RTW 2022

mars - desember 2022
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” (Winnie-the-Pooh) Les mer
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  • 39,8kmiles
  • Dag 9

    Travel day

    30. mars 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Spent the entire day on all sorts of transportation - taxi, plane, Uber, luxury bus, and Uber again - to get from Mazatlan, via Mexico City, to San Miguel de Allende. This is a quaint little town about 3.5 hrs north of Mexico City. We got in after dark so haven’t seen much of it, but what we could see was absolutely beautiful. Once we got back to our Airbnb, Jordan said how thankful she was to just not be in motion. The bus ride was awesome - just relaxing, watching the scenery go past in comfort - loved it. Once we got out of the city, it was such pretty country.

    Our family has always self-identified with the Winnie the Pooh characters - Rodney was Eyore (often melancholy), Adam is Pooh bear (kind hearted), Jordan is Tigger (fearless and impulsive) and I, I am Piglet (the very cautious scared wee little creature that’s sure the sky is falling). And I seem to become more and more “Piglety “ as I age. I do try challenging things, but boy they scare me like I was never scared before. And once I do something scary, I tend to fall apart after - this is all new to me since Rod died. Not sure why it’s so bad now … maybe cause I’ve seen first hand how life can turn on a dime and the worst imaginable can happen? I don’t know. I gather a therapist could have a field day with it all, but for now, it is what it is. All I can do is keep putting myself out there.

    So tonight, pulling into a small Mexican town, in the dark, navigating finding our Airbnb in quiet unknown streets was a challenge for me emotionally. Jordan (Tigger) of course was unphased - probably both her personality and the joys of youthful innocence on her side I suppose. But we made it, safe and sound! I can’t wait to see this city in the light of day because it is amazing lit up at night!
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Our Airbnb and streets in San Miguel

    31. mars 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 59 °F

    When we arrived at our Airbnb (turned out to be a 6 room hotel), it looked like a VERY rundown doorway, and when we opened it up it was a vestibule that was completely dark inside. Up the 6 flights of stairs to find our room on the roof. Scary that first night, but it’s turned out to be very pretty, especially lounging in the roof.

    The city is so interesting. Every business or hotel has a facade - a door at the street that is completely locked down. They open the first door and it opens up to a market, or a hotel, or a painting studio inside. Some areas are HUGE. So the streets are just rows and rows of these mostly closed or locked doorways.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Beautiful churches everywhere

    31. mars 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We spent the day walking around the city. I don't think I've ever been somewhere (yet) with such ancient history. San Miguel was founded in the early 1500's - crazy to think people have been walking on these same streets for the last 500 years!

    There are gorgeous Catholic Churches everywhere. I can’t imagine the time, money and effort that went into building these.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    El Mirador

    31. mars 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    We hiked around the city for hours today and eventually went up … up … up hundreds of stairs. Made our way to El Mirador or the lookout. It was beautiful view and day.

  • Dag 11

    Glorious hotsprings!

    1. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We started the day at a beautiful cafe for breakfast. Again, we entered through this less than appealing doorway to find a gorgeous outdoor courtyard. And the food was good too!

    We then spent the day at La Gruta hot springs and it was amazing, and again, so affordable. 250 pesos each (or approx $12) for the entire day!

    There were multiple pools of natural mineral water, all in varying temperatures, but all so warm and relaxing. Some so hot they were almost uncomfortable. There was a tunnel leading into a cavern, which felt like being in a sauna. I’ve never been anywhere like this, and loved every minute.

    I’ll be sad to leave this quaint little town. It’s truly wonderful. I can see why expats from the US settle here.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    So much art

    2. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We spent most of our day walking through Fabrica La Aurora - a massive art center. Mostly Mexican artists on display in room after room. Jordan was thrilled.

    The things we found walking the streets … the oddest one was the casket shop. I couldn’t stop taking pics of the buildings at night - just captivating.

    San Miguel de Allende has been a pleasant surprise and a nice change from the beach. Nice break, but looking forward to get back to the ocean tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Adam joined us!

    3. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    Travel day to Cancun - Adam joined us for the next 9 days! Jordan’s stayed in her share of hostals on her solo travels, but this is a first for Adam and me. We got a private room, but still roughing it for sure.

    Jordan has been drawing everyday in a sketchbook. Sometimes of things she sees along the way, sometimes not - she ends up doing it on the run like today, so the plane had to do. Been neat watching her improvement. She’s on TikTok @jomitchell14 or instagram @jochristine.jpg if you feel like seeing what’s she’s drawing.
    Les mer

  • Dag 14


    4. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

    We survived our night in the hostal … to be honest it was more than okay. I met a few people from other countries - it was nice. We had breakfast there and the cooks 3 yr old son, Diego, entertained us. He poured and served us 3 glasses of milk (not asked for), took our order (he thought) and then played with us till the food arrived. He was very adorable.

    I discovered I had been scammed at the Cancun airport by what I thought was a real taxi driver the night before. It was a fake who deceived and conned us into believing he was the best way to the city. In the end, paid WAY more than I should have for a short ride - lots of lessons learned. Kind of upsetting, but can’t do anything now but learn from it.

    Took an ADO bus from Cancun to Playa del Carmen where I bravely rented a car for the next four days for our time in Tulum. Driving in Mexico is quite the harrowing experience. I definitely prefer walking and public transportation- get to sit back and enjoy the country instead of stressing while driving. Just a different feel.

    Our Airbnb is excellent (again) and can’t wait to get out tomorrow and see the sites here.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Split up in Tulum

    5. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    Jordan went SCUBA diving in the cenotes (underwater caverns) today. She did two dives, “El Pit” & “Dos Ojos”. We don’t have any pics of her underwater but I found a couple online to post to show the beauty of where she was. She said it was incredible.

    Adam and I went and explored the Tulum ruins. So far my experiencing ancient history only went as far as the 1500’s - today expanded that in that these Mayan ruins were built around 1200ad! It was SO HOT and humid there. We were both dripping with sweat by the time we got done walking the ruins. It’s right on the ocean, so the breeze helps to cool you off some, but not enough! 😀.

    We came back to the Airbnb and all three of us were exhausted. Hitting the beds VERY early tonight .
    Les mer

  • Dag 16


    6. april 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    We spent the day swimming in a few cenotes. They are fresh water springs - around 75°. Chilly to get in, but not too cold to stay in. There were divers in there with us which was neat to see. Also had a 3’ alligator in there - the locals have named him, and apparently “he’s really friendly” and “never bothers anyone”. We saw him sunning himself at one point, but couldn’t get a good picture … but as they said, he never came even close to anyone. Crazy. Eventually we forgot he was in there with us.

    Tulum has been very fun. It’s a tourist town, yet very authentic at the same time. Eye opening to see the poverty around us. Lots of trash and stray animals everywhere. It’s been a good experience for me to see how others live - puts life in perspective.
    Les mer