Gansu Sheng

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Gansu Sheng
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    • Hari 16

      Jiayaguan Fort

      15 Jun 2019, China ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The last fort at the western end of the great wall. This was the administrative and military headquarters protecting the border and caravans as well as collecting taxes. The first pic is the outer gate into what might have been called the "outer bailey" in a British castle. The second looks through the gate to the second gate. Notice that the ceiling steps up inside. The gate is at the juncture between the two. The third pic is the inner gate that is built like the outer and leads into a killing box with another gate into the "inner bailey." The fourth pic is the yard of the general's residence, with all the offices for the fort included. They have mannequins in a number of locations showing a sense of real life. The fifth pic shows a woman in the kitchen pretty accurately, even for today. Last is a view over the battlements out toward the horizon where the silk road went on.Baca lagi

    • Hari 16

      Jiayuguan Wall's End

      15 Jun 2019, China ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The great wall extends a few kilometers beyond the fort where it ends at Black Mountain. This is that point. It is mostly restored. The first pic looks up the wall to the final watch tower on Black Mountain. The second looks back down the wall from the top of the watchtower. There is a silk road gate in the oasis that is visible. Third is a detail of the construction of the wall. 4th is a view from the watchtower. Barely visible are snow capped mountains. The last two pics show some sculptures remembering the activity of the silk road from back in the day.Baca lagi

    • Hari 17

      Mogao Grottoes

      16 Jun 2019, China ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Originally more than 1,000 grottoes carved out of a cliff face along the silk road by Buddhists beginning in the 4th century CE up until the silk road was abandoned during the Ming Dynasty. (Seaborne trade had taken over.) They are awe inspiring. Almost 800 caves remain with many restored. Most of the caves are devotional or worship spaces.
      We visited 8 of the caves. Unfortunately, they do not allow photos inside. The first pic here is taken of a picture of the Nirvana grotto with a sleeping or reclining Buddha. 2nd is the 9 level Pagoda that has become the symbol for the site. Inside is the giant Buddha, 35.5 meters tall and one of the largest in the world. Pics 3&4 show some of the artwork on the exterior even though it is faded. 5th shows a portion of the cliff face with some of the caves. Last is a look up towards the north end where the grottoes were monks cells rather than worship spaces.
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    • Hari 44

      Erst Karawanenfeeling, dann Jiayuguan

      11 Ogos 2019, China ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Gleich morgens gingen wir wieder zu den Dünen, da die Tickets noch gültig waren. Seidenstraße ohne Kamelritt wäre nicht gegangen und so beschlossen wir uns doch unter die (Massen-) Karawane zu mischen. Nach der Pferdetour in Kirgisien, jetzt ein weiteres 4-beiniges ungewohntes Gefährt. Die Tour ging ca. 1h durch die Sanddünen. Es war lustig auf dem Kamel in der Umgebung, jedoch nicht mit der einzigartigen Reit-Erfahrung in Kirgisen zuvor zu vergleichen, bei der wir komplett alleine waren. Die Kamele an sich sind auf jeden Fall sehr fotogen und lustig zu beobachten, schon kuriose Tiere. (Kamel Special folgt 😜)
      Nach der Tour holten wir unser Gepäck aus dem Hotel und besuchten noch den buddhistischen Leyin Tempel, der auf dem Weg in die Stadt lag. Zurück zur Stadt ging es mit dem Bus zum Bahnhof, den wir auch recht schnell fanden. Die kurzweilige Fahrt mit dem Zug ging zu unserem nächsten Durchreise-Kurzstop - Jiayuguan. Die Stadt ist relativ bekannt, da dort die berühmte chinesische Mauer anfängt, welchen wir aus Zeitgründen nicht besuchen konnten. Angekommen am Bahnhof, der wie so oft recht außerhalb der Stadt lag, wurden wir zunächst von penentranten Taxifahrern angesprochen. Da diese uns aber suspekt waren suchten wir lieber den öffentlichen Bus ins Zentrum auf. Mittlerweile läuft das trotz rein chinesischer Fahrpläne routiniert und Schriftzeichen vergleichen geht auch immer besser. Die Suche nach der Unterkunft verzögerte sich allerdings, da wir zunächst - dank der falschen Informationen der Karten-App - an einer falschen Adresse waren. Nach Durchfragen und einigen hundert zusätzlichen Metern, die mit gesamtem Gepäck deutlich erschwerlicher sind, hatten wir es dann dennoch gefunden.
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    • Hari 90

      There are many novel about Silicone doll

      29 Disember 2021, China ⋅ ⛅ -9 °C

      Unlike tpe realistic sex doll, silicone sex dolls are easier to maintain, which is why the price of silicone dolls is higher. But even if the maintenance is convenient, the bracket still needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid irreversible damage. Here, the editor briefly sorted out the maintenance steps of silicone dolls to help you keep the dolls in good condition at all times.

      Due to the non-porous nature of silica gel, silicone dolls produce little or no oil, but solid silicone dolls can absorb dust and fluff, so the most common cleaning is to remove dust.

      This project started a few weeks after the last romance in June, when he was writing a heartbreaking Master of Arts thesis. The works created come from when emotionally struggling, not when emotionally stable.

      Joan started photographing dolls in 2001, just like when he was a child, observing their secret lives. For several years, he has been using them to enter photographic works. After that, he began to ask himself, "Why should I take pictures of the doll?"

      For him, it was loneliness. His social life is active, but when he wakes up from bed, he finds himself at home alone; when he comes home from get off work or party, he always faces emptiness and feels lonely in the crowd, those people, those moments, Those memories he wished to exist forever would either disappear or disappear, and he knew others would do the same. This is why I am interested in shooting dolls, because objects that look like humans but inanimate will never disappear.

      Why do artificial intelligence Barbie dolls, sex robots, and humanoid smart dolls cause such controversy?
      The movie "Copy Stephenford" released in 2004 tells the story of Joanna's family of four who moved to live in the beautiful suburb of Stafford. In order to make their wives obedient, rich husbands are willing to use high technology and high prices to turn them into robots, completely stifling their humanity. In a sense, they are already dead.

      TC advertises the new TPE Sex doll as "perfect companions" on its website. Although they don't do housework like the robots in "Stephenford Wife", they can do anything. The company's Hines believes that the real purpose of sex dolls is not to replace women, but as a supplement. The wife is not around to make up for the emptiness of the husband, and the child is not around. This is a kind of comfort to the lonely. people. But Hines also pointed out that TPE sex dolls are comparable to human women because they are willing to do whatever they want. "Sex dolls can meet your needs at any time, but your girlfriend and wife are not always that cooperative."
      It seems that new things like highly intelligent physical dolls still have a long way to go morally.

      So what is the ultimate goal for June?
      June believes that if artificial intelligence is implanted in humans rather than human bodies, then big booty dolls may be the choice. The development of technology is beyond our expectations. It may happen within 10 years, or it may take us 5 years to see some progress. He firmly believes that art must prepare for new generations and new relationships, and deal with new themes related to our emotions, morals, and lives.…

      What inspired his creative inspiration, did he try to imitate other photographers?
      For June, the main influence is not a tangible reference or influence, but the emotions experienced in daily life, interpersonal relationships or the environment. He is transforming these intangible influences into his own visual elements, metaphors and narratives. His work is a sponge that absorbs self-consciousness, and a mirror that reflects oneself.

      This era is the era of the Internet. Yes, I have deep feelings. One day, I wanted to find a prostitute to have sex in bed, so I searched for various information on the Internet, but I found nothing. The next day, I had more in my phone. There are many novels about Silicone Love Doll, so I say that this era is really great, your wife, children, parents may not have your mobile phone to understand your thoughts

      Here are 5 example steps to remove dust and fluff from silicone dolls:

      step 1:

      Need a clean soft-bristled powder brush, dipped in some baby powder;

      Step 2:

      Gently scrub the body surface of the silicone doll to remove all contaminated solid debris;

      Step 3:

      Use a soft sponge or handkerchief to gently slide along the silicone surface to wipe off fine dust, lint or hair;

      Step 4:

      Rinse it with clean warm water, then pat the doll with a towel to dry or let it air dry. Remember not to wipe the doll with a cloth, so as not to scratch the surface of the body;

      Step 5:

      When the silicone doll is completely dry, you can sprinkle some baby powder on it. In addition, you can powder it regularly to help prevent dust from being contaminated again.

      I am a college student in 1999, and my girlfriend is my college classmate. We have been in love since a long time ago, but one day, a super big cock came to the class, and my girlfriend became obsessed with his big cock. Since then, I have been estranged from me. I don’t go home almost every night. I have sex with that big cock every day. I feel frustrated with my girlfriend, so I completely broke up with him. One day I surfed the Internet aimlessly and learned about something called a Chinese sex doll, so I browsed a lot of stories about sex dolls. I was deeply in love with this product. I wrote the story between me and sex dolls. The novel is published on many websites. If you are a person who is emotionally frustrated, you can go and read my story. Maybe you will fall in love with sex dolls just like me.

      sex doll torso

      mini sex doll
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    • Hari 293


      5 Jun 2016, China ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      In Xiahe bezoeken we Labrang monastery, het grootste Tibetaans boeddhistische klooster buiten Lhasa in Tibet zelf.

      Het complex is enorm en nog steeds in gebruik. Pelgrims lopen met de klok mee rondom iedere tempel en rondom het hele complex terwijl ze bidden en de gebedsmolens laten ronddraaien. We zien sculpturen gemaakt van yakboter en monniken met enorme kammen op hun hoofd in prachtige rode capes. Tientallen traditionele laarzen op de trappen voor de main tempel: Monniken die zich verzamelen voor het middagmaal. In de verte horen we gezang, en bij iedere tempel worden traditionele kruiden in een steenoven verbrand om een geurige rook te verspreiden. Het voelt een beetje surrealistisch, alsof we in Seven years in Tibet zijn beland.

      Als we de outer kora lopen, het grootste rondje rondom het hele complex, worden we aangesproken door een man die als gids blijkt te werken in Lhasa in Tibet. Hij vertelt ons over de lange historie van het klooster en het grote aantal monniken dat hier ooit gevestigd was (4000!). We verwachten half dat hij later een bijdrage zal vragen voor zijn 'tour', maar hij bemerkt onze aarzeling en vertelt dat hij het écht alleen maar leuk vindt om toeristen te helpen zijn cultuur beter te begrijpen.

      Het is misschien niet altijd even makkelijk om te reizen in China, maar we worden keer op keer verrast door de mensen. Ze zijn ontzettend aardig zonder daar iets voor terug te verwachten. Dat hebben we wel eens anders meegemaakt.
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    • Hari 32


      19 Mac 2015, China ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Not a terribly exciting day although Ellen on the bus did help me with my Chinese. I can now count to ten and vaguely ask to go to the train station. Essential vocabulary in my case.
      Lanzhou is a very industrial town; a forest of lego-like high-rises emerge from the lunar landscape. This was the start of my silk road adventure, onwards to Dunhuang on the night train.Baca lagi

    • Hari 101

      Nationalpark Taizishan

      10 Ogos 2018, China ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Unser heutiger Übernachtungsplatz liegt im Nationalpark. Es muss vor ein paar Tagen sehr stark geregnet haben, denn viele Strassen sind überschwemmt und Bagger versuchen die Überläufe frei zu legen. Hier im NP hat es eine Strasse weggespült, aber die zwei Parkplätze die für uns reserviert sind, sind in Ordnung.
      Der Wildbach rauscht!
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    • Hari 96

      Auf dem Weg nach Dingxi

      10 Ogos 2018, China ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute hatten wir 374 km vor uns. Der erste Teil ging über die Autobahn nach Dingxi.

      Wir fahren durch eine Lößhochebene mit tollen Canyons. Überall sind Höhlen im Lehm zu sehen.

      Seit drei Tagen sieht China anders aus, endlich kann man die Landschaft mit ihren Bergen und Tälern sehen. Die Dunstglocke ist verschwunden. Der Osten Chinas hat ein großes Smog Problem.Baca lagi

    • Hari 100

      Am Himmelsberg

      9 Ogos 2018, China ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Jürgen wandert die ca. 700 Stufen zum Himmelsberg hoch, und ich besuche in der Zeit die Tempel und Pagode. Auf 1800m Höhe ist es schön kühl und es sind nicht so viele Leute dort. Auf den Treppen hoch auf den Berg ist mehr los.Baca lagi

    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Gansu Sheng, Gansu, Province de Gansu, 甘肃省

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