Ballarat North

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    • День 27

      Botanischer Garten und Raclette (1)

      14 ноября 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      am frühen Morgen begann es zu regnen und momentan sollte es so bleiben. So packten wir zeitig zusammen und stellten uns 15km weiter, in der Stadt, bei einem Einkaufscenter unter einen überdachten Parkplatz (das gibt es wirklich, nicht wegen dem Regen, sondern gegen die Hitze im Sommer).
      Mit aufgehobenem Dach passten wir gerade noch rein, was die Leute mit Staunen quittierten. Im Auto montierten wir den mobilen Tisch, holten im Restaurant zwei pico-bello Capuccini und frühstückten zum ersten Mal im Camper.
      Zurück im Center berieten wir, wie die nächsten Tage ablaufen könnten. Da es morgen wieder trocken und sonniger sein soll, planen wir den Besuch im Goldgräber-Freilichtmuseum (mehr verraten wir nicht).

      Nach einer Weile kam doch die Sonne etwas hervor, ein Grund raus zu gehen. Unweit vom aktuellen Standort befindet sich der Botanische Garten (welcher wie oft für die Sommerferien umgestaltet wurde), mit seinen Cottages und für uns exotischen Pflanzen. Im angrenzenden See, auf dem 1956 die olympischen Kanu- und Kajakwettkämpfe stattfanden, schwammen schwarze Schwäne mit ihren Jungen. Das Putz-Schaufel-Boot störte die jedoch gar nicht. Das alte Museumstram fuhr vorbei und wir wagten einen Blick (in das geschlossene) Trammuseum. Es war Zeit für die Rückkehr, doch wir besuchten noch den Outdoorladen "Anakonda", man weiss ja nie ....
      Tatsächlich fanden wir Fliegennetze fürs Gesicht, welche wir später im Outback bestimmt brauchen werden.

      Und dann ........
      Oben, im Wald, fanden wir einen Nachtplatz und fühlten uns fast wie zu Hause - bei einem Raclette - mmmmhhh.
      Nun brennen die Raclette-Kerzen noch weiter, um unsere "Stube" etwas aufzuwärmem.
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    • День 1 406

      Ballarat - Sovereign Hill

      8 февраля 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We travelled back in time to experience the gold rush, see a town grow as more and more people settle there, learn how to make candy the old fashioned way, marvel at beautiful dresses and have a go at bowling. This is all made possible by an open air museum in Ballarat that takes you back to the old days, to the tents of the poorer men trying their luck on the gold fields, to the big gold mine, the houses and shops of the middle class, the big hotels and bars and the entertainment venues. All brought to life by dedicated and passionate people, some still practicing their trades the traditional way.

      Heute sind wir in die Zeit des Goldrausches zurück gereist. In Ballarat gibt es ein Freilichtmuseum, das mit vielen liebevollen Details das Leben zu jeder Zeit zeigt. Von den Zelten der Glücksritter, die sich den großen Fund auf den Goldfeldern erhoffen, zu den Behausungen und Geschäften der Mittelklasse, den großen Hotels, der Mine und all den Werkstätten, Bars und Vergnügungsstätten. Wir haben gelernt, wie man Süßigkeiten, Kerzen und Wagenräder herstellt und eine Menge über Gold erfahren.
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    • День 17

      Sovereign Hill Ballarat

      13 декабря 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Sonnige Grüsse heute aus Ballarat. Das ging heute Morgen sehr zügig über Highways und Freeways von Halls Gap bis nach Ballarat. Immer in Richtung Osten. Hier in Ballarat habe wir uns als erstes den Nachbau der Goldgräberstadt Sovereign Hill angeschaut, aus der diese heutige Stadt entstanden ist. Verrückt, dass hier Goldklumpen mit bis zu 69 Kilogramm gefunden wurden, die die Stadt 1851 zur reichsten Stadt der Welt gemacht haben. Neben historischen Gebäuden und Werkzeugen wurde uns auch gezeigt, wie Gold geschürft wurde und noch immer wird.Читать далее

    • День 577

      Janines Geburtstag - Festival Spilt Milk

      2 декабря 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute ist Janine 31 geworden und dazu gab es ein geiles Festival: das Spilt Milk.

      Dazu sind wir auch mit dem Camper auf den Campground gefahren, der unserem AirBnB Vermieter gehört, da sein Haus bereits vermietet war, wo wir die letzten Wochen drin waren.

      Das Festival war richtig cool: hier waren Singer/Songwriter wie Dennot Kennedy und am Abend sogar Post Melone
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    • День 1

      Arrived at Melbourne

      20 сентября 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Arrived at Melbourne airport about 1 hour late but zoomed through immigration, luggage claim and customs. Carole was already waiting for us.

      Drove straight to Ballarat. Had a bite to eat at Carole's and then off to Vic Roads to get a customer reference number so that the MH can be registered in our name. Then off to Telstra to get an Oz sim - that took ages. It took us about 3 minutes in KL, bought from a guy working on about 3 phones at once. Telstra took an hour 🤬😱.

      Back home and took the dogs for a walk in the dog walking park - it’s more than 100 acres so pretty good. They’ve done a recent burn here and, to the delight of the dogs, the resident hares have less cover. The dogs chased three on different occasions with zero chance of catching them.

      During the day, Carole told us of the action-packed day she had for us on Friday, apparently having forgotten that it was the day we intended to collect the MH. I messaged Sean at the dealership who said we could collect at 3:00 pm on Thursday.

      Back home for a quiche dinner and discussion about our journey to Wodonga concluding that train would be the only realistic mode of transport.

      After dinner, we drove over to Ballarat Rail Station to find out the best way to get to Wodonga where the MH was. A journey of 6.5 hours, coach-train-train-coach, 250 miles, AUD 10 each - we were delighted.

      Early to bed with a 6 am start on Friday
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    • День 12

      Lunch at the Yacht Club

      1 октября 2023 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      No one told us that the clocks went forward last night, fortunately, my phone knew so our alarm went off correctly, but mentally I was still asleep. That situation has remained now for several days. We had, what might possibly be our last shower in a bathroom for many weeks, then walked to Macca’s (McDs) to catch up with Carole. We walked back home with her, loaded Bill up and went off to visit Barbecues Galore to try and find something that would enable us to cook everything we needed while on the road. While Webber BBQs are probably the most well-known, there has been a recent change to BBQ legislation meaning that, if it is to be attached to a boat, camper, motorhome, caravan etc. the device must have an auto-shutoff. Weber has yet to manufacture their BBQs with this device and told us that they will cost $150 to retrofit. Ziggy, a competitor of theirs, produce a similar range with the shutoff installed. The question was, does it fit in Bill’s storage compartment? We spent time looking around the BBQ and I then had to go and fetch Bill from where it was parked. By the time I arrived back at the shop, we had run out of time before going to lunch - oh dear, never mind. We left BBQ-G and went to the yacht club via Carole’s to collect something we’d left. We arrived at the club just as John & Kerry were getting out of their car. However, we then had to get changed before going in for lunch, lucky we’d bought a house with us in which we could get ready.

      We hadn’t seen John & Kerry since we left Oz in April 2020. We had used them as a base when COVID started impacting our ability to travel, then selling Bertha etc.

      The yacht club was not the austere venue I was expecting, but a relaxed fast-food restaurant on the shores of Lake Wendouree. We had a lovely lunch and caught up on all that had happened over the intervening period. After lunch they came and had a look around Bill, Kerri said all of the right things!

      Once they left us, we needed to work out where we were staying that night. We found a McDonald's to jump onto their wifi, but that wasn’t working. The campsites we phoned didn’t pick up or were booked “until the end of the month”. One message just said not to leave a message as “I don’t know how to work them”. In the end, we decided to drive a few miles back towards the farm where there was a rural park with a campsite we were certain we could get in. The cost would be a $10 donation towards its upkeep. It had few facilities, toilets and showers. Unfortunately, a key was needed for the showers and neither of the caretakers answered their phones. Despite that, we had an enjoyable night albeit disturbed by wind and rain, and an introduction to the coming week’s weather.
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    • День 108

      Day 7 at Anton Golino Stable

      17 марта 2020 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      It was still cold this morning. Pusspuss, the stable cat, was very happy to see me this morning. Probably because I have been starting to feed her 😉
      Today we have a lot of horses jogging.

      We were supposed to go to the Ballarat Racetrack with around 9 horses for the trials but Anton changed his mind yesterday evening as he could not find another driver to drive the horses. We were actually happy to stay home 🙈

      Everything went on as normal during the day.
      We git ready around 2 pm in the stable and Marika and I were back out at 4 pm to take in some horses, fix some and feed them all. We were a little bit faster today and got ready at 5.20 pm.

      Back inside we were discussing what to eat and wrote a shopping list and then went shopping. We could buy PASTA!!! 🥳 Amazing!

      We actually got all we needed.
      So nice.
      Today's dinner was mashed potatoes with fish! 😊😋
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    • День 105

      Day 5 at Anton Golino Stable

      14 марта 2020 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Today we had a massive day in front of us.
      Glenn is always free on Saturday and Sunday and Daniel has vacation from today on. And all the horses are going fast today.
      And Jack can still not do so much because of his hand and he also needs to fix the tracks all the time. So Marika, Megan, Tracey and I gonna have a lot today.
      The day anyway started pretty calmly because a few horses had lost a shoe and we had to wait for Anton to show up and put new shoes on them.
      But them it got pretty busy. The first 3 hours went petty good anyway. Anton, Marika, and Tracey were driving the horses and while Megan and I are fixing everything inside. Took them in from the paddocks, put them in the walker, geared them up, washed them, fixed them and kicked them out again. After a while, we git more and more behind so it was actually good that there was a heat with only two horses in the middle so Tracey was also inside and could help us to catch up again.

      So, in the end, we were done earlier than we were all expecting.
      Pat, the owner showed up around 12 o'clock and started to roll up some bandages, clean up behind the horses and washed all gamashes as well. First I felt bad, that he was helping but Marika told me, that he is usually doing this on Saturday's.
      So it's not because Megan and I did a bad job inside.

      We were totally done at 2.20 pm and took a beer together to celebrate that this day finally is over 😂
      Marika just said: Good you are here at the moment, without you we would have been totally fucked. 🙈😂
      Even with me, we were almost fucked at one point.
      I really had to step in and take quite much responsible as Megan is pretty new in this job and she sometimes gets a bit lost. She needs to learn still a lot but she is really trying to do her best all the time.
      And with only me and Megan inside to fix the horse I ended up coordinating and fixing a lot more than before. But I obviously was impressing Pat, as he said to Marika that I do such a great job and he will pay me for it good. Not that I am expecting it, but it's nice when someone is really appreciating my help like this. 😊
      All the other do as well of course and they thanked me a lot for it and got really happy to hear, that I will stay definitely one more week to help them while Daniel has vacation and Jack is still not able to work normally again 😊

      We had some lunch and decided to have a girls night with take away and a movie tonight.
      Of course Jack was allowed to stay with us and even Megans boyfriend Chris came to stay over the rest of the weekend. 😉

      So we had some pizza and Chinese food in the evening and watched a movie together.
      Nice end of the day. 😊
      Tomorrow Marika and I are free and we gonna sleep soooooo long 🥳
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    • День 104

      Day 4 at Anton Golino Stable

      13 марта 2020 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Today was a calm day in the stable. We had online horses to high, swim or go on the treadmill.
      So all was going pretty easy and smooth in the morning.

      After all horses, we're done training, Marika and I started to fix the one-year-old so Antin could drive them today as well.

      We were basically done with all the rest but there were still 2 babies left so we all were doing some extra cleaning and organized a shelf new until the last baby was outside and we could have lunch. Even though we hadn't so much to do today we got ready at 2 pm, quite late.

      Marika and I had lunch and then went for a nap.
      I am really not used to this anymore 🙈😂

      The rest of the evening was calm, we all watched a movie together but anyway went to bed pretty early, tomorrow gonna be a massive day, we have like 20 horses going fast tomorrow 😳😅
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    • День 101

      Day 1 at Anton Golino Stable

      10 марта 2020 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today I got up early, 5.30 am to be ready to go with them to the stable at 6 am.
      The first thing I got to do was taking out some horses from their boxes, check the temp, pick their feet, change their rug and kick them out in the walker. During the day I did this a couple of times.
      In between, I helped them to gear up some horses as well, picked up some from the walker, washed a lot of horses and did as much as I could to help them.

      Around 10 am Marika, Anton, the boss and I went with 3 horses to Melton for trials, training races.

      It took us around one hour to get there. Once we arrived we loaded of the stuff onto the sulkys, took the horses and went to the stable area. All got a fast stopover in the pee box, as they don't have boxes here for the horses.

      After that, we started to fix them straight away and Marika went out with the first one for the warm-up. In this stable, they actually are warming up the horses! That's not so common here in Australia.
      Back in, we got the other two ready and Marika and the other driver, Jason, went out with the other to warm them up as well while Anton and I got Elvis ( his real name is Dreamcatcher) ready for the next trial. As soon as Marika and Jason were back inside Jason had to drive out with Elvis for the trail. So I and Marika fixed the other two horses ready while Anton went up to the track to watch Elvis.

      Marika and I had the other two ready when Jason came back inside so we had just to take off the bike from Elvis and put it on Kiwi.
      While they went out for the next trail I was suddenly alone with Elvis. I didn't really know what to do and how they want me to take care of him, so I just did, what I thought should be right. I took off all the gear, checked the plus, walked him for a while and gave him a nice shower. So Anton was happy when he came back from the track 😊

      We got the other two horses quickly ready as well, packed in all the stuff, they wash all at home and got going really fast again.
      We stopped at KFC for lunch and even I found something to eat 😉

      Back home we were loading of the horses and five them before we kicked then out in their paddocks, loaded of the stuff and at 3.30 we were ready and went inside for a calm afternoon. We went to buy some food and I found German bread!!! I can't believe it! Really good bread!!

      And we even found some L&P from New Zealand, for tonight's dinner. 🤗
      Around 7 pm Marika and I was cooking dinner and around 9 pm we went to bed. As I didn't sleep so well last night I was pretty tired.
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