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    • Dag 21

      Arica, Chile - part 3 ( 1st of Carnival)

      4. februar 2023, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      And what a Carnival it was!! The annual Andean Tradition and Cultural Event filled with life and color is called:

      "WITH THE FORCE OF THE SUN" ... we think it sure had the energy of the SUN!

      Note: I took 400 photos but only posted 50 here (as you look at how much fun was being had by all, look for "faces you know" in the photos below.

      Here are two short videos:
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    • Dag 40

      J'suis pas là, j'suis à ARICA

      13. februar 2020, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ah, hier soir nous fêtions nos 48 ans de mariage. Une petite bouteille avec nos amis, une chanson douce sussurée au piano que l'on m'a exceptionnellement prêté 2' 35 (de bonheur!) au Topazio, un bon dîner, un excellent spectacle et voilà.

      Ce matin, arrivée à Arica. A première vue, la zone. Ils ont le chic pour que le bateau soit toujours à quai au milieu des containers. Mais le meilleurs reste à venir. Nous partons en excursion voir les particularités de la ville. Donc, comme d'habitude, on ne va pas dans la ville mais dans la banlieue. Des fois qu'on rayerait le car dans la circulation urbaine peut-être. Nous grimpons sur une colline qui domine la ville (belle vue) et nous avons là 20' pour faire la photo du Christ et du drapeau. Au milieu de rien, la lune, le désert.
      Deuxième étape, des dessins sur une autre colline: toujours le désert, toujours la lune et deux dessins de girafes faits à base de pierres. Soit disant âgés de milliers d'années, sans aucune protection... ni aucun intérêt. Et la chaleur se pointe.
      Ah, le troisième centre d'intérêt: un village artisanal soit disant la reproduction fidèle d'un village des montagnes. Je n'insiste pas, j'expliquerai..!

      Heureusement, on a bien rigolé. Le car a été victive d'une mutinerie!! En effet, au moment de se garer devant le « village », le car n'était pas, à quelques mètres près, là où il voulait se mettre. Donc nous attendions sagement qu'il veuille bien ouvrir la porte. 5'...10'...15'... Au bout de 20' devant son refus d'ouvrir pour une cause inconnue (tous les autres cars débarquaient), tout le monde s'est levé en criant et nous avons obligé la guide et la chauffeur à ouvrir. Bonjour le souk! Ca doit être parce que dans quelques jours nous serons là où se sont mutinés les marins du Bounty!

      Excursion en français qu'ils disaient. C'était en anglais (que des français à bord) et c'est un passager qui s'est tapé le rôle de l'interprète.

      Après le repas, nous avons repris un rythme normal et sommes allés nous ballader dans le centre ville. Sympa, plein de monde, de musique, de boutiques, de bistrots,...

      J'ai beaucoup pensé à Régis B. et Bernard H. ce matin parce que des trucs nuls j'ai dû en faire quelques uns, mais là c'était de la haute compétition, c'était champion du monde, une excursion de concours, un Oscar de la nullité obtenu haut la main. Et même peut-être aussi un César, un Molière, un hot d'or...
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    • Dag 232

      Op naar Peru 🇵🇪

      19. marts, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We worden wakker in onze Airbnb, Annika's tas is al helemaal ingepakt dus zij haalt broodjes terwijl Lynn en ik de boel inpakken. We downloaden nog wat films want het wordt een lange reisdag. Om 13 uur vertrekt de bus vanuit Tacna (Peru) maar voordat we daar zijn moeten we eerst nog de grens over en het was niet mogelijk om hier vooraf kaartjes voor te kopen. We hebben de dag ervoor al een Uber besteld om 9:15 uur en als we aankomen bij de bushalte.... staat de bus al klaar met nog 3 vrije plekjes. We zitten niet bij elkaar maar zijn allang blij dat we gelijk in kunnen stappen. Om 9:30 uur zitten we al in de bus! Bij de grenscontrole snappen ze weinig van Annika's paspoort (we vermoeden door de e.v. regel 'echtgenote van') en het duurt een half uur voordat we door kunnen. Als we weer in de bus zitten blijkt dat er 2 uur tijdverschil zit tussen Peru en Chili, hier hebben we geen seconde aan gedacht en helaas betekend dit dat we een paar uur moeten wachten tot onze volgende bus. We gebruiken deze tijd om het dagboek bij te werken en zijn het inmiddels wel gewend om ons een paar uur te vermaken. De rit daarna duurt niet lang meer voordat we in Arequipa zijn. Hier worden we gewaarschuwd om goed op onze tassen te letten dus dit doen we maar extra goed! We pakken een taxi naar het hostel en slingeren de tassen op onze stapelbedden. Dit hostel zit midden in het centrum en is erg goedkoop wat heerlijk is voor het budget. De bedden zijn prima het hostel zelf wat gehorig. We spelen een potje pool, drinken een biertje bij hans (de chileense eigenaar van de rooftopbar) en duiken ons bed in.Læs mere

    • Dag 91

      !Adios¡ Auto

      11. maj 2019, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Als wir gegen den Abend in die Stadt Arica hineinfuhren, wehte uns ein übler Geruch entgegen. (Wir konnten nicht genau definiere was es war, nicht ganz frische Fische waren aber bestimmt dabei). Nicht gerade ein Willkommen, wie man sich das vorstellt. Für die letzten Nächte haben wir ein Airbnb gebucht. Nach Anfangsschwierigkeiten haben wir dann unsere Gastgeberin und damit auch die Hausschlüssel gefunden. Irgendwie hatte ich mir die Unterkunft anders vorgestellt. Aber zum Glück waren es nur drei Nächte und so hielt sich die Enttäuschung in Grenzen. Wir haben noch einige Dinge erledigt, wie Geld gewechselt, Busticket für Bolivien besorgt und und und. Das Auto haben wir gewaschen und sauber an Wicked Campers zurückgegeben. Wir erkannten unser Auto nach der gründlichen Reinigung kaum noch. Übrigens so unkompliziert war die Rückgabe eines Mietwagens noch nie. Sexy Kurt (wie er liebevoll von Wicked genannt wird) sah das Auto von aussen kurz an und meinte dann es sehe tiptop aus. Kurz noch das Deposit rückerstattet und das wars dann auch schon. Nach dem alles erledigt war, besuchten wir noch ein Museum und bekannte Höhlen. Bei letzterem konnten wir Seehunde und Eidechsen bewundern. Nun kann unsere Reise nach Bolivien starten.Læs mere

    • Dag 55


      23. november 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      When we reached the Econorental office, it was open. It was actually a garage being run as a rental agency. They were did have a Mitsubishi 4x4 available for 5 days. As had been told to us earlier, the rental was 50000 CLP per day. Based on our itinerary, the owner suggested that we take two 20L cans of diesel with us. He wanted to charge us 3000 CLP per day rental for these cans, after negotiating for a while we managed to get them included for free. We had to give a deposit of 300000 CLP for the rental. Since we were not carrying that much cash, we had to be driven to the nearest atm about 3 kms away.
      After the payment of the rental and the deposit, we got the vehicle and the cans. We drove to our hostel and picked up our bags. After that, we went to the petrol pump and filled up the vehicle tank as well as the 2 cans we had got along.
      Then we were off finally at around 5 pm. Arica had lost its spell over us...we were out now 😉
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    • Dag 55

      Don Este restaurant

      23. november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Our pot of bad luck that had been following us for the last few days wasn't over yet. After having driven the 7-8 kms out of Arica to Econorental office, we were dropped off at about 1:45 pm. Their office was closed from 1:30 - 3:30 pm for lunch. We felt so exasperated. We tried to ring the bell and knock the door but there was no response. We even took the help of a neighbor to try and call them, but no one picked up the phone.
      Eventually, we decided to wait for the office to reopen and in the meantime use the time to have our lunch. The helpful neighbor told us about a restaurant nearby where we could get food.
      The restaurant Don Este was about 300 mts from the rental office. The food was a buffet with some vegetarian items also there and was rated per kg, irrespective of what item one has taken. The food was fantastic and I for once got a good variety of items to choose from. Well, whatever happens, happens for the good, is what we figured from this event 😉
      By the time, we were done with the lunch, it was about 3:10 pm so we decided to walk over to the car rental office.
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    • Dag 53

      Back in Arica

      21. november 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We were back in Arica around 3 pm. After having our lunch, we went to the city to check out the car rental options.
      We checked with Europcar, they had very good prices but no vehicles available for another 3-4 days.
      The wickedcampers turned out be just a pickup and drop point. They informed us to check their website. The prices there were too high. By now, it was late in the evening so we couldn't check anywhere else and the tourism office too was closed by now. We just decided to hang around in the city center and have some cakes before returning back to the hostel.
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    • Dag 52

      Jesus at Morro del Arica

      20. november 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      There's a statue of Jesus on top of the hill, much like the one in Rio but this one faces the ocean instead of the city 😉
      There were lovely views of the Pacific ocean on the west side and of Arica town on the east.Læs mere

    • Dag 54

      Fixing odds and ends

      22. november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      There were still a few odds and ends that needed to be fixed before we could move on so we decided to do those this day.
      First off was to find out the cost of the bus tickets to Iquique at the bus terminal opposite our hostel. This was to compare costs with the rental options. It turned out to be quite reasonable at between 6000 - 10000 CLP.
      The morning was a bit slow. We managed to get good wifi and spent the morning calling home etc.
      After that, we had our breakfast and then decided to go to the Ministry of Telecomunicaciones to register our phones. Phones bought outside of Chile don't work here according to a new legislation effective since a few days ago. Eventually, after trying all the operators, we had found out that we'll need to register the IMEI number of our phones at the Ministry of Telecomunicaciones to make it work. The office closes at 13:00 so that was our 1st destination for the day after the breakfast.
      On the way, we passed the local fish market where they were even selling Ceviche.
      At the Ministry of Telecom, we managed to find out that they don't do the registration and that we'll have to do it ourselves and submit all the required papers online.
      We sat at a cafe with wifi and did all the registration formalities. The website was all in Spanish, we needed to submit a screenshot of the phone IMEI, a picture of the phone with the IMEI number visible, copy of passport, copy of the immigration form etc before the application went through. Keeping our fingers crossed it will work now.
      By this time it was lunch hour so we had our food. After lunch, we checked at the other 2 car rental agencies. Klasse was closed due to vacations. Hertz had the had the vehicles but the vehicles available were the same we had got for the Salar de Uyuni and we were not too happy with its power and effectiveness. Plus, Hertz was almost double the cost of the Europcar quote.
      With no reasonable option and running out of things to do, it looked like we were stuck in Arica for some more time.
      Not having any other ideas, we realized that we had 20 min before the Tourist Information center would close. We had been there before, but due to the limited time of operations, we had always found them closed.
      We managed to walk the 2 kms in 5-6 min and reached before they closed for the day. Here, we finally found the lady at the counter spoke excellent English. She was able to help us with a lot of information and maps but didn't know any more tour operators or car rentals than we had already checked.
      Having run out of ideas and absolutely no plan or even option for a plan, we just decided to chill and go to the beach.
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    • Dag 51

      Arica at night

      19. november 2017, Chile ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      We slept about 6 hours straight and woke up in the evening. We decided to walk to the beach and from there to the city center, a total of about 4 kms. We reached there at about 9:30 and found it quite deserted. Even the food shops were closed with hardly anyone around. We ate some food and then headed back to the hostel.Læs mere

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