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    • Day 4

      Machachi - 2960 Meter

      January 13, 2024 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nur 80km von Nord Quito sind wir 90 Minuten an den Fuß vom Cotopaxi gefahren. Eine Achterbahnfahrt: rauf, runter - die Alpen sind da wie ein Mittelgebirge. Wieder schönes Hotel, biserl Machachi erkundet und morgen Früh auf den Cotopaxi👀Read more

    • Day 2

      El Terminal Norte

      August 12, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      El Terminal Norte de Autobuses es enorme. La compra del billete incluye también un número de asiento en el autobús. Al subir, registran su nombre y número de pasaporte y le dan un recibo por su maleta antes de facturarla. En cada asiento hay una pantalla para ver películas.Read more

    • Day 5

      Cotopaxi - ganz tolle Sicht

      January 14, 2024 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nach 60 Minuten Fahrt, um 9 Uhr morgens: stehen wir auf knapp 4.000 Meter vor ihm. Und plötzlich zeigt er sich für eine knappe Stunde: mit 5.850 Meter der höchste, aktive Vulkan. Einfach toll! Danach noch 200 Meter höher eine Wanderung um einen Bergsee (hechel). Zu fahren: gruselige Stein-Loch Pisten, 5-20kmh🚨Read more

    • Day 4

      Auf der Straße der Vulkane

      May 16, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Alexander von Humboldt gab der Straße den Namen, da links und rechts die Vulkane wie an einer Schnur aufgereiht sind. Einer der bekanntesten ist der Cotopaxi, mit 5897m der zweithöchste Berg in Ecuador.
      Auf der Fahrt nach Isinlivi, unser heutiger Ausgangspunkt zur Tour, fühlen wir uns versetzt in unser heimisches Alpenvorland. Hier ist aber alles gewaltiger, die Reisehöhe liegt zwischen 2500m bis 3600m und über uns thronen die Vulkane.
      Mitten in den Bergen startet unsere landwirtschaftlich reizvolle Tour auf dem Quilotoa Loop. Eigentlich ein 4 Tage Trail, von dem wir die zweite Etappe unter unsere Füße nehmen. 800 Höhenmeter und 13km Länge stehen am Ende des Tages auf dem Zettel.
      Auf der Tour bekommen wir einen Eindruck wie das einfache ländliche Leben in den Anden funktioniert.
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    • Day 226

      Quilotoa Loop #2 :Horse-ventures Edition

      April 1, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      In February, my friend Emily and her partner, Brad, visited Ecuador and Brad hiked the Quilotoa Loop while Em and I did little day hikes in the area. The scenery was incredible and I wanted Kyla and Talia to experience it as well. Of course, Kyla actually wanted to do the three-day through hike, while I was more interested in soaking in the views without all that needless schlepping up and down mountains at altitude. Talia and I road horses around the various locations while Kyla hiked and we met up every evening at inns along the way. It was a truly magical experience!

      We started our adventures at at gorgeous horse farm (, where Talia and I took our first legit horseback riding lesson. For all of our other rides in Ecuador, we’ve just jumped on the horses with no instructions. It was great for us to learn some real skills, and Talia gained a lot of confidence in her ability to communicate with her horse (and she also learned how to ride backwards, balance with no hands, etc.).

      After some practice in a ring, we took off for a gorgeous ride around the countryside while Kyla took a taxi to the start of her hike in Sigchos.

      After our ride around the mountains, we came back to the farm and had a chance to learn about caring for horses and training the foals. We eventually grabbed a car to meet Kyla in Inslivi, the first stop on her hike. More on that in the next post.
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    • Day 17

      קמתי בשלוש וחצי לאיסוף בארבע אבל בגלל פנצ'ר בגלגל אספו אותי בחמש..החצי הראשון זא העלייה ללגונות המזג אוויר היה מעולה, זא בלי גשם..אח''כ שסיימנו והתחלנו לרדת (לוקח שעה שעה וחצי) התחיל גשם מטורף שהתגבר לידי ברד ) וואלה לא כיף אבל חוויה. הגענו סופגים כמעט, למרות ששמתי מעיל גשם של שי, מיקרופליז וסופטשל, לארוחת הצהריים. שהייתה קרה..באסה, בקבוצה היו בעיקר מקומיים, היה זוג ישראלים שהבחור היה דתי ולא דיברו כל כך לא יצא לנו להכיר אבל הי גם ישראלי ממש לא נחמד נתן לי את הרושם שהוא לא אוהב ישראלים, גם מנומסים ...חבל שיש כאלה...גם עשה מעצמו קצת ליצן..לאורך המסלול יצא לי להכיר שני םרונים מלימה נחמדים, האישה עורכת דין האיש עובד בחברה שמייצרת משהו חח, אבל ממש נדבקה אליי פרואנית רווקה טוענות שהיא רופאה שעובדת בשביל הממשלה בבתי הסוהר של נשים. סיפרה לי שהיא רוצה לעבור לחול למצוא בעל ושבפרו הרבה בוגדים...משהו בסיפור שלה לא נשמע לי הגיוני והיא ממש התחילה איתי כמה פעמים. אבל יש לה שמחת חיים זה כן..Read more

    • Day 33

      יום טיול לאגם קווילטואה

      April 4, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      יצאנו בשבע לאחת היכרות לחכות לאיסוף. הקבוצה הייתה רק של אירופאים, זוג בריטים,גרמנים וקנדים, ושבדית. הבריטים היו ממש נחמדים והבחור ג'ו ניגש והתחיל שיחה איתי ועם אלוורו. היה ממש תענוג להכיר אותו, הוא עובד בחברת ניווה של מוצרי העור וחברה שלו עורכת דין. דיברנו הרבה על בריטניה הברקזיט, ישראל, לונדון, וההערצה שלנו לריקי גרוויס. הקנדי היה קצת מצחיק הוא לא פגש אף פעם מישהו מישראל חח, בדרך אני ואלוורו המשכנו לעשות צחוקים. האגם היה ממש מרשים, הוא בלוע של הר געש, עשיתי עם הבריטים שעה וחצי הליכה לאורך חלק מאורכו וחזרנו. בחזור אני ואלוורו נשארנו באיזשהי עיירה במלון כל אחד בחדר פרטי. לא רע אבל לא מדהים.Read more

    • Day 12

      8-5 Aloha

      May 8, 2018 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Dat zuid van het centrum klopte dus niet. Stinken we 3 kwartier zuid: zien we het fantastische, World Heritage, schuif het maar onder de deur door centrum.
      Eigenlijk heb ik nog steeds het gevoel (na 4 uur fietsen in totaal) dat we Quito niet uit zijn. In ieder geval lukt het ons niet om echt parallel aan de E35 te gaan rijden. Enig voordeel: wat ben ik blij dat ik niet in Quito woon, en wat hebben wij het goed met onze roetfilters en kathalisators.
      Zitten we net te lunchen: wolkbreuk. Wij blij en het wordt nog weer droog ook. Rijden we net weg: 2e wolkbreuk, wel gloeiende.... En ik ben niet zo van in de regen fietsen, maar Karin is nog veel erger. We gaan na het allerergste toch door. Camping op Osmand blijkt een fabriek. We doen nog een stukje parallel ri Aloag. Eerst redelijke keien, dan keurig straatwerk (wel alles zachtjes omhoog) en dan als we het dorp zien liggen, modderbaan omhoog. Karin in z'n achteruit, maar ik vind dat het nog wel kan, vooral omdat ik er niet aan moet denken om weer terug te moeten en dan wéér rode stinkweg. Ben ik net 5 meter op weg: krijgen we een lift van een pick-up. Helemaal super. Dorp ligt aan drukke weg, maar heeft wel hostel met kamer aan de achterkant. We wandelen nog wat, maar erg inspirerend is het niet. Ook de bezienswaardigheid onderweg weer niet kunnen vinden. Wanneer wordt het nou echt leuk?
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    • Day 76

      Cotopaxi Area Day 9

      October 14, 2024 in Ecuador ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      It was another restless night wondering if Allan was ok and summitting his volcano. It was very windy so I couldn't help but worry how much windier it was up another 3,000ish meters!

      In the morning I had breakfast, the usual egg variations, and then had to finish packing. The pressure was on because I didn't have Allan to double check if I'd missed anything. I think I checked the room at least 3 or 4 times...

      I took it easy with the rest of the morning. When WiFi came on I had 2 goals: hear from Allan and plan some more of our trip. The trip planning didn't go great. That'll be easier done when Allan and I can sit together and bounce ideas off of one another I think. I did hear from Allan and was relieved that not only did he summit, but he was back at high camp and felt fine. I'd like to say one of these days I'll do something scary and he'll worry about me, but I doubt it 😂.

      After lunch, because I had no room and no WiFi, I read my book in the sun room while lounging on a hammock. It was a nice way to spend a couple hours before all the craziness of travelling resumes. Ecuador was much more calm than I expected it to be, and if my planning is any indication, the next month (and a bit) is going to be a bit crazy.


      I left on the shuttle at 3 and caught up with Allan in Machachi, the small village near the hostel (I say near, it's 45 minutes drive on the bumpy rock road). After several attempts, and the same driver, we managed to get an Uber to pick us up and we were on our way to the airport.

      At the airport, much earlier than planned, Allan repacked his bags from the trek. Even with taking his time, our desk to check our bags still wasn't open. Luckily we only had to wait about another hour before it opened. For the first time they measured our bags and made us make the backpack smaller! Must be the Ryanair of Ecuador... All was well and we got checked in and still had time to get some free dinner in the lounge as well as try some Ecuadorian beer before our 2 hour flight to Lima.
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    • Day 250

      IV. SA Ecuador/W2b, 5d: Quito & Cotop EN

      May 6, 2017 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Fr, 05.05. Quito: City
      I arrived Friday early in the morning in Ecuador's capital and after La Paz the 2nd highest capital in the world Quito. The city is also located at an high altitude of 2,850m, directly on the Equator and thus very close to the sun - so be aware of altitude sickness and sun burn :) There are always 12h of daylight, no seasons and no weather reports - you will always find 100% rain and 20* on the apps. It is the 2nd largest city in Ecuador, counting 2mio habitants.
      Ecuador and Quito in particular are also known for frequent robberies, especially in (night) buses: never put your bag on the floor and always keep an eye on it - I used to hold or use it as pillow.
      Typical food here is 'seco chivo' (lamb stew with yellow rice, boiled potatoe, avocadoe, onions, tomatoe and lettuce) as well as again 'encebollado' (fish soup).
      My hostel was fortunately not located in the a bit unsafe tourist area Mariscal but in the old town - for only $4 pretty cheap but for a good reason with being by far the dirtiest hostel I have ever stayed in :P

      In order to get to know the city and some people I went to the Free City Tour in the morning.
      We started in San Blas and first went to the market to see many exotic fruits such as Fruta de Arbol (bush tomatoe), very rich in vitamin C and thus also used as medecine with honey or Naranjilla (Lulu in Colombia), a sour tomatoe type. Apart from apples and grapes imported from Chile all fruits are local and we tried several juices - for sure 'sin azùcar' (without sugar) :P
      After that we went to the main square Plaza Grande and saw the presidential palace as well as many churches and museums; Iglesia La Basilica, Compañia, San Francisco, La Merced, San Augustin and Museo de la Ciudad.

      Ecuador is after Kenya and Colombia the 3rd biggest oil exporting country, with the oil being extracted in the Amazon rainforest.
      Moreover, there is a universal citizenship, i.e. every tourist has the same rights than a local - including free health care etc. The borders are open and there are 35,000 immigrants every year, mainly from Venezuela and Colombia but also coloured (especially on the Northern coast around Esmeraldas ) and Syrians.
      In 1998 there was such a financial breakdown that 3mio people between 18-35y left the country. All savings were lost, the currency was changed from Sucre to USD - a radical change, in 1998 $1=5,000S, in 1999 $1=25,000S, an inflation rate of 500% in 1y. The state then started with subventions such as free education, health care, WiFi and public transport - that's the reason why buses are relatively cheap, but EC mainly convinces with good quality in exports and the $1 coins can only be used here; the country lives on tourism and its expatriates sending money back home.
      Quito is Quichua and means middle earth, centre of the world on the Equator and is thus a lot closer to the sun and the perfect observatory; the closest point is Plaza San Francisco - the mekka of the Inkas who always wanted to be closest to the sun.
      The city is like a long sausage - 60km long and 8km wide with one of the highest Mountain Ranges in South America.
      After that we went to the cute artist quarter La Ronda and saw the Panecillo Statue before I had a nice fish soup in the evening.

      Sa, 06.05. Quito: Volcán Pichincha & Mitad del Mundo
      On Saturday we took Quito's famous Teleférico lift and went up to an altitude of 4,050m. Unfortunately we were not really lucky with the weather - it was again super cloudy and rainy. However, we decided to hike to Pichincha volcano at 4,768m. The hike was super nice but we were so stuck in the clouds with heavy rain and even hail that we turned around after 1,5h, walked for another hr and then enjoyed a nice avocado lunch.

      After that I took a 1,5h bus to Mitad del Mundo - again pretty long and exhausting as the buses in EC constantly stop to invite random sellers of sweets, snacks or other unhealthy food who are really annoying with their life stories and also make travelling with the bus more unsafe. There are also many immigrants and most people are a bit overweighed - no wonder considering all the meat, fried food and constant snacks :P However, it is a shame as they have so many fruits and vegetables; but they put a whole big spoon of sugar in the juices and the meals always have double amount of carbs, mostly rice and French fries.
      Mitad del Mundo or Middle Earth is a big Monument with some museums but the French did a wrong calculation so that the real 0.0.0. lies 15m further away at Calacali.

      Su, 07.05. Secret Garden: Waterfalls
      Together with Simone who I got to know during the Free Walking Tour I went to the Secret Garden Hostel Cotopaxi on Sunday, located 2h south from Quito and 1h away from Machachi.
      The hostel was absolutely amazing: landscapes like in Hobbinton, New Zealand with lush, evergreen hills and in case of good weather with direct view to Cotopaxi Volcano from the net or hammocks, incredibly much and delicious food, free bananas, banana bread, tea and water, fireplaces, dogs, cool voluntary staff and a jacuzzi as absolute highlight - it was just a bit touristy, there were only German, Brits and American, hardly any Spanish but only English spoken and the food was sometimes also very western.
      In the afternoon we then had a 2h hike to some waterfalls through super nice enchanted, rainforest similar forests - a hike in boots and poncho incl rock climbing which I then also improved with the jacuzzi and was even better with a delicious pasta dinner and chocolate brownie as desert for dinner :)))

      Mo, 08.05. Secret Garden: Pasochoa Volcanoe
      I finally had a longer hike again on that day - 5-6h in total, 3h uphill through super lush green fields, enchanted forests, ashes, rock climbing up to the 4,200m high summit of Pasochoa Volcano. It was by far the most muddy and slippery hike I ever had as well as the longest one in boots but despite rain and no views it was a lot of fun and something different ;)
      After a delicious typical rice with beans lunch I treated myself again in the jacuzzi which was so hot this time that I could easily walk 10m at 8*C outside :O
      In the evening we then had a good time around the fireplace incl guitar playing :)

      Tu, 09.05. Secret Garden: Cotopaxi Volcano
      Yippee, we went to my highlight that day:
      Cotopaxi Volcano - with 5,897m the 2nd highest active volcano in the world after Chimborazo with 6,310m located in Riobamba and due to its location on the Equator the mountain closest to the sun (closer than Mt Everest).
      The name stands for neck and moon, the last eruption was in 1877 roughly 130y ago and it should usually erupt every 100y. Due to its activity it has also been closed in 2015, at the moment you can only get as high as to the Refugio at an altitude of 4,864m - which we also did from the car park starting at 4,600m. You can also see the global warming here - in 2015 the glacier was at 5,000m and today only 2 years later it is already at 5,100m. Only the Sunday before 5 people illegally hiked up the glacier, causing an avalanche but fortunately only got hurt, nobody died.
      The hike itself was quite exhausting due to the altitude, but it was also very windy and cold. We started with 5* but at the Refugio it was only 0-1*, it was snowing and there was some snow so that I got a bit childish and spontaneously built a small snowman ;)
      Similar to Machu Picchu in Peru you also got a stamp in your passport and we were then treated with a hot chocolate, sandwich and banana cake.
      After that we drove back through amazing volcano landscape and after a nice delicious last lunch continued 2h in a private van to Latacunga where we arrived in the late afternoon.
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