District Municipality of Muskoka

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    • Day 164

      Port Severn

      August 21, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      We finished the Trent Severn Waterway today and are on the lock wall just outside the last lock with Blue Days and See-Ya. We covered 12 miles and two locks. The first lock (44) was the Big Shute a Marine Railway that lifted our boat 58 feet in the air over land and 100 foot down a cliff on the other side. It was an impressive ride!! The Big Shute was originally destined to be a regular lock but a ‘temporary’ marine railway was constructed instead due to a shortage of manpower and resources during WWI. After the war plans to construct the lock were scrapped because invasive sea lampreys that were devastating the Great Lakes fishery were found in Gloucester Pond at the bottom of the railway. Instead a larger railway system was built to accommodate the growing size of recreational vessels. The Big Shute is currently the only marine railway of its kind in North America. The last lock (45) was also affected by the war. It was near completion when the war started and was finished as a temporary small lock. It is still the same small today. Tomorrow we will head to Georgian Bay.Read more

    • Day 165

      Beausoleil Island National Historic Site

      August 22, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      We traveled 22 miles today and are anchored off Beausoleil Island. This is one of the Parks Canada islands within Georgian Bay and it has lots of trails. Moki and I hiked almost 4 miles with Bill and Becky today while James and Luna siesta’d on the boat. Tonight See-Ya is on the dock while Blue Days and MB are on the hook. We kayaked to a small rock nearby for happy hour cocktails… Rocking the Rocks!!! Moki got a good romp in off leash. He needed that! Luna kayaked over but quickly decided she’d rather be back at the boat on her helm. We will be leaving the group tomorrow but have had so much fun cruising together. C-Dory peeps are the best!!!Read more

    • Day 163

      Lost Channel

      August 20, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Today we followed Blue Days and See -Ya 8 miles to a nice cove with a preserve adjacent. Moki and I hiked until the trail became flooded. Bill and Becky were more adventurous and went further. Trail definitely doesn’t get much action…a little overgrown but all good. Back at the boat James and I had a hummingbird fly up as we were sitting on the back deck. Super cool but not long enough to get a photo. We are all at anchor tonight and only about three miles from the Big Shute (lock 44) which we hope to do tomorrow. Sechhi 4.2 M on bottom.Read more

    • Day 166

      Hatch Island

      August 23, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      It was a lumpy day on Georgian Bay made worse by my attempts to work. I got what I needed done anyways. We had several false attempts to find a good anchorage before settling on our current spot. There’s several small islands on one side of us and a larger preserve on the other side. A couple of the small islands are part of the National Park, a few are private and have summer cottages on them. Moki and I explored two islands. One has a sort of trail. The other we climbed around the rocks on the perimeter. On that one we encountered our first rattlesnake. It scurried… all good. From anchor we have a nice view of the sunset which as I write is very pretty BUT so many little mosquitos 🦟 that we are buttoned up with the thermacell going. My pic was from Moki and my last trip to land but it’s much better now.
      Secchi 6.8 M on bottom. 24 miles today.
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    • Day 5


      July 19, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Zuegeh, bits Jetlag hemmr immrno.. aber mier nützeds für eus, drum simmr scho am halbi 7ni uf Stadterkundig vo Toronto… da mer ja 1 Tag verlore hend, dank em Cancellede-Flug, gids hüt sVolle Programm😅 uf de Erkundigstour hemmr au s‘❤️ gfunde..und hend det üses „Morgeyoga“ gmacht😜 (wem chund das Herz bekannt vor?)🤭
      Nachher simmr wiitr an „Lake Ontario“ wo mer unterwegs en huufe spannendi Baustelle gseh und beobachtet hend..teils sogar au mit Holzelement🧐 und Eichhörndli hemmr au paar gseh…🐿️
      Nacheme Tim Horton Zmorge und 3 Stund spöter simmr denn uf de Weg zu de Niagarafäll…huch isch daaas en Touristische Ort.. det heds sogar en richtige „Funpark“🙈🙈 fast bits übertribe😅 nacheme Zmittag im Hard Rock Café und bestuune vo de Niagarafäll hemmr eus uf di 3 Stündig Fahrt nach Huntsville gwagt..☺️ ein Highway nachem andere simmr gfahre.. schono ihdrücklich und cool..und soo viel schöni Lastwäge🤩
      En chliine Zwüschestopp zum pöstele heds no geh..demit mer für di nächste Täg im „Algonquin Nationalpark“ gnueg zTrinke und zÄsse hend.. und scho simmr in Huntsville ahcho..😊😊
      Zum Znacht simmr hüt im „Swiss Chalet“ gsi…hend zwar kei Schwiizer gfunde abr defür huufe Tipps für de nächsti Tag becho..😁😁
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    • Day 162

      Swift Rapids day two

      August 19, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Today was windy and chilly! And tonight it’s predicted to get down to 48 degrees 🥶… in August!! Met up with Bill and Becky, and Dale and Carol this afternoon. We thought they were ahead of us but they had anchored out. We are all on the lock wall tonight along with Anka and Bruce on a Rosborough. Plan to lock through tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 161

      Swift Rapids

      August 18, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      50 miles… Woah 🤯!! We left Barrie this morning and headed up Lake Simcoe back into the Trent Severn. Went thru lock 42 and are sitting on top of 43 where we have power and easy access to restrooms. This lock is the deepest single chambered lock on the waterway with a 47’ drop. It’s also very remote. We are adjacent to the power generating station… hence the power. This station powers Orillia way back on Lake Simcoe. There’s a sign that says Orillia was one of the first towns with its own power station, originally about two miles away, but replaced by this station in 1917 to facilitate the construction of the Trent Severn Waterway. Boat next to us said our C-Dory friends Bill & Becky (Blue Days) and Dale and Carol (See-Ya) passed thru lock 42 yesterday so maybe we’ll catch up to them at some point.Read more

    • Day 200

      Frying Pan Bay

      August 5, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      We are in the Georgian Bay. Surrounded by granite rocks, it’s a windy shallow journey. Opting for the harbor, we proceeded to enter and anchor, stern tying to land. This is our first time attempting it so it took a bit of effort. Tonia got into the kayak to bring the line to shore and tie around a rock. After we settled in, Coda and Puffin came in and tied to us. So we had two anchors down and three lines to shore to prevent swinging.

      The anchorage was nice. A part with hiking trails was close by so we took a 2 mile walk around Fairy Lake and Goblin Lake.

      We also enjoyed swimming and fishing. Two bass were caught.
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    • Day 24

      Beefburger und Schnappschildkröte

      May 24, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute sind wir einige Kilometer weg von den Städten und dem Trubel gefahren. In der Nähe eines Native-Reservates fanden wir einen schönen Stellplatz auf einer Waldlichtung. Um den Platz zu erreichen mussten wir einige tiefere Pfützen und dicht verwachsene Pfade durchfahren. Schlupf musste weitere Kratzer in Kauf nehmen, doch für diesen Platz hat es sich gelohnt.
      Am Abend grillierten wir supergute Burger die wir in der Molkerei gekauft hatten. Ich entschied die Burger auf einer Granitsteinplatte die ich am Wegrand fand zu grillen. Wir trotzten den Mücken noch einige Zeit bis wir uns im Camper zurückzogen.
      Über die Nacht hat es geregnet und der Rückweg war neben Sandig jetzt auch noch bedeutend schlammiger. Unser Schlumpf störte dies nicht und er pflügte sich problemlos durch jede Pfütze. Doch plötzlich war da eine seltsame Kreatur mitten auf dem Pfad. Monsterartig wie ein Dino mit einem Panzer hatten wir nicht etwa das Sumpfmonster entdeckt, sondern eine Schnappschildkröte. Das Tier ist wirklich sehr faszinierend und kann bis zu 10kg schwer werden. Im Normalfall lebt das Tier im schlammigen Grund der Gewässer und ernährt sich von Fischen, Reptilien, Amphibien und sogar kleinen Wasservögeln. Da sie auch Ass fressen gelten sie als besonders nützlich für den Erhalt des Ökosystems. Wir hatten demnach Glück sie an Land antreffen zu können. Die Schnappschildkröte hat eine Beisskraft von 700 Newton (Die einer Katze liegt bei 50N), jedoch geht sie Menschen aus dem Weg und ist eher scheu.
      Spannender Fakt:
      Die Schnappschildkröte lebt im Winter unter der Eisfläche des Sees und kann dann solange das Eis da ist nicht über ihre Nasenlöcher atmen. Sie kann stattdessen über den Rachen Sauerstoff aufnehmen!

      Wir hatten also unglaubliches Glück ein solches Prachtexemplar an Land antreffen zu können. Nach einigen Fotos liessen wir die Schildkröte auf ihrem Weg weiterziehen.
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    • Day 106–108

      Byng Inlet

      August 15, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Our trip from Parry Sound to Byng Inlet had us going out in open water on Georgian Bay for a bit the coming in along the shore in defined Chanel with lot’s of easy to see markers. While in Byng Inlet we saw 2 boats getting hauled out after hitting rocks. The place where they hit rocks had post’s of others hitting rocks in the same area !

      We thought that services like towing, haul out and propeller repair seemed to be a good business to be in. The marina offered all these services for the Great Loop boater’.

      The Garmin Chart Plotter shows the bottom depth and where rocks are and allows you to magnify the image to cover an area of say 100 feet in front of the boat.

      We spent 2 days in Byng the second day mostly to avoid higher wind.

      The marina was more remote than any other spot we stayed at and had bear warnings with no trash left out a night.
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    District Municipality of Muskoka, YQA

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