Europe 101

April - June 2016
A 60-day adventure by out and about Read more
  • 55footprints
  • 10countries
  • 60days
  • 249photos
  • 0videos
  • 34.7kkilometers
  • 30.3kkilometers
  • Day 46

    Görisch to Krippen

    June 9, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Bad Schandau to Rathen
    After a sumptuous breakfast of muesli, scrambled eggs, cheese, fruits and croissant we left the hotel but was just raining. Umbrella up and zipped off pant legs ,we were off. A steep climb and the sun reappeared so we were sweating madly. Great views from the Galgenberg plateau where wheat & some kind of beans were growing. Walked to a great view from a restaurant/ pension at Brand where we had a dark beer each.Walked through forests to an area for lunch called Gautschgrotte , shady sandstone rocks all around us. This is abseiling country .Instructions were a little confusing when we arrived at Hohnstein and after searching we eventually found the green on white marker. We had a lovely day with all the green moss, lots of fungi ,very tall straight trees. Got a bit confused by incorrect literature but some girls were going our way and together we matched up the map to our route. Climbed a metal staircase between cliffs to a nice view across to Hohnstein and its castle at mount Hockstein before descending into the forest again & to a lake called Aselsee, followed this to Rathen and our accommodation . Walked to shops and the ferry , had icecreams.Dinner to have in the hotel restaurant tonight after our 17 km walk.Read more

  • Day 47


    June 10, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Hrensko to Pravcicka Brána

    Caught the train to Schona then the ferry across Elbe R to Hrensko (Czech Republic).
    We walked through the the town to get to the walk up (5km) to reach the Pravcicka Brána , natural arch of sandstone. A wonderful piece of nature with tables and chairs set up beneath it!!! With a cafe. A shame the pics show this . Many interesting lookouts to view Czechoslav republic, wonderful sandstone cliffs .It was a real climb, hot work so a beer cooled us down and the air temp was cool enough for me to need S's jumper. We then walked on through forests stopping now and then for photos until we reached Mezni Louka where we street walked on along a country road for a few kms until we got to Mezna. We then descended to the river, this was a knee ordeal(Edmundsklann). We thought we would be able to walk by he river all the way to Hensko. Ha! The walk description talked about taking a nice boat trip as an optional activity to the day. We were faced with choice of walking back umpteen kms or take the boat trip. The boat was a large plastic green punt driven by a pole. It was all very pleasant even though we had to wait. A beautiful gorge but not quite Australian standard ( dad thinks it was similar to Mt Wilson ).The driver made comments along the river, in German and Czeck, a pity for us .He played the harmonica which was a nice touch here and there. Lovely blue dragonflys were on the water and some pretty ducks ( purple necked- royal blue). At one place there was a carved statue , dragon, Saint but the funniest part was when we had seen a cable running up to the othe side high up.- the punt driver pulled on this as we passed and immediately a waterfall fell. We completed the trip in 20 mins and we were at Hrensko again. Waited for the ferry to cross the river Elbe so we could wait for the train back to Krippen. We spent a lot for ferry, boat and the arch. - about 21 € extra for the walk!!

    Walked to the small rockery store for yummies for later tonight. I forgot to turn my phone on so we don't know how far we walked! Route description said 15 km but we know we did more.
    Tomorrow is last day walking.
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  • Day 48

    Krippen to Bad Schandau the long way

    June 11, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Well we started the day by taking the ferry across the river to Postelwitz a town up the road from Bad Schandau ( ~ 2.5km). After a short walk we reached a path to our left which was steep for a short time. We crossed a junction and climbed metal ladders etc to reach the Schrammstein . Fantastic views from this famous German lookout.Teenagers were sitting eating their morning tea blocking the tiny access to the best view point! Typical. Returned to a main path and followed the forest path .There were 2 options and only 1 was marked on the map ( yesterday only 1 was marked on the map!). We found a sign pointing towards the opt. Kuhstall. We were very glad we did! It was another natural arch of stone, the 2 nd largest. We had our lunch on the rock platform overlooking national parkland with enormous cliffs.It was a hefty climb up a solid metal staircase between the narrow rock crevasse( one person at a time only) . The trip down was easier - there was an alternative stone and timber route!!! It was good to be able to do both. The crazy walk description mentioned often " just a few steps" .There were a hundred steps to be sure,taking us down to the forest floor. Once we'd left the Cow Barn ( Kuhstall ) we followed a path to Lichtenhainer waterfall. What a disappointment - it was so small and tucked away between a hotel and it's beer garden. The silliest thing also was that they block up some of the water flow and then release it so people get good photos. We had a nice dark beer anyway sitting in the garden. We walked down the road to see the Beuthenfall waterfall. The buildings beside it were derelict & a fence across the viewing of it . This was an even smaller one. The walks notes ended the walk here and they simply said take a bus back to Bad Schandau, but they recommended going on the historical tram Kirntzschtalbahn back. We decided to walk. This added on several kms but it was beside the river and took us on rough paths requiring chain fencing ropes for some exposed ascents and descents. Very worthwhile.Picnic dinner planned in our room with cheeses, salami,chips, nice bread, wine , dessert and TV.( even though we can't understand German! It's quite hilarious watching Eddie Murphy and Jacki Chan being dubbed!) . I had my pacer counter on today - approx 11 km the route paper said. Well we walked 26.8 km.Read more

  • Day 49

    Prague Day 1

    June 12, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Set off from Bad Schandau by crossing the river Elbe, then up to the train station & waited for train. Margaret & John Fegent were in the same carriage behind us.Arrived at Praha & made our way to Rybna street, had to ring Eva, the owner to let us in.She was very nice.We tried to meet M & J,but it took longer to find the place( we thought it was wrong due to street front- but it was correct). So we didn't see them, it also bucketted down .After we had a coffee each (150 krona). The currency is crazy, a pizza costs 200 k,for instance, my pork ribs were cheap in comparison at 310k.We walked to the famous King Charles bridge, it wasn't as crowded as expected. There were many street side sellers there with their wares such as wooden jewellery, artists, cartoonists and beggars who leant forward in semi prostate form.It looked like the clouds were going to explode & let forth so we went into a nearby restaurant for dinner. On way back to the flat we called in at the supermarket for groceries.Read more

  • Day 50

    Prague Day 2

    June 13, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Slept in- big mistake as we were meeting Margaret and John at the castle. Navigation error big time. We crossed a bridge beyond the King Charles bridge and could'nt reach the correct road. We ended up crossing a road with cars and tram to climb a track then under an underpass and climb a hill. All sweaty!We went around various areas of the Castle and it was lunchtime before we knew it. Lunch in one of the cafes, salmon sandwiches + crisps and rocket with a dark beer. We could use the toilet then for free. Did some more touring and went back to have a beer & toilet stop. We all caught the tram back to the city ( John gave us 2 tickets that were spare- they didn't get to validate due to crowds) .We found some cold meat, cheese & salad or tomorrow's picnic at the park. Had dinner in Apetit around the corner from us with Margaret & John - traditional Bohemian cuisine : roast duck , red& white cabbage& various dumplings for me, goose for Margaret, Goulash for John & S had a cabbage soup and a pork plate.Read more

  • Day 51

    Prague Day 3

    June 14, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Slept in and then made our way to the ottomh of the funicular railway . Bought bread on the way for our picnic. We decided to walk instead of the rail and I tried a short cut but my sandals slipped ,,,, grazed knee. Took another short cut and it worked. The walk was a winding switchback type so hence the short cuts. We were dripping by the top.yuk. We met Margaret & John and walked looking for a nice place. The rose gardens were lush, scented and well maintained. It started to rain and we waited under Pine trees. We spotted a rare picnic table and it was under a tree.There we enjoyed M& J's wines we had chilled, as we ate our picnic. After we walked to the Petrin tower and walked up it. It was swaying a bit at the top with all the people but a great view. I took the funicular down with M&J while S walked it. At the bottom M& J took the tram back to their accommodation. S& I walked back over the same bridgeVitzna & it was hot.Went to the I❤️Prague shop and bought a crystal elephant & pair of earrings.Read more

  • Day 52

    Prague Day 4

    June 15, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    It was raining through the night and still but only lightly when we went out.Today was an easy day, wandering around the old town, trying to see the Jewish quarter, only seeing some and buying fruit bread and cheese.We made it to the astronomical clock 3 x today but only once to see the movements. We went into Marks and Spencer store & I tried on some swimwear to no avail. We walked and walked towards the Dancing House designed by Frank Gehry and took lots of photos of it and views around it from the bridge, including the boats and locks. We came across a wine shop and tried 2 wines (20ck each time- a full glass). We decided to buy a litre of the White Czech wine from the barrel as it was nice and cheap! 103ck including the plastic bottle. A lunch inside the apartment of cheeses, salami,tomatoes & lettuce& hard boiled eggs. Back for dinner and our last 500ck to spend or change to Swedish krona or euro. Have bought our bus fares to the airport already and found the best route to the bus stop for tomorrow.Read more

  • Day 53

    Stockholm Sweden

    June 16, 2016 in Sweden ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    No rain today! It was an easy walk to the Prague railway station and out the other side to the AE bus stop to ride to the airport T3. 33 mins later and we alighted. Stephen exchanged our remaining Czech money for Swedish krona. We've eaten some of our provisions and are waiting for the all to board our SAS flight to Stockholm. Hopefully the flight will run on time as the previous SAS to Copenhagen leaving from the same gate has been delayed.We have arrived it's 7:45 pm and it's raining here and 15C but not too bad. The hotel room has really poor lighting and NO WINDOW.Oh for 2000$ more we could be upgraded! It eels so claustrophobic .We took a bus here & it was close to the accommodation so that was really good!& we purchased return to airport tickets and saved a small fortune, not going via train (430 instead of 980 sek).Read more

  • Day 54

    Sweden Day 2

    June 17, 2016 in Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Because there are no windows nighttime lasts forever in this room. So it was 8 am when we woke up! Breakfasted in the hotel - a good feed, no nice cheese! We've been spoilt. We found the way to the tourist info at the Central station and from there we decided on our day's activities. We walked through Drotining a shopping street to Parliament at Rikgatan. We walked by the water and saw part of the changing of the guard and stopped to buy ferry tickets for the feather island in the archipelago (Fjäderholmslijen). A nice trip and the rain has stopped. We had a burger with small roasted potatoes and a garlicky mayo on the side with a local beer( OK) called Monkey Business). We wandered all over this little island stopping in at the local artisans stores. I bought a few items to bring back home. I accidentally walked close to a Nordic seagull chick - its parent swooped down after me but I escaped with paper bag over my head. They are a noisy bunch.I found a stray egg in a nest on a rock face earlier, obviously no good and Stephen photographed it and a chick at the water's edge which must have been a seagull. The next ferry isn't until 4:30 so we'll just meander a bit .Its a 20 min ride back.We walked through some of Gamla Stan the old town, stopping for a beer ( dark) in an old tavern that was a dungeon. The beer was quite good. Stopped at small shops before entering a square with the Nobel Museum and there we had dinner at Kaffe Koppen - Baked potato and seafood, Spinach& salmon pie. It was delicious with a good salad on the side. We walked back via the palace and then along the waterside passing many bridges , finally arriving back just enforce 9 pm. My feet are sore, 15.5 km, including the ferry travel.Read more

  • Day 55

    Sweden Day 3

    June 18, 2016 in Sweden ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Saturday and it's raining. Set my alarm for 7:15 as this room has no natural light to wake you up.Went to breakfast and after we walked to the Royal palace .There we visited the Royal Apartments, The Treasury, The Tre Kronor Museum, The Museum of Antiquities and walked back to the Riddarholmen Church. At 12:15 we stood in the rain waiting to see the changing of the guard.We were often swamped by pushy people with umbrellas when we had stood where directed by guards . In the end the band played on and we only saw them March by having had to empty their instruments of water. There were no horse parades today, I'm glad for the horses.The Treasury was very interesting, seeing the crowns, Queen's robe with ermine finishes, the robe was a red velvet embroided all over with crowns. No photos allowed and this was in a huge vaulted area. The antiquities were mostly of the Roman emperors.The Kronor museum was about the early days to present castle design. The Royal apartments were not as flamboyant as the French, in some quite plain. There was an emphasis on clocks. The church was a cemetery in effect - sarcophagusses of the royals, and crests of nobility on the walls, we walked over stone flooring housing the dead. Something more pleasant occurred when we walked, yes in the rain over Skepps Homsbron bridge to the Moderna Museet ( modern art museum). Some curious artworks, sculptures, some Picasso.Before leaving I had a Chardonnay and dad a cappuccino . On our way back to the hotel we were passing the Town Hall we were able to enter its courtyard and the foreshore garden. S took photos. It was very nice, garden had parties style hedging.We ate at a local pizza place where a delicious cabbage salad was presented with our pollo pizza & bottle of Italian Pinot Grigio (2015- very light).
    Watched Jack& the beanstalk variation & ate a block of chocolate .18 km today.
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