Gansu Sheng

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Gansu Sheng
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    • Día 104

      The Great Wall, Teil 3

      18 de agosto de 2018, China ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute morgen ging es Ann etwas besser und wir müssen ja weiter, in China ist es nicht möglich sich Tageweise von der Gruppe zu trennen.

      Morgens haben wir uns vom Anfang der Mauer verabschiedet. Zwischen Ende und Anfang der Mauer sind wir 4113 km gefahren. Einfach unglaublich das wir hier stehen und hier sind auch keine Touris. Geil!

      Ann: Heute war nochmal ein ganz grosser Tag für mich ....nun habe ich den Anfang, verschiedene Mittelstücke und das Ende der grossen Chinesischen Mauer gesehen. Sie ist noch beeindruckender als ich es mir vorgestellt habe....ich bin so dankbar und glücklich das ich dass mit eigenen Augen sehen konnte....einfach WAHNSINN!!! Und wisst ihr was? Wir sind in China und an der Mauer und im Hintergrund das Himalaya das zu fassen?
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    • Día 104


      18 de agosto de 2018, China ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Die Fahrt ging heute immer mehr in die Wüste. Hier trifft die Gobi auf die Taklamakan Wüste. Es wird langsam heißer, aktuell 36Grad.

      Wieder sehr eindrucksvoll. Bei Dunhuang sehen wir große Sanddünen.

      Wir stehen hier auf einem Hotelparkplatz und haben wegen der Wärme ein Zimmer genommen. Allerdings sind die Betten steinhart.

      Zum Nachmittag geht es Ann wieder etwas schlechter. Hoffentlich hilft ein Kopfbad und die Kühle des Zimmers. Was auf jedenfall hilft ist Skypen mit Gabriel.

      Jobo zieht alleine los und erkundet den Ort und Supermarkt.

      Ann: Nach dem tollen Anfang heute morgen, nehme ich die Auszeit im Bett gerne in kauf. Auch morgen heisst für mich Pause einlegen und gut ausruhen. Aber das ist kein Problem...mein Kopf und meine Seele sind so voller toller Bilder und Erlebnisse, da tut „verarbeiten“ auch mal gut.
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    • Día 28

      Lanzhou Beef Noodle 兰州牛肉面

      10 de junio, China ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      The best food is always at where local people line up.

    • Día 32


      19 de marzo de 2015, China ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Not a terribly exciting day although Ellen on the bus did help me with my Chinese. I can now count to ten and vaguely ask to go to the train station. Essential vocabulary in my case.
      Lanzhou is a very industrial town; a forest of lego-like high-rises emerge from the lunar landscape. This was the start of my silk road adventure, onwards to Dunhuang on the night train.Leer más

    • Día 2

      Zhangye, China

      15 de octubre de 2017, China ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we woke up at 6am and left on a train to Zhangye West by 7.30am. We reached 3 hours later and we had trouble storing our luggage at the train station because apparently they don't have a luggage storage room. Luckily there was a convenience store nearby that offered that. How very convenient for us. We then hired a day taxi (friend of the store owner) and he brought us to eat as well as to visit some tourist spots. He charged us ¥500 but it seemed reasonable for 3 people and a long journey to and fro.

      Of course, the reason we went to Zhangye was to see the colourful mountains of Zhangye National Geopark but that is almost an hour from town, so we decided to visit the Zhangye Buddhist Temple first. Now, the interesting thing about the temple is that it is home to the largest clay sleeping Buddha statue with a wooden core in Asia. However, taking pictures of it was not allowed so I took pictures of the building and surrounding instead. We spent about an hour there and then we left to see the Danxia colourful hills.

      The entrance fee to this park is ¥75. Good thing is that is offers buses to the different platforms, as it was a rather sunny day. These hills are a result of years of geological activity causing it to erode and appear to have a myriad of colours. From what I heard, its even more colourful if it rains the day before, which was not the case for us. But anyway, still a magnificent sight. A fun fact: the 2015 Hollywood film "Great Wall of China" was partly filmed here, amongst some others.

      We were supposed to watch the sunset at the last platform which was platform 4, but it was getting more crowded towards 6pm and so we decided to leave in view of the fear of being crushed by chinese tourist.

      We boarded our train to Jiayuguan at 10pm from our earlier train station and reached an hour later, having trouble finding our hostel as it was in some shady part of town. Surprisingly though, the inside of Pearl Hostel did not match the outside, and soon I found myself snuggled under the covers of the comfortable bunk bed.
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    • Día 3

      Jiayuguan City

      16 de octubre de 2017, China ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The Great Wall of China. Today was solely about that. This city is home to the western part of the wall. First up, we visited the first beacon tower of the great wall in Jiayuguan. It is also called the Tao Lai tower as it is located next to the Tao Lai river. This beacon tower had an important role by acting as a vanguard in warning by beacon. Unfortunately its rubble now.

      Next, we visited the Overhanging Great Wall. It is also called Badaling of the West. It was built on the eastern slope of the Black Mountain and it overlooks the Gobi Desert. This was constructed in order to protect not only the country but the traders along the Silk Road. It was quite a workout climbing up here but totally worth the struggle. On the way down, people have put padlocks on the railing and it represents their wishes/prayers. I suppose they believe it will come true if they do this.

      There is a place called the Jiayuguan Pass. This is a complex city connected to the Overhanging Great Wall. To say it simply, it appears to be a military base with an inner and outer city with multiple buildings and towers of different functions to organize and strategize the ancient military force. Not forgetting its surrounding moat. So if enemies do get through that 4.2 metre wall, they are going to have a tough time penetrating this city of multiple walls and doors.

      To get to Jiayuguan Pass, you can either walk from the main entrance or rent a bicycle for ¥10 (which was what we did). We did a loop around the lake and took some pretty good pictures of the scenery. I hadn't rode a bike for sometime so this was refreshing.

      There is a lot of history here. Even the little bit that I gathered today was too much to write. It made me realize that I need to hit the history books.
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    • Día 4


      17 de octubre de 2017, China ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      It took us a 5 hour bus ride from Jiayuguan to get here. We reached at 9pm yesterday. After a well deserved rest, we started our day by visiting Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area. The entrance fee was ¥120 per person. This is actually the Gobi desert beyond the Great Wall. The mountain is also known as the Sand Echoing Mountain because at times when the winds are strong, you can hear howling. It has an oasis with a crescent-shaped lake, hence the name.

      There are multiple tourist activities here such as camel riding, hiring a helicopter and renting a glider. I didn't do that as I didn't find it all that interesting. I'd rather move on foot and save money as I have another 11 days of China to go.

      We first visited the oasis, where there was a pagoda like structure called the Yuequan Pavilion. Too many tourists wandering here so I decided to skip the picture taking and climb up one of the dunes instead. To me, the climb was physically challenging as well as shoe filling (with sand). I only climbed up the first dune as I had the physical stamina of an 80 year old with a heart condition. Once up there, I just sat there for a bit admiring the view as well as observing the colourful chinese tourist with their high enthusiasm for posing during photo taking.

      We were done with this place by 1pm. We headed off to Mogao Grottoes as we had tickets for 2pm. The fee for this place was ¥220 and it covered everything from the videos, to the english speaking guide as well as a 2 way bus ride to the grottoes. Lucky for us, the staff let us in by 1.30pm (because we mentioned we had a train to catch at night). We watched 2 videos on the history of the place, one of which was 3D and was simply amazing as the screen covered the entire dome. Then we took a shuttle bus to the actual Mogao Grottoes. It wasn't exactly what I expected as it has been touched up in view of its old and crumbling structure. The cave entrances now have doors with numbers on it.

      Built 1000 years ago by a wandering monk who once had a vision to teach peace to the world via Buddhism. Slowly through the course of time, more and more caves were built with statues and murals representing the Buddhist religion. There are about 735 caves here, of which 492 had Buddhist statues in them. Out of those, around 300 were built during the Tang dysnasty. Other dysnasties that contributed were mainly the Sui and Ching. From what I gathered, the people from the Ching dynasty simply loved the rebuild and repaint the statues and cave walls.

      They also had a library with thousands of manuscripts and paintings, most of which have been taken/bought (I would say stolen) by foreigners from France, America, Japan, etc. One genius even took an entire Bodhisattva statue and sold it to the Harvard Museum. Like why would you take away history from its original resting place. Greed obviously.

      There is a Buddhist statue 35.5 metres tall here, which is the third tallest Buddhist statue in China. It was huge! I saw it but I couldn't take pictures inside any of the caves. The 2nd tallest one in Mogao Grottoes had a height of 26 metres but I couldn't see that one as it was undergoing reconstruction.

      Besides meditating caves, there were over 200 caves on the Northern end for travellers and merchants on the Silk Road to rest and also for protection against bandits.

      So much history here but I only gathered a glimpse of it today. Before this, I never even knew a place called Mogao Grottoes existed. Yet another reason for me to hit the history books.
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    • Día 94


      8 de agosto de 2018, China ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Die heutige Etappe geht über 320 km nach Pingliang.

      Wir fahren heute wenig Autobahn und genießen die Landschaft. Zum ersten Mal seit wir in China sind können wir Berg und Täler sehen. Bisher war immer alles mit einer Dunstglocke überzogen.

      Es ist toll, in den Lehmbergen sind Höhlenwohnungen zu sehen, die Traubenernte ist im vollen Gange und hier ist das größte Apfelanbaugebiet Chinas.
      Die Äpfel werden hier gegen Insekten am Baum eingepackt.

      Plötzlich stehen wir vor einer Baustelle und links geht ein kleiner Feldweg ab. Also fahren wir da weiter. Durch ein kleines Dorf, die Anwohner trocknen ihr Stroh auf der Straße.
      Es geht einen Berg hinauf und dann gabelt sich die Straße, rechts geteert, links Schotterpiste. Ein Chinese vor uns weiß auch nicht so Recht, und entscheidet sich für Links.

      Wir hinterher, und der Weg geht immer mehr den Berg hinauf. Was wir dann sehen ist eine Terassenlandschaft im saftigen grün, wunderschön!

      Dazu Fasane und riesen Schmetterlinge.

      Irgendwann stoßen wir dann wieder auf unsere Straße. Straßenbau auf chinesisch.

      Nun stehen wir auf einem Hotelparkplatz, zum Glück sind es nur noch 28 Grad. Heute gibt es noch Manfreds Geburtstag zu feiern. Das wird bestimmt lustig.
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    • Día 100

      Pingliang / Himmelsberg die Stufen hoch

      9 de agosto de 2018, China ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir stehen für zwei Nächte auf einem Hotelparkplatz. Westlich von Pingliang liegt der Berg Kongton, "Himmelsberg", 2123m hoch, und auch als Berg des Taoismus bekannt.
      Ca. 720 Stufen sind es bis " Imperial City" - Tempelanlage mit einer wunderbaren Aussicht auf die umliegenden Berge und Seen und die Stadt Pingliang - sagt Jürgen. Er war oben, ich nicht!Leer más

    • Día 100

      Am Himmelsberg

      9 de agosto de 2018, China ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Jürgen wandert die ca. 700 Stufen zum Himmelsberg hoch, und ich besuche in der Zeit die Tempel und Pagode. Auf 1800m Höhe ist es schön kühl und es sind nicht so viele Leute dort. Auf den Treppen hoch auf den Berg ist mehr los.Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Gansu Sheng, Gansu, Province de Gansu, 甘肃省

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