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    • Day 120

      Mount Macedon and Hanging Rock

      February 8, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Macedon is overshadowed by Mnt Macedon although that is not visible from John and Kerry’s house due to the trees obscuring the view.

      John took us for a drove a gave us a bit of the history including the Mnt Macedon Ash Wednesday fires in 1983. There is a graphic account of that fire (the fires) at:…

      John took us up to the war memorial at the top of Mnt Macedon before taking us to Hanging Rock, yes that is THE Hanging Rock made famous by the book “Picnic at Hanging Rock”.

      Hanging Rock is certainly different and a lovely place to scramble around. Next week they are showing the film at the base of the rock, might have to go to that.
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    • Day 155

      Goodbye Bertha

      March 14, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      On Friday we drove back to Macedon through Melbourne. The Grand Prix is due to be racing this weekend but we drove past a large sign saying that it was cancelled. Life changes so fast.

      We stopped off and washed Bertha and then on Saturday we drove to Tallarook to meet Allan and Gaye. We found a cafe where we could park outside and look obvious, then went inside for a coffee. Allan and Gaye turned up a few minutes later so we went to hand over Bertha.

      The bank transfer took a bit of time because there is usually a $5,000 maximum for these transfers, but Gaye had been into the bank and increased it to 30,000. Unfortunately, no one had told her online banking. After 30 mins the transaction went through, but will take a few days to show up in Bun’s brother’s bank acc. We take some pictures and let them go on their way.

      Kerry arrived to drive us back to Macedon. Next task is to rent a car.

      We booked a Hyundai i30 for collection on Sunday with the intention of setting off again on Monday morning. When we arrived to collect the car we were told that it hadn’t returned yet, but should be back at “any time”. Another walk and cup of coffee and two hours later we drive off.

      We feel distinctly vulnerable in a small car. Yes it may be an automatic, have good a/c and cruise control, but we are about 3ft lower than we were in Bertha. The large road trains appear massive as they come towards us. Somehow, this isn’t a road trip in a small Korean car, should have booked the convertible Ford Mustang.
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    • Day 121

      Daylesford - “All aboard”

      February 9, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We were lent a car to go exploring, so set off to Daylesford Market. Actually the market was less like a produce and craft market and more like a large car boot sale. However, it enabled us to buy Kerry a pink rose called “Forget Me Not” with proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Society.

      Daylesford also has a rail line that runs to Bullarto and is kept going by volunteers. unfortunately it does not run steam locomotives but we fancied a trip and bought to return tickets. The “clickerty clack” of the wheels was quite soothing and evoked memories of train journies taken in my childhood before lines were laid with seamless joints.
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    • Day 57

      in der Weihnachtsbäckerei ...

      December 14, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      wir entflohen dem nassen Wetter am Meer ....
      und landen, unter anderem, in einem weihnachtlichen Caffee (ja, das gibts), nördlich von Melbourne.

      😄 ps. ... und dann schauten wir am Abend das Ski-Abfahrtsrennen in Gröden. Leider haben "wir" nicht gewonnen ⛷Read more

    • Day 14

      Weiter Richtung Melbourne 🚐

      October 12, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Da nun schon der 12. Oktober ist, geht unsere Reise von Tallangatta weiter Richtung Melbourne.

      Zunächst haben wir noch einen kleinen Abstecher zum Lake Hume gemacht, welcher direkt am Showground liegt. 🏞️

      Auf ca. der Hälfte unser drei-stündigen Fahrt haben wir in Seymour eine kleine Rast gemacht und uns bei KFC eine kleine Stärkung geholt. Anschließend sind wir bei Coles kurz Lebensmittel einkaufen gegangen (für die nächsten Tage Free Camping). Bei Coles gibt es schon sehr niedliches Weihnachtsnaschi von Lindt (s. Bild). 🐨 Für uns gab es heute aber leckere Red Velvet Cupcakes. 🧁🤤

      Anschließend sind wir weiter auf dem Highway nach Wandong gefahren, wo wir eine Myki Karte für Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel kaufen wollten. Die gab es dort in einer Pharmacy. Nach dieser Besorgung wollten wir direkt nebenan Tanken, jedoch sind alle Säulen ausgefallen und es funktionierte nichts mehr. 🙄 Daher haben wir uns nach kurzen warten entschieden einfach morgen zu Tanken und zum Campingplatz zu fahren.

      Da das Wetter heute sehr schlecht ist, verbringen wir den gesamten restlichen Abend im Auto. 🚐
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    • Day 134

      Prepping Bertha for sale

      February 22, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      While we thought that buying a vehicle in Australia was rather tedious, selling one in Victoria that is registered in Queensland may be even worse. Never mind, all part of the adventure. She is advertised in a couple of places and we have had a couple of enquiries. We need to fix a couple of things, give her a good clean (red dust still appears everywhere) and she needs an oil change and replacement oil and air filters which is many times more expensive here than the UK.

      We managed to find a second rose to match the one we planted last week.

      The main issue is selling Bertha, but this is followed by the need of a “roadworthy certificate} (RWC), similar to our MOT except the cost - $350 rather than £39. The RWC that we have from when we bought Bertha in November, was issued in Queensland, so not valid here in Victoria and a vehicle must have a current RWC before it can be sold. The other problem is that a RWC is only valid for 4 weeks when selling the vehicle! Mind, it’s only valid for 2 weeks in QLD.

      While Bertha was having an oil change, I was given a Mercedes A class as a courtesy car. It was a manual car, but without a clutch! I sat in the drivers seat rather confused, a gearstick of a manual car but only two pedals of an automatic car. Very weird.

      Today has been the first bit of real sunshine for almost a week during which time we have felt quite cold on many occasions, we never packed for such low temperatures. We have been preparing to get back on the road, washing, tidying etc. We took the opportunity to have a cuppa in the sun and then walk up to the camel’s hump to see what the view is when it’s not in cloud.

      Tomorrow we are off to the Great Ocean Road ....
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    • Day 184

      Goodbye Shepparton!

      April 10, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      UUUUUUUNNNNND schon wieder keine Arbeit für die nächsten Tage !!! :D Heute hatten wir dann endlich mal genug von dem ewigen Hin und Her unseres Contractors (=Jobvermittlers). Eine knappe Woche Arbeit und jetzt hatten wir wieder frei und sollten EVENTUELL 1-2 Wochen darauf warten, dass es weiter geht. NO WAY! Voller Vorfreude und auch mit ein bisschen Aufregung verbunden, planten wir für heute weiter in Richtung Melbourne zu reisen. Im Vorfeld wurden noch die Autos geputzt und aufgeräumt, dann hieß es "The Dog Days Are Over". :D
      Wir beschlossen einige Tage in dem Vorort Kilmore zu campen und von dort aus Melbourne zu erkunden. Außerdem gab ich noch unserem Mitbewohner Mo einen Lift (=Mitfahrgelegenheit), weil auch er nicht weiter auf ein Wunder hoffen und einen Freund in Melbourne besuchen wollte.
      Es kann also endlich mal weiter gehen! Juhuu! :D
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    • Day 49


      March 1, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir sind noch nicht wirklich weit gekommen aber die Natur ist jetzt schon der Hammer.
      Unser neues zu Hause für die nächsten 50 Tage, klein aber fein würde ich sagen 😂.
      Auf den ersten Campingplatz waren unsere Nachbarn Kängurus 🦘😍
      Und bei der ersten Wanderung auf den Mount Macedon haben wir dir Natur und viele Tiere sehen können, da hat sich das schwitzen wirklich gelohnt 💪🏻 🦜
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    • Day 126

      Heathcote - Cooper Family Stay

      March 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Spending 2 weeks with Shan, Ben and the kids whilst Chris is back at work. Amazing how well we have all got on considering we've never met in person but been online friends for 4yrs!

      Bella and Arlo have become instant friends and we find them playing together in the garden all the time!

      Tom Lottie and Maddi are busy playing Mario Karts or creating a Cafe in the cubby house!

      What a beautiful property with the dam, the Haven and the Labrynth! Even great to meet Bronte and Hannah at closing circle whilst I was here 💗
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    • Day 10

      Mount Macedon hiking

      October 28, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Aujourd'hui petite journée nature avec tonton et William pour visiter le Mount Macedon.
      Premier arrêt Hanging Rock où nous avons randonné 1h au travers de la nature boisée et rocheuse. Ensuite nous avons fait un tour au marché qui se situait en bas et y avons mangé un bout. Une perruche est d'ailleurs venue nous rendre visite et un Kookaburra a foncé pour voler un onion ring dans les mains de William 😂 Puis nous avons fait le forest glade garden, un magnifique jardin superbement fleuri sur les thèmes des différents continents. Enfin nous sommes allés faire le mount Macedon où nous avons été voir la mémorial cross. Le chemin de randonnée pour y arriver était en fort dénivelé, la montée comme la descente étaient fatigantes. Si bien que nous sommes allés ensuite au Camels Hump en voiture, où nous avions un magnifique point de vue !
      Puis nous sommes rentrés à la maison épuisés mais contents de cette journée nature où nous avons vu plein de belles choses.
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