Arrondissement de Chartres

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Arrondissement de Chartres
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    • Giorno 3

      Immer noch nicht am Meer…

      25 settembre 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      … aber dafür waren wir unterwegs im Center Parks im Wasserpark 🥳 Oder genauer gesagt: deswegen sind wir noch nicht am Meer 😬
      Aber bei uns stehen Gemütlichkeit und Spaß im Vordergrund.

      Später waren wir dann wieder auf einen Waldparkplatz und haben zu Abend gegessen - veganes Grillded Cheese Sandwich und Papas Arugadas 🥰
      Die Hunde durften wieder im Wald toben und jetzt sind wir wieder auf der Straße, stehen die Musik laut auf und machen Autoparty.
      Das Meer rückt näher.
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    • Giorno 2

      Ehemaliges Gerberviertel in Chartres

      9 settembre 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Im ehemaligen Viertel der Gerber, entlang des Flusses Eure, gesäumt von goldigen Häusern, Brücken und Stegen, muss ich einfach fotografieren und diese Stimmung einfangen. Es ist so wunderschön romantisch hier und man hat einen schönen Blick auf die Kirche Saint-André, einen romanischen Kirchenbau.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Sodele, jetzetle - die Zweite

      24 settembre 2022, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ok, das sind wir etwas im Edeka eskaliert, aber Reiseproviant ist wichtig für die Moral auf der Straße ☝🏻

      Fahrt: easy peasy lemon squeezy. Strassen: weitestgehend frei. Hund: brav. Beifahrerin: traumhaft. Reiseproviant: 5-Edeka-Sterne.
      Sprit in Frankreich: geil günstig.

      Zum Übernachtungsspot sind wir dann einige Zeit von der Autobahn weg gefahren, aber es hat sich gelohnt. Durch eine Kulisse bei der die Zeit stehen geblieben ist, zwischen Wiesen, Feldern und urigen Höfen und Kirchen vorbei, haben wir dann mitten im Nirgendwo im Wald auf einem Parkplatz übernachtet. Ein Traum für alle, vor allem für Nardo und die Hunde. Von denen haben wir zur Zeit 3: Lou, Myra und Bruno. Bruno ist der Hund von Louis‘ Eltern die auch in Frankreich sind und den wir ihnen vorbei bringen. Zum Glück wurde er vor kurzem kastriert, den neben Myra wird jetzt auch noch Lou läufig.
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    • Giorno 5

      Paris - Stop 2

      9 settembre 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      We were staying in Paris 🫶🏼

      Zweiter Stop - für uns in Paris.

      Da unser Hostel in Amsterdam doch eher nur ein „Dach über dem Kopf“ als alles andere war (wir lassen hier mal die stinkenden Details aus 😅), freuten wir uns auf ein kleineren Schlafsaal mit weniger Leuten. Als wir vor dem Hostel standen konnte Fee erstmal gar nicht glauben, dass das unser Hostel sein sollte (natürlich haben wir uns weiterhin für das günstigste entschieden, was einigermaßen zentral lag). Es sah wirklich mehr aus, wie ein Hotel, als ein Hostel.
      Auch unser Zimmer war wirklich schön, mit einem eigenen Bad und nur 4 anstatt der gebuchten 5 Betten 😌 Glück gehabt!
      Unseren ersten Abend wollten wir ganz entspannt ausklingen lassen, kauften uns ganz typisch Baguette, Tomaten, Gurke, Olive und zwei Dips und das im Schlepptau steuerten wir geradewegs auf den Eiffelturm zu. Die Metroverbindungen in Paris sind wirklich klasse, weshalb es wirklich kein Problem war überall hinzukommen. Auch wenn sich Michelles Ticket zu Beginn zwei mal demagnetisiert hat (weil sie so eine Maschine ist 😮‍💨🤪), hat alles die komplette Zeit über klasse geklappt.
      Wir saßen vorm Eiffelturm, hatten wunderschöne Farben des Himmels und als es dunkel wurde, gab es natürlich die bekannte Illumination de la Tour Eiffel 🌌
      Am zweiten Tag nahmen wir uns vor das Louvre unsicher zu machen - und wenn ich das so sage, dann war das auch so. Wir hatten wirklich eine Menge Spaß 😅
      Auch der Mona Lisa haben wir einen kurzen Besuch abgestattet!
      Als wir dann noch erfuhren, dass unsere kleine Julia aus Varna in Paris Zwischenstopp hat, haben wir sie zum Essen getroffen und Zeit mit ihr verbracht. Daran merkt man wieder wie unglaublich klein die Welt ist und wo man sich ganz schnell mal trifft 🥰
      Den Abend verbrachten wir im Park des Louvre Museums und sahen die Sonne hinter dem Eiffelturm untergehen. Zusätzlich spielte ein Mann Gitarre und sang und machte diesen Abend zu etwas ganz Besonderem.

      Paris hat einfach eine ganz besondere Stimmung die wir versucht haben einzufangen und festzuhalten 🌞

      Tag 2 in Paris haben wir ganz entspannt bei einem mega mega leckeren Frühstück verbracht und da Michelle leider nicht so fit war, haben wir den Tag ruhig weiter geführt.
      Es ging auf die Champs Élysées und in Richtung L’arc de triomphe.
      Danach haben wir noch etwas Zeit im Park vorm Eiffelturm verbracht, ehe wir zum Hostel zurück sind, um unsere Sachen abzuholen und Lucas vom Bahnhof abzuholen. Fee freute sich natürlich sehr!
      Einfach super cool, dass sein Vater eine Wohnung in Paris hat und wir die Möglichkeit hatten 2 Nächte dort zu verbringen.
      Wir sind zusammen zu der Wohnung gefahren, waren einkaufen und haben ein ganz klassisches Ofengemüse gemacht.
      Es war schon spät, als wir uns zu Montmartre aufmachten um einen französischen Freund von Lucas zu treffen. Antoine war ein sehr sympathischer und lieber Mensch, wir haben super Gespräche geführt und zwei Flaschen Wein getrunken. Der Abend war sehr authentisch im parisienne style.
      Am nächsten Tag wurde erstmal ausgeschlafen und gemeinsam gefrühstückt 🥰
      Danach fuhren wir entspannt zu Montmatre, machten Bilder zusammen, saßen im Café und haben uns unterhalten.
      Zum Glück ging es Michelle nach ein paar Stunden etwas besser und sie konnte die Zeit auch wieder besser genießen.
      Abends wurden wir von Lucas Vater (der am selben Tag in Paris ankam) zum Essen eingeladen und haben es sehr genossen. Das Essen war fantastisch auch wenn wir etwas überfordert waren mit dem Luxus und der Gastfreundlichkeit.
      Wir machten noch einen gemeinsamen Spaziergang und gingen dann schlafen 😴
      Es waren super schöne Tage in Paris und wir sind sehr dankbar für jeden Moment 🥰
      Jetzt gehts nach Bordeaux!! 🌅
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    • Giorno 20

      Bei Chartres

      24 agosto 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ein weiterer Zwischenstopp auf unserer Rückkehr. Nachdem wir ziemlich unsanft von einem Rasenmäher geweckt wurden, geht es weiter. Die Kathedrale von Chartres müssen wir auslassen, etwas anderes wartet auf uns...Auflösung folgt.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 46

      Vatan to Chartres

      21 novembre 2022, Francia ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      We woke up this morning at 7:30am to a toasty warm Wanda. I left the electric fire on all night on low so the temperature never dropped below 16°c and at 5am I woke up and turned the thermostat up a little so it was nice and warm when we woke up.
      I put the hot water back on as soon as I woke up and then made coffee. Ellie wanted to wash her hair and once that was done we were ready to leave and at 8:30am we refilled the fresh water and left our quiet little airè in Vatan.
      We had 114 miles to cover today, the rain was due to arrive at lunchtime and strong winds are expected tomorrow so I wanted to push further up and try and outrun the worst of it over the next couple of days.
      Just after lunchtime we arrived in Chartres our first stop was decathlon to get some winter riding gloves but they didn’t have any so it was a waisted journey and when we came out the rain had started and within 5 minutes of getting back on the road it was helling it down and the road spray was unbelievable. Torrents of water were running down the roads. Luckily we only had 5 miles to get to our park up and when we arrived it was still chucking it down.
      Our parking spot was on the outskirts of the city by a park and there was a greenway path and cycle lane that ran from the airè all the way into the city. It’s just a gravel car park by a road but the road seems quiet enough and Chartres is a quiet city compared to others we’ve stayed in.
      We’ve been to Chartres before when we did our truck and rooftent adventure and it’s a nice city with a huge cathedral that has 2 spires. 1 gothic and 1 medieval. There are also 2 other huge churches in the city and lots of historic buildings and historic roads.
      As it was raining we had no plans to go and visit the city again and this was just going to be a stop for the night but by 3:30pm after sitting around for a couple of hours we were getting itchy feet.
      By 4pm the rain had stopped and it had brightened up a little so I mapped a route out on Komoot and we set off down the Chartres greenway into the city centre.
      It was a beautiful walk and within 2 minutes we were well away from the roads and walking through a park next to the river. The old buildings on the riverside were amazing with there ancient wooden low balconies almost touching the river.
      Within 20 minutes we were in the city centre walking down ancient cobbled roads and passing houses that looked more suited to the set of Harry Potter than a city. The sun was setting now and the old lamps were turning on street by street and it was lovely to see everything lit up at night.
      We passed the ancient church of Saint-Pierre and the door was open so we went inside. Unfortunately non of the interior lights were on except for very dim LED lights and we couldn’t really see much or take photos but the inside of the church was one huge building with rows and rows of pews running upto a huge altar. Even though we couldn’t see much it was impressive.
      From there we headed down more ancient cobbled narrow streets, some were just wide enough for us to walk side by side and when we popped out Chartres Cathedral was right in front of us.
      It is a huge feat of architectural engineering dating back to the 13th century. It’s archway doors are so big they actually hurt your neck when your looking at them. And the stonework statues surrounding the doors are are unbelievably intricate. Unfortunately you can’t view the outside beauty of this building when your right on top of it. You really need to be atleast a mile away on hill to actually admire it but that’s where Chartres Cathedral has it’s own unique draw for you to want to be inside it.
      Inside is a unique piece of stonework that runs around the entire centre of the church. It is divided into sections and each section has intricate characters from the bible and history inlayed into it. Then inbetween each section is an intricate carving of one of the church spires . This whole structure is around 150ft in length and it creates a room at the centre where prayer and mass are held. It is the most impressive church we have ever been in and even more beautiful than Notre Damme before it burnt down.
      On leaving the Cathedral we saw a sign that said something about Chartres Luminaries where famous historic buildings would have projections on them after 6:30pm. It was now 6pm so we wandered the streets and looked in the shops for 30 minutes and brought some Christmas bits and then started back towards Wanda.
      The Cathedral was now illuminated with projections that covered all of the doors, windows and stone work and bit by bit it built a picture of stained glass windows with a clock at the centre of it. It was very twinkly and beautiful.
      Next we passed back by the Church of Saint Pierre and that also had projections covering the whole building and it was also twinkly and beautiful. Then we were back into the park where the historic riverside buildings were lit up and reflected in the river below.
      We finally got back to Wanda at 7:30pm. For dinner we had a new recipe we had just thought of as we couldn’t get any burgers and put our Cordon Bleurs into burger buns calling them Cordon Bleugers. They were quite tasty.
      Then at 8:30pm it was time to wash up and settle in for the night. It was getting cold outside already with the temperature at just 6°c so we put the fire on and watched tv until bedtime.
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    • Giorno 9


      16 luglio 2020, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Aangekomen in Chartres👌🏼 En het leek mij wel leuk om te laten zien hoe ik de tent opzet. Nog geen 10min en hij staat al. Even omkleden en dan ga ik maar eens opzoek naar de kathedraal. Als het goed is, is het nog geen 3km wandelen. Let's go! 😝Leggi altro

    • Giorno 9

      En we zijn weer op de camping!

      16 luglio 2020, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Na bijna 5 uur rondgedwaald te hebben in het grote mooie Chartres, heb ik de camping weer teruggevonden. Wat een fantastische onvergetelijke dag! Ik duik vast m'n tentje in. Morgen weer een nieuwe dag👌🏼Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      Église St Pierre

      21 settembre 2019, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Another cathedral - or just an old church? Just an old church of would seem. Why you would build an enormous church here when there was an even more enormous cathedral just up the hill is beyond our limited understanding - maybe to give a whole other group of people headaches trying to figure out how to restore /keep it from falling down. It was a good find for us though, a cool resting spot along the way of our day's wandering.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      Chenonceau and Chartres, France

      20 giugno 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Tuesday, June 20th. We woke up with the most amazing view of the chateau. Mikel asked what I was doing for the next 30 years and if would I spend it with him. He proposed and asked me to marry him! Of course, I said YES. I went to Anya's room to tell her and that is when she told me she already knew and he had told her at Mont St Michel!

      We toured Chambord early and enjoyed seeing the interior of the chateau. They hid a lot of Paris art here during WWII.

      We drove to Chenonceau and it is my favorite. It is on the river Cher and we enjoyed lunch on the grounds.

      The history of the Château de Chenonceau is defined by an almost uninterrupted succession of women who built, embellished, protected, restored, and saved it. The first château was a medieval château dating from the 12th and 13th centuries.

      In 1535, King Francis I incorporated it into the Crown Estate as part of a debt settlement. Later, King Henry II decided to offer it not to the Queen, but to his Favorite, Diane de Poitiers, “in full right of ownership, seisin and possession, completely, peacefully and perpetually, to dispose of as her own and true patrimony.” This artificial exit of Chenonceau from Crown Lands meant that it was saved, two centuries later, from the French Revolution.

      On 10 July 1559, Queen Catherine de Medici, widow of Henry II, quickly deposed Diane de Poitiers and installed the authority of the young king, her son, at Chenonceau, amidst Italian pomp and splendor. Amongst the festivities she held here, she managed the Kingdom of France from her study, the Green Cabinet. Her daughter-in-law, Louise de Lorraine, wife of King Henry III, became a widow in turn and moved into the château in her mourning.

      In the 18th century, after the château was purchased by her husband, it was Louise Dupin, lady of the Enlightenment, who welcomed to Chenonceau the greatest scholars, philosophers, and academicians in France to her famous literary salon. This exceptional woman was the first to draft a Code of Women’s Rights.

      Chenonceau was transformed into a military hospital during the Great War.

      During the Second World War, the Grand Gallery at Chenonceau became the sole point of access to the free zone, and the Menier family helped to smuggle out people fleeing the Nazi tyranny. The US president, Harry Truman, visited the château on his first trip to France.

      When we left Chenonceau, we stopped at a Cave and tasted wine. Mikel wasn't thrilled with that stop. We got a few bottles for the road and had a great time learning about the family's wine business.

      We drove to Chartres. We had a wonderful B&B apartment. We toured the church and had dinner right across from the cathedral. We went back to the B&B and took a nap. After the nap, we went back to the cathedral and watched the light show that they did ON the church. It was OUTSTANDING. It didn't start until 10:30 pm because it didn't get dark until then. We walked home from another amazing day.

      Chartres Cathedral is also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres and was mostly constructed between 1194 and 1220. On August 16, 1944, the Chartres Cathedral was saved from destruction thanks to the American colonel Welborn Barton Griffith Jr., who questioned the order he was given to target the cathedral. The Americans believed that the steeples and towers were being used as an observation post for German artillery.

      Griffith, accompanied by a volunteer soldier, instead decided to go and verify whether or not the Germans were using the cathedral. Griffith could see that the cathedral was empty, so he had the cathedral bells ring as a signal for the Americans not to shoot. Upon hearing the bells, the American command rescinded the order to fire. Colonel Griffith died in combat action that same day near Chartres.
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