Antigua and Barbuda

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    • Day 8

      Landausflug auf Antigua nach St. Johns

      February 13, 2020 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nachdem wir innerhalb von 4 Tagen nach Antigua rauf gesegelt sind wollten wir unbedingt mal wieder aufs Land. Landausflug war angesagt. Wir sind also in English Harbour einem Traumhafen der bis dato zu GB gehört und sehr viel englische Kultur in sich trägt. Hier haben wir unseren zahnlosen Fahrer Runfor kennengelernt, einen etwas “Highen” Antiguaner der uns für 20€ pro Person die Insel zeigte. Zunächst fuhren wir durch den Regenwald, dann über eine Landstraße in die Stadt St. John’s. Auf dem Weg dahin haben wir ca. 20 Kirche gesehen, da die Leute sehr religiös sind. Am Straßenrand verkauften sehr arme Menschen Obst un selbstgebastelte Dinge, Wahnsinn wie nah arm und ich reich hier ist. St. John’s war schön, sehr touristisch aber klein. Die Fahrt mit Runfor war es wert, denn seine Unbeschwertheit und Lebensfreude brachte uns so sehr zum Lachen und wie er sagt : “lachen ist die beste Medizin”.Read more

    • Day 26

      Antigua, Deep bay

      November 25, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Mit gutem Wind aus Südost 15 Knoten von Barbuda nach Antigua, Deep bay. Dort liegt ein riesiges Wrack von einem Dampfschiff von 1940. Das wurde als erstes abgeschnorchelt. Das Schnorchelvergnügen war ziemlich getrübt. Der Kamin ist abgebrochen. Ein Rest von 20 cm schaut noch heraus.
      Unterwegs noch 2 Fische gefangen. Die gibt es zum Abendessen.
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    • Day 8

      Landausflug auf Antigua nach St. Johns

      February 13, 2020 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Unser zahnlose und mit Rasterlocken ausgestattete Fahrer „Runfour“ bringt uns für 20 U.S. Dollar pro Nase nach St. John’s. Er scheint das Geschäft des Monats gemacht zu haben. Wieviele Joints er allerdings morgens schon geraucht hat, blieb uns ein Rätsel. Der Weg führt uns durch den Regenwald und 5 Sterne-Resorts an der Küste nach St.Johns. Oh Hilfe, hier kommen uns ca. 4.500 Touristen von der „Norwegian“ entgegenRead more

    • Day 114


      November 27, 2019 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Puuuh, die Ausflüge werden ja immer anstrengender. 😉
      Heute ging es mit dem Partybus an der Küste Antiguas entlang um von den insgesamt 365 Stränden der Insel die schönsten ausfindig zu machen. Was für eine Aufgabe...
      Möcht gar nicht wissen, wie viele Kilometer ich heute am Strand entlanggelaufen bin. 😊
      An jedem Strand gab es selbstverständlich zur Begrüßung einen Rumpunsch und so machte der Partybus bereits ab dem zweiten Stop seinem Namen alle Ehre. Zurück am Hafen angekommen, konnte uns wirklich keiner überhören und wir waren das Fotomotiv schlechthin. 😆
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    • Day 10

      Antigua - Jolly Harbour

      February 15, 2020 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Weil es so viel regnete entschieden wir uns nicht nach St. Kitts und Nevis zu fahren und in Jolly Harbour / Beach zu bleiben. Wir machten uns auf die Suche nach dem Strand und beschlossen zu einer einheimischen Bar zu gehen. 5 Cocktails pro Person und ein paar Regenschauer später kam die Sonne raus und wir befreundeten uns mit 2 Mädels die uns ganz neugierig über unsere Reise und Europa fragen. Sie wollten Snapchat sehen und es war ein Riesenspass mit ihnen die unterschiedlichsten Filter auszutesten. Der Vater der größeren arbeitet in der Bar die der Oma “Sandra’s Beach Bar” gehört. Mit dem letzten Cocktail setzten wir uns zu zwei einheimischen Jungs, einer davon stellte uns sich mit seinen 13 Namen vor indem er sie uns vorrappte. Es war lustig! Leicht angedudelt - nur ganz leicht - machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Boot. Wir hatten so viel Spaß zu zweit und lachten was das Zeug hält, fast fühlte es sich an als wären wir alleine auf dieser Welt! Irgenwann kamen wir im Hafen beim Boot an um dann in einem Griechischen Restaurant zu essen. Nach dem Essen und ein paar Ouzo feierten wir am Boot, spielten laut Musik und schafften den ersten Abend mal richtig lang wach zu bleiben - 1:30 Uhr yeah!Read more

    • Day 11

      We Sail

      January 24 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      The plan was to wait for a weather window, Sunday or Monday, and sail to either Guadeloupe or directly to Dominica. However that changed after Chris Whalen visited the boat. He was the carpenter who worked on the boat beside us. He explained that the teak on the deck would need to be redone and the windows as well. Brian wants to get the windows done and Chris had an opening next week. I pushed him a bit on timing and he said he could start this week, so we left Falmouth for Jolly…. But not without incident.
      We went to lower the davit to hoist the dingy but forgot to unpin the wind turbine, so we bent metal and pipes the support brace. We were able to grab it during a lull and tie it off to fix everything without the concern of being whacked by a blade. Finally we were ready to leave, but the anchor was resistant (enjoying its spot snug in the sand)…. But eventually it released.
      It was a quick sail with wind gust up to 35knots and mainly following seas.
      Chris and Arthur met us at the work dock to grab our lines and it was a bit tricky as it was blowing hard.
      Once settled we went the Marina office to check in and had a bite to eat at the Mexican restaurant. We later returned to the area in search of a shower.
      It was yoga and bed for me, but unfortunately the bugs here are really bad and my body was covered in bites in the morning!!
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    • Day 20

      Last Day at working dock

      February 2 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The push was on today to get everything done! Two more windows finished up for a total of 6. Brian and I will still need to epoxy the bungs in to cove the screws in the frame… a job for another day.
      I had a meeting with Lisa G (FTHS) and with Andrèia in the morning, since the aft windows were getting the work, I headed to a coffee shop. I saw Lina and John (s/v Two Captains) again… they had stopped by with there dingy yesterday as they recognized Lorena on there was to the Marina.
      Back on the boat I chatted with Andrew (and ladybug) and Dad, and I had a grant to apply for and some tax/ payroll issues to rectified. Brian made trips to Budget Marine and checked up out at customs/ immigration. He then put the connector on the wash down pump hose and stuffed everything back under the V-berth.
      I went for a shower (always nice to not worry about water when washing my tangled hair). Then filled the water tanks … boat hold around 260 gallons when all full and washed down Lorena.
      We went to Epicurean grocery to provision again and hauled it back to the boat. Had some yummy hamburgers and started to get stuff ready for a morning departure.
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    • Day 19

      Yoga and Labour

      February 1 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Last night we briefly met with Nicholas and Maria at La Cantina (the Mexican restaurant on the water that Brian and I went to a few times). They were meeting with strangers that brought them a replacement ice maker from the UK…turns out that Brian knows them, Fiona and Chris (s/v Carioca). They are part of the Salty Dogs but had put the boat on the hard while away, and are splashing in today.
      Maria and I made plans to do yoga in the morning. It rained hard during the night and early morning, so we delayed till 10am. She came by the boat to grab wifi, download emails and then we walked to the marina lawn to practice together. Back to the boat and I helped the rest of the day as best I could as we had two more windows we were trying to squeeze out.
      We had pork chops that needed to be eaten up as we had defrosted the freezers and fond it wasn’t frozen. I made a salad as normal (or whenever we can get spinach and lettuce, and we had some plantains with it. This week I also tried Amaranth, and we would have it for both supper and breakfast. We were both exhausted and in bed before 9pm. Still haven’t finished Mid Summer Nights Dream as I am so tired by the time evening rolls around.
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    • Day 18

      Work days & Lobster

      January 31 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Ive had to lock myself in the aft cabin to get some work done, amidst the construction zone of windows being done in the salon and nav station.
      When I can, I go and put on coats of gloss on the bow, or dig the rot out of the window sills.
      Having shore power and access to unlimited water is great! The Marina showers are nice, but the boat also had a big shower with good pressure. After a shower on Tuesday we went to La Cantina and had some Mahi-mahi ceviche as a snack…. But then got eaten by bugs again.
      We tried the custard apple and the chocolate fruit. Both were great! The chocolate fruit was like scooping out chocolate pudding, delicious!
      On Wednesday evening we walked in the opposite direction, towards customs and Al Porto, - beautiful restaurant on the water. Brian decided that we would eat at the restaurant and it was so GOOD. We had Caprese, and a seafood chowder to start, and then Brian had a full lobster and I had lobster thermidor.
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    • Day 13

      At my desk

      January 26 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Decided to brave the mosquitoes and get more sunlight as I worked today. Brian talked to Chris and found out he would not be coming untill Monday morning, but was given some tools to remove the bungs and start the work. He did boat chores while I worked all day, and evening. He made a great stir fry and I was eventually done at 8pm. Along with the consulting work I am organizing 2 yoga retreats…. One in Curaçao for April 6-13 and one in Nicaragua for October 19-26th. Next week I’ll get the website up and start Marketing it!Read more

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