Ma‘bad ad Dayr al Baḩrī

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    • Päivä 9

      Antike "Merkel"

      3. heinäkuuta 2022, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Der Totentempel der Hatschepsut gehört alleine seiner Optik und Dimensionen wegen wohl zu den beeindruckendsten Tempelanlage. Denn er ist genau das was man mit den mächtigen Tempelanlagen der alten Ägypter verbindet: majestätisch und prunkvoll.

      Unsere Tourguidin Marta bezeichnete Hatschepsut als antike "Merkel" , so mächtig und einflussreich soll ihr Wirken gewesen sein. So soll sich Hatschepsut stets als Mann gekleidet haben und entgegen der typischen Frauenbilder gebräunte Haut gehabt haben.

      Besonders schön sind die zahlreichen und noch heute farbenfrohen Hyroglyphen und Wandmalereien im Tempel, die Hatschepsut u. a. schwanger zeigen.

      Erst hier in der Tempelanlage viel uns so richtig auf wie heiß es eigentlich war. Gefühlt waren es mindesten 40 bis 45 Grad ohne Schatten und ohne Wind. Tatsächlich sollen es abet wohl "nur" 38 Grad gewesen sein. Kein Wunder das wir im Laufe des Tages knapp fünf Liter Wasser getrunken haben. Was für eine Qual muss es also für die Ägypter gewesen sein, diese Tempelanlagen zu bauen und noch heute in Stand zu halten.
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    • Päivä 13

      Totentempel der Hatschepsut

      11. huhtikuuta, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Der Totentempel von Königin Hatschepsut ist nicht nur aufgrund seiner Architektur besonders, sondern weil dieser Tempel einer Frau gewidmet ist. Hatschepsut war eine erfolgreiche Königin, die sich gegen ihre Widersacher mit Härte durchgesetzt und sehr lange regiert hat. Sie ließ sich mit für Männer typischen Gewändern abbilden und trug ebenfalls den Königsbart. Sie legte Wert darauf, im Tal der Könige und nicht im Tal der Königinnen bestattet zu werden. Ihr Totentempel wurde in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Tal der Könige errichtet.

      Die Darstellungen von Hatschepsut wurden größtenteils von ihrem Nachfolger, Tuthmosis III, systematisch zerstört, was wirklich sehr schade ist, denn sie war eine bedeutende Regentin und zugleich sehr hübsche Frau. Interessanterweise war Tuthmosis III. gleichzeitig sowohl ihr Stiefsohn, ihr Schwiegersohn und ihr Neffe!
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    • Päivä 6

      Hatschepsut - 1.OG

      26. toukokuuta 2023, Egypti ⋅ ☁️ 36 °C

      Hatschepsuts Regierungszeit war friedlich und von reger Handelstätigkeit geprägt.
      Die Inschriften und Darstellungen berichten von einer großen Handelsexpedition nach Punt (heute Somalia), die mit Schätzen, Gewürzen (u.a. der hochgeschätzte Weihrauch) zurückkehrte.
      Auch soll sie die Goldgewinnung und -bearbeitung gefördert haben.
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    • Päivä 2

      Hatshepsut's temple

      28. huhtikuuta 2023, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We then stopped to the famous Hatshepsut's temple. Unfortunately, most of the original site was destroyed and what you can see now is mainly a modern reconstruction. Anyway, you can still feel the atmosphere in this place and how magnificent it would have been. It was no easy to climb to the temple in the hot morning bit definitely worth it!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 100

      Hatschepsut Tempel

      26. marraskuuta 2022, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der Hatschepsout Tempel ist ein weiterer beeindruckender Tempel in Luxor, welcher gerade für seine besondere Architektur bekannt ist. Der Tempel ist von der Pharaohnin Hatschepsut gebaut worden. Sie war eine der ersten weiblichen Pharaohnen und hat sich selbst als Mann dargestellt um als Pharaoh akzeptiert zu werden.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 11

      The Theban Necropolis

      27. marraskuuta 2022, Egypti ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Situated on the Western Bank of the River Nile, opposite Luxor, is the Theban Necropolis. Like the Pyramids, it is a testament to the Ancient Egyptians obsession with death and resurrection. There are many funerary monuments here, including:
      - The Valley of the Kings
      - The Valley of the Queens
      - The Tombs of the Nobles
      - The Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Beiri
      - The Colossi of Memnon
      - The Ramesseum
      - and others too.
      This post features some of the "lesser"" monuments.
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    • Päivä 3

      Temples, Tombs and Trinkets

      7. tammikuuta 2020, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      As I’m writing this it is 8.15pm on 7th Jan and we are cruising down the river Nile. It’s dark, but there are locals outside my window yelling out “holá” every 30 seconds. They are in small motor boats, powering along - or actually attached to our cruise ship by a rope - and are selling things! The idea is that they throw it to you, and if you like it then you throw the money down. Hectic!

      This morning was chilly and brisk as we crossed the Nile in colourful motor boats. Before we knew it, we were in the Valley of the Queens.

      Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple was amazing. Three levels of this queen proclaiming that she was actually the daughter of Amun, and thereby proving she should be Pharaoh. There is even a scene of Hatshepsut drinking milk from the udder of Hathor to further prove that point. Medhat explained exactly how it all went down, and boy were there some crazy family dramas!

      Just to add to her deity relationship claim, this temple is directly in alignment with Karnak (we visited yesterday). This just adds to her father claim, basically saying - see that’s my Dad’s temple just over there, we are so connected.

      We zoomed onto the Valley of the Kings! It’s easy to see why they chose to bury their pharaohs (and all their gold) in these mountains. You would never know a tomb was waiting behind all of those rocks. And what’s amazing is that there would be possibly hundreds more tombs waiting to be found in the mountain!

      Tutankhamen’s tomb. The most famous in the world - but not the most beautiful one we saw today. It’s quite small actually. It’s still hard to believe that I saw Tutankhamen’s ACTUAL mummified head today. So so so so many videos, textbooks, YouTube videos, BBC specials and National Geographic articles about the boy king - and I saw it today. To tell you the truth, I still expected it to be glimmering and gold, even though I knew it was all taken to the Cairo museum.

      We saw three other tombs in the Valley. Each was different and kind of the same. Merenptah’s has 2x sarcophagi because he thought the first one was ugly! When they built tombs, it was a big secret to everyone where they were located. So this meant that when they were building Rameses’ IX tomb they actually bumped into another tombs wall! They made a quick turn (very unusual in tombs!) and continued on!

      The day continued....

      We visited an Alabaster workshop and were entertained by a show and tell that had a strangely similar vibe to a seal show at Sea World; each worker was applauded after showing us their certain skill. The owner promised us a good special price as we are family. We are suckers. Medhat said our bargaining was “almost good”. I think a drop from 5000 to 2000 is still pretty good though.

      Our last big adventure for the day (and this is all before our 3pm lunch) was the temple at Luxor. Amazing. Incredible. These Egyptians knew a thing about building. But this has a super bizarre element! Right at the back, a Coptic Church had decided to repurpose the building. In doing so, they just plastered saintly painting straight over the hieroglyphs - and the remnants are still there! It’s strange how much they just didn’t care about the ancient buildings!

      Back to the boat. We set sail. Saw a sunset over the Nile and are heading to Edfu tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 10


      24. lokakuuta 2021, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      1ere journée à Louxor- Rive Ouest. On part découvrir la Vallée des Rois. A l'origine, les pharaons construisaient leurs tombeaux sous les pyramides. Ils ont mis quelques temps à se rendre compte que c'était un peu voyant et que les pillards trouvaient les trésors super facilement.

      Du coup, ils ont construit leurs tombeaux plus au sud (Louxor) et ont creusé à même la montagne en masquant l'entrée !
      C'est en partie pour cela que Ramsès 2 et Toutankhamon sont très connus ... On a retrouvé leurs tombeaux complets !!!

      Encore une fois, c'est la démesure qui impressionne ... On ne visite que 3 tombeaux (sur 64 découverts a ce jour), mais la profondeur et l'état de préservation des décorations nous subjuguent !!! Plus de 3500 ans quand même !!!

      On visite aussi le temple funéraire de la reine Hatchepsout, la seule femme pharaon de l'Histoire !!!

      On avait pris un guide francophone, mais clairement il était tout moisi ... On ne comprenait rien et il restait à l'entrée des visites pour ne pas avoir à marcher 😳 ... C'est pas grave, on commence à être égyptologues 😬

      Le moment préféré de Till et Joe ... C'est quand le chauffeur de petit train bondé de touristes les a laissés conduire ... Paye ta sécurité 😱😅

      On rentre à l'hôtel à 13h ... il fait super chaud et super lourd 🥵 ... Ça tombe à pic, ca faisait longtemps qu'on avait pas eu un hôtel avec piscine ... On en profite à fond tout l'après midi ... 🏊
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    • Päivä 3

      Tempel der Hatschepsut

      31. joulukuuta 2021, Egypti ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Von Weitem sieht der Tempel der Hatschepsut aus wie ein modernes und neues Gebäude. Doch erbaut wurde er um 1500 vor Chr in nur 15 Jahren. Der Tempel wurde nicht als Grab sondern als Millionenjahrhaus erbaut. Er unterscheidet sich von den klassischen Tempeln mit den Pilonen-Fassaden. Der Tempel zeigt die mystische Vereinigung diverser Götter mit Hatschepsut, aber auch Stationen ihres Lebens. Beispielsweise ihre Expedition nach Punt, bei der sie Weihrauchbäume mit nach Ägypten brachte. Neben dem Tempel finden noch immer weitere Ausgrabungen statt.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Luxor II

      24. heinäkuuta 2019, Egypti ⋅ 36 °C

      The next morning, I awoke and greeted Saber. He was waiting for me and we both went outside to head back to the city center as I had a tour to explore a lot of Luxor's major sites. We stopped by to get breakfast, and even though I had pleaded, he still paid for my breakfast, delicious bread with vegetables inside. I dropped by the docks and got on his felucca, where he made some tea. It was a good way to start the morning, he also offered his boat's storage compartment so I can store my bag in his boat while I toured so it wouldn't hinder me too much. All of that without even asking for baksheesh.

      I waited in front of Luxor hotel, the meeting place I set up and soon the tour van came. I jumped inside and sat on the back, most of them were Chinese tourists but there was a white young guy sitting with me at the back. We weren't really talking, our first stop was the Valley of Kings, I tried to use my student ID for a discount and got it luckily. There were 3 tombs we were able to dive in to, the hieroglyphics and just how ancient they were enough to make me marvel at them. The inside were strictly no pictures, and there were "guards" lurking about checking the phones of tourists. People took pictures and sometimes they got away with it, sometimes they don't. Anyways, I was both the former and the latter. In the first 2 tombs, I got some nice photos, but the last one, a guy approached me and asked to check my phone. He saw some photos and counted them and asked for 20 pounds for each photo. I offered to delete it but he wasn't having it so I tried to stall as much as possible and just told him to meet my tour guide instead, so I dragged him all the way up as he offered me to pay him less, but I just climbed all the way up the tomb. At least, he had to work for it. My tour guide and the guy started to argue and I paid him off with just 20 pounds. The pics weren't even that good, to be honest.

      Our next stop was the Temple of Hatshepsut, that temple was really dope and beautiful with such intricate architecture with a mountain looming behind. I started talking to the guy I was sitting with in the back, Mitch. He caught on that I was using an old student ID. After the temple, we visited the Colossi of Memnon, and then a souvenir store and watched some people perform a musical number. We had a lunch buffet and then stopped by a hotel lobby to chill for a bit, which was quite odd for the tour but it allowed us to escape from the heat. Mitch and I talked a lot here, talking about our own adventures and trading life stories.

      Our last two stops for the day was Karnak temple and Luxor temple, both amazing places with these carved columns and having a mix of both Christianity, Islam and ancient Egypt. We explored the place and helped take pictures of each other, we went to some hidden places and ran away when we got caught cuz we knew they would be asking for money. It was fun, jumping across scaffoldings and going through a labyrinth of walls. After the tour, we opted to just say good bye and go off on our own without getting transported back. We stopped by McDonald's to get some frozen treats, getting offered hash by a random street peddler on the way. I invited Mitch to stop by Saber's felucca and he agreed. We spent the remaining of the afternoon sipping tea while watching the scarlet sun set across the Nile. It was a moment. Mitch said good bye and I also had to start getting ready as I had to catch my night bus that night going back to Cairo. Saber, being Saber still paid for my transportation on the way back to his place so I could take a shower, and bought me dinner for the road ahead. We ate on the street while talking about his faith. I wished him well and left for the bus terminal. It was fun waiting for the bus, as I had no goals and just had to relax. I got on the bus and got ready to sleep.
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    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Ma‘bad ad Dayr al Baḩrī, Ma`bad ad Dayr al Bahri, Deir el-Bahari, Deir el-Bahri, معبد الدير البحري, Site de Deir el-Bahari


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