European Summer

Haziran - Ekim 2023
Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Scotland, England, Faroe Islands, Germany and more!
Prides, motorcycling, hiking, running, scuba, and more!
Okumaya devam et
  • 130ayak izleri
  • 17ülkeler
  • 138günler
  • 1,8kfotoğraflar
  • 89videolar
  • 42,3kkilometre
  • 19,5kkilometre
  • 4,8kdeniz mili
  • 4,7kkilometre
  • 3,0kkilometre
  • 2,2kkilometre
  • 1,4kkilometre
  • 296kilometre
  • 282kilometre
  • 223kilometre
  • 104kilometre
  • 45deniz mili
  • 63kilometre
  • 62kilometre
  • 22deniz mili
  • Gün 17

    Vélez - "Rest Day"

    24 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Our 5 day motorcycle tour included a midway rest day. We took advantage of the time to search for accomodations for our next motorcycle tour through the Alps.

    We decided a quick walk of the town and groceries were in order to beat the 2pm Siesta shop closures.

    It was neat meandering through the winding streets. We even made it up to the old Castillo.

    A bought a whole chicken and a few vegetables for BBQ dinner we shared with the group. It was quite a novelty to be able to pick fresh lemons and oregano from the courtyard to make the marinade.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Sierra de Tejeda - day 3

    25 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    A warm start to the day for the four rested riders. Following guide Graham we twisted and turned km after km 🏍️😁

    The scenery can change a lot in a short distance. Steep mountain hillside, then pine forest beyond and into a plain of Olive orchard fields.

    This coffee stop restaurant was picture perfect with character. The pizza oven must be amazing, though we didn't get to see it in action.

    Yes, you guessed it! Toasty warm again on this June day, probably 34C.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 19

    El Acebuchal "The Lost Village" - day 4

    26 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    An even warmer day forecasted!

    Some fantastic twisty roads and a bit of a dirty track into El Acebuchal. The low quality road likely limits the number of visitors. We enjoyed our morning coffee here after a quick walk around.…

    An afternoon swim in the Los Bermejales reservoir to cool down, as it was up to 37C!

    After a quick sandwich (not so delicious 😕) we saddled up the toasty bikes. The pavement was quite rough and I though it was surprising how much I could feel it in my handlebars! A few km later the pavement improved, but I still noticed sloppy cornering. Then I realized, 💡I might have a bike issue! Thankfully we were passing through a town so I honked my horn to get everyone's attention, signaled and pulled over in the shade.

    My front tire was flat! Graham used his can of flat repair to inflate the tire with goop. The valve stem was damaged so it was leaking out of it and not allowing the goop to seal very well.

    Graham swapped bikes to ride mine. I got to enjoy a Kawasaki Versys 650. It only had 5000km, and rode like a fun toy! The afternoon was getting late and we were toasty, so we took the direct root back home. It was a fair bit of motorway, but none of us minded considering the questionable bike. We stopped once and added more goop before getting back to the guesthouse.

    It was a fantastic to end of the tour safe and sound. We enjoyed a final dinner in town at a different cafe as the one we were at most of the week was closed on Mondays.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    Milano motorway madness

    27 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Another travel day! After all the exploring in north eastern Andalucia, it was naturally time to make our way towards Switzerland 🇨🇭!

    Had a pretty casual morning with another training run and packing the luggage. Our host dropped us off at the Malaga airport for our flight to the regional airport outside Milan, in Bergamo.

    Of course the airport is a way out, so we took the shuttle bus into Milan.

    As our luck would have it, A's luggage was missing upon arrival!? It's a bus, and we put them into the hold ourselves! Amazingly a good semeritan, Palo, found it on the motorway and contacted us on WhatsApp at the same time we were scratching our heads 😵‍💫. Apparently that side hatch wasn't secured properly. The driver did pull over at one point but we thought it was a regular stop. Another rider mentioned they saw our bag on the side of the road. Why, oh why didn't our driver pick it up or announce anything? 😭 An hour and a half, and an extra kilometre of speed walking to meet Palo later we had our bag. Surprisingly the Osprey roller duffle wasn't damaged!

    We checked into our hotel very sweaty on thus 28C day. A cold birra helped! 🍻

    Off for a nice simple dinner nearby turned into another adventure 😮‍💨. The restaurant was busy and the food look great, but the servers didn't deliver, even when we tried to get their attention. Over an hour later we were satisfied enough with our Aperol Spritz and appy pizza that we cut our losses and moved on. The pizza place across from our hotel was enjoyable and quick! It was time to rest before the train to Zermatt, Switzerland the next day.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Pizza E pasta

    28 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After the previous hectic day, it was nice to sleep-in a bit, and have a relaxing morning. The hotel offered a mediocre breakfast buffet, considering it is a 4-star, to get our day started. We didn't need to check out till noon, so decided to explore the area a bit more before the train trip to Zermatt.

    As experienced on the train, Milan occupies a very large flat area and a fair of sprall. After a few stops countryside opened up and the scenery greatly improved. The foothills of northern Lombardi and into Piedmont provinces were quite picturesque. Our longest transfer was 50 minutes in the town of Domodossola; mostly tunnels from there into Switzerland!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Matterhorn sunset

    28 Haziran 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    From the little we experienced of Switzerland on the train ride, it did not disappoint! The architecture is as expected, and all the towns we passed through looked very clean, well maintained, "cute" and orderly.

    Zermatt naturally has a very resort-town feel, but still very authentic. No private vehicles, so walking or electric mini vehicles (taxi, shuttles, or delivery trucks).

    The check-in to the holiday apartment was interesting. The email said the reception was only open until 630pm. We were arriving just under the wire, until the train was 30 minutes late 🚉😕! I tried calling their numbers but no answer and issues with my sim card. Walking quickly from the station, we discovered no answer at the building upon arrival. 🤔 A maintenance worker appeared and I explained. He seemed confused that we should have gotten a second email with instructions. Walking to the mailboxes he showed us that my name was on one, with the fob keys and unit number inside! Yahoo 👍

    We lucked out with a completely renovated suite! We are the first to use it too! Our patio is huge! No view of the Matterhorn, but we didn't pay the premium for that 😊. The kitchen is great so we popped to the corner store before the map said they closed at 8pm. Well, more like 7pm so they were already closed 😕. Quick! Across town to where we arrived at the train station. Weeeee.

    A quick 20-minute shop before their 8pm closing time, enjoying the inflated resort town prices was successful. The packaged seasoned chicken we bought turned out to be just wings 🐔🤣. It tasted great with the rice and salad 🥗🍚😋!

    Dinning on the patio I noticed the neighbors with the view looking at the mountains. The sun was setting and it looked great on the cloud above us. We paused dinner to go down to the river with a glass of wine where we too could view the sunset 🍷🌄
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 22

    Mountainous Thunderstorm

    29 Haziran 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Enjoyed another slightly lazy morning. With a cup of coffee in hand, we sat in the sunshine on our very large private patio. Decided to explore a bit of Zermatt before catch the train (50 minutes) to St Niklaus to pick it up our running race packages.

    We arrived a bit earlier than expected, and enjoyed a walk around St Niklaus before registration opened. In the time it took us to get the packages, the sun disappeared and the sky opened up into a deluge. We managed to get back to catch the train without getting too wet.

    A full-on thundershower was in full swing by the time we arrived back in Zermatt. We took refuge under awnings and in various stores till the rain subsided enough to get back to our accommodation. The rain persisted for the rest of the evening. We settled in and enjoyed an authentic cheese fondue in our suite with bread, apple, swiss salami, carrot and rosted potatoes!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 23

    Clouds & Drizzle

    30 Haziran 2023, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Woke up to a very wet drizzly morning. Settled in with hot mugs of coffee, and used the time to plan more of our European adventure.

    Ventured out a few times between rain bursts. This time we left prepared with an umbrella and our waterproof motorcycle jacket liners.

    A decided to looked at the forecast for Saturday and realized it was going to be pretty cool at the top, 3C, when our race ends! Thankfully the rain is supposed to clear up for race day. So we bought a couple running arm sleeves from the Marathon swag tent to keep us warm.

    Upon returning back to our building we enjoyed the "spa" room, which we had prebooked the day before. Since our building it isn't very busy, we had it all to ourselves! It is not fancy but comfortable!

    Our last walk took us to the pasta party tent to use our voucher for a pasta dinner. Time to "carb up"!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 24

    Run day: Zermatt to Gornergrat

    1 Temmuz 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    The long awaited day is finally upon us. We started training for the Top20 half-marathon run in April.

    Our day started early, with a quick warm up and stretch; still overcast, but not raining or too cool. We did a light jog along the river. After a good stretch, had a light breakfast and headed to the race start location for 9am.

    We started near the back, and slowly meandered our way forward.

    J slowed down as the road incline increased, while A took off like a gazelle. Around the 7 km mark the road levelled out, and J picked up speed, but A was no where in sight. For the next 8km, the route was a combination of road and narrow trail. For the most part, only a slight incline.

    J finally caught up to A after km 15, just passed Riffelboden. Here the route got insanely vertical. From then on things got really gruelling. At this point "running" was just a notion, it was a chore just to get one foot in from of the other. J attempted a slow jog for a short stretch and quickly realized that walking was a better use of energy. A's ambitions of walking a bit faster were squashed by quads and hamstrings threatening to seize up! 😵‍💫

    A typical half marathon is 21.4km, this route was 22.1km... Every twist and crest became the next milestone. It was a bit deflating when the finish line became apparent at the top of Gornergrant. But in the end we both made across! The things we put ourselves through for a "finishers" tshirt 👕🤣

    It was an incredibly beautiful course to complete! This finish line is the highest for an event in Europe, 3089m!

    After some half-hearted stretching, and refreshments, took the train back to Riffelberg to pick up our clothes bags, and shower. The shower space was more like a prison or military shower setup: four rows of shower jets with space for about 40. The warm water felt amazing!

    We then headed over for our free beer🍻. It was terrible 🤢 We found a gopher🐿️ hole to dispose of the rest after a couple sips 🤣 Probably not a bad thing considering soon after J's stomach started to protest. We followed his nose to a Weiner stand, they wanted 9CHF for a slice of bread and sausage. All we had were Euros that they didn't accept, which is strange as its on parity and an international event 😕

    The train down was very hot and over crowded with tourists and runners. It was a challenge to stay upright and get to the bottom. By this point J was very naustious, and crouching near the floor. Once at the bottom, A grabbed a few food items from the store, and we headed back to our accommodations for a quiet restful night homemade Bratwurst and some rose wine.
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