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    • Dia 32


      3 de dezembro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nachdem wir die letzten Tage sehr viel unternommen hatten, wollten wir diesen Sonntag mal etwas Entspannen. Am ersten Sonntag des Monats findet ein großer Markt in Byron Bay statt, den wir besuchten. Er war ähnlich dem Eumundi Market und wirklich groß. Es war ein sehr heißer Tag mit fast 38 Grad und selbst die Australier schwitzten. Der Markt war schön, es gab viel Livemusik und man konnte im Schatten sitzen, leckere Sachen probieren und die Atmosphäre genießen. Dann ging es für us nochmal an den Strand, dank der Wiese mit Bäumen hatten wir auch genug Schatten. Heute war kaum ein Wind, so auch wenige Wellen, Edda fand das Sitzen im Meer und mit den Händen im Sand matschen trotzdem super und wollte da kaum noch weg. Das Abduschen hinterher fand sie weniger toll. Da Byron Bay mit dem Leuchtturm ja den östlichsten Punkt Australiens darstellt wollten wir diesen natürlich auch noch besuchen. Der Ausblick war es auf jeden Fall Wert und wir konnten auf das Hinterland, Byron Bay und den Leuchtturm schauen. Danach kehren wir zurück nach Mullumbimby.Leia mais

    • Dia 16

      An early morning Kangaroo

      24 de novembro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      I was awoken by Wade at 5am this morning at the winery. There were kangaroos outside our cabin! I tried really hard to see them but when I am woken from a deep sleep, I struggle to see (it takes about 10 minutes after waking that I can actually see properly, I assume it is a getting older thing) and I just could not focus on anything, so went back to bed knowing Wade was getting photos. Plus, I know our route for tomorrow was previously planned by Ellis to take us where we will likely encounter them).

      After a delicious full cooked breakfast through a pre-ordered vegetarian and dairy free breakfast hamper, (made by Wade, I cleaned up), we were on the road by 8.30am, hoping to be in Ballina by 1.30pm.

      We made it and were able to check in a little early. I have to congratulate myself at this point because every hotel I booked, has been absolutely lovely (apart from Yamba Beach Motel, that was the only dodgy one). Today we are in a boutique hotel that was previously a Manor House built in 1924, very nice indeed!

      From here, we had a little look around town and found a delicious hole in the wall type juicery/take away that we loved so much, Wade took a pic of their non-fruit offerings (pic attached).

      I was keen to get to another of Ellis & Connor’s recommendations - Mullumbimby, they said that after Byron Bay had gentrified so much, all the remaining hippies moved to Mullumbimby as they were priced out. They had also insisted that I book some time in an outdoor rainforest type spa in this town, so we had a couples massage booked too.

      Ellis and Connor have experienced so much of Australia and have such a love for this country, I have been eager to try and accomplish every suggestion they have provided - we really want to see it through their eyes and so far, had not let us down and I have certainly experienced things I would not have done. So to Mullumbimby excitedly we head.

      Wade had an inkling I would not like Mullumbimby, he said to me ‘think about what the kids have said, …..all the real hippies moved there after Byron Bay priced them out and it became too commercialized……This suggests you are likely not going to like it.’ I entirely disregarded these comments as I love a small independent type shop vibe and genuinely mentally questioned how well Wade actually knew me.

      Turns out, he knows me a lot better than I thought.

      The town was just an old town, nothing wrong with it all - just rather run drown with old fashioned shops, some even-too-veggie-for-me type cafes (they just didn’t look as clean as they could), and some run down/untidy houses. And absolutely no sign of a rainforest-type spa.

      Wade could not get out of the town quick enough, he wanted to go to the beach at Byron Bay, have a snack and then return to Mullumbimby only for the massage. So that is what we did.

      We retuned to Mullumbimby to locate Kiva Spa, the one the kids raved about. I pre paid for the massages when I booked online (and read about their three different mineral pools) and it was a prerequisite - should have been a a sign.

      This town was not near any rainforest that I could see, and the spa was located down a back alley (no rainforest), adjacent to I think a mechanics shop.

      I can see how its charm enticed Ellis & Connor (they are hippies), it was very ……rustic, had lots of plants everywhere and was basically outside (on being shown round, a lizard, a big lizard, ran across the pathway and the guide said at my gasp, ‘it’s ok, we share the space at Kiva Spa) with a corrugated roof and 3 pergola style structures, each with a large literal hot tub underneath it (the three pools) and a sauna/steam room, outside showers, no-defined-sex bathrooms/change-rooms, incense everywhere, and a vibe so very hippy, it was easy to see why there were so many there. We were out of place and definitely did not have enough tattoos. We tried to fit in and had a go in every hot tub, but were relieved to be called for our massages (which were great).

      I managed to snap a couple of pics of the place, but they have a strict no device policy, so only a couple.

      Until tomorrow.
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    • Dia 13

      Kilometer machen

      31 de março, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute startete unser Tag sehr früh am Morgen, denn in Australien funktioniert der Wecker der Natur ausgezeichnet. Gegen 5:30 haben die Vögel draußen zu kreischen und zu zwitschern angefangen, so dass wir ab 6:30-7:00 hellwach im Bett lagen.
      Da wir eh schon wach waren, konnten wir also genauso gut aufstehen und früher losfahren.

      Unsere Gastgeberin hat uns sogar noch ein gratis Frühstück serviert. Und so ging es nach einem kleinen Tratsch auch schon ins Auto.🍞

      Und so ging es heute für insgesamt fast 500km auf die Straße. Die vielen Stunden im Auto waren auch garnicht tragisch, da es am Vormittag ohne hin immer wieder geregnet hat.
      Unseren ersten Zwischenstopp legten wir in Coffs Harbour ein. Dort schlenderte wir durch den Botanischen Garten, um uns die Füße zu vertreten und eine Kleinigkeit zu essen.🌿

      Die Hauptdestination des Tages sollte die Touristenhochburg Byron Bay werden. Dort angekommen, waren wir allerdings irgendwie enttäuscht. Zwar sind dort enorm viele junge Leute, allerdings empfanden wir ihn als überlaufen und überteuert.
      Vielleicht waren wir einfach an den falschen Ecke, aber diese Stadt hat uns nicht überzeugt und wurde dem Hype nicht gerecht...
      Weil wir trotzdem Hunger hatten gab es lecker Fish & Chips und dann ging es auf Schlafplatzsuche.🐟🍟

      Ursprünglich war angedacht, dass wir heute mal ausprobieren, wie es ist frei zu stehen, also kostenlos. In Byron Bay angekommen hat sicher aber herausgestellt, dass anders als in allen anderen Städten in denen wir waren, eben dieses freie Stehen verboten ist. 🚫 Also musste noch ein Alternativplan her. Da uns die Stadt ohne hin enttäuscht hat und dann das mit dem Schlafen auch nicht funktioniert hat, hing bei mir mal kurz die Stimmung schief...😂 naja so ist das halt manchmal, im Leben kommts ja auch oft anders als geplant. Yannick würde dazu vermutlich einfach sagen, ich muss flexibler sein😂
      Nun stehen wir im Nachbarort auf einem Campingplatz. Passt genauso gut!
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    • Dia 26

      The great Great Ocean Road

      23 de abril de 2016, Austrália ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Raeford and Hilary arrived in the morning. We all ran a few errands, had some lunch and got on the road.

      We stopped at Torquay, a cute little surfer's town. From there the road hugs cliffs with beautiful views of the ocean and deserted beaches. We stopped at Bell's beach which was just a little taste of what was to come.

      Tom and I were in our car and Raeford, Hilary, Shayleen, Nick and James were in a van. We had got separated from them and arrived at our destination, Lorne before them. They wouldn't let us check into the campsite so we went to the beach and had a glass of wine.

      The campsite was perched on a hill with views of the ocean. We spent the rest of the evening around a picnic table snacking, drinking and catching up.
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    • Dia 27

      More greatness on the Ocean Road

      24 de abril de 2016, Austrália ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      After breakfast and packing up we went to Erskine Falls just outside Lorne. 30 metres falls we walked down to the bottom in pretty gorgeous forest.

      From there we head along beautiful coastline to Apollo Bay and had a picnic lunch on the water.

      As we head out of town I realized that I left my phone in the toilet. We turned around and went back loosing the other car. We went back to the toilet, went to information, tried to get on the internet to use the Find My IPhone app. No luck. :-(

      This part of the Great Ocean Road went inland and we traveled to out farthest point on the trip. On the way we passed the 12 apostles. We thought the gang may be there and happened upon it at sunset so stopped. See another foot print for thise photos.

      We finally made it to Port Campbell. We didnt know where the rest were but miraculously as we got in town they were on a balcony at a pub and saw us!

      Checked into our campsite and then had dinner at a great fish and chips shop, followed by a drink at a nice spot and home to our tents again.
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    • Dia 38

      Runterkommen in Mullumbimby

      7 de maio de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Die Woche war unbeschreiblich. Ich fühle mich ruhig, frei, erfüllt. Ich verbringe noch einen Tag mit zwölf Leuten aus dem Kurs, wir schlafen in Byron Bay und fahren dann nach Mullumbimby, ein wunderbar entspanntes Städtchen 20 min nördlich. Wir frühstücken ewig, spazieren und entspannen dann im Haus einer Freundin meiner Freunde. Genau das richtige, um alle Erfahrungen zu integrieren. Abends fahre ich zurück nach Byron Bay und schlafe bei Gracelie, auch aus dem Kurs. Eine fantastische 66jährige Frau voller Kraft und Neugier.
      Jetzt ist Dienstag und ich bin auf dem Weg zum Flughafen. Es geht nach Sydney, in eine andere Welt.
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    • Dia 34

      Relaxed day

      1 de maio de 2016, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Tom and I had slept on the couch. We all had a lovely breakfast in the morning. The only picture of all the siblings together. Unfortunately Dov and the fam had to leave that day.

      The rest of the day was peaceful. We stayed at the house and Mervyn cooked a lovely dinner.Leia mais

    • Dia 29


      31 de outubro de 2022, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Vormittags schaute ich mir noch das verschlafene Städtchen an und nachdem mittlerweile zweiten Frühstück, holte mich Alessandro ab und wir nahmen noch mal eines zu uns. Am Abend habe ich noch die Wellen ausfindig gemacht.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      Mullumbimby Pub

      19 de outubro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Quick stop for lunch in Mullumbimby. Quite a large country town. Just had a kids Bolognese and the folks shared a fisherman's basket. Ducked into an oppy when circling the town and nabbed some purple bathers for $4!Leia mais

    • Dia 13


      15 de novembro de 2022, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Arrived at Mullumbimby after some seriously stressful parking arrangements! Right next to the RL Field!! Front row seats!

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