Central Highlands

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    • Dag 43


      23 november 2019, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Capella is simply a place to stay between A and B. The site had decent reviews.

      When we arrived the site was almost empty. We chose a pitch and made the most of it by putting out the awning for the second time since we’ve been travelling. We are almost getting proficient at that task. We had a quick swim, did some washing, domestic stuff etc, then walked into “town” to find a local beer.

      Whatever Capella has to offer, we couldn’t find it. We did find a pub and we sat enjoying a beer. Back to Bertha for dinner and an early night as we have a long drive tomorrow to get us to Carnarvon Gorge.

      The metal sculptures refer to the Armoured Corps and how they earned the right to wear emu feathers in their hat. The story on the sculpture differs slightly in that it states that a couple of the soldiers caught an emu, took some of the feathers and put them in their hats. This started the tradition. The other story goes ....

      The Emu Plume

      Slouch hats worn by members of the Armoured Corps are adorned with Emu plumes, a tradition that originated with the Queensland Mounted Infantry during the great shearers’ strike in Queensland in 1891. During this time, the Queensland Mounted Infantry were called out, as soldiers to aid the Civil Power.

      As time permitted, the soldiers would participate in a sporting activity where they would ride their horses alongside the emus, plucked the breast feathers, and placed the feathers on their hat. The Gympie Squadron was the first to wear the feathers, a fashion soon followed by the regiment.

      The Queensland government permitted the Regiment to adopt the plume as part of its uniform in recognition of its service. In 1915 then Minister for Defence Sir G. F. Pearce granted all units of the Australian Light Horse permission to wear the plume , which they refer to as ‘Kangaroo feathers’.

      Emu tufts of approved design and dimensions are now worn by all members of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps as an item of dress. All Royal Australian Armoured Corps personnel were given authority to wear Emu plumes in the slouch hat, brim up or down in 1996, this was extended to all personnel serving in the Royal Australian Armoured Corps Regiment in 2000.
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    • Dag 46

      Journey to Mon Repos

      26 november 2019, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mon Repos is the home for a newly refurbished turtle sanctuary and education centre - they educate the public, not the turtles. It’s currently breeding and nesting season so turtles are coming up to the beach to lay eggs. We thought we’d go there to watch this.

      The journey was 641km, not far shy of 400 miles. Bertha is a 1995 truck with a Winnebago accommodation unit on her back. She runs really well and is delightful to drive in a rather old fashioned way, akin to driving my old 1965 Hillman Minx. Manual gears, gear changes to go up hill, no cruise control, a/c that cools rather than chills the air; coupled with the fact that she is not aerodynamic, she is subject to crosswinds and the funny areas of turbulence that spring from nowhere, driving her requires a lot of concentration. We started at 9:00 and arrived at 6:35 having stopped twice for fuel and a very brief shop to get some dinner. By the time we arrived at Mon Repos, we knew we’d been driving all day.

      The creeks we had driven over two days before, now had water in them. We also had to go across a shallow river ford. We passed a memorial to the crew and passengers of a plane that crashed in the war.
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    • Dag 85–86

      On the Road 🛣️🚐💨

      21 maart, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Nun war es an der Zeit mal einen größeren Satz Richtung Norden zu machen und so waren wir zwei Tage auf dem Highway 1 unterwegs. 🛣️
      Übernachtet haben wir auf einem Rastplatz entlang des Highways. Je nördlicher wir kommen, desto tropischer wird es. Leider haben wir keine Klimaanlage aber dafür unzählige Mückenstiche. 🥵🙄
      Am nächsten Morgen hatten wir einen Blauohr-Honigfresser als Frühstücksgast. Der war sehr interessiert an unserem Frühstück und hatte wenig Berührungsängste.
      Unsere Mittagspausen haben wir am Strand verbracht. Auch hier gab es wieder Grillplatten, auf denen wir uns leckere Eierkuchen gebraten haben. 🥞
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    • Dag 61

      רוד טריפ

      20 april 2023, Australië ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      אז כמה שנויים שקרו לנו, כמו זה שהעבודה בחוות תותים שלנו התבטלה, למזלנו ה״בוס״ שלנו הסכים להחזיר לנו את רוב השכר דירה כי באמת נישארנו בלי דולר. בזמן הזה התחלנו לחשב מסלול מחדש. היינו גם במימונה אצל משפחה ישראלית שגרה ממש קרוב לידנו, היה כיף לפגוש עוד ישראלים ולהרגיש מימונה כי אנחנו אוהבים מאוד (אתם יודעים מופלטות וחפלה). החלטנו להמשיך עוד צפונה לsunshine coast יש שם בית חבד והבנו שזה אחלה דרך לשמוע על עבודות ובכללי קצת חברה .
      אז עשינו שם ארוחת שישי והיה משפחתי וישראלי במיוחד, ארוחה ארוכה עם אוכל מדהים ועם מגוון אנשים שבניהם פרופסור לכלכל, רופאה , מישהי שגרה בוואן כבר ארבע שנים , זוג שטייל בניו זילנד ובא לפה ועוד זוג שגר במלבורן כבר כמה שנים טובות בקיצור ארוחה מעניינת . משם הלכנו לאיזה חוף שיש בו שירותם מקלחת וטיילת מהממת. שם העברנו את הימים הבאים בשיגרה רגועה. אני הגעתי קצת לייאוש אבל גילעד הצליח להוציא אותי מזה וגם נהנו מאוד לחיות ככה בפשטות אבל גם חסרה לנו העשייה. רשמנו עוד פשוט בפייסבוק וניסינו את כל הכיוונים וביום אחד קיבלנו הצעת עבודה שהיא 10 שעות דרומה ועוד הצעת עבודה 15 שעות צפונה מאוד מאוד רחוק . החלטנו ללכת לעבודה צפונה כי מישהי ישראלית כבר עבדה שם חצי שנה ככה שזה יותר בטוח .
      אז יצאנו לדרך שתיקח לנו בערך חמישה ימים, נהנים מהנסיעות עם הנופים שבדרך. מגניב להגיע לקאמפים בערב שיש בהם הרבה ווואנים ושזה חלק מהחיים פה של המון אנשים.
      דרך אגב היום קיבלנו 431$ דוח על זה שנסענו 84 במקום 70 קמ״ש הם סופר קפדנים פה, לא כלכך התבאסנו פשוט לא ידענו איך נשלם את זה כי נגמר לנו הכסף. אבל אז הגורל היה איתנו שוב ופתאום המעסיק שלח לנו הודעה שבמקום להתחיל לעבוד בשבוע הבא נוכל להתחיל כבר שנגיע :))) התרגשנו מאוד מאיך שהדברים מסתדרים ומהדוח הזה רק נלמד הלאה.
      נעדכן איך הולך לנו בצפון של אוסטרליה הפרעית איפה שבאמת אי אפשר להיכנס למים כי יש קרוקודילים בגודל 6 מטר 🐊
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    • Dag 206

      Carnarvon Gorge

      25 maart 2023, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Letzter Stopp: Outback Queensland. Da wir unseren Mini LKW bald wieder in Brisbane abgeben müssen und nicht die gleiche Route an der Küste zurückfahren wollen, entscheiden wir uns über Emerald in den Carnavon Nationalpark zu fahren. Eine kleine Erkundung des Hinterlandes, wenn man es so nennen möchte. Der Carnarvon Gorge Nationalpark ist einer der schönsten Nationalparks in Queensland und wir entdecken ihn mehr oder weniger durch Zufall. Er wird von hohen Felswänden aus hellem Sandstein geprägt. Während im Schutz der engen Seitenschluchten Überreste von Regenwald existieren, dominieren in der Hauptschlucht Eukalyptusbäume, Fächerpalmen, Palmenfarn und verschiedene andere Farne, Farne und Farne.  Der Hauptwanderweg führt 9.7 km tief in die Carnarvon Gorge und schlängelt sich entlang des Carnarvon Creeks bis zum Big Bend. Auf dem Weg muss dieser Carnarvon Fluss ein paar mal überquert werden. Brücken gibt es keine. Bei manchen Flussüberquerungen muss man von Stein zu Stein springen. Das macht Spaß. Und auf unserem Weg zurück laufe ich sogar Barfuß... jedoch nur, weil meine Füße seit 3 Monaten ausschließlich Flip Flops gewöhnt sind und diese beim erstmaligen Tragen von festem Schuhwerk direkt anschwellen & sich Blasen bilden. Meine Füße brüllen: Wir sind Stars, hol uns hier raus! Na gut, zack - Freiheit. Dschungelprüfung im Outback überstanden.

      Über Injune, Roma, Chinchilla & Toowoomba geht es zurück nach Brisbane. 3.000km und 14 Tage später verabschieden wir uns von unserem Camper. Adiööö!
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    • Dag 25

      Back to the coast

      12 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      and vacant thoughts…

      Only a 4 hour trip back to the coast today. Really enjoyed the Gemfields, each town has rusty and (to me) undefinable mining equipment dotted around, exactly the vibe and kit you’d expect to see in a a dusty ‘wild west’ mining hub.

      In between snoozes (there were a few) I started to enjoy some of the random billboards punctuating the never ending, but constantly changing, landscape.

      Personal faves are the laundrette one and what I’m assuming is an MP/councillor in a Stetson, sporting the whitest teeth in the west.

      When we picked Matty up, we didn’t understand why there was an electric kettle and a whistle kettle. We get it now. When on the road we can still use our LPG gas stove (but not the electrics). This means we can pull up anytime and anywhere and make a brew. We have done this and it makes perfect sense.

      After a pit stop at Rockhampton (a large town, sadly), we drove on to our end point for the next two nights, Emu Park.
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    • Dag 23

      Road trip

      10 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We put the word ‘road’ in road trip today. Have left the coast for a bit and driven a mere 6 hours inland (approx 600k) and we’re still in North Queensland.

      Fancied getting a glimpse of the gemfields area, so we’ve ended up in Blue Gem campsite, Sapphire (not far from Emerald, which is also near Rubyvale). We will try to make our fortune tomorrow by ‘fossicking’ for gems 💎 ourselves.

      Throughout the whole drive, we passed through a handful of ‘towns’, which were really just petrol stations / general stores and not much else. The rest of the drive was sugarcane, fields, countryside - mile after mile of it.

      Our campsite for the next two nights is pretty much empty. Makes a welcome change from the ‘sardines’ set-up all the beachside camps seem to have!
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    • Dag 24


      11 oktober 2022, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Went to the bathroom block before bed last night and there was so much noise outside! We decided it must be mainly amphibian (prob the much hated cane toad, but possibly the humble frog as there is a creek near by), with added insect chatter as backing. Whatever was out there, they were singing at the tops of their lungs. I met a small froggy thing coming out the block, reinforcing our hypothesis.


      So a leisurely start to the day, enjoying the ‘quiet’ of the countryside or to put it another way, not a lot of human sound effects but a daytime cacophony of critter sounds.

      Managed to harness two bars of wifi which allowed us to book our accom next week.

      Then we drove off for a gem mine tour. As the town we’re staying in suggests, sapphires are the thing here, so we visited an old mine, adapted for tours. A normal mine would be much narrower, darker and claustrophobic.

      Great little tour below ground, with Lia our guide giving us some great snippets of history and folklore as well as the harsh realities of mining for gems, which requires brute force and dogged perseverance.

      During the tour we saw some of the tiniest bats ever, who make the mines their home - utterly adorable,

      Once we emerged, blinking in the bright light, we bought a bag of ‘unfossicked’ dirt which needed to be:
      💎 emptied into a sieve and shaken to get rid of loose sand
      💎 dunked in to water and swilled to get rid of sticky dirt
      💎 emptied on to a bench
      💎 carefully sifted for tiny sapphires and zircons (having been shown what to look for)
      We then spent an extremely satisfying (and very mindful), couple of hours picking out gems. Got us quite a (small scales) haul of both sapphires and zircons! We could defo see how gem fever can be all consuming…..

      As well as the adorable bats, we encountered a number of other creatures today - see next post
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    • Dag 44

      The Gem Fields

      24 november 2019, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We left Capella and headed for the gem fields with towns such as Emerald and Rubyvale- although we were told that Rubyvale was actually named after someone’s daughter, there aren’t any ruby gemstones there.

      We visited an old mine and went on a very interesting tour. I’m not sure that I would have had the nerve to mine as they did. Again, we were given another experience of being plunged into absolute darkness to reinforce the challenges they had ... along with cave-ins etc.

      There were a number of colonies of micro bats (rather than giant bats such as flying foxes and fruit bats), with a number being on their lonesome. We were told that they may be “lookouts”; if they were, they weren’t doing much good.

      The temperature had recently exceeded 40c in the area, so we were pleased it had gone down to a more reasonable mid-30s, but still felt hot. We could imagine the guides fighting one another to get back down the mine where the temperature remains a good bit cooler.
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    • Dag 98

      Through Emerald to Sapphire

      20 juni 2017, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Another big driving day. Once I winkled myself away from my overnight spot I carried on down the Gordon Development Road, over the Tropic of Capricorn, to Emerald then another 50 km W to the gem fields of Sapphire. More of that later!Meer informatie

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