Arrondissement de Namur

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    • Day 4


      June 10, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute ging es vom angenehm ruhigen CP mit dem Roller nach Namur. Das sind nur 17 km immer an der Maas entlang. Zuerst geht es auf die Zitadelle. Hier oben hat man natürlich eine tolle Sicht auf Fluss, Stadt und Umgebung. Heute ist ein großer Triathlon mit Zieleinlauf auf der Zitadelle, dementsprechend viel ist hier los. Mittlerweile kann man übrigens auch mit einer ganz neuen, modernen Seilbahn von der Innenstadt gemütlich hoch fahren. Die Zitadelle ist ein sehr großflächiges Gebiet und es lohnt sich sehr hier oben ein wenig herum zu spazieren. Aber auch die Innenstadt ist lohnenswert, erst recht wenn so tolles Sommerwetter ist wie heute. Zudem ist Markttag und ein französischer Markt rundet das Ambiente ab. Fazit: wunderbarRead more

    • Day 1–2

      Namur MS Elisabeth

      June 9 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wir sind gegen Abend in Namur auf unserem Schiff angekommen. Es ist tatsächlich fast unser Schiff, denn wir haben es für uns ganz alleine.
      Wir haben wunderbar geschlafen an Bord und das gepflegte Schiff und seinen Eigner sehr wertgeschätzt.
      Ein herrlicher Aufenthalt, wir wären gerne noch geblieben, aber die MS Rudolf-Thea wartet auf uns in Antwerpen.
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    • Day 25

      Homeward Bound part 3

      July 7 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We must av ad rain overnight as the grounds is wet under me wheels un the clouds are low over the hills.

      Just doing me abloushions when up comes a German fella for a chat,. He's sin the flag on me back end un wanted tu know what it was, spoke good English. Himself explained about the flag, and a good old chat was had and he said he's gonna Google it as well. nice chap.

      Weem racking up the counties agin today un using the motorway, which is great as they dont allow lorries to travel on Sundays, as we drive past the lay-by's their all parked up just waiting. The roads are nice to drive on, not much traffic. Weem startin in Germany then going through Luxembourg where we stop for a cuppa un fill up with cheap diesel. He even treats me to the super duper stuff as its so cheap, me reward for being a good little runner.

      After that it's on to Rochefort in Belgium for the evening. We tried the Aire first up, but it were a car park un a bit full so's its off tu the campsite up the road. Lovely site in between two rivers .

      After a cuppa they as a walk around the town, he's picked this place as its got sum good reviews, yu knows, 'nice town, couple of restaurants, un some Caves close by,'. Well they wore expecting this, the place is heaving, folks everywhere. The Caves is right in the middle of town set in parkland full of eateries un activities , looks like there's bin summut on today, groups of youngsters, look like scouts, trooping through the town. Nice place, good choice.

      Back tu the van for a sit before tea, another bostin sunset, typical yu waits 3 weeks un two cum along together.
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    • Day 25

      J24 - visite de namur

      June 14 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Journée divisée en trois aujourd’hui avec une première parti de vélo, une pause p’tit dej à Dinant, une autre partie de vélo, une looooongue pause à namur avec repas et chill/visite et une troisième partie de bicyclette !
      La citadelle de namur est très sympas, et les glaces bien bonnes !

      On a pu poser le soir venu la tente dans le jardin d’un couple Brésilien hyper accueillant et chaleureux, avec en prime une bonne douche chaude, avant d’aller se coucher dans la tente sous une bonne douche froide cette fois (gros orage au moment de se coucher)! Avant ça, clem était parvenu à éteindre un début d’incendie dans une poubelle, un vrai pompier 👨‍🚒
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    • Day 11

      Arbeitstag in Namure

      July 17, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute ist putzen, aufräumen und einkaufen im Baumarkt eingeplant. Auch eine neue Kaffeemaschine wird angeschafft um das leidige Kapselproblem zu lösen. Die Aktivitäten wurden dann noch unterbrochen, wegen einer Inspektion vom belgischen Verkehrsamt. Auf unserem Einkaufszettel stand dann auch noch: Feuerlöscher und Gasschlauch.Read more

    • Day 9

      One Rider Crashes, Another Gets Lost

      August 26, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Completing an extended ride in a foreign country always throws up lots of challenges – some expected and some unexpected. Of course there is the challenge of not speaking the language, riding on the wrong side of the road, trying to control an unfamiliar bike, tormenting your nether regions with a different saddle, the constant packing and unpacking at a multitude of different hotels, and so on. It is certainly not for those who just want a relaxing doddle. They are the ones who take the “all of Europe” bus tours, where they can sleep in the bus for about 18 hours of every day.
      Fortunately, the Ghostriders are made of stronger stuff and always prefer the harder option.

      Our ride today was planned to be around 78 km, as we rode from Lieges to Namur, both in Belgium. At the hotel I divided the riders into two groups. One group was led by myself and the other by David. Everything went well, until we actually left the hotel carpark. That was when the first disaster struck. The road was quite narrow, and some riders decided it would be safer riding on the footpath instead. It turned out to be a bad decision.
      While Maggie was trying to ride onto the footpath, she misjudged the curb, lost control of her bike and fell heavily on her head and shoulder. We had only travelled about 20 metres of the ride, so this was not the ideal start. The fall was a heavy one, leaving her quite stunned. After a few minutes of recovery, we resumed the ride, in search of a better place to examine her wounds more thoroughly.

      Lieges is a heavily industrialised centre, with endless factories, recycling centres, garbage dumps and even a nuclear reactor or two. It is neither an attractive or pleasant place to ride a bike, however we did manage to find a quieter spot by the Meuse River, where Maggie could sit for a while. After some painkillers, she was on her way again, shaken and badly stirred.
      We then twisted and turned through a confusing labyrinth of intersections, underpasses, interminable roadworks, rough cobbles, etc. The city seemed to go on forever. Since the navigation was tricky, we appointed Ken as the tail end Charlie to make sure that no one got left behind. This seemed to be a wise idea, until Michael looked back and noticed that somehow Ken had gone missing. It appeared that we needed a second tail end rider to look after the main tail ender. Or perhaps we should all ride at the back?

      On this trip we have decided to use WhatsApp as the preferred way of communicating between riders. It actually has worked quite well. Not only can we share messages, but we can also call each other. I decided to call Ken and check where he was. I eventually managed to reach him and ask him where he was. “I am waiting at the big power plant”, he replied. Well we could see the big power plant, but it was in front of us. It appeared that Ken had somehow managed to find himself at the front of the entire group. That is a strange place for the tail end rider to find themselves.

      “Stay where you are, we will ride to you”, I instructed. We resumed the ride. We reached the power plant. We looked for Ken. He was nowhere to be seen. Just as we were thinking that he must have continued riding, Allan spotted him. He was on the opposite side of the huge river ! We waved back and forth, and pondered on how to solve this interesting dilemma. A study of the map showed that we would eventually reach a big bridge where Ken could cross back over to the correct side of the river. So that is what we did.

      For the next ten kilometres or so, the main peloton rode on one side of the river, while Ken rode solo on the other. To add to the hilarity, we occasionally waved at each other. Eventually we did reach the bridge and the peloton was reunited again.

      The industrial wasteland continued endlessly. We all hoped that it would eventually come to an end. We passed a huge nuclear power plant. Interesting, but not exactly scenic. Maggie was suffering with the after effects of the fall. If all of that was not enough, a persistent headwind fought us every kilometre of the way.

      At about 40 km from Lieges, we reached the sizeable city of Huy, and looked for a place for lunch. We rode through a big carnival, but every stall was closed. When we finally saw a café, no one needed any persuasion to get off and stop for lunch. We were somewhat surprised to see the first group had also chosen that spot for their lunch spot. But we were in for another shock.

      The café was obviously managed by one of the grumpiest women in Belgium. Everything we did or said resulted in a torrent of abuse from the sour faced vixen. She would have made a perfect prison warden. We could have packed up and ridden on, but we thought this might have been the only opportunity for a feed. So we took the abuse. The food was OK, so it wasn’t a total disaster.

      It was only after we had finished our lunch and paid our money to the battleaxe, that we discovered we had made a big mistake. Just around the corner was a spectacular city square, complete with numerous outdoor eateries. Any of them would have made a glorious place to stop. Life is like that sometimes.

      The final 30 km after lunch became a real test of rear end suffering. The second day of a ride is when you really feel every uncomfortable perturbation on your rear anatomy. In the fullness of time, everyone learns to come to terms with their new saddles, but day two is when the suffering reaches its zenith. I tried sitting forwards, I tried sitting back, I lifted my backside from the seat. It hurt all the time. It was a long 30 km, but we had finally left the ugly factories behind. We were now able to enjoy much more pleasant riding alongside the river, regularly punctuated by small locks and villages.

      We did not reach the hotel in Namur until around 5 pm. It had been a long and tiring day, and we were all relieved to stagger off the bikes and seek the solace of our hotel. Our home for the night was the fascinating Hotel Les Tanneurs, a delightful 4 star hotel with the most confusing tangle of rooms, levels and staircases I have ever seen. Navigating within its walls proved to be more challenging than trying to discover King Tutankhamen’s famous Tomb.

      Tomorrow, we continue our ride to the smaller town of Givet.
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    • Day 3

      Stellplatzsuche Namur - die Erste

      August 30, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Park4Night hat uns diesen Platz bei der Zitadelle empfohlen. Man steht gerade mit herrlichem Panoramablick über die Stadt und die Maas (oder wie die Belgier sagen: Meuse) und eigentlich wäre es traumhaft schön hier oben, aber es gibt leider zu viele „Poser“, die nicht nur sich selbst und ihre Autos sondern auch ihre Musikanlagen in Szene setzen, außerdem scheint es ein weit verbreiteter Sport zu sein, möglichst schnell und untertourig die enge und kurvenreiche Straße hier hoch zu brausen. Das ist uns eindeutig zu trubelig….Read more

    • Day 3

      Stellplatzsuche Namur - die Zweite

      August 30, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Park4Night hat glücklicherweise noch mehr im Angebot und so fahren wir einen guten Kilometer weiter und werden gegenüber des Schlosses fündig, hier werden vor allem Hochzeiten gefeiert, doch heute Abend ist es wunderbar ruhig. So können wir in Ruhe duschen und es uns dann in unserem Wohnmobil richtig gemütlich machen. Joe liest und ich plane den morgigen Tag voller Vorfreude.

      Bisher haben wir übrigens immer frei und kostenlos gestanden. Unser Womo ist autark und so ist das Reisen damit total unkompliziert.
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    • Day 4

      Radtour von Namur nach Dinant

      August 31, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Heute Morgen gibt es nur eine Tasse Kaffee und dann fahren wir circa zweieinhalb Kilometer zum Wohnmobilstellplatz, machen für 7,50 € Camper-Service (Frischwasser, tanken, Abwasser entleeren, Toilette leeren) und dürfen dafür kostenlos auf dem Stellplatz an der Sambre parken, die ein paar 100 m Fluss abwärts in die Maas fließt.

      So können wir die Fahrräder ausladen und ganz entspannt losradeln. Wir radeln entlang des Maasradweges bis nach Dinant. "La Meuse à vélo" ist der erste beschilderte Radfernweg in der Wallonie. Er folgt einem der schönsten Flusstäler Europas. Diese Tour könnte man auch Route der Zitadellen nennen, weil es Festungs-Orte wie Dinant, Namur, Huy und Lüttich zu entdecken gibt.
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    • Day 4

      Buntes, lautes Namur

      August 31, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Namur ist die Hauptstadt der belgischen Region Wallonien. Am Zusammenfluss von Meuse und Sambre steht die Zitadelle, eine mittelalterliche Festung mit Gärten, Ausblick und der Bronzestatue einer riesigen Schildkröte. In der Stadt beschäftigt sich das Felicien Rops Museum mit den Werken dieses in Namur geborenen erotischen Künstlers aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und präsentiert temporäre Ausstellungen. Die barocke Kirche Saint Loup bietet Marmorsäulen und eine üppig geschnitzte Decke.Read more

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    Arrondissement de Namur

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