Norway 2017

juni 2017
Hiking, sightseeing and expensive beer ;-) Läs mer
  • 8fotavtryck
  • 2länder
  • 8dagar
  • 48foton
  • 0videoklipp
  • 1,0kkilometer
  • 677kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Day 1 Oslo

    12 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Today the trip started with 2 flights. First from Stuttgart to Hamburg and then to Oslo. We arrived quite late but the flights went fine. When we found our hostel at around 9:30 PM after riding the airport bus for 45 minutes we were so hungry that we looked for the nearest restaurant. After eating burger with fries we walked around in a bar area. There was a park in which some guys filmed a movie scene which we watched. It only got dark at around 0:30 AM. We finished the day with a well deserved beer (bought at the airport for 1€/can -> cheap!!!)Läs mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 2 Oslo

    13 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We got up early at 7:30 AM to be in the city centre on time for a free walking tour. Our guide Sarah took us through Oslo to see the main sights like Opera (a fancy, modern and huge building), City hall (the Nobel prize ceremony is held in there every year), national theatre and more. After the tour we looked 1 hour for a toilet (there are so less of them in the city) and as we found one in the city hall it was closed for cleaning :-( then we went to the royal palace and chilled there on the green grass in the sun. By the way the weather is fantastic until now, a lot of sun, only in the afternoon there was some rain when we visited the Akershus castle. To conclude the day we went for a walk next to the small river Akerselva and enjoyed a great local craft beer (which was super expensive... but after a long day it was a real treat). At 11 PM we boarded the express bus to Odda. To be continued :-)Läs mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 3 Odda

    14 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    ... the bus drove the whole night and we were afraid that we didn't get the connecting bus at 5 AM in Seljestad. We arrived there too late but then it turned out that the bus driver also changed the bus with us and we arrived in Odda at around 5:30 AM. After a walk through the town to the camping place we had to wait 2 very long hours until the reception opened. We got our tent, set it up and then we started a hike to Buer Glacier. At the beginning it was an easy path but then it turned out to be quite steep and we had to climb some parts just like on a via ferrata (Klettersteig) but without safety gear of course. Eventually we stood in front of the glacier as far it was possible. We went back to the camping place and it took us 5 hours in total. It was a good training for tomorrow when we will hike to Trolltunga. At the morning it was raining a little bit but in the afternoon the sun came out and we enjoyed the scenery and a beer in front of the lake next to our tent. Later we went into town for supplies and dinner.Läs mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 Odda

    15 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Today the highlight of the trip was on the plan: Trolltunga. We got up at 5:30 AM to be ready for the shuttle which brought us to the starting point. It was written that you need 11-12 hours to hike the 11km to this famous landmark. The start was really steep, we had to climb up 700 meters, then the landscape changed and it got rougher. It was raining most of the time and we had to cross lots of snow fields and some waterfalls. Finally we arrived at the rock formation and the view was awesome. It was worth all the effort to get there. After group of 4 young Americans blocked the troll tongue for over half an hour to take lots of pics, although more and more people were waiting, too. They came from NY judt to block this sights ;-) After one hour of resting we started to go down again. The weather changed a little bit to be more sunny and less rainy. In the end it took us 7 hours in total. The rest of the day we chilled on the campsite. After dinner we fell into our sleeping bags - we were exhausted. Shortly before it started to rain again...Läs mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 Odda/Bergen

    16 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C kept raining the whole night. Our tent was not only super small but also leaky. The result was that everything got wet: We, our stuff, the sleeping bags! As the last days were exhausting enough we tried to sleep a little bit longer but it was very hard regarding the puddle we were sleeping in and that we couldn't move - well we wanted to have "adventure" :-)
    Finally we got up and slowly prepared to leave. As everything have been wet we couldn't do a hike or something else anyway. We decided to use a ferry on our way to Bergen. It was fun standing on the upper deck, feeling the wind and enjoying the surrounding. After we have arrived in Bergen we strolled around in the city. It is a very touristic but beautiful city with lots of old wooden houses. In the evening we managed to eat in a nice restaurant (lots of them close at 8 PM already) and afterwards we went in an Irish Pub. Before we could finish our first beer an old (drunken?) guy came to us and babbled without any end. Only during our second beer we were able to get rid of him and then we left the pub and went to bed. Unfortunately the pub was full of old people and we habe been the youngest, it seems that young people can't afford the prices here ;-)
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  • Dag 6

    Day 6 Bergen

    17 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Today we got up, had breakfast and started a hike to the Ulriken which is one of the local mountains of Bergen. We didn't find the starting point of the hike so we asked somebody who told us it should be next to a hospital. We found the spot and hiked up. It should have been one path only but after several junctions we were in the middle of a forest and the path was getting narrower and narrower and was more a small waterfall than a hiking path. We realized that we are wrong but after a while we found the correct path again. We reached the top and enjoyed the view over Bergen. Behind the top there is a whole mountain area which can be hiked on. Unfortunately the weather changed to be rainy and windy therefore we decided just to make a small hike - also because we didn't have our whole hiking gear with us (some of them are still wet). Nevertheless we had to follow some muddy paths and our shoes got wet - yeah. We went down to Bergen again and made a coffee and fish burger in the hostel to warm up. Afterwards we bought a sixpack of beer (only expensive not super expensive) to avoid the tremendous beer prices in the pubs later on as good as possible. It was Saturday night so we had to go out a little bit. We went into a students bar and it was quite good, only the music was too much HipHop.Läs mer

  • Dag 7

    Day 7 Bergen

    18 juni 2017, Norge ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    The night before was quite long, therefore we woke up a little bit later than usual: At 9 AM we got up, had breakfast and packed our stuff to check out. We left our luggage in the hostel and went for a walk through Bergen. As the city is not so big and doesn't have so many sights we didn't really had a plan where to go. So we just strolled around the waterfront and later to a park. In the afternoon we still had some time and norwegian krona left that is why we decided to invest in visiting the fortress and its tower. It was like a small museum inside and so we managed to get a little bit culture in our trip :-D unintended of course. Afterwards we took the airport bus and flew to Copenhagen. We checked in at the hostel and went to grab something to eat. We found a great italian pizza store and met some US Americans and a turkish girl. We bought two beers each from the store across the street which is possible on Sundays at 11 PM without any issues - yeah! Afterwards we fell into our beds.Läs mer

  • Dag 8

    Day 8 Copenhagen

    19 juni 2017, Danmark ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    After one week of daylight there was a sunset again. Copenhagen is different to Norway, here are some points which we have noticed right away:
    - You get and can drink beer (or general alcohol) whenever you want and in public
    - There was the sun again, the temperatures are about the double, we were not prepared for that ;-)
    - There were lots of bikes like in Amsterdam, completely the opposite to Norway
    - There were free public toilets (which are even clean)
    Overall it looks like a normal german city
    To prove that we did a free walking tour. Our guide Luis was really funny and made a great tour through Copenhagen. As always we saw the main sights and got a little bit of historic facts. During the break we granted ourselves a local hot dog with bacon and a beer. Afterwards we walked through the city on our own and checked also Christiania shortly. This is an area within the city in which other laws are effective, basically the hippie people there sell any drug you can imagine and it looks like a permanent festival. Then the time came to go to the airport and fly home. We arrived in Stuttgart half an hour too late and then drove home. It was an outstanding trip with lots of great experiences!
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