Arrondissement de Bagnères-de-Bigorre

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Top 10 reisbestemmingen Arrondissement de Bagnères-de-Bigorre
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    • Dag 59

      Unterhalb des Gipfels

      26 november 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Der Tag hat mit einem herrlichen Sonnenaufgang gestartet, kalt und ein bisschen Schnee vor der Haustür.
      Wanderung im Schnee auf den Berg was ganz schön schweißtreibend war, aber jeder hat es genossen und die Hunde hatten so viel Spaß im Schnee. Fox liegt nach wie vor an der frischen Luft, und der Rest hat sich in die Wärme zurück gezogen. 😀Meer informatie

    • Dag 41–42

      Arreau , Hautes-Pyrénées

      13 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We are staying in the absolutely charming mountain town of Arreau today and tonight. The historic heart of the town is full of buildings with remarkable architecture. On the main street, many of the residences date from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Our walk in and around the picturesque streets in the town took us over numerous bridges and footbridges and all of it surrounded by panoramic views of the mountains. It really feels like you've stepped back in time here.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      16 agosto - Verso i Pirenei francesi

      16 augustus 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Anche oggi lunga tappa di trasferimento verso i Pirenei francesi. L'obbiettivo era visitare un paio di Colli come li chiamano i Francesi che fanno parte del classico Tour de France .
      Pranzo a base di baguette e terrine di champagne su un bellissimo tavolo in una area di sosta in mezzo ad un bosco.
      A proposito perché in Italia non ci sono le aree di sosta ?
      Attraversato campagne e colline stupende coltivate interamente a girasoli.
      Mi dispiace non vedrete una sola foto di un girasole perché le foto di paesaggi non le so fare.

      Cammin facendo ovvero guidando mi sono accorto che non vedevo la tipica fauna che ti accompagna quando vai su una cima.
      Facendola breve goggle mi stava portando direttamente in albergo!
      Comunque prima vetta il Col d'Aspin mt. 1489.
      Seconda vetta il Col du Tourmalet mt 2115.
      Faceva piuttosto freschino li su .
      Comunque giornata positiva sul fronte temperatura non più di 25 gradi in media.

      Hotel molto carino: la zona è molto turistica estate ed inverno in quanto si scia .

      Dimenticavo stanotte dormo con piumino, bel temporale estivo con bei tuoni simpatici. e 14 gradi di temperatura.
      Domani Jaca (Huesca) - J aspirata mi raccomando e niente battute
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    • Dag 74

      Teruel en Bardenas Reales

      12 mei 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Teruel is een wat grotere stad en mijn ervaring heeft me inmiddels geleerd dat het in een oude stad, met smalle straatjes die ook nog eens behoorlijk omhoog gaan, niet handig is om met Octobus te rijden. Dus op een camperplaats op 2,5 km van de stad gaan staan. Gelukkig heb ik Veni Vidi Fietsie mee en ik ga op pad. Het fietsen is best wel spannend want je rijdt gewoon op de weg waar de autos met 90 km langs je heen scheuren, geen fietspaden te bekennen. Het gaat behoorlijk omhoog en soms moet ik afstappen en gaan lopen. Bij de stad aangekomen ben ik over het trottoir gaan rijden. Mijn navigatie zei dat ik links af moest slaan, maar daar was helemaal geen weg. Wel een heel hoge toren, toch maar even kijken. Het is een toren met trap en gelukkig ook een lift waarmee een behoorlijk hoogteverschil opgelost wordt. Je gaat zeker 20 meter omhoog aan de ene kant en als je het overdekte voetgangerspad over bent dan sta je aan de andere kant gewoon op straatniveau.
      Als je uit de lift stapt kun je naar de hoek lopen waar je mooi over de stad uit kunt kijken, maar dan moet je wel ook over een glazen vloer gelopen. Ik merk dat mijn hoogtevrees zoveel minder is geworden sinds de vorige reis, waar ik steeds de uitdaging aangegaan ben. Ik stap na enige aarzeling toch op de glazen vloer.
      Teruel is tot nu toe de stad met de meeste Moorse invloeden die ik gezien heb, erg mooi! Prachtige pleinen met veel terrasjes, leuk om doorheen te wandelen.
      Ik kom terecht bij een museum over hoe ze in de oudheid de watertoevoer regelden. Het zit in een oude waterverzamelplaats, die loopt onder de grond, dat maakt goed inzichtelijk hoe het in zn werk ging.
      Daarna naar de Muralla, het aquaduct van Teruel. Het water werd middels een rad omhoog gebracht, liep door een goot over het aquaduct en vervolgens door ondergrondse gangen kwam het uit in de verschillende fonteinen van de stad waar de mensen water konden halen.
      Interessant hoe ze dat allemaal voor elkaar gekregen hebben in die tijd.
      Na Teruel een heel stuk rijden naar Bardenas Reales, een prachtig semi-woestijngebied waar verschillende films opgenomen zijn.
      De dag na het rijden ga ik er heen. Ik weet niet hoe het komt dat ik alles zo mooi vind, je zou denken dat ik na al de mooie dingen die ik al gezien heb murw geworden zou zijn. Maar ik kan niet anders zeggen dan dat dit een spectaculair mooi landschap is.
      Je kunt een route rijden over een onverharde weg van 34 km. Je mag gewoon overal stoppen en foto's maken. Ik heb nog nooit zo lang over 34 km gedaan, ben daar de hele dag mee zoet geweest. Wat een heerlijke, fijne dag.
      Aan het eind van de dag nog even een stuk gereden richting de Pyreneeën. En vandaag ben ik door de Pyreneeën gereden, wie had dat aan het begin van de reis kunnen denken? Wat ben ik gewend geraakt aan het in de bergen rijden, dat merk ik heel goed. Vandaag 4 seasons in one day, weg gegaan met zon, daarna een beetje regen en de laatste 55 km mist en natte sneeuw. Nu zit ik in Lannemezan, Frankrijk waar ik in de regen op een camping sta 😃
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    • Dag 42–43

      Mauvezin, Hautes-Pyrénées

      14 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We had torrential rain overnight and similar forecast for the next week as well as a dramatic drop in temperature! So we have decided to move out of the mountains and head north. Of course that means we'll have to come back to this region, I think we're up for that challenge 😀.
      We decided to take advantage of the poor weather today to get some chores done in Lannemezan; a big food shop and a stop at a Revolution Laundry.
      Then a short drive to Mauvezin where we have a free nightstop next to the chateau. The rain abated and we had a couple of nice walks including around the chateau grounds. We've got great views from our motorhome and this is a lovely spot we have found . We are joined by Spanish motorhomers tonight.
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    • Dag 37

      Crossing the Pyrenees

      29 september 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Starting the day with a long yogasession while Phillip was still sleeping.
      Before crossing to France we made a beautiful walk at the Circo the Barrosa. And at the end of the day crossing the border to France and finding a nice place to sleep on the french side of the Pyrenees.Meer informatie

    • Dag 60

      Spätherbst auf dem Berg

      27 november 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Ein paar Schneereste vom Vortag sind noch da und werden auch von den Hunden aufgesucht und geliebt.
      Wieder eine schöne Wanderung mit toller Aussicht gemacht und am frühen Abend sind wir dann vom Berg gefahren, da für die Nacht starker Schneefall angesagt war.Meer informatie

    • Dag 6

      Lac de Loudenvielle

      13 juli 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Logement trouvé à Loudenvielle où nous à passons 4j entre nuage et soleil…l’occasion d’être à la fois proche de la famille et de se retrouver d’une autre façon… Balnéa avec Cléa, Liam, Jules et Guitz entre balnéothérapie et quelques passes de rugby 🏉Meer informatie

    • Dag 13


      17 september 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Während sich Moritz den Col de Tourmalet hinaufquält, steht für Helene wieder bisschen Wandern auf dem Programm (Cirque de Gavarine, Cirque de Lis)
      Übernachtet haben wir auf einem Campingplatz bei einem Bauern. Wir waren komplett alleine, nur die Schafe und Hunde haben uns beim Essen gelegentlich Gesellschaft geleistetMeer informatie

    • Dag 42

      Escalona to Saint-Lary-Soulan

      17 november 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Once again we had a great nights sleep, no barking, no vanlifers and no high winds, it was a peaceful night and we woke up at 7:30am feeling well rested.
      It was raining quite light first thing and I thought my bike ride was going to be hampered by bad weather but by 8 o Clock the rain had stopped completely and the clouds were breaking to show blue sky and sunshine.
      Ellie made breakfast. I had Wanda toasties, and then I got my bike off the back and loaded it up with my water bottles and at 9am I was ready for the off. I had, had this road marked off to bike ride for ages and finally I was doing it, it was a proper dream it, plan it, live it moment and I was quite excited. Ellie wasn’t coming so I said I would take photos and my plan was to take it slow on the way and take pictures and just ride on the way back. I knew I had some climbing but I thought the view would distract me from that.
      Within 5 minutes of setting off I had already stopped to take photos, one of a huge waterfall and another off a bridge of the river and mountains. I pushed on, rounded a bend and the road started going uphill but the view of the canyons, rushing river and snow capped peaks of the Pyrenees made all the difference. I didn’t push myself and dropped to a nice low gear and plodded along enjoying the view. As I rounded the next bend I noticed the road was completely blocked off with a barrier and lots of warning signs. This was a nightmare come true for me.
      I rode up to the barriers and the sign specifically stated no walking or biking. Obviously you couldn’t get a motorised vehicle past the Barriers other it would have said that to. They really didn’t want people going down that road.
      I decided to throw caution to the wind and through the bike over barrier, looked around to make sure no one was coming and then jumped on it and set off. I hadn’t brought my bike all this way just to turn back now and unless the road had been washed away I thought my chances of getting through were ok.
      I was now on a closed road, a dream come true because I no longer had to worry about any traffic and I was rewarded with a magnificent view riding alongside the river with the road twisting and turning, going over bridges and the mountainside overhanging the road at just 3 meters high. There were huge rockfalls along the way and parts of the metal crash barrier were completely flattened and at one point half of the road was missing and the barrier was hanging in mid air. Obviously that’s why they stopped people coming down here.
      The road was only single track all the way down and it rolled up and down, and wound round the mountains following the river, I was in the canyon de añisco and it was everything I had hoped for. For 12km I had waterfalls, mountain views, switchbacks and even tunnels.
      Just before I reached the very end of the road where there was a car parking area I stopped behind some trees to take it all in. It had been a slow uphill all the way here but it would be a fast downhill all the way back and now I knew the roads were closed.
      I set off and almost immediately I was in my highest gear. I was travelling at 35kph I was holding the brakes until I got past the rockfall areas and the missing piece of road after that the only thing I had to contend with was wet roads and lots of slippery leaves. After the missing piece of road I put the hammer down, passing through the last tunnel and coming out the other side doing 65kph. As the roads were closed I didn’t have to worry about on coming traffic and I took the racing line into every bend leaning the bike right over and once I was straight I was peddling again. It took me 12 minutes to get back to the barriers so I had 11km of the ride back over with already, then I just took it easy for the last kilometre until I got back to Wanda. It had been a great ride, I had climbed 1239 meters and reached a top speed of 65kph and finally ridden one of my dream roads.
      Back at Wanda I got changed straight away, hooked my bike back in the back and we made Wanda ready to leave, then after a quick coffee we set off for France.
      We were heading through the tunnel de Aragnout, we had passed through this tunnel last year but from the french side and passed through a beautiful Pyrenees ski town so I had marked it off as a stopping point this time.
      We passed through the tunnel which took around 12 minutes and then we started descending, down through the mountains, around hundreds of switchbacks and hairpin bends until finally we were at some kind of ground level and in the town of Saint-Lary- Soulon.
      At first glance it didn’t look anything like the town from last time but later I realised we were on a different road, and this time the town was dead and everything was closed. It still looked pretty though and we had found an airè du camping car here and we needed water so we thought we would use some money on our camping car card stay here and get some electric aswell.
      We found the airè easily and pulled up to the barriers and Ellie jumped out. It didn’t actually say I was an airè Du camping car on any signs but it did say that on park4night. Our camping car card didn’t work so Ellie just ended up using the credit card, it was €10.50 to stay here and an extra €2 for water and electric. We paid for it all, the barrier lifted and our first port of call was the dump and fill station. We emptied the grey water and the toilet and that’s when we realised there was no fresh water. Gutted we went and parked up and that’s when we found out there was no electric. I was proper peed off because the machine took our money and there’s no one to complain to. Luckily the sun was shining so the solar is doing it’s job. Without the solar we’d have been in real trouble. The saving grace is that the airè is quiet, has amazing mountain views and we have a river running right behind us. It’s very scenic.
      After settling in we went for a walk into the town, it’s definitely a ski town and most of the shops are closed up now until the first couple of weeks in December. Then the snow will come and the tourists. We counted 4 churches which seems overkill for such a small town and luckily we haven’t heard any church bells yet considering there is so many.
      Back at Wanda we made dinner and settled in for the night. It looks like we were the only ones stupid enough to pay to stay here but atleast it’s quiet and we like having the whole place to ourselves.
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    Arrondissement de Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Arrondissement de Bagneres-de-Bigorre

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