Prošćanski Vrh

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    • Day 29

      Plitvizer Seen - Unesco Weltnaturerbe

      May 14, 2018 in Croatia ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Unser Wecker ⏰ klingelte um kurz vor sieben 😴. Um sieben Uhr hupt es kurz auf unserem Campground 🏕 im Nationalpark Plitvizer Seen und aus einem Van 🚐 kann man frisches Gebäck/Brot 🥖🥐 kaufen. Dann schnell frühstücken und fertig machen und um kurz vor halb neun steht die Betreiberin vom Camp mit nem alten Transporter bereit und fährt uns zum sieben Kilometer entfernten Eingang.

      Die Reisebusse 🚌🚎 von unseren asiatischen Freunden sind auch schon da ... Mist und wir dachten, dass wir vor der Selfie-Armada sind 🙈🙉. Okay in Schlangenlinien marschierten wir an ihnen vorbei und konnten uns einen sehr kleinen Vorsprung ergattern.

      Wir haben uns für die große Runde im Nationalpark entschieden, um uns auch die oberen Seen und die dortigen Wasserfälle anzusehen. Bereits an den ersten Stopps glühte unser 📸 Fotoapparat und der Akku war dann leer 😱 ... gut, dass es Handys gibt 😉. Da das Wetter heute nicht ganz optimal war, dichte Wolkendecke ☁️ und zwischendurch mal ein Platzregen und ein Gewitter ⛈, war die Stimmung teils sehr mystisch und dicke Nebelschwaden hingen über den Seen. Die Wasserfälle waren natürlich noch imposanter und die Wassermassen rauschten nur so runter. Der absolute Hammer 💫!

      Manchmal fragt man sich wie die Natur solche Schönheiten kreiert? Wir sind wirklich mega beeindruckt von den Plitvizer Seen und heilfroh, trotz der richtig schlechten Wettervorhersagen hierhin gefahren zu sein. Obwohl wir bis auf die Knochen nass waren, da wir uns im Platzregen mit einem Typen aus Costa Rica das schmale Dach einer Wanderkarte 🗺 geteilt haben und ein paar Tipps für die jeweiligen Europa-Roadtrips ausgetauscht haben, sind wir total happy 😊. Europa kann auch was 😉👍 - #europaistgeil!

      Den Tag beschließen wir jetzt in unserem Van hockend, 🚐💨 ... Musik 📻 der Broilers läuft, Standheizung wärmt und der Regen 🌧 prasselt auf unser Dach. Vanlife ist so mega cool 😎!
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    • Day 59


      October 6, 2016 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      A late arrival: Without any clue where to go I arrived in Croatia late at night. Luckily, I met some nice Croatian strangers who offered me a room. Having a typical Croatian night, a lot of beer and meeting all the family. The next day I got a private guided tour through the wonderful waterfalls of the national park in Plitvice.Read more

    • Day 11

      Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen

      July 27, 2017 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      I'm totally honest when saying that this is the most beautiful place I've ever been to! Almost untouched lakes, shining in all colours from blue to turquoise, waterfalls and fishes, trees and wooden paths leading through the park. The journey was 6 hours one way, return on the same day, but worth it!Read more

    • Day 8


      September 14, 2018 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Plitvice, possivelmente o parque natural mais encantador que já alguma vez visitei. São quilómetros de extensão de lagos ladeados de cascatas de todos os tamanhos, com passadiços de madeira a sobrevoar a água límpida no meio de uma paisagem com uma vasta gama de verdes, intensificados pelos seus reflexos na superfície dos lagos.

      Optámos sem grandes critérios por entrar pela entrada 2, o percurso escolhido de 2 a 3 horas começa com uma travessia de barco, antes de começar um percurso perdeste cuja a volta seria efetuada de autocarro.
      A única coisa que tenho pena é que na primeira parte do percurso, a afluência de pessoas obrigava-nos a parar muitas vezes, até porque a cada passo temos mais uma cascata para digitalizar através das nossas cameras.

      Felizmente existe um percurso circular mais pequeno, escolhido pela maioria das pessoas, por isso depois da nossa pausa para comer já pudemos caminhar a vontade.

      Só no final do percurso é que descobrimos que a Big waterfall, a maior cascata do parque ficava mais perto da entrada 1, pelo que no final do nosso percurso, seguimos de carro para a outra entrada para fazer uma caminhada de 15 min até à big waterfall. Vale tanto a pena, mesmo que estejamos no verão e que as cascatas já não têm muita água, só dá mais vontade de voltar na Primavera com as águas da neve a derreter nos rios, aumentando o caudal.
      Este parque custa 20 euros, mas se fosse mais também pagaria.
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    • Day 33

      Day 33: Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

      July 23, 2017 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Plitvice Lakes National Park is incredible. The water is so blue and so clear that we could see all the fish and even the branches at the bottom of the water. We ended up hiking a total of 16 km! The hike was really nice, but we ended up doubling up on one part of the hike by accident as the signs were confusing so we saw one part twice (not so bad as we didn't mind seeing the waterfalls again).

      Unfortunately, we weren't able to swim at the park as it is protected by its UNESCO World Heritage status, but was still totally worth a visit.

      When we got back to the hostel, we enjoyed the communal dinner of Penne Arrabbiata and ended
      up chatting with two people (Nicole and Tom) from Edmonton for over two hours. Turns out they booked the same kayaking/rafting tour as us tomorrow which will be a blast.
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    • Day 3

      Auf den Spuren von Winnetou!

      September 4, 2017 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute ging es zu den Plitvicer Seen, einer der bekanntesten Drehorte der Winnetou-Filme.
      Wir nahmen den Shuttle in den 10km entfernten Park und reihten uns in die bereits vorhandene Warteschlange ein. Im Park selbst verteilten sich die Massen zuerst, jedoch traf man sich an den beliebten Fotospots schnell wieder.

      Die Wasserfälle, die Seen und die Landschaft an sich sind der Wahnsinn. Es ist wirklich atemberaubend schön!

      Die Warterei bei den Schiffen und Bussen sowie die Drängelei der Touris haben uns jedoch einige Nerven geraubt, so dass wir froh waren, als wir Abends gemütlich im Restaurant sassen und den Abend geniessen konnten.

      Unser Fazit für diesen Ausflug:
      - Erst Mittags / Nachmittags in den Park und bis zum Schluss bleiben
      - Essen selbst mitnehmen, da die Snackbars im Park nicht wirklich empfehlenswert sind
      - Eine Route ohne Schiff & Bus wählen, da es zu wirklich langen Wartezeiten kommen kann
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    • Day 40

      What an incredible place

      July 19, 2016 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colors, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colors change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight. To ensure the water stays as clear and untouched you are not allowed to put your hands in the water.

      Today was incredible we walked for hours around the many beautiful blue lakes, took a boat ride over crystal clear water and took in the amazing view from the top of this incredible National Park.

      We are tired and sad about leaving such a peaceful place but I guess all good things have to come to and end sometime.
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    • Day 209

      Plitvice lakes

      October 29, 2017 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We left buy 8 to get food then were back in the lobby by 8:30 to start our tour.

      I don't even know how long the drive was tbh.
      I know I had a nap though 😂

      With us were 3 Americans and 3 Indians- one was a 3 year old girl.

      We stopped on the way to the COOLEST village though.
      It generates all its power through the multiple huge water falls it has there. People had a water fall going through their damn house! 😵

      It was stunning! I was thinking how much I'd love to stay there/ live there but I think never ever having silence would get to me.
      Lovely noises to sleep too though!

      Got to the park and had to pay entry BOO HISS THIS DAY IS SO EXPENSIVE. Better be good.

      We jumped on a park bus that took us to stop 1.

      Stopped at a few view points along the way till we walked down a bunch of steps through a cave to come out the other side.

      There were fishies in the water 🐟😃
      We walked along boardwalks (beautiful scenes along the way) and came out at a big waterfall - the biggest in Croatia. Not really sure how that really measures up in the scheme of things outside of Croatia but it was still reasonable sized. Not that pretty though. It wasn't as full as it normally is apparently. The guide - Billy, showed us pictures of it in Winter when it's completely frozen and it looked incredible!

      Ahhh it's so pretty!!!!! 😍😍😍😍 it reminded me of canyon Matka in Macedonia - the water colour was the same.
      So many little water fall streams everywhere you looked.

      We then had to climb back up the same gazillion stairs we came down on because today was so so so so windy so the boat was closed so we had to go around another way.

      The little Indian girl, though a bit thick was at least quite all day so I'm very happy with her and she can come again. She obviously needed more time to get places but we all didn't mind waiting - especially when we all had a break halfway up the stairs because we were waiting for the family and not because we were all tired....... 😅
      We then caught another bus to the next stop which was the other side of the park so it took a little while to get there.

      There were so many leaves all of the ground we had fun kicking and throwing them.
      Will developed a real bromance with our guide. I kinda got abandoned so he could be with his new bff. 😂
      It was still freaking stunning but I think 2 weeks ago it would have been glorious with all the leaves still on the trees and all the different colours.

      I got chatting to Jen, one of the Americans. She was really nice. She and the older lady were here for a conference and fly home tomorrow and the other girl was the daughter who lives in England and met up with then - she had a pole up her ass. Will asked Jen what her problem was as Jen said it's just her personality. she had actually been warned on the plane ride there that she is a nasty, rude person and to not to take it personal because it's just who she is - - by her own mother 😂😂😂
      Didn't really speak to the Indians because they were always being up the rear.

      We stopped by a waterfall and had lunch.
      Walk walk walk.
      I love the boardwalks. It gives it a nice and natural feel to it.
      I don't know why else to write because it was the same thing over and over but just so wonderful all the same.

      I had to remind myself to look up a lot though because my focus kept going back down to where I was walking.

      The men all had a competition who could skim their rock on the water and have it jump the most.

      He was honestly the most unprofessional guide ever hahah
      Really really nice though. Originally from Tunisia so that's something different. His mum is Italian though so he isn't very dark.

      Ponds, lakes, creeks, falls and streams ❤️

      On the bus ride back we were talking about what we did in England and lucky I kept my opinions about Hermione in the cursed child to myself because the bitchy girl is a stage director/acting teacher and both Hermionies are her students. They did shit but still that's very cool.

      On the journey home I was dj for a bit and put on some aussie tunes.

      We were up front of the bus and Billy and Will started talking about cars and I couldn't escape because I was wedged in between them 😫😫😫 I just don't care.

      We have made it back. The Americans tipped $60!!!
      billy and will are gonna go out drinking together and I am determined to finish my book.
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    • Day 40

      Simply Divine

      July 19, 2016 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The park is famous for its lakes arranged in cascades. There are 16 lakes which are the confluence of several small rivers and subterranean karst rivers. The lakes are all interconnected and follow the water flow. They are separated by natural dams of travertine, which is deposited by the action of moss, algae, and bacteria. The particularly sensitive travertine barriers are the result of an interplay between water, air and plants. The encrusted plants and bacteria accumulate on top of each other, forming travertine barriers which grow at the rate of about 1 cm per year. The protected area extends over 296.85 square kilometres.Read more

    • Day 40

      Plitvice Lakes National Park

      July 19, 2016 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Plitvice Lakes National Park is one of the oldest and the largest national parks in Croatia. In 1979, Plitvice Lakes National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage register. The national park was founded in 1949 and is situated in the mountainous area of central Croatia, at the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Prošćanski Vrh, Proscanski Vrh

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