Un’avventura di 14 giorni di My Adventure is Out There Leggi altro
  • 6impronte
  • 3paesi
  • 14giorni
  • 20fotografie
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  • 5,6kmiglia
  • 5,6kmiglia
  • Giorno 1

    Leaving home

    14 luglio 2016, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    This morning I left my home to begin my adventure. But not without a lot of emotion. Not really from me or too much from my family. It was a very nice goodbye with my family. No one bursting into tears or anything. Just good and fairly excited energy. There was a lot of emotion though, but it was from my dogs. Especially my tiny Chihuahua, Zorro. He definitely knew something was up. As my mom and I were getting in the car to head out Zorro snuck in the garage and hopped in the car. He sat in my seat looking pitiful with his overly large eyes. He didn't want me to leave. Poor little guy. I love you buddy! But Please, Zorro, Don't poop in my room.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 6

    1st day in Dublin

    19 luglio 2016, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    So the plane ride to Dublin was fantastic! Maybe a bit long but absolutely wonderful. Beautiful sunset. I was blessed to sit with a very nice Gentleman named Rob. We had many great conversations and he made my first international flight a breeze. He's the 1st person to sign my autograph souvenir book. Once we split going our different ways I realized how lonely this trip could and would be. But I'm halfway enjoying the experience. Mostly just because of one current challenge. But it should be resolved by tomorrow. And I should be over my jetlag. That has been another thing that has made this 1st day only halfway enjoyable. I have been awake and on the move for almost 36 hours with maybe a 30 min nap. I think I have walked close to 7miles today. The pros. Breezed through the passport stop (practically no one was there). Got to ride the bus all by myself into the city. I walked all around Phoenix park. Went to mass one and a half times. Went to a bakery. Groupme works. I got the chance to really put my shoes and my legs to the test(both did very well). Now, I am ready for bed! Tomorrow I will be better ready to embrace Dublin, Ireland as it should be.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 9

    Cheers, Dublin

    22 luglio 2016, Irlanda ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Well Dublin I had a nice time, but I'm headed out and onwards to Poland. I have to say though. Today has been a rather surprising day. Met quite a few travellers today including someone from Illinois, Zimbabwe, Argentina and most recently Michigan. I did a bit more sightseeing than I thought I would. I went to go mail souvenirs at sort of a ups store that was a 40min walk away from where I was staying. And it just so happened to be across the street from trinity college. I had no plans to go to trinity college but I figured since I'm so close I might as well. I got to see the book of kells and the old library. The old library was pretty neat and that's where I met the lady from Argentina. Asked her to take a pic of me and then had a very lovely conversation. The picture she took looks pretty epic. Once I made it back to my hostel I didn't really know what to do. So I decided I would go ahead and make my way to the airport. So I did. 14hrs before my flight. While waiting for morning I met a wonderful couple from Michigan. We spent over 4 hrs talking! I had such a great time with them and showed them a few of the videos I have made. Its funny tho. The reason we got to talking was all because they needed to charge their phones and I had the proper adapter and offered to let them use it. It was such a pleasure to meet them and made the time waiting one of the best moments of the trip so far.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 10

    Hello Krakow

    23 luglio 2016, Polonia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Yesterday was a very trying and tiring day. Just a whole lot of waiting and a whole lot of hours being awake. But we made it to Krakow! I have to say it's been kind of weird being with a group. I guess I got used to being alone even tho I found that to be quite lonely. I like the group but I just feel a little held back. And I just really want to go all around and see everything! Without having to worry about or wait for them. But it's all good. We did a few things that I don't think I would would know about or even have done specifically our bike tour. We were supposed to do the morning tour but they were over booked and moved us to 3pm. So that have us plenty of time to walk around the square. We got to see St. Mary's Basilica and the opening of the doors to reveal the 400+ year old art pieces above the altar. When they opened it I got chills. It was absolutely amazing! Then we had lunch and were able to check out the cloth hall and just walk around the square. At 3 we started our tour with Jacek (Yatseck). He was fantastic and hilarious. It was so much fun! We went all over krakow. It was a 4hr tour. It's safe to say I was quite tired. For dinner the group decided to have Mexican food... I don't know why. It's seemed kind of a waste of a meal to go to a Mexican restaurant while we are in beautiful Poland. But it was decent and a good meal. Overall I would say it might be one of the best days on the trip so far and finally became as excited as I thought I would be on this trip. Plus I'm enjoying speaking the little polish that I know.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 11

    Loving Poland

    24 luglio 2016, Polonia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    So as the title says, I'm loving Poland! I don't know specifically what it is that makes me love Poland but I know the excitement and energy here is infectious. Today we were on an all day boat and castle tour. The bus took us almost 2hrs outside towards Slovakia. We stopped and had a tour of a dam and a castle. Both were pretty interesting spots. Very pretty views all around. After that the bus took us to the river border between Poland and Slovakia. That's where we had our boat tour. It was very nice and relaxing and of course very beautiful. We rode the river between mountains and the weather was perfect. We were also in Slovakia for awhile so I get to add that to the list of countries. Our boatmen were pretty fantastic and hilarious. Our tour guide translated everything they said and explained many things to us. We finally had lunch at 4:15pm. And at 6 started our journey back. Once back we were able to find a church that has a very late Mass (9:30pm) that was starting shortly, thanks to our tour guide. It was packed! It was a beautiful church and I was so excited because that was my first Polish Mass. I really enjoyed that experience. As we were leaving we went through the town square and there was a WYD concert happening. We were checking it out and one of their last songs was the WYD theme. I got really excited because I know that song pretty well after listening to it for almost a month and a half now. So I belted it out. It was amazing! The excitedness of everyone there was so great and I absolutely loved it! Tomorrow should be good day but definitely a more serious day. We are visiting Auschwitz.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 14

    Just the beginning

    27 luglio 2016, Polonia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    To give a kind of update of the last few days. I've been to Auschwitz, Wadowice to see JPii's home parish, the Divine Mercy Sanctuary twice, did the pilgrimage of Mercy, got to see the swarm of pilgrims in town center, and got to experience the opening mass to begin World Youth Day. So far it's been incredible and it's hard to believe that we've done all this. Today was another big day. We went to catechesis in the morning to hear the archbishop of Kentucky at an Augustinian church. Celebrated Mass and then we were invited by the archbishop to go out to lunch. Again we had that Italian restaurant and it's still kind of weird to eat there while in Poland but it was very nice and exciting. After a small break in our hotel me and the Georgian(Allen) in our group went to the mercy center really early for the WYD USA gathering. It was good that we did because the rest of the group wasn't able to get in. There was estimated to be over 18,000 people in the stadium. We heard speakers, had a concert with Matt Maher, got to be a part of adoration and hear Bishop Barron talk. Later we found out that Bishop Barron actually wore JPII'S vestments. After Adoration Matt Maher did another concert and we were able to get down to the floor level. Then we met up with the life teen group and when just about everyone was gone except the life teen group they turned to us and were like "hey do you want to go meet Matt Maher?" super casually. And Allen and I looked at each other and were like "yeah!". So I got a pic with Matt Maher. Yeah that was amazing. When we left we got on the tram back home and basically made it on to the party tram. Such an amazing couple of days and I can't believe it all really happened and still can't quite believe that I'm here getting to experience all of this.Leggi altro