Provincia del Guayas

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Provincia del Guayas
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    • Day 51

      Heading Home to Cuenca

      November 26, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      The beach has turned rainy and humid and just now I noticed the tide has come in. It hasn’t stopped the surfers and the beach goers who are still sitting under umbrellas and taking lessons. Even the beach vendors are still out riding tricycle and walking back and forth selling sun glasses, shave ice, coconuts, and ice cream. I have a feeling that this place is the same every day of the year. People come, play on the sand, and like me, leave without a sun tan.
      I’ve got a 7 hour nonstop bus ride to get started. It will be long but I will be able to skip the Guyaguil 3-story bus station and ticket mess. The next time I see the pacific I will be in Panama City.
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    • Day 25

      Cascadas de Dos Mangas

      November 25, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Die Wanderung führte uns von Dos Mangas bis zu den Wasserfällen. Wir tauschten unsere Schuhe mit Gummistiefeln und gingen los durch den feuchten Wald. Dabei durchquerten wir Flüsse, sahen Affen und viele verschiedene Vogelarten. Schlussendlich gönnten wir uns eine schöne Abkühlung in einem der Wasserfälle bevor wir uns auf den Rückweg begaben. Der Guide fertigte uns unterwegs noch Kronen an 😉 und war dann etwas enttäuscht, als wir sie nicht mit nach Hause nehmen wollten.Read more

    • Day 59

      Byebye Olón

      December 29, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      ¡Hola chicos!
      Después de 2 meses en Ecuador y la mayoría del tiempo en Olón, era el tiempo de despedida. Vamos a extrañar a la gente de la escuela "Outdoor Ecuador" y tambien a nuestra familia ecuatoriana muy amable.
      Hemos pasado un tiempo muy enriquecedor y lleno de experiencias.
      Pero hay un fin por todo. Próxima parada: Islas Galapagos😀

      Hasta pronto🤙
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    • Day 70


      January 17 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Am Flughafen in Lima haben wir nochmal die aktuelle Lage in Guayaquil gechecked. Weiterhin gilt der Ausnahmezustand, es wird vor weiteren Anschlägen gewarnt und es gibt eine Ausgangssperre. Die Lage scheint weiterhin sehr unübersichtlich und gefährlich zu sein. Für uns war klar, dass wir die 2 Tage einfach im Hotel am Flughafen verbringen und warten, bis es auf die Galapagos Inseln geht.
      Der Flug fing entspannt an. Auf einmal machte der Pilot jedoch eine Durchsage und wenige Minuten später sind wir auch schon Mitten im Nirgendwo gelandet, so sieht also eine Notlandung aus. Eine Dame an Board schwebte in Lebensgefahr. Sie wurde direkt nach der Landung abgeholt und ins Krankenhaus gebracht. Echt Wahnsinn, wie steil ein Flugzeug landen kann...
      Mit 2 Stunden Verspätung sind wir dann irgendwann in Guayaquil angekommen. Die Stimmung war komisch, der Flughafen war leer, alles wurde durch schwer bewaffnetes Militär bewacht. Zum Glück mussten wir nur 10 Minuten zum Hotel laufen, wovon uns eigentlich auch schon abgeraten wurde.
      Die nächsten 1,5 Tage haben wir im Hotelzimmer oder auf dem Rooftop verbracht, unsere Reise weiter geplant und uns Essen bestellt, da uns abgeraten wurde in die Stadt zu fahren.
      Guayaquil ist bestimmt eine schöne Stadt (wie wir Google entnehmen konnten), die aber erstmal ihr Drogenproblem wieder in den Griff kriegen muss.
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    • Day 118

      Guayaquil Ecuador 🇪🇨 16.04.2024

      April 16 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute 07:00 überpünktlich in Guayaquil angelegt bei bedecktem Wetter um die +/- 30 Grad und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit.
      Busausflug nach Guayaquil an die Malecon 2000 Promenadenstrasse mit Kakao/Indigenem Museum Auf der Malecom ist mir plötzlich ein fast 2 m großer Leguan vor‘s IPhone gelaufen, dankten ich den Fußmarsch zur Station der Aerovia Seilbahn gemacht habe. Fahrt über den Babahoya River mit der Poma Aerovia und zurück - am Schluss obligater Kunsthandwerk Markt🙈 - Rückfahrt zum Schiff. Nachmittags Stromunterbruchstest wegen Vorschriften USA durchgeführt - bis auf TV/Infosystem alles überlebt. Bartabtag für letztes Teilstück.
      Abends 19:45 Auslaufen für Fahrt bis morgen Mittag nach Manta Ecuador 🇪🇨
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    • Day 51

      Zweite Tauchgang

      November 4, 2019 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nachere Pause simmer den nomal go tauche und zwar dasmal zumene Schiffswrack. Und dede hemmer natührlich no drih müesse😁
      Isch au wieder en supper Tauchgang gsi, leider gseht mer da aber nid so wiit wie ah andere Orte.
      Wommer den am Namitag wieder zrugg am Land gsi sind, simmer Typisch Equadorianisch go esse, das heisst e Suppe zur Vohrspiis und zum Hauptgang Fisch, Riis und natürlich dörfed au da d Chochbanane nöd fehle. Denn hemmer eus no en gmüetliche Namitag am Strand gmacht.
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    • Day 6

      Montanita - Day 1

      January 19, 2020 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Decided to rent a car and cruise through all the western coastal towns to montanita. Far more expensive but the flexibility was very appealing. I was told there are so many awesome beach towns, i felt it hopefully was an investment worth making.

      But driving out of guayaquil had me worried. People in the city drive like they are being chased by hitmen. Despite most roads having marked lanes, everyone drives like its a nascar track. And seem completely unaware there is a blindspot. Stop signs are optional. Pedestrians are collateral damage. And cutting off others is sport.

      Anyways it went fine, probably aided greatly by being a sunday. Once i hit the western coast, it was one gorgeous beach town after another. So amazing. I very quickly felt that the 4 days i earmarked for the rental was too short. Its flexibility suddenly felt like a handicap. Ironic.

      On arrival to montanita, i had three goals. Find accomodations, sign up with a surfing school, and find a place to watch the nfl playoffs. The latter became priority number 1.. by a lot heh.

      Montanita has a gorgeous beach and amazing vibe in the streets. Endless restaurants and quaint thatch hut accomodations and other nightlife spots. Plus street craft vendors everywhere. Charm oozing all over.

      I found a place for the football games, then walked across the street and paid for a tiki hut room and booked my surf school for the morning - all without moving more than 30 meters. Oh yes, ceviche for both lunch and supper :) life is good.
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    • Day 7

      Montanita - Day 2

      January 20, 2020 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Okay I'm being dramatic but lets just say my first crack at surfing was amazing.

      My teacher is a ridiculously fit guy and i can see why. All my upper body muscles are killing me right now. We started with lots of stretches on the beach, then some practicing in the sand going from a pushup and popping up with *arm strength only* into a sideways standing position. Add a tipsy board and the ocean and you can imagine its not easy. Plus your feet need to wind up in the right spots or it all goes sideways fast. Sometimes literally.

      Shockingly i got up on my very first try (and bailed hard seconds later). My teacher was impressed. On my 4th try i rode the wave all the way in. Once my teacher stopped holding the board for me before the wave arrived and not giving me instructions on when to paddle and when to pop up, it got a lot harder. Reading the waves is an acquired skill in itself. And timing is huge. So is stamina. A number of times my pop ups were a bit lazy and didn't work out so great.

      Eventually he left me to take what he taught me and to fend for myself. Sometimes i would be too far back on the board and the front would pop out of the water and I'd fall backward into the ocean. Other times i would be too on top of the wave and the front tip would dive as i went down the wave and it would go under the water like a submarine and I'd go barrelling forward over the board.

      And of course every now and then i would do everything just right and ride it until the end. I imagine my smile was ear to ear in those moments. Spent a few hours afterwards over a few beers thinking about every attempt and what i did wrong, what i did right and what the result was. Like golf, you need to be doing 20 different things correctly at once. I can't wait to try again. Is it tomorrow yet?
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    • Day 8

      Montanita - Day 3

      January 21, 2020 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Lets start with last night. I *wanted* to sleep, but there was a loud private party of 10 at the establishment next door, so I figured it made more sense to check out montanita's nightlife than be annoyed in my room.

      Found a club that has a permanent resident cat on the bar every night. Then destroyed some local guys in a game of pool. And then some beer on the beach out with one of them. Got in at 4am and the private party next door was still going strong argh! Now i know why there are earplugs in my bathroom.

      Next morning i took my second stab at surfing. Dear diary, surfing is hard! The end. Lol

      I can't pinpoint exactly what went wrong.. i had an 8 foot board today instead of a 12 foot board.. which was less forgiving. But when i caught a wave, i was able to zigzag all over with it. Felt amazing. The downside is not being as easy to get up. Plus all my muscles were tight and sore.. so i felt less energetic and a bit lazy with my pop ups. Timing was poor too. So hard. I can do better.

      After surfing, tried a bunch of awesome craft beers at the place next door to the surf school. Paul from alaska eventually joined me and we did our best to provide the restaurant with some valuable empties for the recycling depot. IPAs were an endangered species by the time we left haha. Off now to see if that club cat is still sleeping on the bar.........
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    • Day 27

      School Starts! Sun! Montanita nights!

      September 14, 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      It's been a busy week! On the 13th, we had a "back to school night" for Talia at a nearby playground, where she met a new friend who invited her to her home to play for the evening. The other family spoke no English and our Spanish is no bueno, but, with some help from google translate, we managed to make a plan that involved us picking Talia up in the hills above Olon after dinner. The mom of Talia's friend instructed us to call her via What's Ap when we were on our way so that she could direct a cab driver to her home on a not-yet-fully-constructed street. I took a deep breath and sent Talia off into the hills in a pickup truck. Of course, we hadn't accounted for the fact that cell service is terrible in the jungle-y hills around Olon, so when it was time to pick her up, we ended up lost with our taxi driver in the dark for a half hour. We did eventually find Talia, happily eating pancakes with her new friends in their beautiful mountain home. Phew. Mom--are you still breathing? Are you on a plane, planning on kidnapping Talia?

      The day after her mountain adventure, Talia started school at Anyi Green, a small outdoor school with about 35 kids between 5 and 14-ish years old. Talia loves that the classrooms have no walls, that the untamed gardens include hidden eggplants and that the main learning materials include mud and more mud. She's in a class of 8 that's evenly split between native Spanish and native English speakers. They alternate each week between an English-speaking and a Spanish-speaking teacher. We were hoping for a fully immersive program, but she's happy that it's bilingual. Currently, her favorite part of the day is riding the school bus--she's one of the first kids picked up and one of the last kids dropped off, so she gets to see a ton of the surrounding areas every day while chatting with "real teenagers."

      We capped off Talia's first week of school with a sunny beach day in Olon followed by a dinner out in Montanita on Saturday, and a trip to Isla de la Plata on Sunday (more on that in the next post).
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia del Guayas, Guayas

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