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    • Tag 122

      Last day on Tassie

      8. Juni in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Seems like our 3 weeks on Tassie have gone so quickly! We've really loved the serenity of the forests here, the friendly people, curious wildlife and peaceful lakes.
      We spent our last full day near Hobart at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). The architecture and location were very impressive, with big views from the 'Lawns' at the front over the river. Inside we descended 3 floors in the lift to be greeted by a huge wall of sandstone. And inside copper stairwells criss crossed from room to room. The place was a maze! To be honest I found the artwork a bit pointless and felt most of it was just trying to provoke a negative reaction which I didn't enjoy. Some pieces played with your perspective which was quite interesting, but most were quite odd. For such a beautiful building (which must have cost a lot to create) I'd hoped we'd come out knowing more about ourselves or the world, or feeling an emotion other than bemused.
      We then went to Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary and saw Tasmanian Devils and Kangaroos as well as other native and non native birds and mammals. The Kangaroos had been fed all morning by visitors, so were lazing on the grass until they got spooked by a tractor and stampeded to the other side of the paddock. We did the 30min tour with a keeper which was interesting. Poppy decided to try and steal the show by doing her best and loudest raspberries, she was being so cute. Bonorong rescue wildlife from across Tassie. Shame the enclosures felt quite small though. I love learning about different animals but always feel a bit sad to see them looking bored in an enclosure.
      We stayed at Richmond (not far from Hobart and the Airport) for our final night and had some delicious local red wine with dinner to celebrate our last night.
      Rosie happily chatted away to Mike and Rach on the phone after dinner and told them she loves her family and friends.
      In the morning we packed up the van and got our flight just after lunch. All went smoothly and the girls did great. Just a 3 hour flight and no time difference which is nice. Beautiful views over the coast of mainland Australia on the way.
      Feels strange to say bye to campervanning after nearly 3 months. We've really enjoyed the flexibility it gave us and travelling about with our 'home'.
      But we're all really excited to see Grandma and Grandad Chapman for next adventure from Brisbane to Cairns. Will be so lovely to have them with us :)

    • Tag 45

      Hobart: MONA in Berriedale

      25. Januar in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      How do I describe MONA … Hobart’s world-renowned Museum of Old & New Art … and our destination today?

      Quirky … weirdly fascinating … edgy … confrontational … x-rated (with a warning to parents about one particular gallery) … overwhelming … cool … out-of-the-ordinary … challenging … easy-to-lose yourself (literally and figuratively … a volunteer told us that if we felt lost, we were doing the museum right). Did I say weirdly-fascinating? Anyway, all those adjectives — and more — fit the museum, which is located on the grounds of a vineyard in Berriedale … about 8 miles north of Hobart.

      The building itself is quite unique as it was constructed within a three-level subterranean cave excavated into the Triassic Period sandstone. The setting is beautiful … overlooking the Derwent River. Even the founder is not your run-off-the-mill millionaire. He apparently made his money as a professional gambler and used those gains to found the museum. Or so I read.

      An article in “Traveller” magazine describes the installations as being “… all over the place, literally and taxonomically.” So true. We saw everything from artifacts from ancient Egyptian sarcophagi to ultra-modern art that made us scratch our heads in wonder … such as “The Confessional” … a pitch dark room you reach by following a felt-covered maze … where anything you say can be heard by passersby on the terrace several stories above you! (Best described here …….)

      No visit to MONA is complete without lunch at its signature restaurant — The Source. Mui made reservations to dine there at noon … giving us a break from all the “interesting” things our brains were trying to process. Even here we found something quirky at which to shake our heads … the tables on the terrace were covered entirely with vegetation … plates and drinks placed on metal stands to keep them stable while you dine. Too many bees around the tables, so we skipped this interesting dining opportunity and sat inside. The food was delicious. And as one might expect at MONA … interesting.

      (I don’t have enough space or time to explain in depth some of the art I’ll be posting … Google it if interested.)


      For those whose curiosity might be piqued by the “food porn” photo, here is what we ate for lunch …

      * Fried buttermilk cauliflower with almond cream, tahini dressing, pomegranate burnt honey, puffed wild rice & garlic crisps

      * Mosaic of Spain consisting of roast line caught local fish, seared scallop, Spanish XO, smoked tomato, squid ink, saffron fennel, roast peppers, confit tomatoes, pickled basil, guindilla

      * Pasta Caprese consisting of tagliatelle, tom yum heirloom tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella foam, zucchini flowers, basil oil, victory garden basil & mint.

    • Tag 21

      MONA, Hobart

      25. März in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today, being Monday - we decided to have a lazy day and there was no rush to get going. Planned to drive up to Mt Wellington after coffee, the cloud was low and there were some showers. So flagged that for a bit of sightseeing locally.
      But by 3:00 the weather was still bleak, and we are home, and I have time to do Penguins.
      So, MONA – what can I say – it was incredible, lots of wow, inclusive, immersive, provocative, erotic, a place to explore, and fun.
      We chose to take the catamaran up the Derwent. There were lots of young people on board and tourists from the cruise that was in port. We left at 10:30 and drinks were going down. On arrival we had to walk up 99 steps to the top and entrance, where outside there was a large enclosed trampoline, a full-sized tennis court and a very large concrete mixer truck made out of lattice steel.
      Past the check in we went down a series of stairs – 3 stories below the ground and arrived at the café/bar. Moving straight on through we came to a large open room with (I think) 4,000 paper prints around the wall (see image) and at one end a grand piano, with a person playing notes and room for a small orchestra – a notice read that he was writing a piece that they would play at 4:00 (but we had to leave at 3). We saw him many times play short pieces.
      Next to that was the vagina wall (see photo) – plaster castes of private parts. The room had a particular name that I can’t write for mixed company. We moved away from that, and I spied a red car and wandered over there – and after about 5 minutes I couldn’t find Robyn, I went back to a curtained area where a woman was standing like an usher and went to go in, and she said “this is for women only” – so I knew where Robyn was. Later Robyn said it was full of art and pieces that were lovely.
      So that was the start of things that happened all day – surprises and the unexpected.
      The whole of the museum is hewn out of rock – think about the sheer size!! The walls and corridors had these beautiful yellow and red shade to the vertical walls.
      Some highlights:
      • The counting rice table where you could sit with headphones on and count white and black grains of rice and a monotone sound in your ears. A chance be in the moment. There were people doing this!!
      • The wall of wet words – this was very cool – a two storied flat wall with a water device that ran the width – probably 8 to 10 metres – and in a rhythmic routine it would create words in water drips (see image)
      • Old masters and historical artifacts (Egyptian) – Picaso ceramics
      • Some erotic artworks – one piece “the arse end of the world” by Juan Davila – this was horrific.
      • A big blob that we can’t remember the name of - which had peep holes and there was stuff whizzing about – I think AI images (see photo)
      • Huge Chinese building, a lot of political art and video, anti-religious works too
      We had coffee twice and sat in some very posh chairs amongst art works. We had lunch outside where a live band was playing on a huge concert stage. Some showers passed over us, but we had our raincoats.
      Initially I didn't think I would be allowed to take my camera inside, but I was, but the light was generally low (it is a gallery) and some images were difficult to get right.
      We left on the 3 o’clock departure and cruised down the river to the Hobart docks.
      Everyone says this is a fantastic place and it is, we both thoroughly enjoyed our visit and the outing.

    • Tag 163


      6. März 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Well this was an experience. Um yeah, I'm honestly not sure what to say.

      I imagine working here in the lower sections to like working in a night club. It was very unnerving.

      The boat ride was a lot of fun and I got to ride on a sheep. I was thrilled. It was uncomfortable but I can say I have riden a sheep on a boat. Not something just anyone can say!

      Overall I'd probably put the experience at a 4/10. It was rather overwhelming to say the least. It was very dark with isolated moments of light, deadly silent or super loud.

      I'm not a massive fan for this kind of artwork. If I go to a gallery or museum I want to see landscapes, portraits and historical artwork. This was all modernism and stuff I just did not understand.

      That being said, the landscape is stunning and with the sun shining and nothing beats a nice boat ride.

    • Tag 129

      Artsy finish in Tassie

      16. Januar 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Hobart --> Melbourne

      Wir geben in aller früh mit einem weinenden Auge Tasha wieder ab. Tasmanien per Camper Van zu erkunden war ein absoluter Traum! Unser Verleiher Peter leiht uns sein Auto für ein paar Stunden für einen letzten Trip nach Hobart, denn die Insel sollte nicht verlassen werden ohne einen Besuch im Mona.
      Dieses Museum für moderne Kunst ist sehr speziell, das Gebäude inklusive seiner ausgestellten Kunst ist komplett im Untergrund über drei Etagen mit vielen provozierenden Skulpturen und Bildern. Besonders vor dem Museum ist die Atmosphäre besonders, denn viele Australier fläzen hier auf den riesigen Sitzkissen auf dem Rasen und trinken Bier bei Livemusik auf den Wiesen des Mona.
      Wir gesellen uns dazu und sagen noch ein paar letzte tasmanische Sonnenstrahlen ein. Dann geht es zum Flughafen und mit dem Flieger zurück nach Melbourne. Schweren Herzens verlassen wir unser so lieb gewonnenes Tassie. Wir kommen zurück!

      Hier noch ein paar Statistiken für unsere 14 Tage Tassie:
      - 1.900 km mit dem Auto gefahren
      - 150 km gewandert
      - 7.000 Höhenmeter geklettert

      In Melbourne angekommen zieht Nina mit Jarryd und Talitha abends um die Häuser, während Wolf direkt mit Leo zur Night Session der Australian Open geht. Damit wird ein Traum war, endlich das ersten Grand Slam Turnier des Jahres zu besuchen. Magie pur!

    • Tag 15

      Flying All Day

      28. Mai 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today we would be flying all day long.
      First, we went on tiny planes to have a scenic flight over the southern east part of Tasmania. We flew towards the Freycinet Peninsula, saw the Wineglass Bay from yet another angle and even whales. To be honest, I wouldn't have known that they've been whales as I couldn't see anything else than white bubbles. But the others were quite convinced about it.
      After we landed safely, we drove to the MONA - Museum of Old and New Art. That was quite a weird one though, but I guess that is the essence of art. I was very satisfied though, when I saw the Vagina Wall ;)
      Having done enough culture for the day, we made our way to the airport in Hobart to fly to Perth. 5 hours. I really do hate long flights. But I'd definitely miss Tasmania.
      And after arriving in Perth, we headed straight to our accomodation: Mantra on Murray. However, it took them half an hour to find our ten bookings... That was really annoying. The room was alright, but the mattress was as soft as ever and I really question the Australian way to sleep.

    • Tag 349

      🚌 Hobart, last stop

      4. Februar 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Sadly our last stop of the trip arrived, with lots of encountered feelings. My final desicion was to stay in Hobart for a bit and Sarah and Jesse were gonna take the ferry back to mainland. Went to Mona and put some spice on it, it was an interesting and different museum with some different dynamic activities such as a cloaca performance. After that went back to the bus and parked in the cozy spot we used last time in front of the sea. Had a lovely night were we had fun, laughed, shared, discussed. We were a family already with Jacintha. Next day, lazily finished some of the last things, printed some pictures to keep with us, and I was dropped in the Pickled from, with Slag, Sarah's Wombat, for the next stage of Tasmania.

      📍Essentials: MONA

    • Tag 40

      MONA Kunstwerke

      28. Dezember 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Wie im letzten Post angekündigt kommen hier meine Favoriten vom MONA. Das Museum bestand nur teilweise aus Gemälden und ansonsten aus Installation die man von verschiedenen Perspektiven anschauen konnte und teilweise reingehen konnte. Hier hab ich auch gelernt, dass ich ziemlich schreckhaft bin, weil ich mich ein paar Mal vor meinem eigenen Spiegelbild, was zB am Ende des Binärcode Tunnels über mir hang, erschrocken habe.
      Da Find Penguin nur 10 Fotos pro Post zulässt werde ich hier leider nur ein Teil meiner Favoriten zeigen können.
      Beim Video: ACHTUNG Flashwarning!

    • Tag 40

      Mount Wellington und MONA

      28. Dezember 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute früh sind wir auf den Mount Wellington gefahren wo wir zwischen den Wolken einen wunderschönen Ausblick auf die tasmanische Hauptstadt Hobart hatten. Danach sind wir zu MONA gefahren (Museum of Old and New Art). MONA ist nicht nur ein Museum sondern eine Art Freizeitviertel: es gibt kleine Weinhänge, Bars, Restaurants, ausgefallene Spielplätze, Sportplätze und mitten drin das wohl ausgefallenste Museum in dem ich bis jetzt war. Ich bin mit der Erwartung, inspirierende Kunst zu sehen, reingegangen und und bin, leicht verstört aber vor allen Dingen begeistert von der Architektur, rausgegangen. Der Old Art Teil bestand hier aus christlichen und ägyptischen Artefakten und der New Art Teil bestand aus Tabukunst (besser kann ich es nicht beschreiben) und modernen Installationen. Viele Kunstwerke waren tatsächlich von deutschen Künstlern 👩🏼‍🎨 Zusammen mit der verrückten, ausgeklügelten Architektur und den modernen Installationen kam man sich wie in einem Traum oder einer anderen Welt vor. Also ich bin absolut begeistert von diesem Museum. Der nächste Post wird ein paar meiner Lieblingskunstwerke zeigen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 51

      MONA Museum

      30. Dezember 2016 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wegen durchwachsener Wetterprognose entschieden wir uns für einen Museumsbesuch im MONA (MUSEUM OF OLD AND NEW ART).
      Wir mussten aber wieder mal feststellen, daß wir für die meiste moderne Kunst einfach zu dämlich sind.
      Es gab aber auch ein paar echt witzige und gut gemachte Installationen.

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