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    • Day 15

      Castillo San Felipe de Barajas 

      October 22, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      The San Felipe castle was built in 1536 and was the most important defence weapon against invadors. Especially when britain under Edward Vernon attacked the city in 1741. The spaniards were outnumbered by one to ten but still could hold the castle unter the lead of Blas de Lezo who just had one eye, one arm and one leg. Vernon was so convinced about the victory he sent home coins in advance about his victory...well that did not happen. The coins are visible on the statue of Blas de Lezo infront of the castle.Read more

    • Day 12

      Castillo San Felipe de Barajas

      December 28, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Heute bin ich auf die tolle Idee gekommen die spanische Festung Castillo San Felipe de Barajas zu erklimmen. Bei Aussentemperaturen von 30 Grad und gefühlt 100% Luftfeuchtigkeit eine ziemliche Herausforderung.

      Heute war ich das erste Mal enttäuscht, dass ich nicht so viel Platz im Gepäck hab. Oben auf der Burg wurden alte Tür Knock-Knocks verkauft und ich hätte so gern eins mitgenommen.
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    • Day 18

      Castillo San Felipe de Barajas & Flug

      March 21, 2023 in Colombia

      Frühstück um 8.00 Uhr, und eine kurzen letzten Ausflug zur Castillo San Felipe.

      Im Anschluss leider getrennte Flüge, aber jetzt sind wir zum Abend im Dreamer Beach Club angekommen. Hola San Andrés 🌴🎉

    • Day 154

      Free walking,castle felipe,barber&bar

      June 5, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Met Benni (german) & ashley(London)
      With them to castle San felipe
      Met at the plaza Trinidad a 25 year old Venezuelan(Spanish flex)
      Bar after fancy restaurant
      World heritage since 1984 old town

      Colombus sailed between panama and Colombia, that’s why it is called Colombia. Cartagena de indians it is called because in Spain is already a Cartagena, and because he expected he was in India, is is called now like that.
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    • Day 9

      Visiting the Fort

      June 28, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      On Wednesday after breakfast we headed to the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, which is a fort built in 1536, located on the Hill of San Lázaro overlooking the city. It is about 50 metes high. Inside the fort is a maze of passages. There are eight batteries each able to cover the other. Might mention it was a tad hot as well!

      After lunch we went for another wander around the old city and found a wonderful shady street lined with paintings - like an outdoor art gallery.

      It was hot so we relaxed back at the house for the afternoon. Claudia and Dean had organised a surprise for the evening which was very exciting...
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    • Day 25

      San Filipe Fort

      March 18 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      We had a food tour booked for the afternoon, and the typically hot weather in the region meant we didn't want to do too much before a lot of walking. We did, however, want to explore one of the militaristic artefacts of the city and saw the San Filipe Fortress. This was a colossal concrete monument that shadowed the ancient city and protected its citizens from attack from the sea and land. Although a brutal walk during the heat, the size and height of the fortress meant that you got a great view of the city of Cartegena. As well as providing fantastic defensive structure during the colonial periods. Defences that extend all the way around the city through the city walls that are still present. Unfortunately, we didn't get much about its uses due to being mostly in Spanish. The fort was last used during the 16th century, and the structure was, of course, not overcome. As you explored, you can see why. Multiple levels with many cannons meant any attack from any angle would face endless cannons fire. Along with it was a seemingly endless maze of alleyways and hidden corridors. Whether for defence or just liveability, I don't know, but it was interesting to walk through. After this, we were desperate to escape the heat and found a nice cafe for some coffee and juice. This killed some time for a while before we decided to explore Getsemani some more and see the other parts we missed. They ended up being some of the most beautiful. We explored some beautiful street art, colourful buildings, and streets before eventually going back to the sloth park to kill time. We saw another 4 sloths and many monkeys again and watched them for some time until the tour started. When the food tour did start, we started as it began to cool down, which we were very thankful for. We tried 9 different types of local food. Although all were good, some were much better than others. The attached photos are the highlights. Ceviche-type dishes, arepas, and patacones were the best. But to go with this was different fruits, sweets, juices, and soups. Overall, it was very interesting. We finished off with an ice cream and headed home for some drinks. We found a sports bar, and we got to watch some NBA and enjoy a few more drinks before getting Hungry Jack's on our way home.Read more

    • Day 89

      Auf der Big Fish 2

      November 28, 2017 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wir waren für die nächsten 5 Tage eine bunt gemischte Truppe aus Europäern auf dem Schiff. Ein dänisches, deutsches und englisches Paar sowie zwei Holländer waren nun unsere Weggefährten. Das Schiff wurde von Capi und Ray, zwei Kolumbianern gesegelt. Amy war unsere Köchin. Neben Burger, Fleisch, Curry, zauberte sie einmal sogar frischen Hummer auf den Tisch. 8 Hummer für 30 USD frisch eingekauft bei den Kunas, den Einheimischen auf den San Blas Inseln.

      Das Abenteuer startete von Cartagena aus um 21:00. In der Dunkelheit liefen wir aus dem Hafen von Cartagena aus. Die Skyline und der Hafen waren in der Dunkelheit beeindruckend. 36 Stunden waren wir danach auf hoher See. 8 von 10 Mitreisenden mussten bei ordentlichem Wellengang dann auch dem "Neptun opfern" Zitat Grossdädy. Mir gings nicht schlecht und ich erlebte auf der Überfahrt auf Deck, wie uns einige Delfine neben dem Schiff folgten. Leider hatte ich meine Kamera nicht oben und habe keinen Schnappschuss machen können.
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    • Day 171

      Cartagena de Indias - La Popa

      February 4, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Beim Frühstück an unserem Stammplatz in der Sonne lernen wir Nestor Ivan (32) kennen, ein Rechtsanwalt aus Armenia (bei Salento in der Kaffeezone). Tielke will heute nur chillen und nichts machen - ich allerdings möchte gerne mal wieder in die untouristischen Ecken der Stadt und habe mir in den Kopf gesetzt zum Hügel La Popa zu fahren und über den großen Mercado Cartagenas zu schlendern. Die Hosteljungs sind davon gar nicht begeistert und sehr besorgt um mich :), da diese Orte in sehr armen Vierteln liegen und deshalb für eine blonde Frau alleine zu gefährlich sind. Nestor bekommt das mit und fragt mich, ob er mich begleiten darf als mein Schutz. Haha, perfekt :)! Mit einem Taxi machen wir uns auf den Weg und haben von dem kleinen Kloster auf dem Cerro La Popa einen wundervollen Ausblick auf ganz Cartagena. Danach begeben wir uns in das Labyrinth des Mercados Cartagenas - man bekommt hier mal wieder alles - vom Plastikblumenschmuck über Elektrik, Kosmetik und Klamotten bis hin zu tropischen Früchten, Gemüse, Fleisch und Essensständen. Überall ist laut Musik und man läuft durch verschiedenste Düfte (nicht immer angenehm). An einem kleinen Essensstand lassen wir uns zwischen den Locals nieder, trinken eine Colombiana (die kolumbianische Coca Cola) und essen ein markttypisches Gericht - Arepas mit Ei, Salat, Reis, Linsen und einen Gehacktesball dazu :) lecker! Später fahren wir mit dem Bus zurück an die Küste, trinken Bier in einem Guckloch der Stadtmauer und machen einen langen Spaziergang an der Küste entlang. Verschwitzt und erschöpft ruhen wir uns im Hostel-Jacuzzi auf der Dachterasse aus. Ich lese ein wenig, wir hören Musik und quatschen bei ein paar Bierchen. Später gehe ich mit Tielke Abendessen in Getsemani - wir lernen John kennen, einen einheimischen Studenten, der uns gleich sein Lieblingsrestaurant zeigt - hier gibt es Quesodillo :) gefüllte Teigtaschen mit frischem Gemüse und Käse, lecker! Tielke macht sich dann schon ab ins Bett, da ihr Flug morgen früh geht. Nestor will unbedingt nochmal in die Altstadt ins Eivissa, eine angesagte Bar hier in Cartagena - wir trinken also noch ein paar Bier dort auf der Dachterasse, quatschen über alles mögliche (perfekt um mein Spanisch zu üben :)) und genießen das Nachtleben Cartagenas.Read more

    • Day 198

      13.3 Cartagena (again)

      March 9, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Because I didn’t get to explore Cartagena after we arrived with the sailboat, I stayed there for some nights. Luckily there was a film festival in the city for that time and you could watch movies from all over the world for free.

      One of my favourites: Still Recording (
      A documentary about the war in Syria. I can’t say much about it, you just have to see it for yourselves. (recommendation)
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    • Day 514

      Finding Elvis

      October 12, 2017 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We arrived in Cartegena a couple of days after Elvis. The sailing trip through the San Blas was unbelievably stunning, but after 5 days (particularly after a rolling last 40 hours) we were glad to get off the boat. We checked into a hostel around the corner and I immediately set off to start to find Elvis.

      As we got there some folks we knew from loading, who flew instead of sailing, were just finishing off. It sounds like they had a bit of a nightmare with customs twice blocking the release of their vehicles. At one stage they had them out of the containers only to be forced to reload them, and pay for the privilege.

      Knowing this we were expecting a difficult few days. Fortunately I had Greg, our container partner, alongside me and the two of us muddled through the bureaucracy. Customs had also opened and blocked our container, but as we weren't there we didn't get hit with all the extra charges the others did.

      After 2.5 days we finally freed ourselves of red tape and Elvis was released into South America!

      We somehow managed to squeeze him into the front of hostel despite being a foot too long, but finally we could relax and enjoy the city of Cartegena.

      Its a gorgeous city with a huge marina and an old town with massive defensive walls. It is crazy hot - taking on even León, Nicaragua and probably winning. When I got the van out of the port it was 47C inside, and walking around the town was a sweaty business, even in the evening. As the sun went down and the temperatures settled around 30C for the night, the old plazas started to get packed with people - either enjoying the amazing street food, chatting over a cold beer or for the more energetic salsa exercise classes in the square.

      It's one of the most stunning cities I've ever visited, but the heat, dragging Maya around on a lead, and partying with our boat mates had taken its toll and we soon got desperate to get back into the countryside.

      Fortunately we had a spot nearby recommend to us, and we found the most welcoming hosts in Gloria & Alviero. They were super helpful, and even spent a couple of hours patiently chatting to us in our bad Spanish. We discovered an ants nest had taken hold under the bed so we had to strip and clean the whole back of the van out, which was probably long overdue.
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