.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 12

    A quick stop at Port Augusta

    17. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Pup moved funny last night and had a little cry, so we think he's twinged one of his back legs. Very sad boy, but he snuggled into 'his' bed just fine. He was pretty grumpy and hesitant to move around this morning, until breakfast time then he felt fine enough to have one of his usual tantrums. So we're thinking he's okay afterall, we'll just keep and eye on him. Short run into Port Augusta this morning for brunch before continuing south. It was weird seeing water in the distance. We also drove over bird lake, which is currently dry so is a big salt flat. We did read that they've had issues with it being quite stinky over the last little while. Brunch was at Mamma Lou's, conveniently close to the Progress Rail depo, much to Ben's dismay. Quick toilet stop and we're on the road again.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 12

    Bumbunga Lake

    17. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    We were making pretty good progress to our next stop, then we hit the roadwork. Not a massive delay, but a bit annoying. We had a quick stop at Snowtown and were a little concerned when there was a sign saying 'the big blade'. Turns out it's part of a wind turbine, which made more sense. Bumbunga Lake was our next stop, a pink, salt lake with the famous Loch-eel. Usually the lake is the most pink when there's water in it, rather than when it's dry. We had a bit of both. Some parts far off were very pink, we could see some lovely blues too. One of the signs said there are lots of striking colours - pinks, purples, blues and browns.. we weren't so sure if we'd consider brown to be 'striking' though. The lake itself was huge! We walked down to the viewing platform and realised you could walk right out there, even with some water in it, so we did just that. Pup slowed down when we hit the water, but I wanted to go out to the Loch-eel, so Ben was going to wait for me, but Pup couldn't possibly miss out, so he was adamant he'd be coming too. Walking through the shallow water was weird, as sheets of salt moved over and stuck to our feet. I could feel where I cut myself the other day too. We took some photos and headed back so the other people that were showing up could get their photos without us in the background, since it looked like they weren't planning on walking out onto the lake themselves. We dried off our feet and got most of the salt off pup's legs, he doesn't know it yet, but he's in for a foot bath when we get to our airbnb.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 12

    Hello Barossa 🥂

    17. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Roughly an hour and a half to get to our accommodation. A great spot, just a bit tricky to reverse the camper in with the busy traffic, made it work after some maneuvering. The house is lovely and it backs onto a vineyard. Pup was very happy, peeing almost immediately and exploring the backyard, he mustve known we were at a house because whenever we pull up to a campsite, he's a bit he's a bit more hesitant to explore, and demands to be in his camper as soon as it's set up. We stayed in, planning some things for the days ahead. I finally got to watch the block too!
    We're off on a wine tour tomorrow 🥂
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  • Päivä 13

    Wine Touring 🥂

    18. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Sue from The Wine Wagon picked us up around 10:30, where we met Lorraine and Mal who were joining us today. First drop wines was our first stop, I clearly enjoyed it since I bought 3 bottles here, even with our limited space. Next was Ubertas, a Taiwanese ran vineyard. Our staff member was lovely, asking about travelling with Pup, as she has a poodle back home. Between stops, Sue gave us some background of the local area as we cruised around. Gibson wines was the next stop, it was surprisingly busy. Another lovely spot, although we didn't finish the tasting as we were running short on time to get to lunch. We could hear a bloke at the table over, trying to get a discount if he bought in bulk. A bit of a wanker, but in the end we think he was making a purchase for a venue. Last stop was Kies for lunch, followed by a tasting. The fellas got fish and chips while the ladies got the pies, it was a good feed. We got to know Mal and Lorraine quite well, absolutely lovely people from Perth. We talked about our travels, their kids and grandkids, dog stories and work things of course. They had been on the road for about 3 months and were on their way back home after being in QLD to visit family and looping around the coast. While Lorraine and I did the wine tasting after lunch, Sue ran Mal and Ben to the Ministry of beer where they each got a paddle to try. Pup was being the best boy, as always. He even went for wander with Sue in case he distracted the hearing dog in training that was inside with us. As we got back to our airbnb, we said our goodbyes and well wishes, and we cracked another drink. Honestly, the yard of this airbnb is so nice. We'd already sussed out a pizza place to deliver us dinner and just enjoyed the warmth. It looks like it's going to get quite cool for the back end of the trip. I did head inside to watch the block, then we went back out to start a fire. We don't often do it just for the 2 of us, but it was really nice to just sit and relax in front of, with a few more drinks of course.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 14

    A quick run into Adelaide

    19. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    A bit of a slow start this morning, funnily enough. We decided to put the oodie through the wash since it was meant to be a hot day, well the 45 minute cycle was a lot longer than that, so a bit of a delay before making the trek into Adelaide. I haven't been there before and Ben doesn't remember much, we both thought it felt really nice, good vibes and definitely keen to fly over for a long weekend at some point, hopefully we can line it up with an AFL match or the cricket. We stopped at the Adelaide oval and did a lap around the outside. There are a few different tour options here that we'll have to look into for next time too. It was pretty hot so we took it slow for Pup. We headed into Glenelg for lunch, with a bit of a wander first, such a lovely spot too! We ate at Moseley, and when Ben was grabbing drinks and a menu, he spotted Jeremy McGovern from the West Coast Eagles. So that was a bit exciting! After a feed, we were ready to head back. We did get caught up in traffic, so it took a bit longer than before. Ben ran into woolies at Gawler since we move again tomorrow and there's only a foodland in the Barossa. Once back at the airbnb, Pup and I had a nap before getting our things organised and packed to leave in the morning.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 15

    Barossa to Hahndorf

    20. lokakuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Annnd we're back. I'll recap the other 2 days soon, probably tomorrow when we're in the car for a bit. Up at 8 and finished packing, not much to do since we did it last night, just getting a few things organised, also most places we wanted to visit today didn't open until 10am anyway. We loved our airbnb, would happily stay there again. Such a good location, 3 bedroom and the yard 👌. First stop this morning was the Maggie beer farm shop. They do have a lovely Cafe and cooking classes too. I just wanted to scope it out and see what was available. Such a lovely spot! Next was the Barossa chocolate factory, we were there for a while, taking turns (with Pup in the car) to work out what we wanted, it was much bigger than expected! Back to the main road to pop into the visitor centre, a bit different to the others and nothing I was interested in. We continued down the street, popping in and out of shops. We stopped at Browns donuts, bloody delicious, we shared 2 filled donuts, a lemon curd and strawberry cheesecake. Also grabbed a sneaky cinnamon scroll for later. Wohlers grabbed my attention with their massive Christmas display in the front window, and I think Ben was a bit nervous that I was inside, unsupervised while he was outside with Pup. It was amaaaazing! Their Christmas stuff is up all year apparently, and it was sort of like Myer, heaaaps of different stuff! I spent a bit longer in there than I expected. Last stop was the Old fashioned sweet shop for a few bits and pieces. We headed back to the car to make our way to Hahndorf. I'm not sure that we took the most direct route, as the road weaved through the hills and some narrow spaces. It was a nice drive though, not like the boring, long runs on a freeway. We checked in at the Discovery park Hahndorf, dropped the camper off and went out to grab a feed. We ended up at The Prancing Pony brewery, Reuben sandwich for me, Brisket burger for ben and some crumbed pickles. We had to try to the local drinks too of course. On our way back we stopped off at Beerenberg, they have lots of fun activities too, a cafe and strawberry picking. I just went to shop. Grabbed a few bits, then moved on to the Hahndorf main street for a wander. In and out of the shops and just taking it all in. It was longer and busier than we both expected, but it was really nice, had a good feel to it. I did find another shop full of Christmas goods! I'm so ready for Christmas! We headed back to the caravan park and set up the camper, it's a pretty quick process since we've gotten the swing of things. It's a fair bit cooler too, our last few days have been high 20s/low 30s and we were sitting at 19 when we got back to camp. Nothing major tonight, just the usual dinner, showers, etc. We're off to Mount Gambier tomorrow and are meant to hit a bit of rain, see how that goes.Lue lisää