Europe 2022

juli - august 2022
Et 29-dagers eventyr av Quinn Les mer
  • 24fotspor
  • 2land
  • 29dager
  • 331bilder
  • 3videoer
  • 2,2kkilometer
  • Dag 8

    Day 1 irun to san sebastian

    29. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Started around 730am with a swedish guy i met, Johanes. We walked together for the first 3-4hours talking about the camino and what not. He liked to stop a lot so i ditched that mofo and kept cruising. We will likely meet another day though! So many amazing things the sights were incredible and we had all types of weather ran, fog, sun etc. Cant waith fkr what the next few days hold!Les mer

  • Dag 8

    San Sebastian Evening

    29. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Snoozed in the hostel after the walk and then went to meet a friend i met in Biarritz. We walked around for a while trying to find somewhere to eat and settled on a local pub.

  • Dag 9

    Day 2 San Sebastian to Getaria

    30. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    I slept in. But it was much needed. I left my hostel around 1030 grabed a quick breakfast and set off. It was rainy when i left my hostel but throughout the day it heated up. I covered about 26km today but it wasnt as intense as the day before. This time i opted to walk alone and just relax, the spanish country side is an amazing place for thinking! I booked a hotel room ladt night because i cluldnt find any hostels online but was surprised to see signs for pilgrims hostels in town when i got here. The privacy is really nice though so im not upset but for now on no booking ahead of time! Its warm enough outside that i can always sleep on a bench!! I'll spend the evening swimming and enjoying the here.Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Getaria in the evening

    30. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Finally made it into the ocean. Getaria is a beautiful city right next to Zarautz, it reminds me a little of where i was in Belize here. Having 4 main streets with different shops and restraunts. For dinner i had Pinchos which is something traditional to Basque country. Basically its just a bunch of stuff on a peice of bread, it was delicous. I feel like a bit of a recluse here its difficult to engage people when you dont know the language. But I am really enjoying it, maybe because of walking all day by myself or just the nature of the experience this is the busy areas of town seem overwhelming and i find that i enjoy being alone. After supper i bought a bottle of wine and some snacks from a dollar store of sorts and sat to watch the sunset from the hotels terrace. On the way i ran into some pilgrims their english was okay but i still did not really feel like engaging. They said they were going to sleep outside somewhere and i thought it was funny that i had become a fancy pilgrim staying in hotels and what not. Each town i visit i feel like I want to stay longer or at the least come back. It all feels so unique and beautiful, in large i think my obsession with the ocean only gets stronger. And so these towns or cities that merely reflect or highlight its features really put me in awe.Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Day three: Getaria to Deba-ish

    31. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    I slept in late and didnt start walking until 12. I spoke with someone in Getaria who told me I needed to get going so i went to high gear. I can really tune in while walking. I made it go Deba in 4 hours only taking a couple small breaks. Unfortunately the hostel in Deba was full. Two ladies who worked there were very helpful in helping me find somewhere else. The brought me water and gave me lists of places to call or try and sat with me for some time. I must have looked like i had no idea what i was doing but i think they wete just very kind. I ended up walking another 4 km to a hostel that had space. Its fun to have the community vibe of all the pilgrims. I bought dinner with my stay which ended up being a big group dinner with the other pilgrims. It felt like campand we all talked about our lives and what we are here for if any reason. Ill walk with some of them tomorrow. It will force me to get up early because ive been really bad at getting up early and they all seem like keeners. The goal is to make it to a Monestary just outside of Markina tomorrow before it fills up. Its apparently a cant miss experience.Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Day Four Deba to Monestary

    1. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    I met several people at dinner last night. The main three were Baptiest, Gill, and Andrew. Andrew and I decided we would walk together to the monestary and Gill decided to join as well. We left pretty early and had a good start heading up the mountain. We moved further away from the sea so todays hike was quite hilly but we were thankful for aome cloud cover. It was a bit of a grind and the long days continue to put strain on the body. We made it to the Monestary by 1:30 and claimed our beds. As we settled in we meet many other pilgrims who had gotten there before us and we welcomed alot of poeple arriving. Man of the faces were familiar to us as we had crossed paths with many along the way. The Monks at the monestary brew there own beer and ferment wine and sell it out of a small shop they have there. I tried all three beers they had (large bottles of course) and we spent the night sharing stories of all our adventures. A large group of us decided we would all walk together the next day.Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Day Four: Deba to Monastery

    1. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I walked today with Gill and Andrew, we lwft early in the morning because we wanted to stay at this old monastery that had limited beds. We were told it was a cant miss and they were right. We got there in record time. Slowly it is getting more difficult as my body starts to feel the effects of all the walking. We found many pilgrims who we had all met alonh the way and formed a really good group. We enjoyed beer that is brewed there by the monks, it was amazing. And also shared a large group meal all together. It is amazing how the camino will bring everyone together and makes them all feel like family, there are no expectations, even when walking with others you can just zone out and walk alone for some time. So far i love the caminoLes mer

  • Dag 12

    Day five: Monestary to dirt near Gernika

    2. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I woke up early to the sound of some of my spanish friends (andrea and lidia) i met the night before getting ready. Probably around 5am. The left with another group and i watched the sunrise while i waited for the people i said i would walk with to wake up. Eight of us set out on our way. We had long discussions about all sorts of things like our personal lives, philosophies, and ethics. The people i met have really exceeded my expectations. As i am not walking the camino for any religous reasons i thought i might be a bit of an odd one but i have quickly realized that almost everyone here is just here for the experience itself and not specifically religous by any means. It was a lot of fun to walk with everyone although it was very slow and at time frustrating when our indecision became evident in towns. We sat under a very old bridge in a creek and soaked our feet, exchanging and listening to music. It felt like a dream. It was a particular level of peace that was amazing. As we walked into Markina we walked past a building where people were singing and dancing. Just a group of friends and when we looked in the quickly ushered us in and poured us wine and fed us meats. We continued on after lunch and buying some ingridients for supper. We walked about 7km past Gernika had some drama eith the hostel own and 4 of us ended up sleeping outside on a dirt road.Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Day Five: Dirt in Gernika to Bilbao

    3. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I barely slept last night. But was in good enough company. Despite enjoying the large group we thought it might be best to split up and walk in smaller groups. I began walking alone in the dark, and that messes with your head. I dont think there are any animals here that would do anything but the forest in the pitch black likes to play with your mind. It wasnt long before i caught up to Sam and Everette, two americans who were traveling together. We walked together for nearly 4 hours chatting about life and social issues. Eventually i decided i needed a bit of time to my self so i walked on ahead. There was a lot of pavement walking this day. Even though it made the path smoother the road is quite jaring on the feet especially the long descent down into Bilbao. Bilbao is a city almost on the ocean, a river runs through it the ebs slightly by the tide despite the ocean being about 20km away. A few of us had decided to meet up in Bilbao to find a hostels together. When I got into town i got a call from James and Andrew, we met after some time and booked a hostel. After lunch we had the most agonizing check in process ever. After a nap we set out to meet some others, the two girls from Madrid and three brothers from the south of spain were finishing in Bilbao. The night was so much fun although I was upset that we never found anywhere to dance. Unfortunately, I ended up having a bit of a rough night and require just a little bit of assistance from James, Everette, and Sam to get back to the hostel. But i think everyone enjoyed themselves well enough!Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Day Six: Bilbao to Portegaleta

    4. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    I did not want to walk this morning but after a great firat breakfast James and Andrew convinced me that the camino didnt count if we didnt walk the whole way. Many people that we knew were taking the train or bus to the beach for a rest day but we trudged on. This was probably the least beautiful walking day. We were out of the hill side and now walked along the river in urban areas. BUT we still carried on, Andrew and James are great people and we talked and joked about the night before and our lives back home. I was happy in the end that I walked with them. We finally arrived in Portegelata after 2 breakfasts and lunch. The hostel was something out a news broadcast for hurricane victims. A row of bunk beds on either side of a long corridor out the side of a gymnasium. There were only a couple places to put your things and the washrooms were only old change rooms. We laughed a lot about this. As pilgrims we were becoming more accomadated to these municple albergues (public hostels). They are for pilgrims and by donation only, however they also have a curfew and a strict check out time usually out by 7 or 8. Three other guys in the hostel joined us for drinks and dinner (samuel, from italy, timothy, from Spokane, and Oscar 3 (from norway i think). The converstaing were interesting to say the least but we had a good time and James, Andrew and I decided to carry on together the next day.Les mer