Malta via The Balkans

toukokuuta - heinäkuuta 2019
This is my first solo motorcycle adventure.
My aim is to ride to Malta via Croatia Montenegro Albania Corfu Italy etc.
I have no fixed timetable other than to meet Mandy in Dubrovnik.
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  • Päivä 48

    Best ride ever

    28. kesäkuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    I'm writing this sitting on the ferry waiting to sail to Toulon. I have my name on the waiting list for a cabin, I said I'm happy to share with a jolly femme failing that I'll find a seat somewhere.
    Last night I planned a ride that would take me north then across to the coast then down to the ferry terminal to catch this get to Toulon Southern France. It's an 11 hour crossing. The ride was around 200km but would take over 5 hours so I knew it would be twisty. It was incredible. The road was really good quality with very little traffic. The scenery was breath taking with so many spectacular views I had to stop myself from taking photos of them all and just enjoy the ride.
    You can see all my photos of Corsica by clicking on this link
    I arrive in Toulon at 7am which is before it gets hot so I'll try to make good progress north and plan to stop around lunch time.
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  • Päivä 49

    Màcon France

    29. kesäkuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Before I tell you about Màcon I remembered that when I was leaving the hotel in the mountains of Corsica I noticed what I think was a scorpion on the sleeve of jacket as I was checking out. I flicked it off then checked inside my helmet very carefully!
    The ride from Toulon started at 6am as the ferry docked at 05.30, I had slept on a narrow bench in the ships restaurant as there were no cabins available. It was 29c and I decided to take the easy option for once and use the toll roads because the only other option to get as far as Màcon added nearly four hours to the journey. So I was on the main road from Marseilles to Paris and it was very busy with inevitable hold ups which in 35c was not much fun filtering between the rows of stopped cars. At one point I was tired and hot so I stopped at a rest area and fell asleep on a bench for over half an hour. I felt so much better after that.
    I want expecting Màcon to be interesting as I chose it because of it being a suitable distance from Toulon. It has a broad River, a smart church and what looked like a Turkish community. I watched a Turkish wedding pour out of a church with lots of drum music followed by a hundred or more guests. Later I went for a walk and I heard music coming from not far away so I walked to it and found it was a street party for a pizza restaurant which was celebrating 25 years. I asked if it was a private party and was welcomed to join so my ten minute walk ended up taking five and a half hours and me returning to my hotel having had many starters, then pork with potatoes then desserts and lots of different wines. I met a Dutch couple who had also heard the live band. They are in Màcon because thier car had broken down. So we spent an enjoyable evening chatting and eating and drinking.
    Next morning I ride to Beaune to a museum then Dijon to a hotel.
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  • Päivä 50

    Dijon via Beaune motor museum

    30. kesäkuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    A short ride today as Mandy suggested I popped in to see the motor museum we didn't visit when we came through Beaune in the MG. It was a good suggestion as the museum was huge and I think I was one of very few visitors today. To hot I suspect. I took many photos of the hundreds of motorcycles, fiat abarth cars, fire engines, fighter aircraft, tractors, and the château. You can see all 200 of them if you click this link
    Then back on the bike to Dijon which isn't far but by then the heat was stifling. I had a quick rest then came out in the heat to explore. I knew I was close to the centre and the cathedral. Before I entered the cathedral I could hear there was a mass in progress so at first I just peeked inside then set my camera for no flash and went in and down the side of what was a very full church. The mass must have been a special one because there were around fifty priests at the front with standing room only everywhere. Of course it was all in French but I was mesmerised by it all especially when the organ started and everyone started singing. I found it quiet moving. When I came out I noticed at the side a police van with several men dressed in riot gear watching everyone.
    Then I walked into what is a beautiful old city, ending up at the museum of art where I took more photos you can see on this link
    I was told Dijon is lovely and I agree. Even the trams are pretty.
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  • Päivä 51


    1. heinäkuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Right now I'm on the outskirts of Chalons en Champagne which was a convenient stop on the way north. Tomorrow will be Saint Omer.
    What a difference today's ride was. I came out of the heat wave which is affecting most of Southern Europe and the temperature dropped by 15c over yesterday so for the first time in weeks I arrived at the end of my day not needing to jump in a shower or a pool or a river to cool down.
    I told the sat nav to avoid the toll roads as I'm not in a hurry and it brought me via long straight empty roads through forests and little villages so I'm going to do the same tomorrow which will be 5 hours riding.
    I'm a couple of miles out of town in one of those budget hotels business men use conveniently near the main road. It's surrounded by discount stores and there is a gypsy camp across the road. They have very nice and very clean caravans and I notice they are connecting into the street lamp supply for electric and down a man hole for water.
    I went for a walk to find a restaurant and decided on the one which had an acronym for a name which I presume means King French Cuisine. I chose chicken.
    As I was riding today I thought about the differences I've experienced in the adventure. The lowest temperature was at home on the first day when the screen of the bike froze as I took it out the garage next coldest was in Montenegro in the mountains when I started the day at 5c. The highest I've seen was 42c in Sardinia. I rode on a road which had snow 3 metres high each side in Austria and I had so much rain coming down the Balkan coast I abandoned my plan to go to Greece and caught a boat to Italy from Albania.
    I described today's accommodation. I've also stayed in four star hotels, three and two star. This is a two star. I've used Airbnb staying at people's houses. I stayed at a family house who invited me in when my hostel was closed. I've used four or five hostels and enjoyed them all. I slept in a chair on a ferry and in the restaurant of another ferry. I slept on Andrews settee for two nights.
    So it'll be nice to get back to a familiar bed and not have to pack and move on in the morning and not spend the evening planning the next days ride and finding somewhere to stay.
    I'm taking a night off from sight seeing as I'm out of town. Saint Omer will be nice, I remember it from staying there when Mandy and I traveled in the MG.
    Not brilliant photos today. I took one to try to show the straight and empty road. Just as I took it a car appeared on the horizon. I took another in a bar I stopped at for a coffee at lunch time. It had a 1930s BSA on a plinth in the restaurant area. It belongs to a friend of the bar owner. I also took a photo of the view from last night's hotel in Dijon just as the sun set over the railway station.
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  • Päivä 52

    Saint Omer

    2. heinäkuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    This is a lovely town less than an hour from Calais from where I will get the ferry back to England tomorrow morning.
    I had a long ride today which wasn't as nice as yesterday but it was ok. The weather was perfect and the roads where not busy.
    If you get the chance to visit Saint Omer I recommend it especially if you like churches as the cathedral here is lovely.
    Take a look at this to see all my photos of this place.
    I met a couple who staying at this hotel and are from Yorkshire riding a Triumph motorcycle. We had a meal together and a good chat. They catch the ferry to Hull tomorrow evening.
    So this is the last hotel and tomorrow I will be home in time for tea. It will feel strange I'm sure. I've got so used to this life on the road. It'll be nice to be home again. Apart from the obvious missing Mandy and Robert I said I'd really like a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich. Two things I haven't had in a long time.
    I will write one more post summing things up in a couple of days.
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  • Päivä 54


    4. heinäkuuta 2019, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    I've been away since 12th May. Nearly 8 weeks and during that time I've traveled 4800 miles. I've been to France twice, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Italy, Sicily twice, Malta, Sardinia, Corsica.
    I've been on 9 ferries three of which where overnight.
    I did the whole trip alone but never once got lonely. I met many interesting people and made new friends. It is easier to talk to people when you travel alone and came to enjoy the solitude. I was in contact with Mandy every day and took comfort in the fact that she kept busy with her work, her art and her horse and now that I'm back we will enjoy doing things together once again. Maybe another trip in the MG?
    I bought the bike with this trip and a much bigger one to Australia in mind and after 50+ days in the saddle the only thing wrong with the bike is the saddle it's too hard. Other than that the bike proved perfect as long as you keep within its limitations and don't take it over terrain which it's better suited to a lighter smaller bike. I only once had to turn around because the going got too tough. It returned 77 miles per UK gallon or 3.67 litres per 100 kilometres which is very good but I was never in a hurry so my speed was quiet slow most of the time. I put in around a quarter litre of oil and used two cans of chain spray. Taking a spray to clean the bugs off my visor was a good idea.
    The motorcycle jacket and trousers where very good but the boots leaked and lining came out of the gloves.
    Would I do it again. Yes.
    The photos are a selection from the adventure.
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