Middle Beach

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    • День 6


      1 июля 2023 г., Канада ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      This weekend is a National Holiday celebrating Canada Day and we have travelled to Tofino situated in the Pacific West Coast Rim National Park for a relaxing couple of days on the coast.
      We drove from Victoria yesterday, knowing it would be a four hour plus journey. It took seven hours! Great Britain is not the only country addicted to traffic lights and road works!! There is only one road into the area and we had been warned there would be a delay due to the ongoing recovery of a section of road affected by wildfires a few weeks ago (there were several!). When we finally got to the section in question it was quite a sight. Huge cranes held aloft what I can only describe as steel mesh curtains secured at the bottom by massive concrete weights, whilst the work force attempt to deal with the dangerously damaged trees that naturally cling to the cliff face before they fall on to the narrow road. It was something to behold and a major engineering undertaking. Once through the obstruction, the road twists and turns, up hill and down dale. Slopes are clothed in temperate forest. There are clear blue lakes and fabulous vistas along the way. Sorry, no photos as we were chasing the clock and dare not stop - perhaps on the return journey.

      It was an early call once more this morning. We had to be at ‘Jamie’s Whaling Station’ at 6.15am. We were taking an early morning boat trip entitled ‘Tofino Bear Cruise’ from the jetty. Dawn had broken and the sun was just coming up as we left. The water was as still as a millpond (thank goodness). This is an area particularly well suited to being viewed from the water. Temperate rainforest grows down to the water’s edge, clothing mountains, islands and islets alike. There are a myriad of small islands off the coast here and in fact all the way up the coast of British Columbia. The sea is blue and the sunlight sparkles off its surface. It is ravishing.

      The wildlife appeared to also be on holiday and sightings were sadly rare, but the scenery made up for it. A pair of Bald Eagles sat on a couple of telegraph poles watching us curiously as we put to sea. We did later see one of them catch a large fish for breakfast -
      stunning sight. The highlight for me was a group of about twenty sea otters feasting on their backs in their inimitable fashion. They are so gorgeous and it was very special to see them in the wild. Finally we did come across a Black Bear foraging on the shoreline of Meares Island. We watched as he industriously turned over the rocks looking for crustaceans. After a while he suddenly seemed aware that we were there and giving a disdainful glance over his shoulder ambled back into the forest. We caught a distant look
      of another later on and apart from shoals of moon jellyfish here to breed in the sheltered waters that was our haul. We disembarked ready for breakfast and by the time we had eaten it felt like it was mid afternoon! Most of you know that we are not fans of the dawn rising, but this one was so worth it, even from me!!
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    • День 7

      Tofino 2

      2 июля 2023 г., Канада ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Tofino is a small charming little town, comprising of multi coloured buildings, once reliant on fishing and logging for employment. It is isolated due to its geographical position and has the laid back vibe associated with water, sports and sand. The fishing and logging have gradually dwindled allowing tourism to creep in and take over. There appear to be plenty of the usual surfing and arty types and some of sights to be seen down the Main Street have to be seen to be believed, but then what is new. We found a wonderful local bakery where everything is baked on the premises and they do a mean cooked breakfast, always the way to most Englishmen’s heart - well mine anyway. Middle Beach Lodge where we are staying is in a beautiful setting amongst the rainforest and on the beach, but has several drawbacks, continental breakfast being one of them from a certain persons point of view!
      Today we decided to explore some of the trails along the Pacific Rim Highway bordering the ocean. We began with Radar Hill, a beautiful viewpoint with one of the Pacific Rim National Parks highest elevations. Having dragged yourself up there (it is quite steep) you are confronted by a spectacular view. This was originally home to a historic radar station during WW2 and now features the Kap’Yong memorial to the Canadian 2nd Battalion who served heroically and died during the Korean War.
      We moved on to stop briefly at the incinerator rock viewpoint along Long Beach. The beach was busy with families and surfers. Canadian schools have now broken for the summer, so it’s bucket and spade time.
      Our next stop was Combers Beach Trail, where you follow a wide path through the Sitka spruce forest before arriving at the most beautiful natural beach. Quiet, lots of driftwood ( be still my beating heart) and the Pacific breaking on to the silver sand. The forest comes right down to the beach and it is a fabulous sight.
      I had planned to walk the Bog Forest boardwalk and we did set off. However we met a couple hotfooting it back with the news that a black bear was lurking in the undergrowth half way round. Ummm, now what? We turned tail and hurried back, not particularly wanting to get on his wrong side. I know, pathetic windy Brits, but we took the safety first option.
      Finally, we took the boardwalk through the rainforest trail. The boardwalk itself is a work of art and I wouldn’t like to think how long it took to construct. It weaves up and down through beautiful moss covered trees, tiny streams, ferns, skunk cabbage, plus lots of foliages I couldn’t name. A small piece of very rare temperate rainforest that ranges throughout the Park, that is now carefully conserved after a huge battle between the loggers and environmentalists. Luckily the right side won in this case. The sun shone through the canopy to illuminate the forest floor and the trailing mosses and lichens that drip off every branch; it is magical.
      I’m tapping away to you watching the ocean from the Lodge common area. We move on tomorrow to Vancouver. It will be another long drive and I may well not get to you until the day after.
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    • День 13

      Middle Beach Lodge, Tofino

      22 июня 2016 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Schließlich kamen wir in Tofino, in der Middle Beach Lodge, unserer Unterkunft für die nächsten drei Nächte an. Auf der Hotelanlage stehen viele kleine Holzhäuser, die in mehrere "Cabins" unterteilt sind. Wir wohnen in einer von diesen hier: http://www.middlebeach.com/accommodations/lodge…
      Man kann sogar das Meer und die Felsen vom Zimmer aus sehen! Obwohl es regnete, mussten wir natürlich noch einen Strandspaziergang machen und die Gegend erkunden.

      Ein tolles Video über die Lodge kann man hier ansehen: https://vimeo.com/134458898
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    • День 14

      MacKenzie Beach, Tofino

      23 июня 2016 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nachdem ich beim Aufwachen durchs Fenster einen Weißkopfseeadler beobachten konnte, bekamen wir heute leckeres Frühstück im Hotel: verschiedene Säfte, Tee, Kaffee, hart gekochte Eier, Zimtschnecken mit Cremefüllung, Muffins, Croissants, Marmelade, Bagel, Toast, Käse und Schinken. Da sonst in den Übernachtungen meist kein Frühstück inkludiert ist, haben wir uns bisher immer etwas selbst gemacht. Jedes Hotelzimmer hier hat einen kleinen Kühlschrank und so kann man sein Essen dort lagern. Außerdem gibt es zusätzlich immer eine Kaffeemaschine oder/und einen Wasserkocher, so dass man zumindest einen Kaffee oder Tee morgens bekommt.

      Nach dem Frühstück machten wir uns zu einem Verdauungsspaziergang zu einem weiteren Strand in der Nähe auf.
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    • День 36


      22 сентября 2018 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Après la pluie le beau temps!! Aujourd'hui, on annonce des éclaircis et surtout la fin de la pluie. Effectivement, plus d'eau qui tombe du ciel ce matin et nous avons une belle vue sur la petite marina. Et comme c'est samedi, on se fait des crêpes aux bleuets! Miam! Une fois ce bon petit déjeuner dégusté, nous faisons la vidange et le remplissage d'eau du camper. On se prépare à prendre nos douches et surprise, 2 chevreuils viennent tout près du camper pour aller de l'autre côté de la route! Allô les petits Bambis! On va prendre nos douches pendant qu'on download quelques émissions avec le wifi de la réception et on prend la route, direction Tofino. Ce n'est qu'un 30 minutes de route à faire donc on a tout notre temps.

      On arrête donc à une première plage, la baie de Florentia. Plein de surfers! La plage est belle et le soleil se fait sentir. On y descend pour jeter un œil quelques minutes puis on remonte. Nous allons à une autre plage pas très loin, South Beach. Un autre bel endroit où on y trouve également du monde qui surf. C'est plus aménagé que l'endroit précédent et il y a plus de monde. Les gens marchent tranquillement sur la plage. On fait comme les gens mais pas très longtemps. La faim nous gagne et on décide d'aller à l'endroit suivant qui fait également partie du Parc National Pacific Rim. On dîne dans notre camper puis on part faire une marche sur la plage. C'était de toute beauté! Nous étions maintenant à Long Beach, une belle longue plage où on trouve bien sûr des surfers mais aussi bien des gens qui se baladent paisiblement. Nous y marchons un bon moment, question de bien explorer les environs.

      Plus tard, nous nous rendons au camping qu'on avait réservé à Tofino, soit à 10 minutes de là. Le chemin pour s'y rendre est en terre et je ne crois pas qu'on ait jamais vu aussi mauvais comme chemin! C'était miné de nids de poule ou plutôt d'autruche!! En tous cas, on fini par y arriver et on se rend à notre site. Les sites sont plutôt bien cordés et près des uns des autres mais la vu du notre est vraiment bonne! On est en hauteur tout près de la plage et on peut même y descendre d'où on est. Vraiment cool! On va se promener un peu en ville un peu plus loin pour faire des emplettes pour le souper. Au menu ce soir: fruits de mer! On revient au campement et on va se promener sur la plage. Encore un très bel endroit!

      En soirée, on prépare le repas et on bavarde avec nos voisins. Ils viennent d'Ontario et de Vancouver. On soupe et ensuite s'enclenche la routine de dodo pour Samuel. Une fois le petit trésor endormi et la vaisselle faite, nous s'installons près du feu. Plus tard, on va même faire un tour pour prendre un verre avec les voisins. Belle façon de terminer une superbe journée!
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